(IC) Seattle Undercover

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« on: <10-24-16/2015:10> »
Oct 24 2076
Seattle, UCAS- Touristville

The three of you have been sent here to meet up with your handler. An orc by the name of Lt' Murphy. You've all met her before in your recruitment interview for the undercover job. Knight Errant Detectives that are to play the role of Shadowrunners. The job is simple. Build up a reputation so that you can gain intel on the major players of the Underworld and Corporate communities. Let the beat cops and other detectives go after the smaller crimes. Your job is to build the cases needed to take out the whales.

It's cold and raining while the three of you wait on the street corner. The coffee, actual coffee, helps a little to take the chill out of the air. The food truck was blocking most of the wind. Its awning giving a little reprieve from the drizzle that was soaking down into your bones.

 It's about a 20 minute wait in these miserable conditions until a non-descript  Americar sedan pulls up on the corner. Lt' Murphy waves the three of you into the car and drives away. It's mostly quiet as she drives a couple blocks away to an old parking structure and pulls in to one of the lower levels.

It is only then that she turns to face you each in turn.

"Alright, listen up. I've gotten a tip on some very disturbing news. Of course the tip needs to be confirmed. And since I just got a new team of Runners at my beck and call.... She actually smiles around her tusks. "The three of you are going to confirm it for me. The Halloweeners are supposedly planning something big. Something to put Devil's Night back on the map so I hear. Something about watching the city burn. If you can confirm it then we can decide what to do from there. Either we'll get KE to call in a raid or If we're lucky the three of you can deal with it and build up a little street cred in the proccess.  I'm afraid that's all I've got for information. The rest you guys are going to have to find out on your own. Any questions? "


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« Reply #1 on: <10-24-16/2136:45> »
Twitch was sipping his coffee, getting to know his teammates a bit better. There was the man with the Latino name, which he knew had a reputation for almost being an untouchable. And then there was the man that had just been transferred from somewhere he didn't know, but was betrayed in his accent. Wherever he came from, he must have been efficient and competent to be put on this undercover team right off the bat.

Inside the car, Andrew, sitting in the back, listened carefully to what Lt. Murphy was telling them. It seemed like a pretty straightforward assignment. First, they had to build up their street rep so they could get invited to the meets. What better way than to go after some Halloweeners? And on top of that, they could get rid of some serious gangbangers. Everything just seemed to fall into place for him, and he was glad this assignment gave him the opportunity to work directly at making Seattle a bit more manageable for the populace.

"Are you expecting a report on this or do we have carte-blanche?" was his only question.
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« Reply #2 on: <10-25-16/0334:57> »
Max held his cup of coffee like a drowning man to a piece of driftwood. His expensive suit was reasonably save through his even more expensive coat, but his bald head was only inadequately covered by his Trilby. The wet wind collected moisture at his neck and steadily soaked down his back.To call his mood morose would have been generous. 'Just one more step to the goal' he reminded himself.
Although he had been in Seattle for three months now, he still felt like an alien here. And now this morning he had told his wife that he probably wouldn't be home for a few days. She had acknowledged it insofar as she had turned away from him, staring at the wall. He had wanted to say "I love you", but at that moment he hadn't felt it, hadn't felt anything really.
And now he was here in this miserable weather waiting for the start of the most dangerous part of his career so far, standing in the rain with two guys he didn't know but was supposed to build a reliable unit. He gave them points for not engaging him in the typical American small talk - a skill he neither had nor wanted to master.

He took care to take of his hat and shake off the accumulated droplets before he entered the vehicle. Silently he listened to his superiors briefing,  and his colleagues question, before adding in his low baritone: "Is there currently any rival gang on the lookout to harm the Halloweeners? Getting hired by someone else would improve our cover - not to mention would allow us to build up our funds for this operation."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #3 on: <10-25-16/1217:43> »
Abran turns up the collar on his Globetrotter jacket, which is set to a flat plascrete gray color, against the slight wind and chill of the mid-morning drizzle, and breathes in the rich aroma of real coffee.  It wasn't often that the department would spring for such luxuries, much less waste them on the likes of him, but he was told that this undercover assignment would come with certain perks.  The real advantage, though, the long term goal would only be felt once this whole mess was behind him.  Then it would be obvious that he was a loyal cop, above corruption and dedicated to his job.  Or, at least, enough above corruption to be trusted; undercover work came with enough gray areas that he couldn't be the white knight boy scout either.  Yes, in a lot of ways this was the perfect gig.  One he'd fought hard for. 

