[5e IC] And The Rain Keeps Falling

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Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #30 on: <07-11-16/2150:58> »
When the Johnson suddenly got up to leave, Eddie had to force himself to keep his hands still and not go for the gun holstered under his shoulder. "Getting a gun drawn on them would probably upset even the calmest J's out there".

Watching Asher move towards the back of the warehouse didn't assuage his nervousness one bit. "I hate sitting in the open in rooms like this," he thinks as the man in white opened the bay doors. "Freakin' corpers could double cross us at any minute if they damn choose. Can't trust 'em further than you can throw 'em, the whole lot of 'em." With a frown he narrows his eyes and focuses on the metroplex, the cold wind gusting through the structure barely registering to him because of a tiny little implanted organ constantly suppressing sensory input. When Asher mentions the word Newhaven, Eddie feels his stomach drop. "Of course it had to be biomedical. Frak!"

He struggles trying to make out the details of the building across the water as painful memories wash over him, and suddenly realizes that he's missed a few sentences of Asher's pitch as an unknown individual walks into the room. With a mental command he replays the audio captured by the micro-camera on his ballcap, catching up on what Asher said before the newcomer walked in. "A deck jockey, eh? Nice to meet you, My name's Eddie, and infiltration and acquisition is my game."

Eddie stood and walked towards the open door, eyes fixed on the target while he quickly reviewed the op in his mind. His thoughts were racing at a million miles per hour, but he wanted to wait for Chaim to take the lead again. "At least it's a cure, not a disease. I guess we just meet up with this Doctor, steal a few vials, destroy the rest? Although..." He paused for a moment before continuing his train of thought. "What if we introduced another chemical to the cure rendering it useless? Less chance of the sabotage being immediately known that way, and might even bring some humiliation to Newhaven if they announce a faulty product." He suddenly realizes he has spoken those last sentences out loud when Asher and the other team members turns to look at him. "Dangit! So much for that plan."


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« Reply #31 on: <07-12-16/0005:22> »
So Asher goes in for the theatrics, Chaim thinks wryly as the warehouse doors comes to it rest with a clang.  The man in charcoal goes about retrieving a cigar from the synth leather pouch in his breast pocket while the man in white drops the bomb.  HMHVV, no wonder this is paying forty-four K.  And vaccine, huh?  What nasty fragging thing are we really making out with.  His mind cycles back to the brief conversation in the bar.  Glad Ichante's in on this one.  What was it she said, 'be in the know'?

<<@Team [Brasa] Ichante, we're going to need your expertise here.  Chime in on the stuff I miss.>>

Asher finishes his speech, and a green-haired elf walks in and introduces herself as "Pixel."

Scratch that.  Fifty-five K.

"Pleasure to meet you," Chaim says, transferring his cigar to his left hand and extending his right.  "Brasa,"  She'll do.  A little wild-looking for any real infiltration work, but then again sometimes the easiest place to hide is in the glare.

As stated before, you will have approximately one week to complete your mission. Before Newhaven can announce their research. Any questions?

"Mr. Asher, I want to know everything.  Will we have access to Dr. Nelson prior to the run?  Do we have details on security personnel and shift changes?"   As he talks, Chaim pulls a tear-drop shaped cigar cutter from his overcoat, snips the cigar neatly at the shoulder, and begins toasting the foot with his lighter.  "Maglock ratings, wards, para-security in general?  Popular bars with the staff?  Anything to do--"

"At least it's a cure, not a disease. I guess we just meet up with this Doctor, steal a few vials, destroy the rest? Although..." Eddie paused for a moment before continuing his train of thought. "What if we introduced another chemical to the cure rendering it useless? Less chance of the sabotage being immediately known that way, and might even bring some humiliation to Newhaven if they announce a faulty product."

"This is possible," Chaim says, pointing the lit cigar in Eddie's direction.  "Of course, it's more time intensive to adulterate the samples than to destroy them. But it'll be doctoring the research data that's real wizzer.  Oh, but imagine the possibilities.  At first they'll run additional tests, and then more as they try to figure out what variable they've missed that account for such good results one day, and such poor ones the next.  And then the blame will be shifted, and that's a big one because if they walk in and it looks like a bunch of shadowrunners were running around doing shadow work, well, you chalk that up the losses, and try to recreate your research even though you won't be first anymore.

"Ah, but when drek just goes bad, first somebody's head's gotta roll for it.  And then days, maybe weeks later depending on what Pixel here can piece together, when it's pieced together for them, when the vaccine hits the trids, well by that point they may not even be second.  I understand this is beyond the scope of what you're doing here, but if you think it's a good idea, why don't you float it to Mr. Johnson, and ask him if that isn't worth a measly twenty percent surcharge.

"I'm sorry, where were we?"



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« Reply #32 on: <07-12-16/0127:36> »
Ichante hears that it's going to be a biomedical facility and lets out an all-too-audible sigh. Wiz, that's going to set Eddie off, she thinks to herself. She rolls her head over to Eddie and sees his aura swirling like a storm on Puget Sound. I wonder if Great White will pick up on his reaction. Strike one for us.

