Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #180 on: <04-06-15/2237:39> »
@ Ambrose  You receive a reply from Kato, >>Interesting. It should be easy for you to obtain the other "house specials". Just make sure they do not know that it is on our behalf. I'm further authorizing 3,000 nuyen to obtain the other drugs, and have secured you a reservation for Sunday and Monday night. My informant tells me that you met friends there last night. I think that if possible it would be best to continue to meet friends and seem to be there to enjoy everything the club has to offer. The ploy of buying him the drug for an introduction would seem natural in that atmosphere. And remember, I have authorized the cred for our purposes, not your own. I expect results. Any questions?<<

@ Stahl  The time comes for you to leave and Arc promised to pick you up. You've left a bit of fudge time for the pick-up since you really don't know her and know if she'll be prompt. But it's time to leave and as soon as you grab your things in case Abigail is late there she is. Bringing in her "bag for the baby" she looks at you. "That's way to much cologne you're wearing." She states frowning at you in disapproval. "You smell like a French whorehouse. And it is not good for Heidi's little lungs to have to breathe all of that." Heidi, hearing "Abba's" voice comes toddling at a run from the other room and then bursts into tears. Abigail frowns at you again. "Has she been fed?" she says in an almost accusatory tone. And hearing your assent she says, "Well at least you've gotten better about that. Likely she's gassy then. You really should find out what's best for a toddlers digestion." she scoops Heidi up with a smile that transforms her face as she looks at her, "Hey there Abba's cutie beauty. How's my girl? Do you want Abba to read you a story?" Heidi's tears are instantly transformed into a sunny smile and she hugs Abigail and says, "Puss-in-Boots!" It was her new favorite evidently. Abigail takes her to the couch and sits down, rummaging in her bag, it seems you've been forgotten.
« Last Edit: <04-07-15/1156:50> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #181 on: <04-07-15/0047:47> »
Stahl shut the door behind himself, sniffing once. He didn't think he was wearing too much cologne. Oh well. Adjusting his jacket briefly, Stahl did a double check of his gear before making his way down to the street. Raising a hand in silent greeting towards Arc, Stahl opted to take a seat up front. He greeted the woman cordially, taking care to buckle up. "Morning. Sorry for the sudden text. Walking around here isn't exactly the best pastime." The young elf would turn, offering a wry smile before taking a moment to inspect the inside of the vehicle while listening to Arc's response.

Stahl hoped the meeting would be uneventful. Whoever had contacted him had done their homework and Stahl hoped that's all they did. He supposed it wouldn't be too hard to find info on him. There's not much you can't get with a bit of digging these days. Chief above all, Stahl was worried his mysterious contact would use his situation overseas as grounds to blackmail him. Stahl really couldn't afford that, especially with Reiner missing and Heidi getting older. Just thinking about it made him fidget uncomfortably in the seat of Arc's vehicle. If his situation could be compared to a chess game Stahl supposed he'd have to choose his opening moves carefully. The last thing he wanted was to be doing wet-work for some unknown benefactor. Granted, he could use the money.

Stahl was impressed at Arc's ability to clean up. Despite what Stahl thought to be Arc partying hard last night, she seemed rested and recovered as she drove. Then again, Stahl couldn't really tell. Maybe she just looked different in the daytime - everyone looks different at a club after all. Upon basic inspection Stahl looks more or less the same as he did last night at the club. Besides what looked like a normal brown jacket and a small black backpack Stahl wasn't really wearing anything interesting. His wardrobe was boring, almost mimicking the stoic gaze on his face. His platinum-blonde hair was freshly slicked back and his teal eyes had small bags under them - no doubt the product of late nights with Heidi.

Stahl peered outside the window, watching the buildings pass by. After a moment of silence, Stahl inquired to Arc passively, "You helped kill the Smiley-guy, didn't you?" He'd shoot her a glance, his usual passive gaze not hiding his curious look. While he knew about the killings, the elf didn't really keep up-to-date with the case. He wasn't necessarily pushing for information, more like poking Arc about the subject to see if she even wanted to discuss it. Stahl found himself curious about the ordeal, reading and hearing about it all around the place. A short glance to Arc's cyber-arm made Stahl regret his question instantly. Thinking to himself, he mentally sighed. Maybe she lost it before whatever happened. Maybe she didn't even 'lose' it. Bought it, maybe.