Of course, if he made a mess of it, or even worse allowed one of the others on his team to make a mess of it, this would be the final nail in the proverbial coffin.  Meter maid from here on out, doing the kind of job a drone could do but that the department still kept around for cops too inept for duty, or as a punishment, but someone who they wouldn't want to let go because of what they might be able to tell a competitor. 

Taking a sip, Abran studies the other two members of his team, who he recognizes from some trid stills they'd all been sent by the Lieutenant.  He's happy to see Weber on the team, another untouchable like himself, though for different reasons.  While Officer Tenario's loyalties have been questioned from day one on the force for the actions his father took nearly ten years ago, Officer Weber is seen as too straight-laced, too by-the-book, in truth too honest, which is more of a failing than most would like to admit in the sixth world.  No doubt while the young Aztlaner is pleased to be working with the guy who was promoted to detective after his work on the Blankview case, Abran is doubtful that he'll be returning those warm and fuzzies. 

The other one is an unknown.  His clipped speech betrayed a German accent when he had ordered his coffee, and Abran can't recall ever seeing him around at any KE functions, not that he tended to stick around at those very long himself before he started having a little pity party about standing by himself over at the bar.  He doesn't know what to think.  Transfer, maybe?  Or maybe this guy's Firewatch brought on board for his tactical acumen.  That suit doesn't come cheap, so that makes sense.  That'd be nova.  I've never worked with Firewatch before.


Lieutenant Murphy outlines their mission, and Max gives words to Abran's concerns: "Is there currently any rival gang on the lookout to harm the Halloweeners? Getting hired by someone else would improve our cover - not to mention would allow us to build up our funds for this operation."

Exactly.  Doing a bunch of good out on the streets isn't likely to win them any friends, not unless someone's pockets are going to be lined by the do-gooding. 

"So, who's running this operation?" Abran asks, always one for chain of command, and because it might confirm his suspicions about Max.  "I know we're reporting to you, LT, but who's making the calls on the ground?"


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« Reply #4 on: <10-25-16/1937:55> »
Lt. Murphy gives the rookie one of her 'Are you Serious' looks. "You're still a cop first and foremost." She turns to the other two. "Detective Minier has seniority, but I expect you all to contribute. As to getting hired for this, you may want to talk to your contacts... Maybe Jerry Mack can find someone interested."


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« Reply #5 on: <10-25-16/2108:47> »
Twitch slunk back into the backseat. "Of course" mumbled the man, flustered.

Although he didn't know Detective Minier, he had a suspicion he would be the ranking officer. After all, it was a logical process of elimination. Weber simply acknowledged what the lieutenant told them with a simple "Alright." He didn't dare ask another question and embarrass himself any further.
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« Reply #6 on: <10-26-16/0319:24> »
"I understand. I'll make sure the paperwork is in order afterwards." Max turned to his new colleagues: "I'll take point on this, but I'll also have to rely on you and your expertise. As you might have noticed I'm not originally from Seattle. And although I've made progress in getting to know the city, I don't have the necessary street knowledge about gangs and affiliations around here.
I have a few contacts I can ask about a contract against the Helloweeners, but that might get to the wrong ears. So if you know anything, don't hesitate to tell me.
And since we'll be mixing with the criminal element around here, from now on I'd ask you to use my call sign "Gladius" or if you want to be more informal "MnM" will do.

As per instructions, I've purchased a secure base in the Barrens. It's large enough for all of us although the neighborhood is not that friendly. But since we can't send in expenses for this, we'll have to procure the rent through our cover jobs. So please take this serious."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #7 on: <10-26-16/0347:50> »
"Weber, but my handle is Twitch" said the human, extending his hand out. The spasms caused by his augmentations were evident, as his hand lay waiting to be shook. After a short pause, he said "and this is where the nickname comes from" with a half laugh.

