Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #210 on: <04-13-15/0133:21> »
Dec 6th Sometime later

Ambrose has been getting busy, after spending a few hours scavenging for supplies in dumpsters, he then went around to various locations around his home outside of the city proper. In this, he was actually quite lucky, as he gathered supplies, including a pine tree for the upcoming consumer appreciation day.

Carefully using the handful of various glass bulbs he found, he gently rubs away small spot of paint in the bulb inserting one of the microcameras he had gotten earlier with straw filled with gunpowder and small rocks. Not enough to really do any damage, only a bullet's worth of powder, but enough to destroy the camera if someone was to have discovered it.

The hardest thing of all was trying to figure out what to do with the partridge in a pear tree.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #211 on: <04-13-15/0348:54> »
@ Arc  Stahl comes down the stairs looking relieved, and when he spots Arc his chin lifts and he comes close, "He wasn't there. Thanks for the ride. I know you've got other things to do and it was kind of you to make time for me to try and help me find my friend." The ride back to his place is uneventful and he tells Arc a little it about Heidi and Abigail. And if Reiner isn't among the kidnapped that this group is looking for, well then at least he won't have to worry so much about who he could get to babysit her when Abigail had to go to her sisters.

The afternoon wears on and you receive the comm from Sam.
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« Reply #212 on: <04-13-15/0544:13> »
Yelena shakes her head and laughs.  "Money only illusion to people who have.  To others money is way eat, sleep, live.  Is real."  She listens carefully as Marco talks about not bringing people here.  "Yelena sorry Marco break own rule.  Not mean to.  Have to say Marco sex was best sex Yelena ever had.  Maybe not all from link.  Yelena want Marco without link and that important.  Yelena want Marco now."

Nothing in my apartment is what it seems to be, I renovated the place myself just to get the contract. It was a mess when I got it, the previous tenant totally destroyed it. Friends helped me piece it together. They got me good prices on stuff a few favors and barters and eventually I managed to make it a home.    I pay for everything on a monthly base. The wines and coffee machine are rentals... I pay per use.  My lavish lifestyle is paid for by clients. I am no richer than you or Arc, I do not own a car and I doubt that landlord of mine will think twice before throwing me into the street if I am late on the payments.

I also don’t try to be rich, once I pay for expenses, I keep only a small amount in my balance and donate the rest to charity. Sam pays me fairly even if I never negotiate with her.  After a good run I usually donate more. I am not a rich man at all, I come from a rich family tough and perhaps this is why I wanted to live these life in the first place. Makes me feel connected to them somehow.

He is a bit embarrassed when Yelena speaks about best sex. He thinks: It indeed was amazing, but Yelena have seen a lot. Perhaps she is saying something about herself rather than complimenting me. Maybe it is because we connected emotionally.

Don’t be sorry... you are not *people* to me. The link is indeed fun... We can also do without... Perhaps we we can go to a nice jazz club tonight? you said that you play the sax... how about someplace with an open stage...?

  She takes a few steps and stops.  Not looking at him, she softly says, "Yelena not know what woman she be.  Marco might need take what Yelena is."

He follows her to the balcony silent... after a short while he finally speaks. What you were until recently is someone on the run, a survivor... someone that does not look back when she moves on. That person cannot form a real connection with me or with anyone else for that matter. Don’t change for me but you owe yourself more than that.

He looks at the city view from the balcony he seems to enjoy himself. It is such a nice day... when we’re not working I will show you the city from a bird view, it is amazing.

When Yelena exist his room he study her for a short while... It fits quite nice... suits you better than it suits me, I want you to have it.

« Last Edit: <04-13-15/0936:43> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #213 on: <04-13-15/1045:12> »
Yelena Listens carefully to all Marco says without adding comment.  When he offers her the clothes she looks at him, picking her words carefully.  "Clothes belong Marco.  Yelena accept as gift and thank."  After a short pause, she continues.  "Marco very nice.  Very different.  Yelena interested living here with Marco, but after finish job.  Maybe Marco not want Yelena after.  Most do not.  Longest lover except sax man two weeks.  Yelena has too much death.  Too many past bodies.  Sometimes wake at night from dreams.  Sometimes drink much to forget.  All together is too much for lovers.  Ask Yelena leave.  Maybe Marco ask Yelena leave.  Maybe not.  Marco want take chance?"

