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« Reply #3015 on: <03-08-16/0756:24> »
Arc tilted her head with a little shrug at the questions, feet kicking idly as they hung off the side of the bed.  "Yeh, Jed wash here.  Dude got really worried aboutcha, but didn't want to dishturb ya.  I think he be working with Marco on shome mojo shtuff for a beat.  He'sh got a little rat bike he wantsh me to reshtore, but that'sh about it."

Trailing off for a moment, Arc looked down at her hands as she formed words in her head, looking a little disoriented for a moment.  "Huu...Ain't nothing we can do about thish trouble now.  Tomorrow I'll shtart getting the word out.  With thish upgrade, I'll have the time, hehe.  We can shee what happensh from there..."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3016 on: <03-08-16/0819:33> »
Yelena nods at Arc.  The pair settle into a short conversation, but are interrupted by the doctor making a last check and the nurse with the discharge papers to sign.  When she mentions taking a cab back to the garage for some things then going to see Marco, Arc offers Yelena a ride instead.  Yelena shakes her head.  "No Srui.  Yelena not sure enough yet.  Yelena balance bad.  Might fall of bike on turn.  Cause accident.  Yelena take cab.  Arc go rigger man.  Call later."

Yelena signs all the discharge forms and leaves the hospital, letting Arc push her to the main entrance in a wheelchair.  The two bid a very fond farewell and Arc takes off.  Yelena watches her go and smiles.  Real friends are irreplaceable.  The cab comes to pick her up and she takes it as far as possible, slowly walking the three blocks to the garage, where she checks to see if Firefly is in.  The young decker mage is not about so Yelena leaves a note for her, barely recognizing her own handwriting.  Tearing up the note, she leaves a text for her instead, telling Firefly to contact Yelena as soon as she could.  After packing some clothes and a few essentials, Yelena walks back to where she can catch a cab to Marco's apartment building.  She shows her ID to the doorman and the security guard in the lobby before being allowed on the elevator.

Once in the apartment, Yelena takes her clothes into the bedroom and puts them away in the closet and bureau, putting her shower essentials in the bathroom.  She returns to the living room and sits to wait for Marco after setting the sound system to play some soft sax music.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3017 on: <03-09-16/1907:33> »
That evening was a busy one, Marco went home and got into the shower. There was not much time to sleep, at sunset a new magical period begun and Jed wanted to bind a spirit. Marco could not afford to miss it. The opportunity to learn from an experienced mage was rare in Seattle.  Long time ago, Marco was a brilliant mage, he was only 12 and already got accepted to the most prestigious Church program. ‘Special Training’. In order to be accepted Marco demonstrated competence with two magical skills from two different magical schools. At the age of 12 Marco already knew how to summon spirits and showed clear potential toward spellcasting. He was the youngest mage ever to be admitted to Special Training -  7 years of magical education proved effective.

He had accepted the fact that his family has given him to the Church. Marco felt as if he could adopt to that idea and accept it over time. After all, he was a man of God in a religion of forgiveness. These were difficult life, with little love and emotional affection was proportional to the amount of potential you showed. His sacrifice was to learn how to use divine powers that can make the world a better place and Marco could find comfort in that.

Marco was very proud at his first day of ‘Special Training’.  “I am going to be like the saints! ” He thought ecstatically and took some deep breath to calm his anticipation as he waited to the program leader to have his speech. That speech was terrible and Marco will forever remember the first time he heard Gabriel use awful phrase:  “Sword of the Lord” to describe their destiny.  At that moment Marco grew pale and thought: “No kindness, no charity, no curing illness - just death...” Marco felt worse the more Gabriel continued talking. .  “To murder people is one thing, but to do so in the name of the Lord is the worst thing I can imagine” He thought.

There was no way out, nothing to be done - what was learned could not be unlearned. Marco had to survive one of the most violent of the Church’s institutions. An education system aimed in taking him from a naive tween to a devoted assassin.  For a pacifist person such as Marco it was a nightmare, Magic suddenly became profane and Marco quickly fell out of grace.  In the six years to come, Marco have not acquired a single additional magical skill out of the holy eleven.

Surviving in this harsh education required a lot of mental strength, surviving it as a pacifist required supernatural mental stability. Magic became an anathema in his eyes and Marco was terrified to advance his knowledge of it. He felt as if he should keep all his magic inside so that he does not hurt people with it.

In one of the theology classes Marco asked a simple question "Can Satan be redeemed?" -
"Off course not! he is ultimate evil" said the teacher dismissing the question. Marco thought: "But he was an angel and Christ died for him as well - if Satan embraces Christ,  why can't he be redeemed? Will the Lord keep someone who amended his ways in hell? " Clearly common wisdom and Marco did not go so well together - but Marco felt as if he needed hope. "If Satan can be redeemed than so can all my friends... so can I... if he cannot than perhaps there is no hope at all." .

It was few days after that conversation that Marco met Agrat, knowing what she was the queen of Daemons.  More ancient than Satan himself. Instead of running away, praying or attempting to banish her Marco spoke to her like to a person "Can you help me? I am being compelled against my own nature to be an assassin.  I do not want to spill blood -  I thought about suicide, but spilling my own blood is still murder. Please - I need some help." . Just saying these things - and to a Daemoness, it made Marco feel deep sadness. He felt completely exposed and vulnerable, an evil Daemoness could end him with some evil words Marco lowered all his defenses, he was desperate.  Agrat looked at him, she appeared as a naked lady and she embraced him. She hugged and comforted Marco, allowed him some much needed emotional release. Marco cried that entire night, embraced by a Daemoness only he could see.  Christianity saw Agrat as evil but Marco saw her as a mother or a lover. She was all about love and passion, how could she be evil?

