Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #150 on: <03-31-15/0831:07> »
Ambrose groaned slightly, as the Asian was pointed out. Really? he thought to himself. This local group must be completely inept. Honestly, if you're going to send men here to watch me, you could have sent men here to do your own bloody work.

The Asian might not even at all be anyway connected with the Yaks, but Ambrose wasn't going to take that chance in his way of thinking. Or rather, he was rather willing to believe the group was rather inept to begin with. Then a single thought came to him. They're going to kill me. it was a simple, solitary thought, but it was the realization he came to. After he got the drug, they were going to kill him. And why shouldn't they? He wasn't going to be valuable to them after he finished the job after all. In fact he might be detrimental to them, as he would be freed to be hired as a mechanic for hire by any other gang. There was only one solution to the issue, and that would be to become valuable alive, long enough for him to come up with the plan to kill them all.

But how to kill them? That was an issue of course. Bombs would be traceable back to him. Perhaps drugs? If he could get his hands on a system that would allow him to aerosol a drug, he could possibly set up something that would induce a psychosomatic episode within the yaks, driving them to the state of paranoia that would cause them to destroy themselves. 

Excuse me miss, but do you have anything real good? I've got dosh to pay for it myself. he'd ask the waitress when she was near.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #151 on: <03-31-15/1025:19> »
@ Ambrose  The waitress smiles at you, "Of course sir. We have everything available. What kind of a high are you looking for?"
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« Reply #152 on: <04-01-15/0016:46> »
"Well, two rounds of the house special. I've heard good things for it.. Could you give one of them to that cute looking asian fellow over there? I want something that would blow his brains out its so good." The old man responds, before handing her a lighter, being rather careful to not let the possible Yak see. "Here, and let him use my lighter, I've got my number on it so he could call me for a good time if he likes the buzz. Can you hook a lonely old man up?"
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #153 on: <04-01-15/0110:07> »
@ Ambrose  She smiles, "We've got a good variety of house specials. We have an alchemist whose a genius."  "And it sounds like your wanting our 'Very Private Pleasure'."She winks at you conspiratorially, "If that doesn't get him to call you, then he's a dud in the sack."

She moves away then and comes back with two missile shaped containers each about the size of your thumb. She says, "It comes apart in 3 places, the first stage is a cream you rub in, the second stage you hold on your tongue and the third stage is lit and inhaled as you're letting stage two dissolve. It's just that simple, and you won't need any other tip, trick or toy, it is just that good. Your cred stick's already been charged so that you and your future partner can just enjoy." She hands one to you and then moves off to the Asian fellow. You see her pause and explain the drug to him.
« Last Edit: <04-01-15/0114:00> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #154 on: <04-01-15/0130:20> »
"You're a wonderful lady, fabulous. Give my compliments to the chef." He held the rocket in his hand for a bit.. Then with flick it was gone, Just in case that guy wasn't a Yak, it was important to have a back up. Rather pleased with himself at the moment he turned to feathers. "Thanks for the meal and letting me use your table for the moment Chummer. Be on the look out for for Yaks."

Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #155 on: <04-01-15/0219:38> »
@ Ambrose  You do learn the name of several of the "house specials" but you can't be sure any of them are what you're after.

@ Yelena  The woman smiles at you and kissing you deeply pops open another Bliss between the two of you so that you can both inhale. The drug rockets through your body, still high from the first hit. The surge makes the pleasure so intense between the two of you that for a very long time the pleasure between you all is the only thing that matters. Yelena knows somewhere in her mind that she is shared by all of them, just as she shares all of them, it's been far to long since the pleasure was this good, this intense.

@ Arc  The human, whose name you learn is Bob, ushers you into the private room, and proceeds to lavish you with attention. He appears to be fascinated by your descriptions of engines and the different difficult repairs that you've done. And as little bit by little bit, your hard childhood comes up, he orders champagne saying, "You deserve only the finest things. The things you should have had all along. You're beautiful Arc, inside and out, and only a fool would fail to see that. I know I've never felt like this about anyone before." He kisses you then, and keeps kissing you, slowly beginning to explore as he listens to you, and your bodies response.

