Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #3045 on: <03-17-16/2335:28> »
Feathers nods listening to Anders, "The kid is smart. I was kidnapped out of my home after I told Sam I wanted out. Maybe I should have stayed in. That way someone would have known to look for me. But, when I woke up in that cell Anders was acting crazy, and the guards had some scientist taking notes. And he was screaming. And every so often he would look at me when he shouted a word. I figured out the look with the word signaled the message. Kinda like a skip code. Basically told me we lived if they thought they could study us. But the Stardust did way more for me. It really did make me more powerful. Opened my eyes to a different dimension of magic. I'm going to go to an old friend of mine who teaches so that he can help me explore this. And right now I want you all to look after Anders. His effect may be delayed. And while I doubt he remembers it, one time the crazy wasn't acting. I know I had a lot more episodes when mine wasn't, mostly because I'd wake up sometimes and he'd be looking at me funny. And the note-takers would be looking afraid, or excited or smug." Feathers holds up a hand to forestall any arguments. "I'm not talking baby-sitting. Like I said, kid is smart. He can put two and two together and come up with a plan. And he's tough. And he's going to need a friend. And he's to new to Seattle to have any." He turns to look at Anders, "And I'm not talking you as a charity case. These guys get into more trouble walking down the street than any ten people get into in their entire lives, they're going to need your help as much as you'll need theirs, more probably." He looks around, "But, right now that's enough speechifying. I'm hungry enough to eat burned soybars. How 'bout ordering a dozen pizza's. I still got a little cred and just getting out calls for a party."
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3046 on: <03-18-16/0059:17> »
Yelena holds onto Marco's hand during the cab ride.  She gets out to pick up Firefly, making sure that she is sitting in the middle.  This will need to be worked out some time, but tonight is about Feathers, not about making peace or causing problems.  She looks at the young decker mage and says, "Firefly good?  Yelena worry when not answer texts.  Need Yelena help?"

Marco bribes the cabbie enough to get them to the garage instead of needing to walk the last three blocks in the snow.  Yelena gathers the shadow about her as she steps from the car and looks up at the sign over the large door.  To her, it does seem a bit like a home that she never had.  Pushing the door open, the three are bombarded by the noise of a party going on.  Several Howlers are present, mostly surrounding Feathers.  Yelena makes a bee line to the old man and stops in front of him.  "Yelena glad see Feathers.  Yelena never gave up hope.  Welcome back."

Yelena moves around and embraces Arc.  She looks around as she goes to get a bottle of the good stuff.  Pouring a shot, she taps it and slams it back and pours a second.  She takes a slice of pizza and goes up to Arc.  "So who new man, Srui?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3047 on: <03-18-16/0129:47> »
Realizing that she hardly had enough satisfying grub in the house to serve the present company...along with the impending company to come, Arc had taken the liberty of ordering pizza from the usual place that delivers here...they likely had the address on file already, making sure to order enough to go around.  At the end, the human gave a little smile and straightened up, offering a salute of her cyberhand.  "Null shweat, omae.  Already got that drek on the way, you can reimburshe me."  she paused, listening to his words about Anders...raising a brow at his call to bring the young man into the fold.

Looking between the two, she sighed, and lowered her head, smirking.  "Well, he's kinda right there.  This arm's lessh than two months old, and I've been cooked more timesh than I care to remember.  So yeah, we may get into drek.  But hey, we got our reashons, don't we Feathers?"  She scratched her head, sighing as she eased back against a workbench, arms crossed under her chest.  "Problem is, we ain't gonna be around for a bit startin' next week...job outta town, and Yelena's got the deets.  And the final shay on who comes along, as it's her contact setting us up."  Her expression became grim, and it was clear there were details she was leaving out, but she sighed.

"If he shtuck out with ya, I'll take your word..he seems decent enough, and just the right kinda loco to roll with us.  I'll let her decide...but in the meantime..."  Knocking at the door signaled the pizza had arrived, and the Howlers were more than happy to load it in while Arc paid.  An interlude to serve everyone followed, Arc messing with the music player to play something off her playlist...just happened to be Ensiferum at the time.  It wasn't long after that Yelena, Marco, and Firefly arrived.  Offering her hugs to those who wanted em, the mechanic flashed a toothy grin before answering the white-haired she-elf.

"Yelena, this is Anders.  Dude helped get Feathers outta the Dusht.  Apparently he's pretty good.  Here's the deal, though.  Feathers wantsh' us to take him in.  But we headin' out in a week or so.  I mentioned a bit about our job, but dunno if he should come along, ya know?  Whaddya think?  Think your boy will even be down with it?"


