Into the Chaos - Land Grab [IC]

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« Reply #1890 on: <02-06-16/0226:47> »
"My goodwill and maybe even a favor in the future if - and only if - I can manage to get that payday.
Contacting ones boss shouldn't be to much to ask"
, replied Kynos with visible restraint.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1891 on: <02-06-16/0436:37> »
@Kynos - Debbie texts Casa >>Kynos is here, looking for DemoX probably BB's new moniker. He wants a 'sign of life' from DemoX.  Casa texts back >> Good.  He sends no other message or a voice recording of DemoX.  Casa and DemoX would arrive 45 minutes later in an executive helicopter that lands on the roof of the hotel. You are in the balcony and could see them coming. It is snowing outside but the Balcony itself is well heated.

DemoX looks at Kynos and say "Thanks man, we have some complications. Venom is on a plane to Japan and I kind need my share of the deed to pay back Mr. Casa. The deed is 100k for a body, + 20k bonus if we can deliver the body in an urn. Casa can send us back and forth to Japan for 40k equipment included.  He receives my own share on top of the deed. The good thing is that Venom will never see that coming. "
 Sed say "Out of the question - I am not leaving the city for some job. This is insane - we have no contacts there, we'll be lucky to even track him, or be able to disappear after the hit."  Ki looks at Debbie for approval, she seemed to be on bored. Casa said
"He is a bit of a womanizer.  I'd build on that. He flies commercially so very slow and it is not too late if you can get a cooperate super sonic jet. You can actually get to Japan before Venom and can get you and your equipment on such a plane as it is out of bounds for airport security.

I'd keep it simple, seduce him at the airport - bring him to your plane and kill him there. Your plane will not be searched but don't try to take illegal stuff out of the plane  as you are in the middle of an airport. You'll get arrested and I will claim that you stole my plane. "
He looks at Debbie "Get imaginative... an airplane can be very sexy".  Debbie is silent, she seems to struggle with how fast and casual all of this is going to happen.  Casa asks Kynos "I need some muscle - do you want the job?"

@Athos - The sergeon said sure "no problem, the default model comes with a memory chip." Shortly after you are all watching a firey daemon sadistically kills the smugglers chasing them down the sour and burning them. The eyes owner say "Please... we have families" but the Daemon just finishes him off with another fireball. There is an awkward silence after you all see it - Faith does not know what to say and the surgeon do not want to say anything.

@Maxwell Amy said "Nonsense, you said you have nowhere else to stay and this place is equipped to support a cult. You might get jelous tough, but you'll be perfectly safe with the rest of the humans - even if Grail do come back you'll be hidden in plane sight. Just act the part, madly addicted to drain you'll blend right in. After all if I am a vampire - don't I get my own human toy even if you are more powerful than I am, I couldn't possibly know that you were a mage right? I do not know how to do all this vampire stuff... not yet."
Maxwell IT rejects the money texts you >> Keep it, you'll need it more than myself.

@Edge - the thugs seems effected by the message but they do not leave their position. You'll have to talk your way past them if you want to pass through.
[spoiler] The message will give you situational bonus if what you say in the conversation matches the anonymous tip they received.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <02-06-16/1753:03> by gilga »


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« Reply #1892 on: <02-06-16/0700:10> »
Her welcoming words were not something he expected.  Considering most would turn him out and away for that unspeakable commune he displayed.  It was a good thing it was dark, for Maxwell started to blush a little when Amy referred to him as her plaything.  Or maybe she could see that.  Who knows how well vampires see in the dark.  Seconds after, his comm started to vibrate.  He checks it real quick and sees that IT declined the money he sent.  Maxwell wondered why she wasn't interested in his cash but shrugged it off, he'll ponder that later.  Going back to Amy he says.  "Are you certain you want me here?  I'm not exactly safe or easy to be around.  There's a reason why I had to leave Nevada and Arizona.  There's a reason why I live in Redmond of all places.  You may find me to be much scarier than Grail."
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1893 on: <02-06-16/1033:46> »
Athos watches the playback in shock.  "Fragging hell.  What brought that thing out?  I would not think it was Grail, but maybe he would act that way if they failed him?  I did not see any sign of a pixie in that view, so maybe they lost it or it escaped.  Damn.  No wonder people hate mages."  He pulls the chip from the reader and turns to Faith to give it to her.  "Have you seen enough?  Are you going to show this to their bosses to let them know what happened?"  He shakes his head as he adds, "I do not know how to defend against that sort of thing.  We just need mages of our own, I guess."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1894 on: <02-06-16/1116:46> »
@Athos faith shrugs - "It does not add up, I have no idea what to do now. I hope it wasn't the vampire, so pixie mage you say? I bet we should show that to their families. Cruel but it is their right to know."