Agrat loved Marco and encouraged him to find his inner strength. She helped Marco develop techniques to shield his personality from external manipulation. Agrat had a sharp mind that identified every logical contradiction in Marco's education. She explained Marco the manipulation in his techniques and encouraged Marco to try similar techniques himself.

Instead of studying magic - Marco studied from the methodology of delivering it - how the priests manipulated him and the others into believing things. Marco spent the next years dedicating his entire attention to HOW things were said, instead of WHAT was said. This is how Marco managed not to study a single magical skill in so many years of formal education. Being aware of the manipulation made Marco more resistant to it.It was not perfect and Marco had his breaking points and emotional scars, but he survived and was still pacifist.

Ironically, Marco had unlimited access to magical education but he never paid attention. Now access was gone and Marco wanted to learn, he was no longer mentored by Agrat and Jed came just in time to help him.  Marco would not miss an opportunity to study with Jed for the world.
« Last Edit: <03-09-16/1945:17> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3018 on: <03-12-16/1349:09> »
Yelena walks about the apartment while waiting, the soft jazz following her from room to room.  She considers, not for the first time, the odd sort of couple she and Marco make.  Everything she owns can be packed on the back of her Scorpion while Marco owns a great many very nice things.  She has no roots anywhere while he seems to have a well grounded sense of place.  Perhaps most telling is the nearly opposite relationship with death and killing that they have.  To Marco, Yelena must be part and parcel of the Great Evil he has been trained from birth to despise, yet he has professed his love for her.  She is certain that he would like her to change and will do his best to help her, but she is not sure that she can or wants to change.  She shakes her head; such thoughts are fruitless for a conversation between only one person and the wall so she pushes them back to be brought out when Marco is available. 

She removes three of her stealth camera tags from her gear and places one in the kitchen where it can see the door to the patio; a second one goes up outside the bedroom door oriented to be able to see anyone approaching the bedroom from the living room; and the third she takes with her back out to the hallway outside the apartment, where she carefully affixes it to the wall where it can survey who approaches Marco's suite.

Back in the apartment, she takes her weapons case to the dining nook and opens it, running her fingers lovingly over the wood and metal of the tools of her trade.  The fancy auto Cafpot chimes and she brings a steaming mug of real coffee to the table and takes a seat.  Removing a couple of well used rags from the case, she sets them on the table and closes her eyes, letting her fingers draw the smaller pistol from its foam resting place.  She disassembles it in seconds and is running the cleaning swabs and patches across its components, lifting various parts to her nose to draw in memories.  Her sensitive skin feels for any sort of wear and she smiles when she finds none.  Once cleaned, the pistol is reassembled and replaced in the case.  The pistol at her hip is next.  She has worn the Predator V for so long that she feels almost naked when she does not have it on her.  It goes through the same loving cleaning as its smaller sister and is returned to its resting place at her side.  The heavily modified Desert Strike is next, coming out of the case in its three major component groups.  She spends more time on the rifle than on either pistol, relishing the memories brought to her when she touches it.  Certainly she has had several of these in her hands over the years, but it is as if the memories transfer from one rifle to the next.  If she focuses, she can remember her first kills to her last.  She gave up forgetting a long time ago.  She is Yelena Petrovna.  She kills people.  To forget any of those people would be to demean them and her and she does not want to do that.  Any thoughts of regret for what she has done have disappeared into the void of the shadow.  She knows what she is and she will need to have some serious discussions with Marco on that.  It is possible that he will still want her in his life; she will see.  But that too is a discussion for more than one person and so she sends those thoughts away.

Once done with the rifle, Yelena cleans and inspects every round of ammunition in the case.  Once satisfied that all is as it should be, she puts all away and seals the case shut before finally opening her eyes.  She puts the weapons case in the second bedroom and takes her sax out to the patio.  A light snow is falling outside, barely enough to dust the ground, but enough to cover things with a soft blanket of white.  Yelena slips into her jacket and moves a chair onto the patio and sits under the cover of the eave.  She runs through several scales before starting to play whatever comes to mind, losing herself in the playing.
« Last Edit: <03-12-16/1427:43> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

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« Reply #3019 on: <03-12-16/1522:28> »
Yelena's playing is interrupted by the chime of the apartment door bell.  She leaves the patio, sliding the door closed as she does.  Taking her sax with her, she goes to the living room as she calls up the feed from the tag outside the door.  A somewhat pudgy older woman is standing at the door, a covered dish of some kind in her hands.  Yelena opens the door and the woman immediately launches into conversation.  "Hello, dear.  I am Mrs. Myers.  From 1011, just down the hall.  Please call me Julia.  I try to keep an eye on the apartments of my neighbors when they are out and I could not help but notice when you arrived with your cases.  I do hope that you do not mind, but I made a small coffee cake as a sort of a welcome to the building.  May I come in with it?"

Yelena steps aside to let the woman in.  Upon seeing the sax, Julia says, "So that was you playing.  You are very good.  Such a surprise to see a young woman like yourself with such a skill.  I know it is a bit nosy, but are you moving in for a bit or just a day or two?"