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« Reply #3048 on: <03-18-16/0522:18> »
Marco was a bit at unease at the existence of an actual cabbie, but there was no other way to get a cab into the Barrens - the automated ones would not come and flesh and blood people could be negotiated with. He smiled at Firefly when she entered and greeted her. "You look, better, how do you feel?" he asked.  Once at Arc's Marco warmly hugs her and say "you look stunning" to a shape changer such as Marco permanent cosmetics seemed a bit odd - but he could relate for the apparent need to belong and these tusks seemed to be popular with that crowd.

« Last Edit: <03-18-16/1317:41> by gilga »


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« Reply #3049 on: <03-18-16/1721:21> »
Despite wanting to interject throughout Feathers' regalement, Anders kept quiet as the older man talked.  Listening to each point being added onto with another of equal validation.  The wizened mage was right in many regards.  Anders spent more time learning the language and studying old runic magic than he did running the shadows.  Jobs and contracts weren't exactly lining up at his front door, he'd need all the help he could get.  Even if it came from the unlikeliest of allies.

Another pang of hunger reverberates inside of Anders' stomach once the old codger mentioned pizza.  He places a hand on his abdomen and rubs his empty belly in anticipation.  Anders looks up at Arc and the others in slight embarrassment at the sounds of his grumbling stomach.  Passively waiting for the food to get here as he waits in patient silence.  It wasn't long before the food got here, along with another guest.  This time a pale-haired elf woman enters the garage and hugs the short tusked mechanic.  They embrace each other like dear friends, making Anders a bit uncomfortable, like he was yet again invading their privacy.

The motley crew start chowing down together, with Anders eating half a box by himself.  Arc and the elf called Yelena start talking about what to do with Anders while he eats.  After chewing up and swallowing a few mouthfuls of pizza, he interrupts them.  "What exactly are you looking for?  Because whatever it is, i'm sure I can handle it."  Again his foreign heritage bleeds through the well spoken statements, making it difficult to mask that he isn't from around here.
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« Reply #3050 on: <03-18-16/1954:20> »
Earlier this week:

This will be my make or break moment, I think to myself outside the nondescript Redmond building where several of the Seattle Yakuza bosses have their offices.  Like is the case with other "upper class" crime rings, the Seattle Yak, like their counterparts in the home islands, have completely legitimate fronts.  These are businesmen who can hobnob with politicians and even Knight Errent executives.

I look down at myself to make sure my outfit hasn't been unsettled by my ride here on the bus and light rail line.  It had been an uneventful trip and, for once, I didn't get strange looks from some of my fellow passengers.  Likely this is because I am not wearing my usual abaya or even my hijab.  In an effort to fit in better and demonstrate my willingness to become more useful to my employer in the future, I decided that my "business face" needed to be more traditional Japanese.  In my crisp western pant suit I could be any mid-level Nipongin sarariwomen if you overlooked my slightly more prominant nose and wider eyes than were normal for a Yamato Japanese.  In my nervousness I smooth the grey fabric of my jacket, stand up straight, and make my way into the reception area of building.

Despite having an appointment, I am not surprised to be kept waiting past my scheduled time.  Even if George is wasting time with a video game, which I'm sure he isn't, he'll keep me waiting a little bit just to emphasize the value of his time over mine.  That's fine since I am the one who insisted on a face to fact meeting.  I respect his need to make sure I recognise who is the boss here.

After not terribly long a wait, George's personal assistant comes down to retrieve me.  She's older than me - close to my mother's age if she were still alive.  As expected, she was dressed very similarly to me in a slightly different color.  It had been her that I patterned my outfit on, after all.  The Korean woman's right eye raises just a smidge as she takes my current appearance in.  She doesn't exactly smile, but I can feel her approval in her gaze.  It doesn't last long, though, as she becomes all business and leads me to the office I have come to know well.

George is behind his desk.  He doesn't rise as I enter, simply nodding to me to approach.  I take it as a good sign that there is a chair before the desk clearly situated for a single visitor.  I make my way to the chair, bow to George as I had been taught since infancy, and settle into the chair sitting forward with my hands politely folded one atop the other in my lap.