Yelena waves her hand at the room.  "Yelena not need wealth.  Only drink, gamble away.  Yelena not need.  Not know what need.  But know what want."  She will step up to Marco and unless he pulls back she will kiss him with such passion that if he is normal he will remember the kiss for some time.  Pulling back after what could be minutes, she will look up at him and smile.  "Yelena like Marco kiss.  We go jazz club if like.  Yelena play there before.  After finish come here.  Yelena show Marco what is like without drugs and without link.  Promise not disappoint.  Hope Marco walls not thin.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #214 on: <04-13-15/1221:08> »
Yelena Listens carefully to all Marco says without adding comment.  When he offers her the clothes she looks at him, picking her words carefully.  "Clothes belong Marco.  Yelena accept as gift and thank."  After a short pause, she continues.  "Marco very nice.  Very different.  Yelena interested living here with Marco, but after finish job.  Maybe Marco not want Yelena after.  Most do not.  Longest lover except sax man two weeks.  Yelena has too much death.  Too many past bodies.  Sometimes wake at night from dreams.  Sometimes drink much to forget.  All together is too much for lovers.  Ask Yelena leave.  Maybe Marco ask Yelena leave.  Maybe not.  Marco want take chance?"

As Yelena talk Marco just look at her - she is a mystery to him. Strong and weak, confident and unconfident. Unlike everyone he ever dated... Marco does not even understand why he wants her after she confessed to being raped, killing innocents and having drinking, gambling and drugs problems... She has such a long history behind her that he cannot even begin to understand what she has been through. He does not care about any of that - she needs him, he understands that by now. Somehow that simple fact is more significant to him that anything else. No one needed him in the past - most people were even better without him. Some of them wanted him for all the wrong reasons.  He just look at her, charmed.

Yelena waves her hand at the room.  "Yelena not need wealth.  Only drink, gamble away.  Yelena not need.  Not know what need.  But know what want."  She will step up to Marco and unless he pulls back she will kiss him with such passion that if he is normal he will remember the kiss for some time.  Pulling back after what could be minutes, she will look up at him and smile.  "Yelena like Marco kiss.  We go jazz club if like.  Yelena play there before.  After finish come here.  Yelena show Marco what is like without drugs and without link.  Promise not disappoint.  Hope Marco walls not thin.[/color][/color][/color]

Most people are attracted to wealth, most people would be repulsed by the image of him renovating the place himself like a poor wageslave. He appears rich, but he appears many things. His train of thoughts is cut when Yelena kisses him. He is a moment again, there is nothing else in the world. He is happy, he feels that in her own way his old mentor is smiling at him. 

Once he finally catches his breath again, he just looks into Yelena's eyes. There is no need for a mindlink spell to say that Marco expects it very much, he is blushed, clearly excited and he is silent. He crushes on the couch in the living room. When he finally speaks he say, I anticipate it very much, I will never forget you.
« Last Edit: <04-13-15/1227:12> by gilga »


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« Reply #215 on: <04-13-15/2036:38> »
@ Arc  Stahl comes down the stairs looking relieved, and when he spots Arc his chin lifts and he comes close, "He wasn't there. Thanks for the ride. I know you've got other things to do and it was kind of you to make time for me to try and help me find my friend." The ride back to his place is uneventful and he tells Arc a little it about Heidi and Abigail. And if Reiner isn't among the kidnapped that this group is looking for, well then at least he won't have to worry so much about who he could get to babysit her when Abigail had to go to her sisters.

The afternoon wears on and you receive the comm from Sam.

Arc gave a nod at the confirmation of the news that there was no news, giving a shrug.  "Tough breaks, chummer.  If I hear any more I'll let ya know, aight?"  Upon exiting, she commanded the Fly-Spy back to her, having it land on her shoulder as she entered the car, the human deactivating and pocketing the drone with casual grace.