Yelena walks the woman to the dining nook, where she motions to a chair and then the coffee maker.  Julia smiles and nods thanks as she takes a seat.  "Well it would not be real coffee cake without the coffee.  Thank you.  Black, with a bit of sugar, please.  And here I am running on about everything and I have not given you a chance to introduce yourself."

Yelena chuckles and smiles.  "Is good.  Am Yelena Petrovna.  Yes.  Hope stay long time."  She fixes the coffee for Mrs. Myers and takes it to her as she has the device make her another cup of the Russian/Turkish blend she likes.  She had been surprised earlier to find that Marco had even had any of it, but that is Marco, so considerate.  She brings two small plates and a large knife over to the table while waiting on her coffee and watches while Julia cuts two large slices from the cake.  Yelena joins her at the table with her coffee and the two share a smile. 

"Now you must tell me if this suits you, dear.  It is a new recipe I took out of a catalogue the other day and just had to try.  I guess you could say we are the guinea pigs for this."  Yelena tries the cake and it is quite good and she tells the woman so.  "Good, good.  It did turn out quite well, didn't it.  Now I do hope that you do not think I am too nosy, but I have to say that you seem to be much better suited for poor Marco than any of his recent guests.  So much nicer, to by sure.  Those two men he had here for a few days?  Quite rude and very mean to him.  I did wonder if they had been on some sort of drugs.  Marco is always looking out to help people and he probably offered them a place to stay for a bit.  Anyway they were quite rude to me and then tossed a lot of his furniture off his patio.  Can you believe it?  Right off the patio.  From ten floors up!  I don't suppose I have to tell you the mess that made on the ground below?  Anyway, the super was livid.  Marco had to go and pick up all his shattered things and throw them away.  And that rather odd girl that came just about the time they left?  Flighty, if you ask me.  At my age, you tend to know the type.  She seemed quite clingy and much too rushed to be suitable.  And she was rude, too.  Completely refused to see me when I came by to welcome her.  Not at all nice, like you."

The woman finished her cup of coffee and looked at it almost longingly and Yelena asked if she could be persuaded to have another cup.  The smile on her face said everything, and Yelena got up to make another one for her.  When she brought it back, the woman gave her a nice smile.  "Now, just so you know, there are several of us on this floor and the next who look out for Marco.  Poor man lives quite the life.  He desperately needs someone to look after him.  You look the nurturing sort, dear, if I may say, and maybe you will be good for him.  He comes and goes at the oddest times, but it is only in the past couple of weeks that he has even brought anyone home with him.  And we do so hope that he finds the right sort of woman.  So, you have a nice little accent there.  Let me guess, is it Russian?"  Yelena nods and opens her mouth to say something, but Julia is off again.  "See?  I knew it.  I have an ear for languages.  Not so much with the Russian, but enough to know it when I heart it.  Are you visiting or moving from there?"

Yelena finally gets a chance to say something when Julia stops to cut another couple of slices of the small cake.  "Yelena is Russian.  Been away long time.  Much travel.  Yelena musician.  Play sax.  Go place to place and play clubs.  But like Seattle.  Yelena find club she like best.  Yelena find man she like, too.  Maybe stay for a while.  Until Marco ask Yelena leave."

The woman looks Yelena up and down then smiles.  "Well, if I am any judge of what young men like to see in a woman, you could be here a long time.  And look, you blush so nicely.  I may be old, but I can remember being young.  Oh, those were the days.  I could tell you some stories.  But look, I only wanted to stop by and have a bit of a chat and make sure that you were properly welcomed.  Now I can tell the others and you will probably have a few other old biddies drop by.  She stands up and Yelena joins her.  They walk to the door and Julia tells her that she will be by in a couple of days to pick up the cake pan.  She leaves the apartment with a smile and a wave, saying again how nice it is to have her in the area.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3020 on: <03-13-16/1132:03> »
@ Marco  Jed calls him, >>Marco, I've got everything set for tonight. I've also pulled some texts that mention something similar to your problem and everything I've got on spirits. But, I met a young woman who you might also want to talk to. She seems very knowledgeable, but, I didn't talk to her about your particular needs as I wasn't sure how much you were comfortable with. And, she may not be able to help anyway. Magical knowledge is fairly specialized after all. Ok, well, I've got everything ready and my lodge will be perfect for what we need to do tonight. I'm thinking you should come over at least three hours early so that you can get comfortable in the environment and we can go over the rituals together.<<

@ Arc  The morning after her surgery's Arc wakes up nauseous and with a dry mouth. But, they did warn her that the anesthesia would have a few side effects up to 24hrs later, and those might have been mentioned. Really, she hadn't paid much attention. And then Blake calls, >>Watch the trid tonight. Good show coming on.<<
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« Reply #3021 on: <03-13-16/1551:14> »
***Incessant beeping***

Frag it!  A girl needs to sleep, ya know...

Still, the ring tone is Arc-sensei with an "important" marker.  What could be happening that's so important this...what?...mid-morning?

Why can't the world leave a girl to sleep in!?!

Without removing my precious eye mask sealing my sight from the evils of the morning daylight, I reach over by feel to grab my old Erika deck.  Although I'd only had it for a little over a month, the admittedly limited but reliable little thing had returned to being my primary given the...quirkyness...of my snazzy new Aztechnology device.  I slipped out the universal cable from my right wrist jack and slipped it in so that I could find out what my human mentor considered so drekking important before Noon on a Monday.