Stahl decided he wasn't going to ask anymore questions.


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« Reply #182 on: <04-07-15/0842:18> »
"Right.. because I can use three thousand nuyen for so much personal stuff" he muses out loud to himself, his and moving to rub the bridge of his nose. He remembers back when he had some of his own mafia going himself.. Where they this annoying? Or is it just kids these days?

<<None>> he replies back, quick, and clean. Now was time to start figuring out how he'd get back at the yak. He'd want a way that he could be absolved of blame, and that it could possibly point to someone else, as he went home thinking about it. IT was too late today.. but tomorrow, he was going to go and collect a few more items for his surveillance network.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

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« Reply #183 on: <04-07-15/1147:30> »
Sat Dec. 6  13:00

@ Arc, Yelena, Marco & Feathers  >>I'd like your impressions of the club and a review of the people you met there. Arc, your recordings of the club would be especially valuable. If you could send them to me as a file please I would appreciate it. I'm also hoping to speak with all of you as a group tomorrow morning after I've had time to review your impressions and crosscheck some data regarding the club that I've found. I'm also working on a party there in your honor hosted by Isabella Smith-Apellido. She's enjoys being in the spotlight with the new trend or hot topic.<<   
« Last Edit: <04-07-15/1155:39> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #184 on: <04-07-15/1744:39> »
Sat. Dec. 6, 8:45-9:00

Arc had eased up as soon as she pulled up to Stahl's apartment complex, the sight of a familiar environment a welcome thing for the girl. As the usual local courtesy, she remained in her car after parking right on time, letting him come out to her.  When the male elf revealed himself, the young human was partaking of a smoke, the cigarette hanging on her lips as the smoke puffed out her open driver's window.

She was a dramatically more casual sight than her overdone getup at the club the night prior, her clothes showing signs of extended use and wear.  Her hoodie was damp around the collar and shoulders as her ponytailed hair was still wet from the shower.  Her makeup was gone, revealing the faint scarring around her eyes as well as the signs of sleep deprivation.  But again, a sense of calm as it seemed driving was therapeutic to her.

"Null sweat, ain't no need to explain that Drek to me.  I grew up on these streets, ya heard?". She cast a wink and a wicked grin as she took off, swerving and weaving through traffic.  Unlike what one would expect a Barrens car to be like, this sedan looked and even sounded in very good condition, denoting a high, almost affectionate level of care. Only thing out of the ordinary was the freshly installed rigger interface right by the steering wheel.

The Skeleton was not too far, and they were about five minutes out when the elf dropped the question about the Smiley Face killer.  The human girl gave some pause, her cyberarm  tightening on the wheel as she fought down the memories before taking a breath, her voice surprisingly quiet, almost tender.  " Yeah...set up the sensor network to help pinpoint the blood mage and her spirit responsible and took her down.  Lotsa people died.. I shoulda died too.  Guess you could say I got lucky, with lots of strings attached."". She indicated her arm at this time, her green cybereyes glancing to him at a stoplight.  "Guess I wasn't meant for a normal UCAS life, eh?"

"Anyhow, here we are.  I know this place well: territory of the Night Howlers.  Nasty bunch.  Shouldn't have much presence this early, but still.  I can cover your back if you want...I ain't got anywhere to be for a bit anyhow."
. With that, Arc wheeled the car to park in front of the club, her mind fletti g through her memories of the place, waiting for the elf to make a move.


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« Reply #185 on: <04-07-15/2154:36> »
" Yeah...set up the sensor network to help pinpoint the blood mage and her spirit responsible and took her down.  Lotsa people died.. I shoulda died too.  Guess you could say I got lucky, with lots of strings attached."". She indicated her arm at this time, her green cybereyes glancing to him at a stoplight.  "Guess I wasn't meant for a normal UCAS life, eh?"