As predicted, there wasn't much said, but Arc did seem to take some interest in his home life, so there was a plus for Stahl at least.  The human was surprised that the man had a daughter he was essentially raising on his own...and from what little she could make of him, he wasn't home too much trying to work and stuff.  She frowned a little at that, mostly because the whole deal gave her a slight pang of loss, that brief hidden instance where she misses her own family  that she regretfully cannot remember much of.  Followed closely was the thought of raising a child in the Barrens, and that such a situation was more than common, for as much as you want to be there to raise young, the bills need to be paid.  Hells, I probably couldn't do better...  As they pulled up to Stahl's apartment, Arc wanted to say something.  "..I know it ain't my place, cuz it's your kid and all that.  But if you gon' do me a solid?  Make sure she knows who you are and drek.  Do that, and we'll call it even how's bout?"  With a faint smile, the girl saluted with her cyberarm before zooming off, her commlink blipping up the messages from Yelena and Marco.  Hmm...

@Yelena, Marco {Arc}>>
<<Well, seems like we all had some similar ideas.  You guys didn't get into much trouble, I hope?  Frag it, Touristville is hoopla I guess. Ping me the location, and I'll get there...I'll guess around 2:00 PM?  Sorry for the wait, had to drop off someone what needed a ride.  Job's done though.


After many, many moments of near-misses, waiting for cars to move, and LOTS of Or'Zet curses she didn't even know she know, Arc was nearing the location that was shared with her for the lunch date.  That's when Sam's message hit, and the human froze.  She...He...whatever...wants to meet us tomorrow, and then soon go BACK into that place?  Frag, I'm young, but I don't think I could go in there without doing something I would regret..again...drek, man   As she pulled up to a place to park, she composed a reply to Sam.

<<Give me a little time to compile the footage into a file, and you'll have it in a few hours for review.  Maybe by morning you'll find what ya need>>

With that, she slammed the door, locked up, and started to look for her friends, following the general direction Marco gave.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #216 on: <04-14-15/0053:42> »
Yelena smiles at Marco.  "Marco still smooth react that way.  Nice.  Arc here soon.  She like metal music.  Marco have on system?"  She moves to the sound system controls and surfs for something metallic and puts it on.  She turns to Marco, "Now Marco have two women in room.  Yelena corrupting Marco."  Yelena begins moving to the metal beat, losing herself in the ebb and flow of the music.  Eyes closed, she moves quite sensuously, even provocatively.  There is no thought in the movement, just rhythm and beat.

Soon a soft buzz from the doorman informs them that Arc is in the building and Marco gives the OK to send her up.  Yelena opens the door when she rings the bell and pulls her inside, smiling broadly.  She gives her friend a hug and says, "Oh Arc.  Yelena glad you alright.  Have much to tell.  No answer from Feathers to come, so hope alright.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #217 on: <04-14-15/0502:58> »
Marco say: Sure thing there is this band Arc recommended me the day we met... Vision Divine.  I downloaded all their albums along with that Access Denied band that we already enjoyed. Put that new one on... 

He laughs when Yelena suggest that she corrupt him. I do not know what you have in plan for Arc... but I was refering to my bedroom as a private place. I have people in here all the time. He thinks to himself, what is the relationship between these two? They seem to be very close.

For a short while, Marco observes her with a smile. He is fascinated she seems so free, so happy... and   *so seductive* - the little succubus . He thinks to himself as he notice some of her more provocative moves.  When Sam buzzes him, he can barely focus long enough to replay her.. he does not want do so, but his responsible voice tells him to that the more time that Sam has for the background check he needs the more informed he'll be. 

Dear Demoness

I kissed a strange keeb named Cinan Mistishasa... apparently some Tir prince... not the Irish one, the one in America... I am terrible in geography i think it is Tir Trairngire. He offered a private room that I declined gracefully. Guys like him can have anything they want, so the obvious thing to get their attention was not to be too accessible. I have a feeling it will keep him intrigued. You thought me patience so lets see if this works for us.

Speaking of things that you taught me:
Can you background check this guy? I believe that he has access to anything in this club, including that drug you were interested in. Heck he may be rich enough to think that he can also get away with making people missing.  I can go down that rabbit hole for you... but if I do I need be well prepared.

Yours Truly,

Marco is glad that this message was already mostly written...  In fact, he stopped writing it when he saw Yelena in that hot tub to begin with. He could have never completed it with her dancing like this in his living room. Before he thinks about it, he is dancing close to her in a manner that is definitely not appropriate for a catholic priest.