<<@Firefly:  Arc here.  Yelena’s in Redmond General’s ICU.  I’m going there now.  Frag all>>

What, what?

I sit up in my surprise and remove the mask, bursting to wakefulness in an instant.

ICU? I think as I claw the cobwebs from my mind.  She was partying last night with the same people she'd partied with before.  I know they're not nice people but what changed to puy someone as badass as Yelena-sensei in an ICU?

I know how close Arc is to the Russian assassin, so I choose not to respond in case I might interrupt an important moment.  I also know I'm not very close to either of them so even IF I had transportation it's not like I belonged at the bedside or even hovering outside the hospital room door. 

No, my role right now is to stay out of the way.


I'm one of the best deckers in the metroplex.  No sense not taking advantage of that fact and taking a peek!

Deciding it would be stupid to fight even a community hospital's systems with one arm tied behind my back, I slipped my mind out of my little Erika and shifted cable and awareness into the more willful MiAz. For once the strange device didn't volunteer any introductory opinions and I thanked Allah for the tiny blessing.  A minute later, after patiently taking no chances slipping myself past the modest security placed on a non-celebrity's account, I was reading the chart details on one Yelena Petrovna Talinovsky.

I'm no expert, but I know a few things about medicine after all my education and training.  I can see she's beat up pretty bad but, in the words of the attending physician, "looks better than any human or Elf has any right to be after that much punishment."

I take a deep breath. 

She'll live and, as important, scans of her brain show no signs of trauma.  She'll survive and she'll still be herself.  Thank Allah for your blessings!

Deciding to take a slight additional risk, I slip myself into the video monitor system for the hospital and bring on the streams for Yelena-sensei's room.  What I see just seems to confirm what the chart says.  She's beat up and sleeping off abuse and drugs, but despite the presence of a lot of monitors and drip lines it's still nothing like what I've seen for others in my brief time as an operative for Renraku.

She'll be okay.

Barely has the self reassurance...and the deep breath that went with it...passed when Arc-sensei suddenly appears in the images.  The clearly distraught human makes a red-streaked bee-line for the bedside.  Rather than linger on the private moment, I pull my awareness out of the video system and leave the two friends to their precious moment.  I barely know either of them, really, and have no place in such a reunion.

Having assuaged my worry, I pull myself out of the hospital system leaving behind a program which will send me a copy of all stutus updates made to Yelena-sensei's chart.  I may know my place with my newest teacher, but that doesn't mean I don't care deeply about her and her progress.  If something goes south, I want to know ASAP.  Until then, though, I have to prepare with the assumption that Poland is still on in less than two weeks.

There is still so much to do between now and then...


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« Reply #3022 on: <03-13-16/1558:10> »
Marco replies >> I'd be happy to meet her, God helps those who help themselves.

Marco's morning was mainly spent on administrative, a visit to the construction site where at least for the meanwhile he was off the hook. Some magical equipment shopping at Lady's shop. It was odd to actually come there as she usually brought him everything he needed. She of course did not work t here alone, if she actually had time to actually work with the amount of business she seemed to be juggling in her life.
A visit at the hospital to help Yelena settle in his apartment and then at evening Marco went to visit Jed, notifying Yelena that he'll spend the night and they can have all morning to themselves.


Marco arrived at the address Jed had given him.  Seriously?  This is the industrial district…”  Marco looked at the rows of steel entry doors in front of him.  Glancing over his shoulder he could see rows of overhead doors on the other building.  Apparently, these office warehouses had office in the front, garage in the back. 

As Marco knocked on the door he understood that Jed’s home is a lot more modest of his own. It made him feel bad for keeping Jed accountable for the bar table - “that table - costs like few months in this joint. How non christian of me to be angry about it.
In Marco’s mind Mages were rich people as they had a profession that was high in demand.
“Hi Jed, thank you very much for having me...” He said as he entered the small apartment. Either Jed was undercover, or he managed to remain poor despite having access to actual magic.

“Hi Marco, please come in.  My lodge is in the back.  Jed led Marco through the front office, with its old desk and single bookshelf with (actual) books.  Passing through the “conference room” that served as a bedroom, Jed said “If you need the restroom, it’s through that door over there”.  He led Marco through the next door into the garage.  Half of the garage was mostly empty, save for an old beat up motorcycle, and some stacked boxes and a cot.  The other half was curtained off by plastic sheeting.  Jed led Marco through the curtain into his lodge.  Shelves of odd and end knick knacks lined some shelves.  A few  books lay piled on a small table.  Sidewalk chalk lay on the floor preparing for his binding of a spirit. “It will be crowded.  Some of what we are planning has to be done in a lodge, and you end up sleeping in here.  Tonight, I am going to bind a spirit.  It takes about 6 hours, so we’ll eat an early dinner and get started.  Once a ritual, a binding or something starts, you can’t leave the lodge.  That bucket over there is a camping toilet.  It’s filled with disinfectant.  Unfortunately the lodge doesn’t encompass the bathroom, so when I’m in the middle of something, and nature calls, well, there you go.” He looks at Marco. “Snowden is with the mage I told you about. He’s been teaching her what he know about plants. So we have the place to ourselves tonight.”