@ Marco  The keeb whose been dancing with you promises you more pleasures, "Everything this club has to offer is available to me. And it could be available to you." he says, stroking you suggestively. "And as pleasurable as your company is, the pleasures I can have in there are so much more. Perhaps another time you can join us." He says, and then smiles and moves off to a group of three young male elves that you now see have approached you both from behind you. They grin at you, eyeing you appreciatively, and then move off to the private room.

@ Stahl  You finally get some sleep after some tossing and turning wondering about this contact that you're supposed to meet in the morning. And thankfully your small charge sleeps too. She still doesn't sleep all the way through the night regularly, and when she does she wakes up early. Stahl doesn't get much sleep, but it's more than a lot of nights. And at least he'll get a chance to get her fed and dressed before he has to go.

« Last Edit: <04-01-15/0243:52> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #156 on: <04-01-15/0250:41> »
Ambrose sighed. This place had too many house specials, Far too many of them. If nothing else he learned that the one he got was only one in a plethora of specials.. but more so, he learned something else. An Alchemist was responsible for these drugs. Really? Who uses alchemists to make drugs? A flick of his hand again and the little rocket appeared in it.

Now it was possible he learned if Feathers was a mage or not, and if he did.. "Look, I'll be frank with you. I'm not a reporter.. I'm investigating a particular drug that this place has to offer.. as it does some very bad things." Well, not a total lie at all.Actually pretty spot on with the truth. "Is this thing awakened?" he asks holding up the rocket. of drugs.
Concepts are great, but implementation sucks. Why not improve it?

Triskavanski's House Rules


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« Reply #157 on: <04-01-15/0343:34> »
Marco replied: "So there is nothing you can offer me tonight - you are full of words and may have access to some exquisite things and a fancy private room - but you still know nothing about *real* pleasures. Still no hard feelings..." he holds his hand for a brief moment... closes his eyes and takes a big breath. It seems as if Marco is trying to memorize his skin pattern and smell.

When he opens his eyes he say... "Some other time". He then nods at the three elves and say: "Have fun tonight, thanks for the dances". He grins, he is confident and proud of himself.

he turnes away and goes to the Bar thinking to himself.

Not even a name? I do not swinging that way, not even for Demoness. I will have to find some other way to get her drug sample. I am paying the consequences for raw, uncontrolled desire every single day of my life, I am not going to that dark and miserable place ever again.  Yet, I may still be ahead because these ‘have it all’ rich people always desire what they can’t have.

Marco then orders a glass of water at the Bar and asks Bill:  ”What is the story of these creepy elfs?... they act like they own this place”.
« Last Edit: <04-01-15/1824:30> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #158 on: <04-01-15/1016:00> »
Yelena feels the power of the drug that flows through her.  The largest part of her revels in the pleasure and the intensity the drug allows her to experience and she wonders why she ever left it.  The smaller part of her knows exactly why she left it and hates herself for falling back into the clutches of the drug.  In prison, Bliss was called Blue Tsarina because the small capsules were blue in color and the feeling they provided made one feel like they owned the world.  At this point she recognizes she is in trouble but does not care; no, more than that; she wants more of it.  She wants to feel everything the drug offers.  She lets herself fully succumb to the demands of the drug, to the sensual pleasures of living, to the desires of the men and the woman sharing the tub and the joyful exhilaration of arousal and satisfaction. 

But even still, enough of Yelena remains herself.  The drug does not make you forget who you are, it just helps you forget your troubles and heightens your pleasures.  At some moment she finds herself once again embracing the woman who had said her name was Bella.  Enjoying what the man behind her is doing, she does her very best to pleasure the woman in front of her.  She looks into her eyes and whispers, "Yelena and Bella good together.  You good friend to share Blue Tsarina, share Bliss with Yelena.  Earlier said Starlight is best?  How Yelena get?  Have money if need pay extra."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #159 on: <04-01-15/1025:07> »
A sober Arc would have been repulsed by the idea of a kiss.  A sober Arc would have flinched in response to being touchedm. Luckily for "Bob", Arc was not sober.  In her eager attempt to impress those experienced in the work of Running, the young human had overestimated her ability to hold her liquor, and as such was responding well to the touches and attention the man was giving her.  Drinking the champagne, she laughed and arched her back a bit, pushing him a little to get his attention.  Her speech slurred a little, but was still pretty clear, the girl using her hands to gesticulate her point.

