[IC] Road to Redmond -- Finished

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Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #60 on: <09-14-10/0522:38> »
lol only way in is to break in like that will be a problem with the security here. I look around and watch the front of the building to see how much traffic there is in and out of the building. If there is some I'll disengage the chameleon suit and use my physical mask spell to look like your average down on your luck ork, and wait for someone to approach the building and pull the old hold the door trick to try and get in.

If there isn't much traffic I'll use my hardware skill and whichever of my B&E tools are appropriate to bypass the door security. If I'm breaking in I'm keeping the chameleon suit active.
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #61 on: <09-14-10/0929:16> »
Woofer nods, and takes the credstick, and brings out a card, "This is my commcode, we have some things now to begin our investigation.  We can work out when might be a good time to speak with your wife." *starts to collect his kit to drive back to the resturant*


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« Reply #62 on: <09-14-10/2342:31> »
@Cynthia:  Occasionally someone comes in or out of the front door of the apartment building.  The hydraulic door closer is quite rusty and every-time it's opened it takes practically 10 whole seconds for it shut completely and latch shut.  After about 15 minutes of waiting you finally find an opportunity....the 3 young orks who were chatting with the dwarf  make their way toward the building as you stay glued to the wall of the alley.  You hear them hit one of the buttons on the buzzer panel and after a few seconds you hear a female voice on the intercom:   

Voice: "One at a time guys...draw straws or rock-scissors paper or something..."
Orks: "C'mon Lana, we're not here for that...we just wanna know if Hannibal is there."
Voice: "He's out...Sam's the only one who's here"
Orks: "Let us in, we'll wait for Hannibal....maybe you got time for one of us"...<<laughter>>
Voice: "fuck you..."

The door buzzes and they go in.  You quickly whip around the corner of the building and put your foot in the door.  The orks went up the steps and are still walking down the hallway on the second floor.  They knock on a door and once it opens they silently go in.  You see from the mailboxes that apt. 7 is also on the 2nd floor. 

[OOC: if anyone asks me to roll a spell for them please tell me the force you want to cast it as well because i feel it kind of infringes on an important aspect of your own personal strategizing for me to choose a force for you]

@ Rest of Team:
[OOC: Mercedes Assensing test: Assensing 2 + Enhanced perception 1+Intuition 4= 7 dice 7d6.hits(5)=2.]

The herb is not dual natured but merely has a very bright green aura, so you don't have any problem passing through the magic ward on the way out.  B.B. was distracted when he first saw it because he was  thinking about where he's going to go do some serious grinding in Planes of Eldoran....he's getting a little bit jittery because he hasn't played since this morning.  Once he takes a closer look at the bag of herb which Mercedes shows him again, he's pretty sure it's some of that deep-weed.

As you see the Visteon enclave disappear in the distance as you dip under the bulwark, you all finally breath a sigh of relief....part of you doesn't blame Jeshua for having probably would too if Germaine was your dad.

The company limo takes you back to the corner in front of L'armoire and drops you all off at about 2:15 PM.  Once you all make your way to the car and pile in, you sit there parked for a little while and debate your next move.

« Last Edit: <03-07-11/1049:49> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #63 on: <09-15-10/0112:41> »
Brian thinks for a moment then pops down the rear seat trunk access door.  Then, without really asking, he quickly wriggles his way through into still closed trunk.  A little struggling and thumping later and he sticks his head out of the little hole. "Anyone need some gear from the trunk?"  He then unceremoniously hefts his small backpack out though the hole onto the compact's remaining small rear seat.  Naturally, he has changed into his "work clothes" and is now wearing his AR gloves.  Although the Ceska remains wrapped up in the bag for the moment, his stun baton is openly displayed on his hip. 
"I'd like to crack into these links and see what I can dig up.  Might need some hardware to replace my kit though, you know, if he's got a biometric lock.  Probably going to need to do that eventually, regardless.  I had to ditch pretty fast on the last job and the tools weren't worth the weight, so I'm fresh out of little pokey metal things.  Think we could hit up tool or electronics store so I can re-up?"
« Last Edit: <09-21-10/2232:05> by Kontact »


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« Reply #64 on: <09-15-10/0124:59> »
Mercedes smiles at the gnome, "I'm too pacheco to help with anything right now. What the hell was that in the wahito's lighter?" Now that you're out of corp earshot you realize just how stoned Mercedes is as she drops her guard and her spanish starts slipping through. "It's buena onda, but I can't stop seeing the astral."

