[5e IC] Circles of Power [2076 Game Thread]

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« Reply #195 on: <05-18-15/1935:46> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

<<@Prime team: Snow: Please tell me you did just shut down the whole building, if not, we got a problem. In that case this just became a race. I won't tamper with the garage but instead try to find the Doctor and pull him somewhere safe before the opposition gets here.>>

<<Kemo sabe, it done been a race. Only thing different now is we know we's losin'.>>

<<@ all: I need to know asap where the target is. I'm heading for the first storey. That's second floor for you Americans.>>

<<Snow said his office is in the southwest buildin' onna fourth floor. That's third fer you limeys. Stay in touch, we's comin' ta git ya. We'll link up or else at least distract the sons o' bitches, or more'n likely both.>>

He shut down the Beamer, hauled the back doors of the van open and yelled, "Ever'body in, other rides stayin' here, we move now."

Approaching Daddy, he gave the mage a nudge. "Scoutin's done, amigo, time ta mount up."

Then, as he climbed behind the wheel of the van, he called Duke: <<We goin' in now. Need countersnipin' over our entry point. Watch fer anything from that pub across the street, new guy kin help ya spot.>>


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« Reply #196 on: <05-18-15/1954:51> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

Snow was standing before the host of the Mathematics Institute, he could see the datatap backdooring access to the Maglock and was slipping bits of code in when it suddenly disappeared... not just the lock, but the entire host! He quickly shoots a message to the entire primary team, the DNI and hotsim letting anyone receiving with simsense know just how rattled the orc decker is.

<Snow Crash to primary extraction team> [That was not me chummers, looks like the other extraction team just crashed the entire host server fragging hell I am so fragging glad I was not in that thing, or I'd have flat lined, fraggit! First Crash 2.0 and now fragging this! It's go time people, and I mean NOW! Anyone boots on the ground, make a run for the door and join Isaint. I've pinged the location of out mark's office, Southwest building, 3rd floor, yes that's British 3rd floor. *A red ping mark pulses in the building layout plan they have been using*. Isaint, do you want me boots on the ground? Or remain here in the Matrix? Either way Al, if you're driving to the extraction point here's access to my car's autopilot *Extends 3 marks from his Ford Americar to Al's comlink* Overwatch team, can you spot anyone else moving into the building? I know you can't see every entrance but you might get lucky.]

Before even waiting for a reply he sends another short message and make a matrix search for the opposing team, knowing full well without any real information to go on it's an almost futile task, but hotsimmed as he is will take almost no time.

<Snow Crash to all teams> [It's go time people, the other extraction team on the primary has made their move. Be on your toes, they crashed the Maths Institute's host completely so they've either got good connections, a supernova-hot decker or they've been planning this a lot longer than we have.]

[spoiler]Matrix perception check. Searching for hidden comlinks, cyberdecks and RCCs.
Computer 6 + Intuition 5 + Perceptive 1 + Hot Sim 2 - Running Silent 2
Matrix Perception test: 12d6t5 5 hits
Data Processing limit 5[/spoiler]
From To<<Matrix message>>


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« Reply #197 on: <05-18-15/2007:29> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

Well this certainly makes things more interesting with a nod to Al daddy pulls his ballistic mask down I'm Gonna back up saint

<<Isaint, I'm gonna keep the spell going until we actually have to tangle with the enemy team, I'm gonna join you to provide magical support Love Daddy>>

[spoiler]force 2 improved invisability
Results   11d6t5: 4 [11d6t5=3, 5, 5, 6, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 6]

[spoiler]Resist drain,
Results   10d6t5: 6 [10d6t5=5, 2, 5, 3, 3, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6]][/spoiler]

Daddy looks to the hanged spirit of man before hissing at him
Spirit, conceal me from prying eyes, until i say otherwise
[spoiler]1 service used, concealment power, magic 6[/spoiler]