"Thank you for making time in your busy schedule to see me, Ishikawa-sama.  I'll respect your time by getting right to the point.  You and my father knew each other for a long time and worked together many times.  He valued those experiences and in the short time we had after the betrayal and before I fled Singapore he impressed upon me the importance of developing a similar relationship with you when I arrived here.  I feel in order to build such a relationship with you, first I need to stand on my own feet.  Disposing of my debt to the agents you directed me to has been my top priority.  Only then could I begin my career here in Seattle in control of my own destiny - able to work for you of my own unfettered will."  I pull out a cred stick and lean forward to place it on the desk.  "On this credstick is 49,500 nuyen which covers my principle plus all interest through the end of this month.  That should settle my loan."  I then place another credstick on the desk.  "This contains 5,000 nuyen for the lessons we discussed.  5,000 is a small price to prepare for earning my own place in the organization.  I don't need a loan forcing my hand to know that this is where I belong for the foreseeable future.  That said, I need the lessons to start about six or eight weeks from now as I will be working a consulting job for someone who is totally unrelated to your associate's interests.  Once I get back, I am eager to discover ways that I can apply my skills to be ever more valuable."

Now I can only wait to see how he reacts to my words.


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« Reply #3051 on: <03-18-16/2151:16> »
Current time:

Firefly, dressed in a loose sweater and sweats likely over her jumpsuit and her hijab around her face, gets into the car next to Yelena.  "I've been settling my business before we leave," is all she says to Yelena's inquiry.  She doesn't seem disturbed by Marco's presence, rather she seems distant to both of them.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3052 on: <03-19-16/0323:20> »
Yelena looks the man over and likes what she sees.  She also recognizes the look of hunger in his face and his eyes.  "Name Anders?  Is Yelena.  Yelena Petrovna.  Are Scandinavian?  Perhaps Norwegian?  I have some skill in Norwegian if want talk that.  Do you know Greater Europe?  How much want work?  Yelena has much dangerous job.  Not sure what Anders man do?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3053 on: <03-19-16/1051:16> »
Listening to Yelena speak wasn't that much different to how he used to talk a few years ago.  Perhaps the conversation would go smoother if they tried another language.  Anders coughs lightly and clears his throat before saying.  "Hilsener Yelena, mitt navn er Anders Morstad.  Jeg har aldri vært hvor som helst utenfor Oslo, med unntak av de siste årene. Så nei, jeg vet ikke mye om de andre deler av Europa.  Jeg er ikke ventet mye penge .  Kanskje 5000 eller 6000 for å dekke et par måneders husleie.  Jeg er en anstendig Prowler og jeg er flink til å raskt å snakke meg ut av en dårlig situasjon.  Jeg er også en mage hvis det interesserer deg."

[spoiler]Greetings Yelena, my name is Anders Morstad.  I've never been anywhere outside of Oslo, except for the past few years.  So no, I don't know much about the other parts of Europe.  I'm not expecting a lot of money.  Maybe 5000 or 6000 to cover a couple months of rent.  I'm a decent prowler and i'm adept at fast talking my way out of a bad situation.  I'm also a mage if that interests you.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <03-19-16/1158:55> by Mulcarn »
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« Reply #3054 on: <03-19-16/1056:28> »
@ Subaru  George's eyebrow raises and he says, "That much cred at one time says a very dangerous job. A very high profile job if one knows the right circles to ask the questions in. And while you say that it is for a job that has nothing to do with us, betrayal always pays very well. And a story of desiring to be more valuable and continue your employment with us sounds well. But, your pride means you first pay off your debt so that you do not betray your owner." He looks at you very coldly. "I am going to have you checked, very thoroughly checked. You may be a talented child, but, so was your mother and they still planted evidence under her very nose within her own files. If there is evidence of betrayal I will find it, and your life will be nothing. But, as of right now your contacts and your association with us is terminated. You are dead to us. It remains to be seen if your worthless life may continue."
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3055 on: <03-19-16/1135:05> »
Yelena smiles at Anders and nods her head.  "Takk, Anders Morstad. Dette er mer behagelig for meg, ja. Jeg levde og elsket i Oslo for fem år. Det var flere år siden, så du kan Tilgi meg hvis jeg oversette noe dårlig. Jeg trenger ikke å gå inn i hele mitt liv, men jeg vil si at det har vært langt fra feilfri. Er det et godt ord.......uberørte? Det vil gjøre. Jeg var en del av en kriminell organisasjon basert på brotherhood og familie. Vi ble forrådt av en av våre egne. En rolle med å bryte de helligste av løfter. Jeg, meg selv ble drept og kastet den iskalde elva. Bare jeg ikke dø. Familien min ble ødelagt og jeg forsvant. En bekjent fra den tid har funnet meg og forteller meg om plasseringen av denne forræderen. Jeg går til Polen for å drepe henne og gjøre ting riktig for død familie. Mine venninner kommer til å hjelpe. Jeg kan love minst 10000 hvis du kommer, men forræder er smart og har en stor gruppe av underordnede og vil ikke vil dø. Det vil være farlig å drepe henne. Jeg drepe med skytevåpen, men vet at magi er ikke den samme for alle. Hva gjør du?