Glancing back at the gnome, "B.B., you wouldn't happen to have any snacks from the 'Shack back there, would you?"


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« Reply #65 on: <09-15-10/0428:33> »
"Chinga, Mercedes!  You're still stoned off that Deep Weed?  I know a good place on the other side of the bridge.  Paseo Caribbean Cuisine has a cart nearby.  Best cloned pork sandwiches you can get for less than 20 yen.  You know I don't eat much, so I held off eating in case Mr. G insisted we dine with him.  You know how these bitwits get all puffy if you won't break bread with them...  So, yeah, It's been a full day since my last nosh.  Let's chow! I'll ping Cynthia for a status report, natch."

<<B.B.@Cynthia: We've got some gear to pull through still from our search of the kid's room, but we did find Deep Weed and Trip Chips.  Haven't checked the chips or the coms to see how heavy they are, but I sort of doubt the kid's a Beetle-head.  I'm not ruling out ASIST-related shenanigans yet, though.  Anyway, the kid's probable destination in Renton is a dealer's pad.  You need backup?>>
« Last Edit: <11-07-10/1238:53> by Kontact »


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« Reply #66 on: <09-15-10/0837:03> »
Woofer just shakes his head, "No idea yet, need to test a sample with my kit.  Hop in Mercedes and we'll drive so you can get some Ding-Dongs or something." 

((OOC: Once we get to a Stuffer shack, will test the leaves in the small tube with the forensics kit, should give me a reading as to what it is.))


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« Reply #67 on: <09-15-10/0942:23> »
Mercedes makes sure the theft deterrent system on her bike is still engaged, then jumps into the car with the others. "This is why I don't touch chora or anything harder than a merlot. I just don't have the tolerance for the stuff"

[OOC: Deepweed effects a person for 6-Body hours, then they're hungover for the same number of hours. Being Mercedes has a body of 2... ;)]

Walks Through Walls

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« Reply #68 on: <09-15-10/1825:20> »
As I slip into the lobby I look again for any signs of cameras or security and such. Is there an elevator or are the stairs the only way up and down between floors? How many floors does the building have?

@B.B. (using subvocal microphone Yeah I was kind of getting that vibe from the building. See if you can run the names Lana, Hanibal or Sam as dealers that work out of this area. I'm going to just do a quick walk by and then I'll check back in with you and let you know what I can find out. When you do the check look especially if they have ties with ork youths.

I'll move up the steps and walk down the hall and see what apartment number they went in.
Halfway up the stairs I stop. Wait a minute Lana had eyes on the door. She knew there were several of them there. I'll redouble my efforts to find where the security systems are hidden.
"Walking through walls isn't tough..... if you know where the doors are."
"It's not being seen that is the trick."

Walks Through Walls


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« Reply #69 on: <09-15-10/2128:05> »
<<B.B.@Cynthia: I'll find what I can.  You know how kids like to brag up a lot of bullshit on their social networks.  A name and a location might be good enough for solid info.  I'll check the kid's links first then I'll hit the 'Trix proper.>>

With that, B.B. pulled out the boy's two links and dug in.

[OOC: I don't know if the links are biometrically locked or if I can turn them on.  If I can turn them on, I assume they're password locked, so I'll have to try and break my way in with Hack on the Fly.  If they're not even locked, I'll just copy all my progs to a chip, slot it into the kid's com directly and punch in with my gloves and goggles via AR.

