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General Discussion / Re: Thomas Roxborough and cloning
« Last post by Tecumseh on <03-30-24/1448:18> »
Going to derail this thread to say:

Wak's back!

I know it happened earlier this month but I didn't notice you were posting again until just now.

(This post is my first in twelve months so I'm in a similar boat.)
General Discussion / Re: Cybereyes and DNI
« Last post by Xenon on <03-30-24/0859:51> »
Thank you for the answer.  Follow up question, would the trode work with glasses and contacts also?
Yes you can wireless connect everything while working in concert with DNI (which in this case is provided by trodes).

Wireless gun + wireless glasses or wireless contacts + wireless trodes.
This will enable all bonuses.

Contacts don't come with a universal access port so you can't connect them via a cable.
But you can run a cable between wireless disabled gun and wireless disabled glasses.
In this case you don't get any wireless bonuses (and in this case trodes are also not needed).
General Discussion / Re: Cybereyes and DNI
« Last post by FastJack on <03-30-24/0758:36> »
The trodes need to connect to the gun for the DNI. For contacts, they are strictly wireless, but it's up to your GM on the ruling. Personally, I'd probably allow it since I don't like punishing players too much...
General Discussion / Re: Cybereyes and DNI
« Last post by Bishophawk on <03-30-24/0602:31> »
Thank you for the answer.  Follow up question, would the trode work with glasses and contacts also?
General Discussion / Re: Thomas Roxborough and cloning
« Last post by Wakshaani on <03-26-24/1429:07> »
I need to doublecheck what book his return was supposed to be in, but it's recent. 

More when I have info.
General Discussion / Re: Thomas Roxborough and cloning
« Last post by mik212 on <03-26-24/1301:36> »
Just glad to get some confirmation to be honest. It was bugging the hell out of me. Thank you.

I'm relatively new to Shadowrun lore but this has been a long running plot thread hasn't it? A passing mention by a jackpointer talking about it in the past tense had me do a spit take.
General Discussion / Re: Thomas Roxborough and cloning
« Last post by Wakshaani on <03-26-24/1142:24> »
This is correct. A one-page story would have reintroduced him, but for some reason I'm not sure of, that page wasn't in the final product.

So, trying to find out if I can share it, since it was purchased and no longer mine. It doesn't *explain* it, but it sets it up.

(It was a set-up which would have gtten *so* many people talking. Gah.)
Errata / Re: Sixth World Companion errata
« Last post by Mycroft on <03-26-24/1012:34> »
What we set for for SRM was 29 Karma as the cost for Ghoul.
General Discussion / Re: Thomas Roxborough and cloning
« Last post by Michael Chandra on <03-26-24/0746:54> »
This is a bit of an old thread. But this plot line got a mention of a major update in Falling Points. Just a passing mention. I don't want be specific since I don't know how to get spoilers working on this forum.

But does anyone know where it talks more about it? It just casually throws it out there like it's already happened and I can't find it in the source books. Was this plot thread mentioned in a novel recently or something?
If I recall correctly from Discord, it might have been planned to have mentioned somewhere a few books ago but that fell through?
General Discussion / Re: Cybereyes and DNI
« Last post by Xenon on <03-26-24/0350:10> »
You need DNI to link your brains with devices.

This is needed to enter VR. It is also needed to send mental commands (instead of touching physical or virtual buttons and switches) which speed up use of devices (for example you gain free minor action while eject clip or change firing mode with firearms and smartguns and it also let you use many devices with a minor action instead of a major action). It also allow you to send longer and more complicated messages, about a paragraph worth of text as a minor action instead of a major action or instead of just a word or short phrase.

Eyes alone does not provide you with DNI.

To gain access to DNI you wear trodes or implant a datajack, cyberjack, control rig, commlink or cyberdeck.

You have two options on how to connect your smartgun system (smartgun + smartlink).

1. Either wireless disabled gun with a cable to wireless disabled smartgoggles (or to a datajack or equivalent in case of internal smartlink since eyes typically don't come with an universal access port). This option let you use the onboard camera to fire around corners, check current ammo type and level and see exact distance to your target.
2. Or wireless enabled smartgun via wireless connection to your wireless enabled smartgoggles or smarteyes while working in concert with DNI. In addition to the above, this option also provide you with a positive dice pool modifier while firing as well as minor action bonuses while reloading or changing firing mode.
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