"Hold up a minute.  I gotta..I gotta be real wit ya...sshsh... I gots ta say this drek.  A week ago? Shoulda died.  Bam.  End of story.  Made me...Made me realize that I dunno how long I gots left before I goes and dies.  So I promise to me I promise to you...I wanna live like no tomorrow.  You used to this kinda life, Bob.  How can a girl like me.make the most outta tonight hm?"  she giggled, falling into his embrace once again, only part of her mind screaming at her for carelessness.


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« Reply #160 on: <04-01-15/1657:04> »
The deepweed had kicked in and feathers slipped loosely into astral sight, enjoying the vapid blur of emotion and life around him. The emotions of the table ebbed and flowed between drug induced bliss and sharp concern and feathers had to focus hard when mention of a yakuza overwatch came up in conversation.
He glanced nervously as the yak's aura before taking the drug off ambrose and studying it carefully


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« Reply #161 on: <04-01-15/1913:39> »
@ Marco  Bill looks at you and says, "I'd have thought you'd be interested. That's Cinan Mistishsa, his mum is the second heir of one of the Ele Arandur in the Tir. Cinan is supposed to be studying for his boards. He's to start with a firm here." Bill looks at you, "But I doubt he's met a vice he didn't like. He and his biddies are here most nights"

@ Yelena  Bella's head is thrown back, her body arched against you, her hands exploring and pleasuring, even as she's being explored and pleasured. She moans and shudders with climax and goes limp against the guy behind her, held up more by the two of you than by her own power. She smiles, and then gently strokes your skin. "The house will offer it to you when you've been here enough. They're cagey with it, saving it to help bring people back." She opens her eyes then and smiles at you, "Trust me, it's worth coming back for. And there are enough pleasures to enjoy in the meantime." Her hand caresses you, even as her hips shift against the man behind her.

@ Arc  Bob smiles again, "I love your attitude Arc. You're not hiding from anything. You're absolutely right, we should enjoy every moment. Grab life with both hands and wake up every moment determined to do it again. We should have everything we want." He moves then against you. And every touch, every kiss brings such an intensity of pleasure, it's as good as any drug. When you wake up in the morning it's to find that you've charged a number of things to your name in this room. You very vaguely remember telling Bob you wanted him to have the world, and authorizing the purchases. It takes awhile to find your dress, there's no finding your undies. But, at least you won't have to comm anyone for clothes.

@ Feathers  The Asian guys aura is dark, dangerous, and bound. But more fascinating is the little rocket in your hand. It does indeed bear the unique signature of magic. It's really quite a fascinating study. As you delve into the nature of the magic it bears the unique signature of a very sensual ensnarement. And unless you're mother is a pygmy goat, it's design is to both enhance the drugs effectiveness and addiction potential. You're impressed, this is a very difficult bit of magic. But why? The cost and skill to do this isn't warranted for this drug. So, the question remains, Why? And as you study it further, you see a more subtle magic infused, it's an enhancement alright, but, it's designed to enhance the users strength and endurance. This is the type of magic forbidden in professional sports. And there are so many guards, wards, and mages assigned to assense for it that it's generally not used there. So why is it here? In this little rocket of a pleasure drug?

« Last Edit: <04-01-15/2028:31> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #162 on: <04-01-15/2044:27> »
The following morning led to Arc waking up, and from the looks of it waking up alone in the private room.  Her eyes fluttered as she groaned, trying to check the time as she booted up her vision.  8:00 AM...frag me...nnh..  The human shivered as the sheets passed over her nude form upon her rising, brief fleeting images of the previous night's memories filtering through her brain as she shook off the fuzziness.  She licked her lips, downing a nearby glass of water as she felt the workings of another hangover..but not so severe this time.  Huh.