He is a little bit nervous when Arc enters but he do not let anything get to the face... Welcome, he say - we really dig your music.
« Last Edit: <04-14-15/0509:18> by gilga »


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« Reply #218 on: <04-14-15/0951:39> »
The last thing Arc expected to hear as she approached the apartment in the snazzy looking complex was her own style of music, though once she recognized the powerful, almost ethereal rhythms as the music she recommended to Marco it all made sense.  She let out a little oof of surprise as she was pulled into the hug, grinning and embracing the Russian keeb happily.  Turning to the both of them, she scratched her head.  "Glad you're digging them.  Honestly, didn't think Italian metal existed, but whatevs.  As for much to tell, yeah seems like it..Feathers said he hitched a cab home last night, the coot's as likely still sleeping it off, har."".

The short human laughed, sticking her hands in her pockets, looking very much like her natural self, if not a little sleep deprived.  "Frag it if this isn't a wiz pad you manage this on Barrens pay?"". She sniffed the air, smirking wickedly as she joked, though it was clear it was innocent: "You two been keepin outtat trouble I hope?  I heard how keebs can be...heh...anyhow!  Someone said something about lunch?  I been on the go since waking up today". She rubbed her hands together, surveying with mild wonder what she considered the lap of luxury.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #219 on: <04-14-15/1029:12> »
Yelena takes Arc's jacket and hangs it in the small closet near the door, then takes her by the hand, leading her to the small counter separating the kitchen from the living room.  Perching on one of the bar stools there, she motions to another.  "Arc have sit.  Marco good cook.  Can all talk while prepares lunch.  Arc get message from Sam?  Something party tomorrow.  Honor heroes.  Yelena not get invite yet.  Arc get?"

Yelena will shake her head slightly if Arc pulls her cigarettes out, motioning to the balcony through the glass doors.  "Yelena first.  Met woman named Bella.  Might be same woman for party.  Might not.  We had party in tub with men.  Much vodka.  Much fun.  Then she talk of drug "Starlight".  Tell Yelena club offer to special clients to keep interested in club.  Have comm code, can call.  Maybe get to know and she tell more of drug."  She shrugs.  "What happened Arc?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #220 on: <04-14-15/1224:08> »
Italian metal?! Marco giggles a little bit - I am from Italy but I wouldn't call myself an Italian. Long story short, they didn't let me out much -  barely saw sunlight just during lunch time - study the rest of the day. It was awful and I hated that... I was probably the worst mage in my class. I still have no idea about most of the stuff they tried to teach me back then. I feel like that building that was my home, could have been anywhere in the world really... they also spoke just English because most of the students were foreign. My Italian is so so because I stopped hearing it at the age of 5, I work on it tough.

Marco grins as Arc  seem impressed by the decor... I did a lot of work myself with help of friends. I got good prices, and I negotiate carefully what I need, a lot of the stuff here is bartered for other goods that I could easily provide. Mainly entertainment - that I am good in providing.  My day job also helps a little bit.

When he looks at how Yelena snatches Arc, he grins - we are happy today... I hope you are hungry. I am going to make some Spaghetti. Fresh onions, tomatoes, basil and garlic with some Italian sausage and Parmesan cheese. Delicious, yet basic - it will take a while but it is worth the wait.  He enters the kitchen and starts preparing the dish. He seems to enjoying himself working with the food while slightly dancing to the rhythm.


« Last Edit: <04-14-15/1233:29> by gilga »


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« Reply #221 on: <04-14-15/1617:39> »
Dec 6th 13:00

Feathers is watering his herb garden. It's afternoon already, late night partying taking it's toll he'd overslept, but he needs time to think and watering the garden and plucking a few weeds gives him time and clarity that few other activities do. Flying is better, but he sometimes gets lost in it and right now he needs to plan what he's going to do to make a living and keep this place. Hmmmm, a winter garden needs more protection than this. Perhaps a way to catch and reflect more of the sun, along with a bit of insulation and I could start harvesting in 6-8 weeks. he thinks. Working with Merlin has made him seriously consider teaching. The money is bound to be far less than I would have made with Sam. But, I'd live longer that's for damn sure. he thinks to himself. Schools were on break right now. But he could apply and maybe get on, even if only part-time, somewhere. That plan made, Feathers goes back into the house for one of natures true delights, a hot cup of tea. When suddenly, he's hit hard on the back of his head. He's got only a moment before he blacks out, and in that moment instinct and habit form one single action. He opens his comm and calls for help, and the call is placed to the last person he called. >>Help, he unnh<<