Stahl offered a short smile, responding, "I guess not." He leaves it at that, content with the answer. The thought of a blood mage troubled Stahl. He was rather ignorant in the ways of magic and the thought of some rogue mage preying on people off the street made his skin crawl. He understood why the clubbers had treated the group with such adoration now, stopping a blood mage isn't something that happens everyday.

"Anyhow, here we are.  I know this place well: territory of the Night Howlers.  Nasty bunch.  Shouldn't have much presence this early, but still.  I can cover your back if you want...I ain't got anywhere to be for a bit anyhow."[/b]. With that, Arc wheeled the car to park in front of the club, her mind fletti g through her memories of the place, waiting for the elf to make a move.

Stahl took a look around the area. It was definitely gang territory. The elf scratched his cheek idly, mulling over Arc's offer. Eventually, he speaks up, removing his seat-belt and preparing to exit the vehicle. "I'd owe you another favor. I owe you about two now. Doubt I'd make a convincing gang member anyway. It's up to you, but I wouldn't mind the backup." Stahl offers Arc a grateful glance, checking the inside of his coat briefly before exiting the vehicle. After a short look around to try and locate the entrance to the Skeleton, Stahl pauses to see if Arc follows before moving for the entrance. He looks visibly cautious and a bit tense throughout the whole ordeal.


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« Reply #186 on: <04-08-15/0758:55> »
Arc herself had waited a moment, eyes fixated on Stahl as the elf exited the vehicle as if scanning him.  Sniffing once, she gave a sigh and hopped out of the car, shutting the door with a light slam and locking up, the short human quietly chuckling as she caught up to him.  "Man, you need me more than you fraggin' know.  Relax, chummer.  You be givin' off one scent right about now, and that is prey.  Be cool, be confident, you gon' be aight."

With that assurance, the human girl led the way into the club.   It was different coming here in the morning...not a usual time to be at a club, especially one like this.  But hey, it meant things were pretty quiet--assumedly--and that they had no trouble getting in.  "You go ahead and find whoever the frag it is you meetin'.  I'll find a place to hole up within sight of you, but just holla if you need me directly, aight?"  With that, Arc separated from the young keeb, finding the bar and hopping onto a stool, one eye kept on Stahl at all times.


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« Reply #187 on: <04-08-15/0847:57> »
Sat. Dec. 6, 8:30

Having a day between times he's to go and try and get the drugs, Ambrose decides to make use of his time in other departments. First off he needed to expand his ability to gain Intel, a few stealth tags to try and see where everyone is, sighing softly, he wonders if there is someway he could get someone to do some of that fancy computer stuff, someone he could trust perhaps?

The first trip was to a few local dumpsters, looking for supplies, particularly things like empty paint cans, fullish paint cans, and other random items.. He'll Mcgiver something together.

Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #188 on: <04-08-15/1447:31> »
@ Stahl   The bar is almost empty when you go in and when you ask the bartender he gives you a curt nod and tells you,
  "Upstairs, second door oun your right." Going upstairs  you find the door open and a lanky human steps forward and shakes your hand. "Hello, I'm Sam. Pleased to meet you. Marco tells me you're missing your friend. I admit I've been doing some surveillance there. But, before I show you the images I need to know. What do you intend to do with this information? "

@ Ambrose  You hunt for several hours before you find what your looking for, but at last you're home with your ragged bounty. Spreading it all out before you, you get to work.

« Last Edit: <04-09-15/1859:37> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #189 on: <04-08-15/2103:05> »
Arc blinks as Stahl makes his way upstairs, frowning a bit as she wasn't asked to follow.  "Think I can get a coffee or somethin, Mack?"  She waved curtly to the tender, passing her personal credstick to pay for it in advance.  The human's youthful curiosity got the better of her, and the opportunity to learn more about this new stranger and his mysterious meeting was too good to pass up. 

While the tender's back was turned, the girl glanced her eyes to her cyberarm, lifting up the sleeve and giving the impression of a flex.  A quiet shhhnk was heard as her drone bay activated, launching a small Fly-Spy into the air.  Her AR blinked online as the drone's HUD went into effect.  A few quick mental commands, and the tiny drone whizzed off up the stairs, its sensors scanning for the room and hovering just above the door, the human girl trying to listen in as she pulled her sleeve back down.