"Yeah, I'll help you with what I can. I was in Vice before this assignment, so anything to do with drugs or BTL, just ask away."
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« Reply #8 on: <10-26-16/1307:50> »
Abran waits until Lt. Murphy has dismissed them, and left them to their own devices in the warehouse.  She gives the obligatory "Good luck," with a round of handshaking before she's off in the Americar, leaving the trio to a bit of small talk, introductions, and the sound of rain, amplified by the high ceilings.

"I'm Abran Tenario," he says, taking Twitch's extended hand.  "Guess I'll need a handle.  Have to think on that one.

he says, turning to his senior officer, "I may have a lead or two for us.  I've been working a couple leads on the Halloweeners here lately on account of some decomps I was working before I got pulled on this assignment.  There've been some major shakeups on the leadership front, lots of Ragers -- that's what they call their lieutenants -- been getting retired early and replaced by new blood.  Word is, they got a new boss, and he's cleaning house in preparation for a big move. 

"This can't have escaped the attentions of the Ancients either, who they've been beefing over turf with for awhile now.  If we want to go the runner angle, maybe we can see about trying to link up with them?  A little recon, build up some intel, and maybe we go see the Ancients like we got a ready-made trap to spring, sell it to 'em for a middling piece, or take care of it ourselves for a larger chunk, scan? 

"Oh yeah,"
he says, snapping his fingers, "I got a contact out in Puyallup, says there's been some work going on grabbing oil tankers.  A few of those could go a long way for a city ablaze, and all that."

Abran tries to keep his face cool and neutral, but inside he's dancing.  New guy in leadership, possibly Firewatch, and he probably doesn't even know about Abran's family's history.  Ah, who am I kidding.  Probably the first thing listed in my personnel file.


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« Reply #9 on: <10-26-16/1416:35> »
Max looked Weber in the eye while shaking his hand - an uncomfortable, piercing stare. Finally the German nodded.

Assensing Twitch Assensing: 7d6t5 1
Assensing Abe Assensing: 5d6t5 1 (Retry)
When Abran had spoken, Max stared at him also for a long second before saying: "Good. Glad to have you aboard. And until you come up with something better, I'll call you Mercury.

To the case: Our priority is to find out what the Halloweeners have planed and what we can do to stop them without compromising our cover.

The stolen tankers sound like a good lead. The next step is finding out where this leader has been holed up. So call your contacts on this.
Meanwhile I'll ask a certain elvish barkeeper if he knows who on the Ancients would be interested in having the new ganger boss taken care off.

I assume you all are mobile - and from the dead bugs on both your lapels I gather you are driving motorcycles like me. Once you are done, we meet up at Casa Vindicatión - that's the safe house in the Barrens. When we have the address I'll do a little astral recon.

Any questions, requests or suggestions?"

When they were done, Max called Sam Whats the pup owner he had met on his first evening in town and since then had become a regular source for him:
<<Hello Sam, do you know someone up in the Ancients hierarchy who is looking for hired muscle at the moment? I'm looking for a sponsor.>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #10 on: <10-26-16/2000:51> »
[spoiler]Max can see that Weber is in full health, anxious but otherwise excited, and completely mundane.[/spoiler]

"If you want, I'll get in touch with Jerry Mack and see what he has to say" said Twitch, taking out his cheap commlink and calling the informant.
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« Reply #11 on: <10-26-16/2100:37> »
<<@Max, I can only give you a name. You'll have to cold call him though. The guy and I had a falling out a few years ago. SO KEEP ME OUT OF IT. Guy goes by the name of Skids. Hangs out at a small bar by the name of Shooters. Address is included.>>


"Hey Five-0 man, you hear a snort come over the comm. What can I do ya' for?" Jerry Mack's answers the phone in his normal flashy way.