Marco entered the garage and took a look around. He looked at the motorcycle and said “I take it you do not travel the same way that I do, it does not look so wiz tough... are you using that?”   Glancing at the motorcycle Jed shook his head No, I just picked that up.  I’ve asked Arc if she can get it running.  I need to get it towed over to her place so she can check it out.

Behind the plastic curtain was an actual magical lodge. Marco would not have thought so, it looked nothing like his own magical lodge. Many small trinkets, some arcane drawings on the floor, Marco thought “I got to find a cleaner way to bind... If I start doing that to my floor I’ll never get all the chalk out of the carpet”. He looked around in astonishment and said “I cannot believe it is a magical lodge, you seem to have so many objects in here. My lodge was a Christian one, but it stopped working for me when I stopped following my mentor. What kind of tradition do you practice? ”

Jed considered how to reply to that.  “Most other mages describe those of my tradition as Chaos mages, but I don’t think that is an accurate description.  It conjures visions of crazy wizards casting uncontrollable spells to random effect.  Mages of my tradition learn and cast magic by feel.  We believe that mana is a medium and we create things from that medium.  We don’t try to pigeon hole everything about magic like a hermetic mage because there is always something that doesn’t fit those rigid rules they set.  We also don’t consider nature in every aspect of mana and how we use it like a shaman does.  Mana flows in and through nature, but it is independant of it.  It exists without nature, and nature existed during magic’s ebb.  The reason we probably get called Chaos mages is that we are so eclectic.  We take knowledge from wherever we find it useful.  We take little things from other traditions that we like.  It would be like eating a meal that has enchiladas as a main dish, with a side of pasta olio, some lamb curry, a little shrimp fried rice, with halva for dessert.  As you can see, I like to draw chalk circles for binding.  A hermetic mage has to have a summoning circle to bind.  I use it because it helps me focus correctly, but not all mages of my tradition use summoning circles.  So I guess you’d say I find magic to be experiential rather than cerebral like a hermetic.”  Taking a deep breath, Jed starts to explain tonight’s summoning and binding procedure.  ”My belief regarding spirits is that we are offering up mana for them, maybe like a job posting.  Some of us believe that the mana we use to summon them actually is absorbed by them, which is why they respond to our summons.  Once they accept, they are bound to a certain number of services as negotiated at the time of summoning.  When we bind them, we are offering reagents as a form of payment for an extended time period.  Once they agree they are bound.   Some tasks they find distasteful, others they find downright offensive.   I personally think they are attracted to magicians of similar auras as theirs.  Vicious mages tend to attract vicious spirits.  But if you are constantly using your spirits to harm innocents, or to fight until the spirit is disrupted, or things like that, you start having less spirits that are willing to let themselves be bound to you, and those that are willing tend to be aligned with those goals.  One last thing.  Some mages think that spirits are just constructs of mana or a piece of the mage made manifest.  This is not correct.  I have spent enough time with spirits over the last 20 years to know that they are individuals.  When I pulled away from people, and hid myself from the world for two decades, spirits were the only beings I talked to for weeks on end sometimes.  I’ve learned some of what I know from them.  I find Spirits of Man to be the easiest to work with.  They seem less alien to me.  Spirits of fire are so primal and emotion driven.  Spirits of earth are so silent, not very talkative.  Spirits of air are curious, but jump from topic to topic, like an ADD kid.  Spirits of water are mysterious and hard to pin down.  They tend to answer questions with questions.  The one thing about Spirits of Man is that the answer you get isn’t always what you think.  Sometimes you have to look for the words behind the words.  Anyway, I will be summoning a spirit of Man, and I want one who casts heal and a spell that increases my awareness. Then I will summon the second one, who will be able to heal and use psychokinesis.

Marco listened to the details about the ritual.  To his view on life, rituals were important as one can never be sure what parts are real and what are theatrics. “Perhaps the ritual is used to bring your mind to a specific emotion...” he thought. He said “It is debated if Chaos is even a tradition as there seem to be nothing traditional in it. Experimental magic - like you put it. You do not need to worry about negative stigma.  I read the grimoire and I come from Italy where people dream about being awakened.”

Marco then said “Christians believe that magic is not about knowledge, it is about being a vessel of divine will. To be a good vessel you need to work on your morality, you need to learn modesty and practice charity, you need to sacrifice for other people. The ability to study is a blessing and the skills you acquire are actually gifts you were given.  Without the blessing, study is impossible and this is why mundanes cannot study magical arts even with an exceptional mind. Even awakened are limited in the type of magical skills they are allowed to learn, most mages can only learn a single magical school. Full mages are also limited as they only manipulate external sources of mana.

As for me? This approach does not work and while I am deeply influenced with Christian theurgy I do not actually practice it. To me magic is about emotions, and each magical activity has an emotion behind it. Shapechange is fed by curiosity and passion spells are fed by passion - it gets very confusing with Qi. The very manner that I control my emotions and my own words are magical. I seem to be able to project some of my emotions at other people simply by talking.
If I try to translate the ritual you taught me to the way I perceive mana -  and remember that I cannot actually sense this energy. I need to understand the significance of these spirits for you. Why do you bind them and how would they make you feel?”

Jed listened intently to Marco’s description of Christian Theurgy and how Marco understood it.  So you are saying that if a Christian Theurgist doesn’t behave according to the tenets of the church, magic won’t work right for them?  That is an interesting thought.  It’s kind of like a geas.  I guess that is smart on their part.  If you are going to teach people to do magic in the name of a deity, teach them a way that won’t work if they aren’t acting in accordance with that deities principles.  I would imagine that it is very dependant upon whether or not they believe they are acting in accordance with principles.

