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General Discussion / Cybereyes and DNI
« Last post by Bishophawk on <03-25-24/1951:37> »
If I have cybereyes with image link and smart link, do I still need any other type of gear that provides a DNI, or do the eyes do it for me?
Errata / Re: Sixth World Companion errata
« Last post by MercilessMing on <03-25-24/1738:36> »
Didn't see ghoul and vampire errata yet:

Pg 108, cost of Ghoul quality is 29.
Pg 111, cost of Ghoul quality is 27.

Non-Human vampires have conflicting stats:

Pg 109, Non-Human Vampires box:
"If you want one of these atypical expressions in your game, simply apply the same attribute modifiers to maximums as per a vampire to a human: +1 BOD, STR, WILL, and +2 REA and CHA.

Pg. 113, Vampire Quality description:
"If anyone besides a human becomes a vampire, there are no changes to their attribute maximums from their base metatype."

Non-Human vampires have conflicting Quality cost:

Pg 109, Non-Human Vampires box:
The primary difference is that the template costs an additional 5 Karma, for a total cost of 32, as opposed to 27."

Pg. 113, Vampire Quality description:
Cost: 27 Karma (+10 Karma for non-humans)

Rules and such / Re: [SR 6] Exotic Weapons and Specializations
« Last post by Moonrunner on <03-24-24/2029:07> »
Rules and such / Re: SR6 Best Character Creation Method?
« Last post by MercilessMing on <03-21-24/1711:47> »
Sum-to-10 is my favorite way to build, because it gives you a great deal of flexibility over Priority, while being a lot faster than Point Buy.

If you're interested in an analysis of "what method results in the most powerful characters", read my post on the Shadowrun subreddit

Point Buy results in the most powerful Mundane characters, because money is undervalued.

Priority/Sum-to-10 give you the most powerful Adepts, because D priority Magic is crazy powerful.

Life Path, if you "cheat" and guide it where you want, makes the most powerful magicians because your spells are free, and special attributes are weighted the same as regular attributes.  Mystic adepts created this way are incredibly better than other methods, so much so it's fair to say it's broken for that archetype.  This is because mysads get 1 power point for every point of magic, just like adepts, instead of having to split.
Rules and such / Re: [SR 6] Exotic Weapons and Specializations
« Last post by FastJack on <03-21-24/0651:26> »
From the Missions FAQ:

Do I get a +2 when I use my exotic weapon because it is a specialization?
No. You’re required to have the specialization to even use the weapon and don’t get the +2 from the specialization.
Rules and such / [SR 6] Exotic Weapons and Specializations
« Last post by Moonrunner on <03-21-24/0117:40> »
Since you have to have a Specialization in every Exotic Weapon skill you want to have, do you still get the +2 dice pool bonus that having a Specialization normally gives when using the skill?
Rules and such / Re: SR6 Best Character Creation Method?
« Last post by FastJack on <03-20-24/0704:35> »
I do like the Lifepath because it feels more organic to building the character.
Rules and such / SR6 Best Character Creation Method?
« Last post by Moonrunner on <03-20-24/0638:18> »
Now that we have supplemental books for SR 6 like the Companion which character creation method do you think is best?

I just picked up the Companion and upon initial browsing, Point Buy and Lifepath caught my eye.
(Honestly CGL should consider creating a zero-price Master Index that gets updated with new books. That reminds me, I need to figure out how to neatly do an index and a short-fiction template in my Holostreets designs.)
General Discussion / Re: Did the new core rulebooks fix the game?
« Last post by FastJack on <03-18-24/1805:51> »
I have no idea if "all" the drones are included now, what a super vague question!
The drone list in the Core book is not complete, just like weapons, spells, decking, etc., etc., etc., have all been expanded by other books.
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