[OOC - aside: I assumed Mercedes just caught a short-term contact high from that Deepweed.  It's not like you burned one down; it was just a puff in the face.  BTW, team, I'm just buying one hit on defaulted street knowledge tests to identify these things.  So, I don't know if it's some special strain or what, but should be able to identify the kid's gear as Deepweed and a pack of Trip Chips.  Being a net junkie means I burn through a lot of news.  Speaking of which... I should probably check my bookmarks and the PoE forums...


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« Reply #70 on: <09-16-10/0420:17> »
@Cynthia:  The building does have a small elevator right next to the stairwell which you're not sure works.    The stairwell actually wraps around it as it goes up and each floor's hallway branches off a landing which has an access to the elevator.   There's no visible AR around testifying to the oldness of the place.  When you went in the entrance you saw a little CRT screen with a little lens of a camera beneath it.  This is for residents to look at who's at the bottom door when they buzz someones in. 
[OOC: perception check for Cynthia: Intuition 4 + Perception 1 + Actively looking for 3=8 8d6.hits(5)=1]
Other than that camera you see no other surveillance.

You quietly make your way up the stairs and move down the second floor hallway and you see apt #7 is just 3 doors down on the right side.  As you move closer to the door you notice the rest of the building is quiet enough for you to hear the trid on and the occasional gruff laughter from inside.  Occasinally a really big resonating laugh bellows through all the other sounds from inside.  You're quite sure the orks went into the apartment you came here to check out.

@Rest of Team: You drive into eastern Bellevue where things are a little more relaxed and stop at the first stuffer-shack you see so whoever is hungry can get something. 

@B.B.:  You don't see any node for the trip-chips know that illigal BTL's tend to just be passive data storage devices so that only the person slotting them can know what they really are.  You also know that most BTL's tend to erase or corrupt themselves once used once.

[OOC: @B.B.  If you want to search for those names, then for each name do a Data Search + Browse (12,1min) test with a diminishing dice pool each roll and post it.  If you want to crack the commlinks then do whatever you want (hack on fly, probe, spoof)  against a Sys 2, Firewall 2, Resp 1, Analyze 2 for each link.  Remember that firewall get's +4 as soon as you trigger an alert.  Use diminishing dicepools for all rolls.  In order to spoof though, you'd need to do a Sniffer action and grab the ID numbers being exchanged with the MSP.  I'll let you do all the rolls]

[OOC: @Woofer:  Roll your forensics skill using the kit  Hits determine how much you can assess]

@Mercedes:  It's been about an hour now since you inhaled the stuff and you're feeling slightly more clearheaded....still pretty pacheco though.
« Last Edit: <03-07-11/1055:00> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #71 on: <09-16-10/0728:00> »
With a practiced motion, B.B. pulled a link cable from his com and patched it directly into the first of the gathered links.  With a quick "RAWR!" he set his hands into a blurring motion of gestures, assisted by thoughts interpreted from the trodenet interface.  In a matter of seconds he kicked on his music, pulled up his Exploit program and punched straight through the device's Firewall.  "Pop!"  He continued, his hands still waving and punching at the air. "Oh, why yes.  Your generous default Admin would like to set up a shiny new Admin account for, let's say, this matrix ID.  Oh, I know you're glad to be of service."  

Not worrying about some Spider checking the access logs, meant he could do this slop-style.  He pulled up the regular network login and punched himself in as a new Admin and took a good look at the place.  "Geez.. Kids these days..."  Then with a flurry of digital and physical motion, he began tearing through the node, it's logs, deleted files, everything until he found and sorted every reference to Lana, Hanibal, Sam or the Renton address by relevance to his extra curriculars. Within 8 seconds, he knew all there was to know.  "Secret troubles of youth, yield before the mighty blade of Rectomon the Destroyer!  Muahahaha!  Boop!  Saved!  ..Now to tame the inter-mesh!"

The matrix search continued for much, much longer.  Long enough for the crew to make it to the nearest stuffer shack ("What?!  Oh.. sorry.. Get me whatever.  It's all soypress anyway.") and long enough for the sight of a rapidly flailing Gnome to go from startling to funny to bothersome and back to funny again.  After a time, he just collapsed across the rear seats.  "I can feel myself becoming a god... uaah.."  He coughed a little.  "I now know everything ever recorded about Lana, Hanibal, and Sam of Renton. Sending to Cynth... now.  ..So, what'd you guys get me?"