Stretching, she pulled up her credstick granted her by Sam for spending at the club.   [color]/Current Balance: 000 Nuyen/[/color]   "Hm....Drek, I'd never spend that much..did I..nnh..really lavish that hoop like that?"  She frowned, the memories still a bit fuzzy.  Either way, she could have a look through her eye's recordings to confirm everything.  No harm done..except...  her cheeks tinged pink at what had happened, the girl instinctively pulling the sheet up to cover herself, looking for her dress.  There it was, draped over a chair haphazardly, that and her boots the only garments she still had.  "....Frag it, hope everyone got home okay..."  She pouted a little as she stretched, her body still aching and burning a little from the night of passion as she got up and went to grab her dress, firing off several messages to those who may need an update, the human regretting she was unsuccessful in acquiring results.

<<Hey, omae....sorry for the lack of ride.  I kinda...lost track of time?  Ehe...if you need a lift home I'll swing by...need to figure out what we got...

<<Well, I'm a terrible chauffeur.  Sorry, man.  Hope I didn't screw yo hoop with my disappearing act.  Next time I'll leave a set of "keys" for everyone just in case...if we have to do a next time?

<<...I dunno how you live this life.  It's great, but...oh man, not what I was expecting.  Jaysus, I didn't even go home.  You manage to bail alright?  Need to recover, but I'll see what i picked up...

With that, her haired mussed and dress covering her form, the human Arc proceeded to try to exit...her "walk of shame" as it were...
« Last Edit: <04-01-15/2232:18> by SgtBoomCloud »


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« Reply #163 on: <04-01-15/2133:15> »
Stahl awoke to the sounds of crying in the other room. He still wasn't used to it. Stumbling out of bed, Stahl quickly scrambled into some clothing and checked the time. Thankfully it wasn't too late, though he still had some time before Abigail showed up. Squinting, he read the message he missed from Arc and shot back a slow reply. @Arc::> "Don't worry about it. Got a cab. Going anywhere at nine? Curious." Stahl sent the message, turning to exit his small room. Heidi was definitely awake and not pleased to be trapped within her crib. Stahl quickly moved to the kitchen and threw open a few cabinets, searching for some delicious baby food to quell the furious child. Finding some after a short search, Stahl took a moment to unscrew the dingy metal cap and fetch a (relatively) clean spoon from one of the drawers. Finally prepared, Stahl booted a plastic chair towards the crib as he placed the food onto the ground momentarily. Heidi, seemingly happy she was getting some attention, waved her hands towards Stahl in what Stahl could only assume to be some sort of secret code language that meant she wanted to get out of the crib.

Lifting the child out of the oppressive crib, Stahl plopped down onto the chair and carefully reached his free hand down to recover the food. The child didn't make this easy as she bounced about energetically in an effort to escape. Managing to succeed, Stahl quickly scooped out a small bit of what was supposed to be applesauce and the girl quickly chomped down on the spoon. With minimal fuss, Stahl secured a few moments of quiet and took a moment to think about what he was supposed to do today. He had a decent amount of time before he had to set off so he wasn't worried about being late. Abigail was on schedule to show up in a short while. Stahl couldn't shake the feeling something odd was going on, but as far as he could tell everything was going fine so far. Stahl briefly pondered on what he should bring to the meeting as he sat there feeding Heidi in the relative dimness of his apartment.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid.


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« Reply #164 on: <04-01-15/2229:07> »
Shortly upon her exiting the room, the overcast but bright light almost blinded her as she adjusted, grabbing her stuff and holding it to her as she shut the door behind her.  As she took a step, her comm blinked, indicating she had a message, which she then pulled up.

@Arc::> "Don't worry about it. Got a cab. Going anywhere at nine? Curious."

<<So far, nowhere, but I'll admit I'm a bit of a mess.  Think I got a little carried away, ehe...why, you needing a lift somewhere or summat?

She glanced at her clock and groaned a little.  She could swing by home for a change and run a pickup if he was in the Barrens...just.  It was Sunday, so traffic wouldn't be too bad in the morning... ah well.  Guess we'll have to see what happens...feel like I owe the guy, couldn't find his friend anyplace...frag it