Marco replied ”It is very difficult to advance in Christian theurgy if you do not behave as you are expected to behave. When I read Christian texts they seem to be judging me every step of the way. Making me feel alien to that tradition and locking the actual lore away from me. So the simple answer is yes, if you do not follow the ethics it is very difficult to study that tradition. The more complex answer is that there is more than one way to spin a cat and you do not have to learn from Christian books. “

 I’ve never really related the magic I’m creating with how I feel, so I’m not sure how to answer that.  Why do I bind them?  I suppose I’ve bound them to learn from them, to receive their assistance, and to utilize their power on my behalf.  I’ve never thought about my feelings in regard to the binding.  As I said, a binding is like a negotiation.  You call for a type of spirit, hopefully one answers.  Then you negotiate for services.  You offer, they counter, and then you accept or decline.  Once summoned, I can choose to bind them here.  I don’t believe it is forced on them, because sometimes the deal falls through.  Trouble is, I make the offer and the cost is out there.  If the negotiation fails, I don’t get the power back from the reagents.  I’m not sure if they take it or it dissipates, but consequently I don’t approach the negotiating table lightly.  Sometimes the strain of negotiating is too high and I end up with a headache.  I hope all this is making sense.  I’ve never tried to teach anyone.  Most of my theory knowledge I learned in the 30’s taking early correspondence classes.  Sometimes I read online Theurgical journals to keep up on new ideas.  Most of the practical use I learned by doing, or by reading someone else’s way and just figuring it out.

Marco sighs “I’ll have to pray for the gift of astral hearing again. I believe that at a certain point in time I actually lost my ability to hear the true music of things. He sighs and thinks ”Another obstacle - reagents look just like mundane items... to use them for the ritual without having any method of sensing them is risky, how would I know if I used too many or too few. “

Frustrated, he looked at Jed and then asked? “You said something about having dinner before we start? “   Jed felt a moment of embarrassment.  I eat at a nearby noodle cart most of the time, or I eat nutrient bars.  I have a little stuff to make a salad, as my roommate is particular as you are. Jed hesitated a moment before remembering that Marco was with him and helped him extract Joshua. [color] “Oh, that’s right, you were there.  Joshua is still staying with me.  The time he was down before resuscitating kinda messed up his memory.  It’s still coming back to him.  The noodle cart I go to is normal Japanese fare mostly, with Udon and Soba, but the proprietor is actually Vietnamese.  They have an excellent Pho soup.  Its rice vermicelli in beef broth, with fresh onion, basil, coriander,  and a little bit of real meat.  We can spare 30 minutes, as I don’t want to start summoning until dark.  Do you want to go get some noodles real quick?[/color]

”I am happy to hear about Joshua, that spirit sure had a very irrational plan. It was smart but it lacked common sense and  ignored mundane risks. I had a similar plan myself, I was there when Yelena shot him, I sensed it all but I could not enter the house. There was some ward that I could not get passed no matter how hard I tried. My own solution would have been to utilize illusion magic and prevent the person from getting shot in the first place. ”

He then adds
Noodles would be great, a nutrition bar is practical but completely defeats the purpose of food.”

Jed nodded.  Considering a moment, he said On second thought, let me get my summoning out of the way, that way if it tires me out, I’ll get a break while we go eat.  It shouldn’t take long, I never have trouble summoning, the difficult part is the binding.  I don’t know what to do to tell you, because you can’t see the magic as I draw it together.  I start by summoning the spirit I want, and if my negotiations go well and I secure a good amount of tasks promised by the spirit, I will then bind him.  If I do not get an acceptable amount of tasks, I will dismiss the spirit and try again.  Sometimes I will suffer some fatigue and take a break.   

Jed sets himself and draws mana together, sending it to the ether to draw the attention of spirits.  Jed feels a spirit moving through the astral and approaching the curtain.  He focuses his will as he negotiates for tasks.  Each pushes to better the other.  Wow, this one is strong...push...pull...and done.  Jed managed to negotiate two tasks.  Not good enough to go through the effort to bind.  Jed directs the spirit to manifest, allowing Marco to examine his spirit.  Then, dismissing him, he explains the problem to Marco.  ”This one was stronger than I, and I didn’t come out well in that bargain”.  I’ve dismissed him, and will try another.  Jed focuses his will once again, drawing a spirit to him.  Hardening his will, he presses for advantage in the exchange.  My mana for your work.  C’mon.Again Jed comes up short.  Only two services again.  What the hell?!  This was his thing.  Why was he having trouble.  Feeling embarrassed he dismissed this spirit again.   Third time's the charm.

Sorry Marco, I usually don’t have this much trouble.I’m usually more competent than this.  You’re slipping old man 

Jed spends a moment gathering himself.  Does a little mediation, a few breathing exercises.  One last time he sends mana into the ether.  Calling.  Drawing.  A spirit approaches the curtain again.  Jed steels himself and pulls.  Pulls hard.  He isn’t going to come out of the wrong side of this deal.  He feels himself strengthen.  The spirit is bending to his will.  And success.  5 tasks.  And in his moment of exultation, a sword slams into his temples.  His head splits open and pain suffuses his whole body.  His vision gains a white cast, blurring.  After steadying himself. He draws a long hissing breath through clenched teeth.  No sword.  But exhaustion invades his entire body as his head starts to throb.  His head, his eyes, the back of his skull.  A long moan escapes his pursed lips as he holds onto a shelf trying to avoid toppling over.  He has the spirit until sunrise, but he is in no condition to bind it.  He starts to dismiss the spirit, but reconsiders.  If I fall and crack my head, I’ll need him.  Directing the spirit to that effect, and asking him to guard against accidents, he turns to Marco.