With that daddy takes a peek in the astral to see what he can see before dashing across the open area, occasionally panning his head left and right looking for any other signs of movement, He will stop on just beside the door that Isaint just went through

<<To Duke, you seen anything on the other team?, Love Daddy>>
« Last Edit: <05-19-15/0813:50> by DrZombol »
RED = Thoughts
GREEN= Matrix
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« Reply #198 on: <05-18-15/2034:04> »
@daddy"I'm looking daddy im looking. like i said you see hostiles call em out and ill knock em down if i can get sight on em."
"Speech" Matrix Thought Astral


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« Reply #199 on: <05-18-15/2308:28> »
The half hour had passed in relative silence as Sarah mentally prepared herself, meditating out the half-hour. "It's time. Let's get this started." she said when the time came.
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« Reply #200 on: <05-19-15/0106:39> »
Isaint practically flew up the steps.
<<@Snow: Acknowledged. If you can guarantee that our ride will be there when we go out, you are welcome. But maybe you want to stay in hotsim and keep an eye out for any drones the opposition might send - not to mention the spiders that will descent on the downed host.
@Daddy: Good. Take care not to trip the ward. We don't want magical corp sec here - at least not for now.
@Duke&Jackhammer: Welcome to the team. My gut tells me that they will approach through the garage now that the host is down. Expect some heavy artillery. Someone who takes out a host most likely has other heavy hitters.
@Al: Same as for Daddy: I left the door open for you. Try to secure the stairs down to the basement. Stun grenades are fair game.>>

Invest one Karma in Leadership to support Daddy passing through the ward:
Leadership: 4d6t5 0  [4d6t5=1, 4, 1, 4]
Yeah, well. it's no glitch yet. Probably should work on that...

« Last Edit: <05-19-15/0112:03> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #201 on: <05-19-15/0302:39> »
The chatter the Frenchman was hearing wasn't good but he let his new teammates handle the arising issues. There was little him and Mel could do at this time outside of speeding up with the extraction. There was no time to waste.

Negative. Do you have a visual? And who's the Lady getting all the attention?

The Frenchman was keeping an eye on the crowd trying to identify the Wife but his full attention was elsewhere. Through brief inhaling he let the scents in the room fill up his sophisticated olfactory system. As the various scents were being analyzed he focused on detecting the familiar and distinctive one of firearm and bullets. He was trying to pinpoint the armed people and analyze their positioning in the room.

[spoiler]Detection of Firearms via Olfactory Boosters: 19d6t5 9

Looking for Rachel the Wife: 11d6t5 3
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #202 on: <05-19-15/0812:53> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

Spirit, begon until i call upon thee once more daddy whispered before gritting his teeth and attempting to slip through the barrier, Slipping his sight into the astral and looking closer at the hazy wall before attempting to find his way through

[spoiler]press through mana barrier, using edge (Cha+mag+edg)
Results   13d6t5: 5 [13d6t5=5, 5, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 3, 1, 4, 6, 6, 2]
exploding die3d6t5: 0 [3d6t5=1, 1, 1], well thats lovely  [/spoiler]

With a breath daddy looked back at the wall, wiping some sweat from his head Damn, I really hope we are as slick as we think getting past that

<<Isaint, I'm in following the markers on the map and bringing up your 6>>

Daddy quickly made his way up of the stairs indicated by his map as quietly as he could
[spoiler]Stealth Stealth: 8d6t5 5
Results   8d6t5: 5 [8d6t5=6, 5, 4, 1, 6, 6, 6, 2[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <05-19-15/0815:55> by DrZombol »
RED = Thoughts
GREEN= Matrix
BLUE= Speech


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« Reply #203 on: <05-19-15/0839:02> »
[Wednesday June 17th, 2076, ~23:30, Various Locations, Oxford]

@Main Team [Al, Snow Crash, Isaint, Daddy, Duke, Jackhammer]:

Well it’s all happening now!  Isaint can hear the quiet hum of a cleaner drone as it winds its way through the atrium spaces – apparently it isn’t taking direct control from the host.  Checking with the AR map display he can see that he will need to cross the central link to get to the southwest building and it’s awfully exposed, thankfully the invisibility spell is still cloaking him… Daddy and Al can be heard coming in behind now that the sec systems have been disabled along with the host.