[OOC: Hoo boy, some rolls a-coming! 11d6 on Analyze, so I can buy the hits for the link's matrix stats (already provided) with four Simple Actions.  Call it done?  
Going for admin access so firewall 2 + 6 = threshold of 8.  
4 skill + 2 Improved Skill (hacking) + 5 program + 1 PuSHeD + 3 nanites (I'm assuming this isn't a high-level security system ;)) =
15d6.hits(5) → [5,5,6,5,2,2,1,2,6,3,1,4,3,5,6] = (7)  
Com's test: Stealth of 5 + 1 from comlink Optimization for a threshold of 6.  
Firewall 2 + Analyze 2 = 4d6.hits(5) → [4,6,1,2] = (1)  
Exploit again at -1:
14d6.hits(5) → [5,6,1,1,6,5,1,2,3,4,4,1,2,3] = (4) Breached.
Even if the comlink got straight 6s, it wouldn't be enough to bust my stealth program.

Creating a legit Admin account for later and then running a Data Search on the link (interval of 1 complex action) for Lana, Hanibal, or Sam.
6 program + 1 PuSHeD + 3 Nanites + 1 Skill + 1 Analytics =
12d6.hits(5) → [6,6,2,4,3,5,4,1,4,5,3,6] = (5)
11d6.hits(5) → [2,5,4,1,3,3,5,6,4,4,4] = (3) public info
10d6.hits(5) → [6,5,5,4,1,2,4,1,4,6] = (4) limited interest
9d6.hits(5) → [5,2,6,4,3,6,3,4,6] = (4)
8d6.hits(5) → [6,1,2,3,4,6,4,2] = (2)
7d6.hits(5) → [5,4,2,3,3,4,4] = (1)
6d6.hits(5) → [2,5,5,5,1,1] = (3)
5d6.hits(5) → [6,6,4,5,3] = (3)Hidden or actively deleted info

Same shit, different interval (1 minute)

12d6.hits(5) → [1,3,2,3,3,4,2,5,5,5,5,3] = (4)
11d6.hits(5) → [3,6,3,2,2,6,1,5,4,2,2] = (3) Public info
10d6.hits(5) → [5,5,2,4,4,1,4,6,2,5] = (4)
9d6.hits(5) → [3,4,4,6,6,1,6,3,1] = (3) Limited interest
8d6.hits(5) → [4,4,3,6,6,5,6,1] = (4)
7d6.hits(5) → [5,4,3,6,3,4,2] = (2)
6d6.hits(5) → [4,3,1,2,2,5] = (1)
5d6.hits(5) → [3,6,4,1,3] = (1)
4d6.hits(5) → [3,2,6,5] = (2)  hidden and deleted info.

Yeah! Power through the bad rolls!
9 minutes though...
« Last Edit: <09-21-10/2233:26> by Kontact »


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« Reply #72 on: <09-16-10/0858:58> »
Mercedes is scarfing down some 'Nuke-em Fries" and a large neon green slurpie. When B.B. comes up for air, she tosses him a back of meat-flavored-jerky-nuggets and some potato-flavored soy-crisps.


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« Reply #73 on: <09-16-10/0904:05> »
Woofer pulls into the parking lot, and looks back at the squirming BB, "Try to keep an eye on Mercedes would you?"  Breaking out the kit, Woofer brings out a tube, puts one of the leaves in it, adds some liquid, shakes.  "And don't touch that, I'll be back in a minute."

((OOC: Okay, Logic+Forensics+analytical mind, 8d6: <a href="">8d6.hits(5)=2</a> ))

Woofer runs in, grabs hot food, coffee for everyone in the car.


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« Reply #74 on: <09-16-10/0923:50> »
[OOC: Yeah, posts are definitely out of the actual order they occurred... ;)]