"Doesn't sound too bad," she says with mock bravado. "What's the worse that could happen? That the vaccine actually causes the disease it is meant to protect against, so we're going into a laboratory of goblins, gnawers, and ghouls?"

She turns to Asher with a raised eyebrow. "So which strain of HMHVV is it meant to protect against? Personally, I'm going to guess Strain III. Most visible, biggest potential market."

Ichante considers the new arrival: an elf, with bright green hair and purple eyes. Her aura is unexpected. There's a datajack, sure, but also ... upgraded muscles? Ichante wonders what the story is behind those.

Inside, Ichante is at war with herself over what she should requisition. She's as susceptible to toys as anyone, but she also knows that she's technically the one paying for them. But the Johnson started out higher than we expected and Chaim bid him up more. So it's like playing with house money, right? Either way, I'm getting more than I expected, so I should just order what I want. So convenient a thing to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for every thing one has a mind to do.

The nuyen clouds her vision; her mind races with possibilities. A Yamaha Raiden! No, EX-Explosive ammunition! No, Cereprax! Arrgh! She mulls over her options while the others greet Pixel.


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« Reply #33 on: <07-12-16/0541:32> »
Pixel entered on cue from a side entry as the Johnson made his theatrical introduction. Truthfully she hated that kind of Drek but she had learned to just roll with it. Everyone had to do something for fun after all, maybe this guy enjoyed the trideo style intros.

Standing just apart from the others she greeted them with a jut of her chin. On appearance she stood of average height for an Elf, her hair was an audacious neon green hanging well down past her shoulder on one side while the other side of her head was shaved to scant millimeters with twin lines clipped into the short hair ending at an openly displayed data jack at her temple. Her gaze Sept across the, the glow of purplish light accenting her irises much the way a cats does when light catches them in the dark and she quirks a brow slightly to their brief examination of her. Over her right eye almost like an eyepiece is a Renraku Sensei with bits of data flitting across it though it's not entirely obvious if she's reading it or not. Her clothes are well tailored, almost like stage clothes of a popular Trid band, pleasing to look at low cut and covered in a well worn leather long coat.

She remains quiet as the others chatter about the job they face, she herself was already pissed about being in the rain because she knew she was going to get sick, she always got sick. The notion of walking into the den of a terrifying disease didn't help but Nuyen was Nuyen.  Sighing she flicks off the Comm link feed catching the last portions of conversation having become bored with browsing the DJ s lackluster Playlist.

"I can get that information if we have to...shifts and layouts. Shouldn't be too hard, most are public access anyway. Not like your going to encrypt some poor guys work schedule right? Anything else they dont want to share I can dig for."
« Last Edit: <07-12-16/0546:12> by Pixelated »


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« Reply #34 on: <07-13-16/1723:16> »
pale horse shifts her stance slightly, eddie going all uber-plan fantasy island made her uncomfortable,  too close to corporate mumbo jumbo. she wonders it great white hunter wore the coat to test him. the job was testing her wasn't so bad corp against corp but being the heal of the bullies boot always put sand in her knickers.

focus, target environment route in route out. method of extraction method of destruction. she forced her mind to focus on the details pushing out the little nagging thoughts. besides she needed the money to replace her shot kit

" we should do a ground recognisance and nail down the form up and bug out points first" her blank eyes looking at each in turn, "its all just talk till then, soonest done soonest finished" she looked down at the map and smiled as the logic of the plan wrapped round her at blanketed out all other thought.

You are not what you think you are. you are an imitation of what your wish you were


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« Reply #35 on: <07-13-16/1959:03> »
You can all decide your next steps yourselves, the commlog on the table has my contact information when you're ready to order any gear you may need. As for plans, guards, and Dr Nelson, I don't have the first two, but I imagine a good Decker could get them, or check archives as you need. Dr Nelson, however, is a different story. We communicate through drop locations as his only access to matrix communication is only locally accessible. Once connected directly to their systems, he'll be obviously labeled. His last communication indicated his office was on the 7th floor. Nothing more to add, so Asher leaves the runners to their plans and coordination.


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« Reply #36 on: <07-13-16/2048:47> »
Pixel takes a cursory glance at the map and folds her arms glancing at Pale Horse only momentarily slightly uncomfortable with anyone who smiled to themselves that way. She thinks for a moment and reaches to a pocket as if suddenly remembering something and then a moment later turns her attention back to the group still giving the map a cursory glance before watching mister cloak and dagger and his lab coat sidekick exit the room. Idly she wondered what they did when they were going off to do when they weren't playing the mysterious fixer, splurge on trids and chicken wings? who knew. In any case she had more pressing concerns, like the payday that lay before them. She had often been told that her aloof attitude could be offputting to most, but she never let that stop her before so now was no exception.

"Well I agree with nailing down our routes first, if you want someone to sniff around on the ground I have a drone or two in my shop that could monitor by air. Maps are fun and all but they don't account for current, detours, late night marching eye's on target before we do anything is a good play. While your all doing that I can go dig around in the Matrix see what I can find to make this easier unless you need something pressing, or plan on ordering a pizza."