From their vantage points on the Observatory Jackhammer and Duke have a clear view of the north side of the institute and the garage entry point and unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, there seems to be little action here…

From Snow’s location in the matrix he gets a clear view into the institute and the small number of active wireless devices inside.  Also, almost as expected, he briefly gets a view of a number of hidden icons that have no business being there before a blanket of noise does its best to jam the airwaves…fraggers are already inside!  They must have been there from before you lot arrived!

@Randolph Team [Mel, Solo, Frenchman]:

There, your target comes into view at one end of the palatial ball room talking quietly with a number of her fellow guests.  The decadence in this place is almost appalling and the sooner you can be clear of it the better, particularly with the situation developing to the north of you…the Frenchman’s senses are particularly assailed with the fragrances of the bodies, the copious amounts of alcohol, but very little that might indicate an armed presence…

@North Oxford Team [Smiley, Tobis, Hallucination]:

Tobis’ digital claws easily track the location of the small host in the residence and a number of ‘links matching the known number of people in the house…but one of them is moving and triangulation puts it somewhere outside the perimeter of the property.  From the speed its moving it will shortly be out of easy tracking range…speeding south, towards the centre of town…

Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #204 on: <05-19-15/1122:34> »
Here she is! Thought Solo...
With a few subtle AR movements he typed.
<<Mel ,Frenchman... My spirit is ready if deplomacy fails... get her to swap clothes with Mel... and lets depart... Frenchman... You seem strong so lets keep it simple if we are discovered grab the wife and run... with some magic you are as fast as a car. Just keep yourself on artificial surfaces. I will slow them down with Mel but I hope we get a clean getaway...>>
« Last Edit: <05-19-15/1124:14> by gilga »


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« Reply #205 on: <05-19-15/1713:56> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

Al watched Daddy disappear (literally) as he ran off on foot. Starting the van up, an offhand glance at his windscreen heads-up reminded him of he vehicle elevator accessing the car park. Shit. Power down didn't just disable locks, it killed hydraulics.

This sort of crap was why he didn't believe in even bothering with plans.

He grabbed his Remmie 950, his builder's ruck, and his go-bang go-bag, then told Spike to watch the van and locked the dog inside.

In his Ford, Snow was dead the world - the real world, anyway. Al had his microtransceiver slaved to his Fairlight, and he spoke into the mic on his collar: <<Snow baby, ya stay or come with, yer call. Me, I don't reckon these chumps got a decker at all - if they did they'd'a been able to play that buildin' a whole lot quieter than jist pullin' the damned plug, which I can name five or six ways I could do myself jist off'n the top o' my head. Reckon yer more useful inna meat, but up to you, amigo.>>

And he ran as fast as his little legs could carry him for the math shack, prayin' to the voodoo gods that that boy Duke was doin' his job.

Once he was through the door, he acknowledged Isaint's order about the basement access: <<Little change o' plan, actually. With the vehicle elevator down, we's hoofin' it on outta here. Basement's outta the equation. Reckon I'll follow ya on up, maybe keep a bit o' distance though.>>

And with that he took a path not quite through the middle of the atrium lobby, conscious that - unlike his teammates - he was not in fact invisible. That could probably be arranged by his voodoo patrons, but he needed to save his strength.