@Maxwell Amy said "Well I am not sure you'll like life in a cult - try not to get anyone killed and play the game. I'll be safer to know that one of the people there is on my side if things turns out ugly."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1895 on: <02-06-16/1239:49> »
Athos agrees.  "No it does not make sense.  And yes, I think their families deserve to know.  Do you want company when you go there?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1896 on: <02-06-16/1330:53> »
He closes his eyes and laughs softly, rubbing the back of his head as he says.  "I can tell you right now that I wouldn't make for a very good cultist.  Being an occultist on the other hand, that'd be more my style.  Alright, if you're offering then I guess i'll stay.  Where do you want me to sleep?"
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« Reply #1897 on: <02-06-16/1406:55> »
@Kynos - Debbie texts Casa >>Kynos is here, looking for DemoX probably BB's new moniker. He wants a 'sign of life' from DemoX.  Casa texts back >> Good.  He sends no other message or a voice recording of DemoX.  Casa and DemoX would arrive 45 minutes later in an executive helicopter that lands on the roof of the hotel. You are in the balcony and could see them coming. It is snowing outside but the Balcony itself is well heated.

DemoX looks at Kynos and say "Thanks man, we have some complications. Venom is on a plane to Japan and I kind need my share of the deed to pay back Mr. Casa. The deed is 100k for a body, + 20k bonus if we can deliver the body in an urn. Casa can send us back and forth to Japan for 40k equipment included.  He receives my own share on top of the deed. The good thing is that Venom will never see that coming. "
Debbie say Sed say "Out of the question - I am not leaving the city for some job. This is insane - we have no contacts there, we'll be lucky to even track him, or be able to disappear after the hit."  Ki looks at Debbie for approval, she seemed to be on bored. Casa said
"He is a bit of a womanizer.  I'd build on that. He flies commercially so very slow and it is not too late if you can get a cooperate super sonic jet. You can actually get to Japan before Venom and can get you and your equipment on such a plane as it is out of bounds for airport security.

I'd keep it simple, seduce him at the airport - bring him to your plane and kill him there. Your plane will not be searched but don't try to take illegal stuff out of the plane  as you are in the middle of an airport. You'll get arrested and I will claim that you stole my plane. "
He looks at Debbie "Get imaginative... an airplane can be very sexy".  Debbie is silent, she seems to struggle with how fast and casual all of this is going to happen.  Casa asks Kynos "I need some muscle - do you want the job?"

Kynos looked - for the first time - angry when he spoke to DemoX: "Let me get this straight: You were hounded by the Yaks, but instead of calling me for help or leaving me a clue about what happened, you instead called a bunch of mercs that would take a share of our bounty. Not to mention that you were the one who spooked Venom with your drone attack. Do you have any idea what a shit show that has caused for me?

Just tell me one thing: The bug on Venom, is it still in operation? Are you sure that he already reached the airport and left the country?
I'd just buy a Ground to Air missile and take down the airliner. That must be cheaper than paying a fragging 40 to 33% of the whole action to these guys.

But whatever. If he already is on his way to Japan, I'll go there and light him on fire.
If I don't go through customs, there should be no problem for me to get close to him and inject him with some drug. I'll haul him back to whatever jet you can provide and than we can have our barbecue.

And DemoX - you are the stupidest shit to walk this earth. When I get my payment you can consider us finished."

To Casa he said:
"I'll get my gear. If you can provide me with a uniform, I'll pose as some official bureaucrat, so I can get close to the target."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1898 on: <02-06-16/1631:57> »
@Kynos DemoX seems embarrassed "Our own team played against us man, the mouse girl sold us to the Yaks. I saw her and Venom alone on a boat, naked it was a golden opportunity all she needed to do was to stay out of the way.  He had no way to defend himself, no way to strike back. If the mouse did not take the drone down we'd already be swimming in money right now.  Not only the mouse took the drone down, she smuggled Venom back to the Yaks and they managed to grab me and Sovereign.

How could they possibly get us both so fast? It was an inside job I am telling you we were played. It got worse when I heard that the Yaks were after you - with drones and search parties and things like that. They really want you dead man, I knew I got to get out of there as soon as possible and Balls he is a camper I knew him.

Do you really think that I would call you from the comlink Balls gave me without having the Yaks set you up? They could have traced the call hacked your link things like that. How would you rescue me? Raid a Yak safe-house ? You were either dead or on the run - I figured it is better if I do not mention your name.
If I contacted you and you were stupid enough to come for me, they'd set you up really good. Balls said you are like most wanted.  I called Finestra because I knew that she can bullshit them into something and I had the deed from IT - the only card that could get me out of there."

He sighs -
"We need to keep good face with IT and complete this job, Venom is up on the air 4 hours ago the tag was lost in the airport and Casa verified his presence on the airplane. I am sorry that the cake got smaller - I took a judgement call and I could not imagine the mouse to flip on us like that. She seemed super professional for getting him stuck helpless on a boat naked. I thought she'd help me take him down but she did not even have a comlink on her."

OOC: If I recall correctly IT offered 35k on the urn thing - but DemoX mentioned 20k. Kynos should know that.