[spoiler]Thank you, Anders Morstad.  This is more comfortable for me, yes.  I lived and loved in Oslo for five years.  It was a number of years ago, so please forgive me if I translate something poorly.  I do not need to go into my entire life, but I will say that it has been far from pristine.   Is that a good word.......Pristine?  It will do.  I was part of a criminal organization based on brotherhood and family.  We were betrayed by one of our own.  A matter of breaking the most sacred of oaths.  I, myself, was killed and thrown to the icy river.  Only I did not die.  My family was destroyed and I disappeared.  An associate from that time has found me and tells me of the location of this traitor.  I go to Poland to kill her and make things right for dead family.  My companions are coming to help.  I can promise at least 10000 if you come, but traitor is smart and has large group of subordinates and will not want to die.  It will be dangerous to kill her.  I kill with guns, but know that magic is not the same for everyone.  What sort do you do?[/spoiler]
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3056 on: <03-19-16/1157:59> »
Anders grins back somewhat abashed.  Running a few fingers through his hair to straighten it in place.  "Vel da, det er ganske interessant fortelling. Jeg beklager å høre om alt dette. Du er norsk er veldig bra for øvrig. Men glem det. Jeg vet ikke hvordan ting gjøres i gjenger eller brorskap, men det høres ut for meg at denne kvinnen krysset en grense hun ikke burde. Ti tusen Nuyen er rimelig for hva du spør. Jeg er flink med våpen også, pistoler for å være nøyaktig. Og jeg burde vært mer tydelig når jeg sier at jeg er en mage. Jeg er ikke en ekte trollmann, jeg er en aspected tryllekunstner. Jeg kan ikke slynge staver eller utføre store ritualer. Men jeg kan tilkalle og forvise ånder med relativ letthet."

[spoiler]Well then, that's quite the interesting tale.  I'm sorry to hear about all of that.  You're norwegian is very good by the way.  But nevermind that.  I don't know how things are done in gangs or brotherhoods, but it sounds to me that this woman crossed a line she shouldn't.  Ten thousand nuyen is reasonable for what you're asking.  I'm good with guns too, pistols to be exact.  And I should have been more clear when I said that i'm a mage.  I'm not a true mage, i'm an aspected conjurer.  I can't sling spells or perform big rituals.  But I can summon and banish spirits with relative ease.[/spoiler]
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3057 on: <03-19-16/1239:15> »
Yelena looks over to where Marco is standing then back to Anders.  "En summoner? Jeg kjenner en summoner av brennevin. Kan du forlate innen et par dager? Vi forlater snart og jeg vil sørge for at det finnes en plass for deg. Og andre vil må bli enige. Men du var en hjelp til fjær og som er en meget bra ting til meg. Deres til slutten av festen, og vi kan snakke mer."

[spoiler]A summoner?  I know a summoner of spirits.  Can you leave within a few days?  We are leaving soon and I would have to make sure there is a space for you.  And others would need to agree.  But you were a help to Feathers and that is a very good thing to me.  Stay to end of party and we can talk more.[/spoiler]
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3058 on: <03-19-16/1252:09> »
Marco texted Firefly ">>Think you can find out who this guy Yelena is talking really is - you did wonders with Dana without even reading her mind. I have a feeling he'll be joining us.'  Marco did not know Norwegian but from what little he heard from English and his astonishing capability to learn the basics of each language in just a few hours meant that he had a vogue idea what they were talking about. It was no time to get happy. With the amount of foreign agents interested in that club he could literally be anyone. To himself he thinks - "wonders with data but we totally misunderstood her motivations and psychological state, that one was on me - but gosh things got hard."
« Last Edit: <03-19-16/1253:43> by gilga »


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« Reply #3059 on: <03-19-16/1304:42> »
The Ensiferum track was coming to end, similar to the conversation.  He grabs a few more slices of pizza from a nearby box and says.  "Min tradisjon har svært gamle røtter og er ikke allment praktisert. Men hvis Summoner venn er hermetisk, så vi kan komme sammen pent. Jeg skal være skikket til å forlate i tid, ikke bekymre deg. Å se hvor det er virksomheten din og løp, vil jeg la deg bestemme hva som er best. Du og din venn Feathers ikke skylder meg noe. Bare slik at du vet at du ikke er forpliktet til å ta meg sammen."

[spoiler]My tradition has very old roots and is not commonly practiced.  But if your summoner friend is hermetic, then we might get along nicely.  I'll be fit to leave in time, don't worry.  Seeing as how it's your business and your run, i'll let you decide what's best.  You and your friend Feathers don't owe me anything.  Just letting you know that you aren't obligated to bring me along.[/spoiler]
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