Marco, I’m sorry but I think I’m done for the night.  I did well on this summoning, but it cost me too much.  I don’t even think I can manage dinner.  I’m sorry.  Come back in the morning, and we can do a binding early, then head to the talismonger I met and work on our artificing with her.

The summoning was done so quickly that before Marco could react two more spirits were summoned. Marco added “You know that I do summon spirits, I could help you doing it and perhaps you get slightly more services next time.  If I am here - you can use me...”
Jed slapped his forehead with his palm.  Damnit, I must be all out of sorts.  I was so focused on trying to figure out how to teach you that I forgot that you can assist me.  I’ve never collaborated before, but conjuring together may give us a feel for how it works.  Something else I just thought of.  I have that dose of Deepweed that we bought to use on Joshua.  If you use that before I try to teach you binding, you can actually see the flows, and might make it easier for you. 

”Deepweed? It can work... I guess we did not need it after all, but things did not exactly go as planned.   By the way, I actually have a very good talismonger contact if you need one. Though she keeps telling me that it is more satisfying to make your own magical tools. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow, how difficult it really is.”

I’d love to meet your Talismonger Marco. Good people to know. The one I just met will help us get started artificing tomorrow. It'll be a full day. Binding in the morning and artificing in the afternoon. I'm sorry, I've got to lay down. I'm barely on my feet. I'll see you in the morning.

Marco replied “It happens... I am the first to know that spirits do not always do what we want them to.”

« Last Edit: <03-18-16/2145:03> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3023 on: <03-13-16/1702:49> »
After Julia leaves, Yelena leans against the door and smiles.  She has never lived in a place where the neighbors really cared if you lived or died, much less came to welcome you when you moved in.  It is easy to place a sinister motive to the woman's kindness, but Yelena would prefer that it be nothing more than what it appears to be.  Still, she puts a note to herself to talk to Marco about it when he gets home.

She goes to the dining table and picks up the dishes, taking them to the sink and washing them by hand.  She dries everything and puts all away before taking another cup of the coffee with her to the patio, where she sits against the sliding door, drinking coffee and smoking one of her cigars as she watches the light snow come down.  The feel of the smoke in her lungs is a pleasure she had been denied while in the hospital and one she had missed a great deal.  The falling snow has reduced her visibility to less than fifty feet and there is a build-up of about a half inch on the patio railing.  The overhanging eave provides about two feet of space where the snow does not fall and the warmth from the partially open door behind her gives her a sense of being in a large and generally warm white cocoon. 

The afternoon stretches to early evening and she begins to think that Marco ought to be home soon, but he is off with the PI man learning something about his magic.  She realizes that he could easily lose track of time and might indeed be late.  Yelena finishes her fourth cigar and goes back inside the apartment.  The sound system has apparently run through all it has for soft jazz a while ago and has fallen quiet.  Yelena searches the device history and finds Marco's favorite playlists, setting them up on the machine.  She then turns the lights down a bit lower and sits on a chair that is offset from the door to wait for her lover to come home.  Just thinking of him in that way and using that word sends a small shiver down her back.  She is emotionally ready for this, right?  While waiting, she takes the time to peruse the news feeds, looking for anything at all about the Stardust. 
« Last Edit: <03-13-16/1915:39> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3024 on: <03-13-16/1834:10> »
I spend the rest of the day continuing to process the data I've collected while occasionally checking in on the progress Yelena-sensei is making.  Her recovery is nothing short of miraculous, but for some reason that doesn't surprise me.  There's something otherworldly about her.  I've sensed it and this just helps prove that sense is not my imagination.

And speaking of data, when this all calms down, and before we go to Poland hopefully, we need to review all the stuff I have on the drugs. 

Still, nothing I can do about that now.

Things are quiet in the little apartment without my roomie.  I know it'll still be another day or two before she's back, but I hope she's doing well.  I hope she'll take my announcement that I'm moving out okay.  Hopefully she can keep the place on her own or find another roommate.  I'll have to ask George about that after I break the news to him of my new largesse.

And speaking of George, I look back on the message he sent me barely a day ago, although it feels like a week.

@ Subaru  George calls you and says, >>Matsuuri says you handled yourself competently last night. And are smart enough not to object to the cover that's needed for the job. She also said that if we're going to continue to use you in these sorts of assignments that you would benefit from some acting lessons. So, while trix support is generally handled from a distance, it is unwise to refuse to lay a path for the future. I told her that I would discuss it with you and see if you believed yourself competent to handle assignments that would be far more physically dangerous and would thus justify the expense of the lessons and the addition to your debt. But, if you did well with the acting lessons and proved yourself able to handle more dangerous assignments the rewards would be far higher. You're pay for last nights job is fifty percent higher because of the danger involved. Even though that danger was minimal, only requiring you to wear a dress and dance a bit. Think about it and let me know.<<

<<George, sounds interesting. How much are these lessons and when would you plan for me to start them?<<

Best to negotiate the lessons first, then tell him I have cash on the barrel.  That should make it clear that I plan to keep working for him as a free agent even after I'm no longer indentured to him.  I have to navigate this carefully if I want to keep my anonymity...not to mention my head...intact.  I need to stay more valuable to them as a tool to be used than as a commodity to be traded.