@Athos Faith looks you up and down and then say "Look I know you disapprove this but these people asked me for help - not for a lecture on life choices. I am sorry... You might try to harm them or stop them."

@Maxwell - Amy takes you to the second floor that is one big commune with 25 people, most of them are female and quite attractive but not all are. When Amy enters with you the girls (and the boys) are all over her, offering themselves humiliating themselves to the point of kissing her shoes. "Take me, Take me, please it's been a while..." They cry.

Amy say and as she speak they all become silent - "This is Sovereign he is new - be nice to him." , Maxwell can say that she feels extremely awkward with the entire situation. She then whispers to him "Call me... I cannot sleep here I'll go crazy."


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« Reply #1899 on: <02-06-16/1707:51> »
"As you can see, I'm still alive - as is Balls by the way.
It's not like I'm easy to catch - or that I didn't do everything I could to get you and Sovereign back.

By the way, I don't blame you for thinking the girl sold us out - but you acted without a back-up plan and you failed. What good is it to have a remorseless killer on your hands if you don't wait for him to kill your enemies.

Whatever - it's done and the situation doesn't get any better by complaining about it. To Japan - we have an urn to fill."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1900 on: <02-06-16/1750:29> »
Casa said "Look guys - I am risking a plane don't make me regret it" To Sed he said "Get out of my suite please -" and Sed left - To Ki "Inside or outside... Key" and the curly girl did not move. "Good said Casa, we have a face, a muscle a decker and a reasonable pilot - but BB is no rigger...  80k considering you can do the urn thing is 20 each and 60 for me. These are good numbers and a good team. I doubt we can find other runners at such a short notice -  Your mark left Seattle 4 hours ago, on a flight that takes 11 hours. My plane can do the same flight in 4 hours - but it need to be prepared so - it will kill the next two hours.  This entire plan lies on a hair. So be precise and sorry Kynos no uniforms at such a short notice - you are lucky that we can get the plane to the air. 

When you land you'll enjoy ex-territoriality as long as you remain in the cooperate court terminal. No costumes and no question asked - but Venom will land in a different terminal, he cannot get to you legally - and you cannot get to him without passing through airport security. The loophole is a small hotel - that both of you can access and has direct access from the ex - territorial terminal, so you might be able to sneak some items to the hotel.

One thing I need to tell you -  getting paid is one thing, but you can lose more than you gain. The plane worth more than the entire operation so I expect you to keep it safe even at the cost of not getting paid. There is also the fact that you are outside of my influence in Japan - not that I promises anything here - but you get arrested there and I am not even trying to bail you I do not have the influence you go down you are on your own. You know nothing about my plane. I trust you Finestra, this is some expensive equipment... " [/color]


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« Reply #1901 on: <02-06-16/1810:27> »
"I'll take no responsibility for your plane - but I intend to come back with it, so I'll try not to have it damaged.
I guess, I'll just have to rely on a taser than. Not even Japan has those outlawed. 
Normally, I'd question your reliance on seduction, but what I've seen of those organized crime types seems to suggest that they can't go for five minutes without shagging someone or something and declaring eternal love or some shit.
So the plan is: Get into hotel room, get Venom into hotel room, knock him out, bring him on board, roast him. No heavy weapons, no leaving the area, right?

I'm ready to do my part."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1902 on: <02-06-16/1824:42> »
@Kynos Casa said "No offense Kynos I don't know you.You were smart enough to get here so I think you have some capabilities.  Finestra is responsible for the plane. The airport is an hour from here. I have a roto drone on the roof with a mark to BB - anything you need goes on the drone and will be loaded to the plane. You go to the airport clean and simple. You need to leave in an hour " Debbie say "I am Finestra by the way and Ki is actually Chiavi or keys in Einglish.  I can try seduction if he is a womanizer - but the big unknown is what is Venom's schedule once he lands. We should be able to track him with BB's tracker but he may be in a hurry to get somewhere - this is a wild card. "

It seems that the runners are ready - they had some sort of heads up and were coming from a run. "Is there anything you need to do before we leave Kynos? "


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« Reply #1903 on: <02-06-16/1908:19> »
She wasn't kidding about the size of the compound and it's ability to support a cult.  He didn't think there'd be over two dozen cultists living here.  The commune mob the pair and he notices Amy's discomfort as she speaks to them.  Maxwell whispers back reassuringly.  "I'll be fine, you don't have to stay if you're not okay here.  I'll call you tomorrow and we could talk more and plan."
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1904 on: <02-06-16/2245:59> »
Athos stops and puts a hand on Faith's shoulder, stopping her.  "Wait, Faith.  I do not know where my head has been.  I can do all of it.  I am not some old time do gooder.  I am a thug, a criminal and I lead criminals.  It is as if were waking from a dream.  I can be better than the current Families and I can be worse.  I will take Valentina's aide until I can displace her.  With you and your people behind me, I can start to grow an empire.  Lead me to these friends of yours and let me try to bring them into the fold.  We can use more people."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>