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« Reply #190 on: <04-09-15/2116:25> »
Stahl had remained mostly quiet since exiting Arc's car. The advice she had given him was good and he really should have followed it, but he couldn't. Thoughts entered his mind and he couldn't ignore them. If someone like the person he was about to meet could dig up information on him, who else could? This bar's pretty empty. Could be a string operation. Agents ready behind the counters, tables, corners- No. It'd be stupid to start thinking like that again. It's been a long time. Stahl took a short breath and nodded at Arc's promise of backup. He calmed himself as the bartender pointed him up towards his fateful meeting. Stahl entered the room carefully, inspecting the general area for the briefest of moments before moving forward to accept the offered handshake.

"Hello, I'm Sam. Pleased to meet you. Marco tells me you're missing your friend. I admit I've been doing some surveillance there. But, before I show you the images I need to know. What do you intend to do with this information? "

Stahl stared at the man for a short moment before answering, stepping back and crossing his arms abrasively. "I'd be surprised if you didn't know who my friend was. You found out who I was easily enough." The elf spoke clearly and never took his eyes off the man. The conversation was moving into the tense realm as Stahl made no effort to hide his general discomfort with the entire situation. Instead of answering the question, Stahl asked one of his own. "Does it matter?" The elf clearly wasn't in the best of moods, though he made no outward sign of turning violent. Stahl paced lightly from the left to the right.


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« Reply #191 on: <04-10-15/1236:33> »
@ Stahl  Sam remains still, refusing to be baited, his arms loosely at his sides. "Yes, it does." he answers. His eyes never leave your face as he waits calmly for your answer.  As Stahl looks around he sees no evidence of weaponry on him, or in the room. Not that that mattered as Stahl knew full well. He'd hidden weapons for more than one op himself.
« Last Edit: <04-11-15/0040:13> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #192 on: <04-11-15/0007:41> »
Stahl didn't know whether to be impressed or worried that Sam didn't take the bait. He clearly not some two-bit information dealer. In all honesty Stahl figured this man wasn't an information dealer at all - probably something much more sophisticated. Visibly relaxing, the elf replied to the man's question as simply as he could. "I just want to find my friend. We've know each other awhile and I owe him. I'm sure if you had the time to dig up information on me you have some on him as well." Stahl pauses, considering. "Information always has a price and i'm willing to bet you plan on making me pay that price one way or another." The elf relaxed his posture, awaiting the man's reply.


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« Reply #193 on: <04-11-15/0048:35> »
@ Stahl  Sam looks at you, his gaze level. "Information has a price. And so does friendship. But, some prices are to high. If your friend was involved in a group of high level drug dealers that took him because he stole the money and the stash and tried to get away, what price would you be willing to pay to get your friend back?" he tells you with a slightly raised eyebrow and a small lift to his chin. And then before you can answer he says, "If your friend was in the wrong crew and got in way over his head because he's a dumb fuck and they're making him do a job where he's got a good chance of dying in order to pay off a debt. What price are you willing to pay then?" He looks at you waiting for your answer.
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« Reply #194 on: <04-11-15/0121:28> »
Stahl's jaw clenches briefly before, moving to the right a bit as Sam speaks. "I'm not willing to give up everything for the guy. He's got a history of being unreliable." Stahl moves closer to Sam, lowering his voice and clearly attempting to run the man through a few tests. "What if I told you I want to get him back to put a bullet inside him myself? Hide him in some ditch where nobody but the rats would ever find him?" Stahl, at this point, might even look a bit menacing as he finishes his little speech. "I'm here to offer my services. What else do you want?" The elf backs up, staring Sam down much in the same way Sam was staring him down. Despite his harsh words, Stahl doubted he could do it. Reiner was a pain in his ass and more than a liability, but he was still in Maxwell's squad and one of the few people Stahl could trust nowadays. A little voice in the back of Stahl's mind said he might just regret that sentiment down the road.