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« Reply #3025 on: <03-14-16/0757:26> »

After a few moments of exchanging feature demos, Arc gets the look from Yelena.  The "I know you want to support me, but I know you're busy as drek and need the time" look.  It was weird how they were communicating without spoken word, no data cables, no mindlink spell.   Flashing a smile, Arc nodded her head as she got up, embracing the elf tightly before heading out.

At the lobby, the human had to pause as a wave of nausea swept over her, making her groan and lean against a chair as she shook it off.  Coughing, she fought down the feeling before departing, ignoring the few funny looks given to the newly-tusked girl as she departed the hospital.  Given her state, Arc made a judgment call: no bike work until tomorrow morning.  In her state, alone, that would be a liability.

And so, she rode her way to Jaime's place, taking it slow as she was in no rush.  Grabbing a bite, she had the food bag in hand as she stepped into the apartment, the message from Blake chiming in.

>>Watch the trid tonight. Good show coming on.<<

Smirking, she set the message aside and looked at her account, noting the transfer with slightly widened eyes.

<<@Blake{Arc}: Noted.  Thanks for the tip, omae>>

Smirking, she made a timer for herself to pull up the trids at the allotted time, killing the rest of her afternoon on training, and trying to ignore her annoying symptoms best she could.

By the time the trids were coming on, Jaime was due to be home within the hour, and Arc was surprised to find she wasn't tired at all.  Grinning, she got a glass of water to fight her dry mouth as she sat down, pulling up the trid.  It wasn't even two minutes in before she almost choked, eyes going wide at the contents as she instinctively pulled up her messenger.

<<@Yelena, Firefly, Tuskaloosa, Marco, Jed:  Arc here.  DUUUUDES, check out the trids!>>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #3026 on: <03-14-16/0935:53> »
Yelena was sitting quietly in Marco's apartment when the note from Arc came in.  She was already gathering in the news feeds and just turned to the correct station.  >>Arc.  Is Yelena.  Watching.  Thank for message.<<
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3027 on: <03-15-16/1106:41> »
The smiling anchor came on and barely hiding the smirk in her eyes over the juicy tidbit they had tonight, she announced, "First up in the news tonight is the shocking arrest of the owners of Seattle's trendiest new night club the Stardust. Federal agents stormed the club alleging that the club sold far more than mild party drugs to it's clientele and that the supposed party drugs were far more sinister allowing the club owners to manipulate and control users into committing crimes. They claim the club was a front for organized crime and was involved in everything from high profile thefts to human trafficking, and that the chain of evidence goes up much higher revealing corruption in the highest government circles. Certainly this footage showing victims of the club being helped out of the basement they'd been kept in locked cages in would seem to bear out the human trafficking claims." The camera shows a long shot of people being helped out of the basement. But, before Arc can watch there's a loud insistent chiming at the door of her garage, and when she looks at the feed she still has set-up to alert her of anyone at her door she gets a shock. FEATHERS!!! She opens the door remotely, and then sees that he looks like hell. Correction, THEY look like hell. He's being helped by a much younger man who's gaunt form and hollowed out eyes tell Arc he hasn't eaten in far to long.
« Last Edit: <03-15-16/1112:18> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #3028 on: <03-15-16/1821:11> »
For a moment, Arc feels like one of the masses, drinking in the news like it was candy.  But this, it was more than that.  The realization that this place got taken down by her efforts...those and the crew she rolled with... made her heart swell with pride and satisfaction, confirmation of a job done.  And people were rescued!  Now just gotta see if I find...


The frag?  Arc tilted her head at the indication that anyone was going to stop by at this time...and since Jaime knew Arc would be at his place for their evening, she wasn't thinking it would be him.  So wuzzup...!!!  One glance at the feed was all she needed as she bolted to the door, spotting Feathers with the younger man, looking quite worse for wear.

"Hoi, frag me sideways, do I know some peeps wanna see you.  Get on inside, I'll get some caf and some food goin'.  C'mon"  pulling them inside, the short human pulled them to the kitchen and sat them down, getting some food going.  Her mind was at work, sending out messages left and right as she got them comfortable.  "We was worried y'all got geeked when you vanished omae.  And then Sam went up and kipped out, ain't heard nothin' from him, but his peeps picked up the tab and we got that place shuttown.  Frag, I can't imagine the drek you were put through...go on, eat somethin', I don't gotta hear it right away.."

<<@Yelena, Firefly, Tuskaloosa, Marco: Our missing feathered friend is back.  My garage, get over here, we gotta celebrate!>>

<<@Merlin: Found him.  Garage>>


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« Reply #3029 on: <03-15-16/1940:56> »
Marco arrives back home after some unlucky night with Jed. Apparently summoning and binding seemed chaotic. Or perhaps it was chaos tradition, after two summoning with too little services came a summon with such a strong resistance it completely gave Jed an headache and they had to call it a night. "Perhaps we should craft some tools to make the art easier." he thought. He was happy to meet Yelena getting settled at his apartment and warmly kissed her. "I've had noodles with Jed, but I can cook for you is there anything you need? Arc texted something about the news did I miss it?"