Moving for the stairs through the dim glow of the emergency lighting, he realized this place was a nightmare - there were a million spots a person could hit you from, what with all the glass and open spaces, elevated walkways and weird structural angles. A glance at the exterior glass told him it was probably one-way. As he moved up the stairs toward the fourth floor, he spoke to Duke: <<Things go to hell in here, I'll try to break out some of this glass exterior, give you a line of sight ta support us in here.>>


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« Reply #206 on: <05-19-15/1800:19> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team
Isaint had reached the 3rd level when he heard Al's answer:
<<Doesn't mean they aren't hiding in the basement, just waiting to swarm up like a bunch of cockroaches. But do as you see fit, as long as you have a safe firing position>>

He took a moment to orient himself. Well, time to gear up: He took out the mask and fit it over his glasses. The SecureTec protectors were already in place as well as the forearm guards. His Fairlight told him that massive noise had started to polute the airwaves. Well, that was a game two could play:
<<@Primary Extraction Team: I'm activating my area jammer now, please find attached the exemption codes for your gear. Also don't worry: My coat has fresnel upgrades, that should be enough to punch through enemy jamming. If nothing else works, use microtranceivers. I'll leave a pair under the little bonsai by the stairs on level 3.>>

After he had done as he had said, he again run in the direction, Al and Snow had given him.
« Last Edit: <05-19-15/1802:35> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #207 on: <05-19-15/1815:28> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

<<Copy on the codes, and moving my micros to your designated freq - the ones under the tree are your'n Daddy-o.>>

Topping the flight on the second level up, Al realized he was out of breath and lit a cigarette. Allowed himself three puffs and then dropped it so that it fell all the way down to ground level - couldn't make it too easy for them.

Isaint was right - he didn't know where the other two were, and couldn't see them. He'd do better to provide an interior overwatch.

<<Ahmina set up here on level 2, put eyes on the basement entrance an' on a couple of the stairways in this damned maze.>>

Looking around, it was easy to find a position with some protection overlooking the atrium, the door to the basement, and a few of the myriad stairways. But it was conversely impossible to find anywhere he couldn't likewise be shot at from a dozen angles…he looked, listened, and thought about what he'd said to Duke earlier.


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« Reply #208 on: <05-19-15/1852:50> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford Local Grid. Primary Extraction Team

Snow Crash's digital persona grins in triumph for a moment before  it's suddenly cut off with a snarl.

<Snow Crash to primary extraction team> [Alright, I got good news, bad news, and worse news. The good news is I got a glimpse of the other extraction team's icons. The bad news is they're already inside. The worse news is they're jamming me so I can't do much ATM. I'm going to remain hidden here in the Matrix and try and pinpoint their jammer, with a bit of a push I might be able to locate and trash it.]

Taking the jammer authorization key from Isaint he hangs around near Al, although he'll need everything he can to locate a jammer he keeps hidden so as to try and not reveal his presence.

[spoiler]Matrix Perception: Locate source of jamming signal, secondary info looking for what grid it is running on.
Computers 6 + intuition 5 + Perceptive 1 + Hot Sim 2 - Running Silent 2
Noise: Datajack Wireless bonus -1, Signal Scrubber program -2
Searching for Jammer: 12d6t5 5 hits
Data Processing limit 5[/spoiler]
From To<<Matrix message>>


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« Reply #209 on: <05-19-15/1928:30> »
[Tobbis -Wednesday June 17th, 2076 - At  Manor in his Jackrabbit with Sarah - Kid Extraction team - Current condition 2 Stun damage - in VR in Hot-Sim

To Smiley, Hallucenation << Alright I have movement, Something has recently just left manor is heading south. Do you think one of you two can check it? I currently do not see too much of anything else in the manor, If the two kids are in there, then we'll go after them and it will be a lot easier than breaking into the manor. Good things come to those who wait after all.>>

To All <<Be Advised that we've currently got movement from the manor heading south that has left just before we started to move in. It may be our target, or may be additional security for one of the two down there>>

[spoiler]19th Post
We'll do a matrix perception on the thing leaving to collect the information on it.
Matrix Percpetion thing going south: 13d6t5 4

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