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« Reply #12 on: <10-27-16/0120:20> »
<Hey Jerry, what do you know about the Halloweeners? And keep your answers relevant to within the last month or so. Consequently, do you know anyone that has a beef against them, or is looking to hire people to move on the Halloweeners?>
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« Reply #13 on: <10-27-16/0350:11> »
<<Thanks Sam. I'll do that.>>

Max archived the Ancient contact for the moment and called Desk Sergeant Jack Eltor: <<Good morning Seargent. I need all information we have on an Ancient lieutenant called "Skids", known hangout is a bar called Shooters. And please be discreet about the search. I'm heading there now and will need all the information I can get.>>

To his fellow officers he said: "Alright, I have my first lead. An Ancient Lieutentant called Skids, hangs out at Shooters. Do you guys want to come with me, or do you have your own leads to follow already? I could use someone who is a bit more versed in negotiation than me."

Max was aware, that he now was heading into dangerous territory. Consequently he called on his mental powers, trying to create a powerful mind construct. First thing he did was pop a small pill, to lessen the stress of splitting his attention. Once he noticed the calming effect, he started by enhancing his consciousness.

Taking Psyche +1 INT +1 LOG
CastingIncrease Intuition F6: 13d6t5 7
New Intuition is 10
Summoning F7 Spirit of Man (Spirit Whisperer turns that into 8)
Summoning F7(8) Spirit of Men: 14d6t5 3
Spirit Resist: 8d6t5 2
Resist Drain: 15d6t5 7

Only one service. Dismissing, trying again
Summon Spirit of Men F8: 14d6t5 6
Resist: 8d6t5 3
3 Services
Drain Resist: 15d6t5 4
taking to points of Stun
Spirit gets Powers:
Innate Spell: Increase Reflexes
Innate Spell: Combat Sense

Channeling Spirit: +4 to STR, REA, AGI, BOD, Ignore 8 points of Wound Mods

2 Services to cast Spells on Max:
Increase Reflexes F8: 16d6t5 8
That's +8+4d6 to Ini
Drain Resist:Resist Drain: 16d6t5 9
Spirit takes no drain
Combat Sense R6: 14d6t5 5
+5 to Defense
Resist Drain: 16d6t5 9
No Drain


Max violently shook for a moment, before straightening up again. His movements were a lot more fluid and graceful than before and his piercing gaze was visible even through his expensive rimless glasses.
"You can have the car, I'll take my bike once it arrives."
There was a strange harmony to his speech now, almost as if he was talking in harmony with himself.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #14 on: <10-27-16/1834:06> »
"Mercury, eh?  Yeah, I guess that'll do," Abran says.  Wow, I never had somebody else give me a nickname before.  Wiz.

"Alright, I have my first lead. An Ancient Lieutentant called Skids, hangs out at Shooters. Do you guys want to come with me, or do you have your own leads to follow already? I could use someone who is a bit more versed in negotiation than me."

"Yeah, I'll ride with," he says standing to stretch his legs.  "I mean, I'm no Damien Knight, but my Asymmetrical Mediation scores were always pretty high.  Say, we got a working budge on this?  I mean, I got some contacts I can tap, but ain't none of this drek come free, ya know?"

As requested, Abran, now Mercury, sends off a couple comms as they suit up to roll out.

<<@Liga [Abran] Hoi, omae.  Keep your ear on the street for anything you might here on the Halloweeners for me, would ya?  Ditto for any Ancients you may see coming around.  If it's actionable, there's some cred in it for you.>>

<<@Ed [Abran] What's up, slotface?  I'm looking for some info.  If your dirty hoop comes across any data on some of those oil tankers that came up missing here lately, or you hear of anybody doing dirt with explosives will you let a fragger know?  BTW, you working tonight?  Something tells me I'm gonna need a drink later on.  Don't get none on ya>>

<<@Bannockburn [Mercury] Look at that, the green horn's already got himself hooked up with a crew, and got himself a handle to match.  Appreciate your work on that thing last time.  It's a real beaut.  Anyway, I've been hearing some rumors there are some chummers out looking for petrol.  Large quantities.  I may have a line on something they'd be interested in.  You know the players?>>