Sam gets the call and runs a program to cross-check location through several different algorithms and then makes a call of his own. >>Ghost, I need you to check this address. Belongs to a mage by the name of Turnstall. Find out what's not there. Usual fee plus 25% if I get a full report in less than four hours.<< That done Sam turns his concentration back on sifting through data, running programs and scheming.
« Last Edit: <04-14-15/1628:59> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #222 on: <04-16-15/1024:43> »
Arc couldn't help but smile from Yelena's and Marco's infectious cheer, shrugging off her armor vest as well, the glint of the Night Howlers insignia on the back reflecting the sunlight for a brief moment.  Copping a squat, she listened with curiosity to the others.  All the while, she was multitasking in AR, pulling up the recorded video footage of the previous night and compiling it into a sendable format.  Because of the...nature of her mental state the Night before, and to save time, she just included all footage from the moment she entered to when she left.

"...onion, garlic, basil, wuzzat?  Oh. DREK.  You're talking real food Drek?!  Man, you lying to us keeb, ain't no way you hots real food.". Truly a product of her generation, it was likely more clear than ever that the typical Barrens young adult would know only of the soy and krill-based processed foods and sweets, never even dream of anything, yknow...real.  "now this I gotta see..."

Turning to the Russian, the human felt her cheeks redden as she recounted her experience.  " for me, dance floor was a continual machine of energy and entertainment.  I spotted a glitch in the AR system, but couldn't follow up on it and Drek...maybe if I had my RCC might a snuck a peek.  later on I spent some time with this drekker name.of Joyboy.  Total playa known at the club for helping rich celeb hoops like us spend our jing.  Think I gotta dead end, he just helped me get drunk...I think.  I kinda admit, I dont rmemeber much about last night to a certain pint, aha...". She trailed off, not sure how much she wanted to share, but if Yelena and Marco were as experienced in the ways of people as believed, it would not be a stretch to connect the dots...


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« Reply #223 on: <04-16-15/1445:35> »
Maro talk to Arc as he skillfully cut tomatoes, fry the onion and turn it all into a nice looking sauce.
You touched a point I feel very strongly about, what’s wrong in this world is that highly processed soy based food is cheap while simple plain, not processed food is expensive. There is no special reason for that other than genetically engineered soy that is more efficient to grow.
Do not believe corporate propaganda - it is not good for you... it is only good to their bottom line.  Many things you can grow yourself for free with a bit of water, sunlight  and some compost...  They won’t let you know that, hardly any knowledge softs about it. This is the kind of stuff you can learn only from real books.

Understand that books were created before the mega's took over the world, they also have knowledge that corps would not approve. Created before the mega’s took control over the entire knowledge databases. We forget the basic things in life....We still have fancy gadgets latest in technology... DNI a standard... A sleep regulator... no problem... fresh tomatoes - thats a luxury. I just don’t get this outside world.

The one thing I liked about my early life is that we always had a garden to grow food in. Either my parents that had grapes, or the monastery that grew its own food out of some religious ideal of humility. Growing all your food is sometimes a bit tricky,  but you can significantly improve your diet with gardening. Did you know that 60 years ago people lived into their 80’s and 90’s ?  Real books contain real knowledge -  knowledge softs only contain cooperate versions of knowledge. You can use what's written there, but some important stuff is left out on purpose. Books however, were created in a time where knowledge was more free and was happily shared.

A bit later, slightly interfering to the conversation with Yelena.
You gotta be careful with these... some of these people have silver tongues... these can make you do stuff... he winks at Arc and smile half to himself.
« Last Edit: <04-16-15/1453:41> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #224 on: <04-17-15/0003:44> »
Yelena listens to Arc and understands that her friend is leaving out details, but she does not push.  She reaches out a hand to touch Arc's arm and says, "Arc right.  People not friends there.  Only want us spend money.  More money, more drink, more drugs.  Yelena not used to that life."  She takes advantage of Marco turning away for a minute and puts pressure on Arc's arm, looking her in the eyes.  She softly says, "Yelena need Arc help.  Was Bliss at tub party.  Yelena not strong enough and use.  Now want more.  And more.  Yelena may need more to find Starlight drug.  Will need help after to get clean again.  Not pretty.  Not nice.  Arc help Yelena?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