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« Reply #37 on: <07-14-16/0057:03> »
Ichante watches Great White leave with annoyance, not having received an answer to her question of what strain of HMHVV the vaccine was for.

"I'll take the astral," Ichante says with unconcealed pride. "I'll see what magical security is like, at least on the exterior, while Redcloud" - her guardian spirit materializes next to her, with abs like a washboard and delts like woah - "watches my back. Eddie, keep an eye on me, wiz? Chaim, maybe sweet talk your way into some soykaf if we're going to be at this all night, neh?"

That Chaim. Gotta break his balls a bit lest they get too big for his own good.

Ichante takes a seat, hunkering down into her armor jacket to ward away the cold breeze flowing in through the large bay door. Luckily she had opted for the additional insulation when she purchased her armored jacket, leaving her relatively snug. Still, she wishes she had a scarf. Moonsilver makes a shawl out of spidersilk ballistic cloth. Can you buy that separately or does it only come with the dress?

Still, she can use the wind and rain. They are full of Wakan Tanka, the power of life that animates everything in this world. She will draw inspiration from them, just as she does the rocks and snow and soil. Just as the rain finds every crack and crevice, so will Ichante find every gap or oversight in the facility. She bites her lip with a shiver as she turns to her conjuration.

Redcloud, we are the scouting party for a raid. While you are with us, I ask that you look over my friends and me, and protect us from harm.

Ichante closes her eyes and slips off into the astral. She rises slowly, keeping a close eye on Chaim that he doesn't poke her while she's "away", then ascends through the roof of the warehouse. Suddenly, she's in the tempest. The mana is fresh and natural, the continual rains of the last week having scoured the sky of the worst of its pollutants. With Redcloud in tow, she rockets off toward the facility, eyeing the dancing spirits of the storm and wind. Arriving at the facility, she circles high above, feigning disinterest while covertly assessing the grounds.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #38 on: <07-14-16/0843:44> »
Watching the man who called himself Asher as he made his way out of the warehouse, Eddie stalks over to the table where their employer has left behind a 'link. "Well, that partly explains the rate for this job; next to no intel on the site itself or the target, and a single on-site contact who uses drop boxes of all thing; good thing we've got a week for this gig."

When Pale Horse and the new-comer starts talking about routes, he scoffs loudly. "What good are routes if we don't know where we're going. If Dr. Nelson has an office on the 7th floor what we're after could literally be anywhere; we could recon the whole grounds for all the good it'll do us when we make a move days from now. Heck, at this point we don't even know if we'll have to go in by water, tunnel in from underground, or just have Brasa waltz up to the front entrance with that million nuyen smile of his." Eddie grins at the face before proceeding.

"What we do need to know before we start planning for routes is where exactly our target is, what kind of security this place has both exterior and interor, how many guards are on premises, and if they have on-call or on-duty mojo and/or matrix support. Biomedical research probably means clean rooms and redundant security systems, as well as possible test subjects we'll want to steer clear of" he says with a scowl, "and they might even have other... biological... security on-site. With the facility located just north of Rosemont the local badges could have a response time of anywhere from ten minutes to an hour, but a corp like Newhaven is likely going to have private contracts above and beyond what the wageslaves get, which means HTR if things go south."

The young man is in his element now, and his mind is racing with the potential security design implications of a facility this size. When Ichante states she'll do Astral recon, he nods to himself. "Don't go away for too long, Ichante; we need to relocate to a facility of our own choosing before we settle in for the long haul. Pixel, see what you can dig up in 15-30 minutes while Chaim and I see about finding us a better location." The implication that he doesn't trust their employer comes across strong in his tone.

He keeps an eye on Ichante until she slumps in her chair, seemingly sleeping. "Stay safe, chica" he thinks to himself as he ponders what it must be like to literally leave ones body behind.
« Last Edit: <07-14-16/0847:31> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #39 on: <07-14-16/1211:36> »
Watching the man who called himself Asher as he made his way out of the warehouse, Eddie stalks over to the table where their employer has left behind a 'link. "Well, that partly explains the rate for this job; next to no intel on the site itself or the target, and a single on-site contact who uses drop boxes of all thing; good thing we've got a week for this gig."

"Indeed," Chaim says.  "This one has frag-up written all over it, and that means good legwork all around.  In fact, why are we meeting with Dr. Nelson anyway.  This isn't his extraction, and we'd better be going in with a good idea of where the vaccine is located, what the security is, and how to get it out to begin with.  He's going to be more of use before the infiltration, so I want everything on him you can get, Pixel.

"And while we're on it, what in the good ghost's drek made you think it was a smart play to make out like we don't need every last bit of intel our employers can provide us with?  Maybe you like scanning the last six years of invoices to see if the maglocks have been updated since building plans hit the city archives, but I don't like wasting time for that sort of thing.  Do this whole team a favor, and the next time the grownups are talking, you keep your deckhead mouth shut and your ears open."

Straightening his tie, and adjusting a cufflink with his free hand, Chaim watches Pixel's expression carefully.  He's out of line, and he knows it.  Still, the new decker is an unknown quantity, to say nothing of her quality, and he needs to see how she responds to pressure before there's a gun pointed in her face, or she's going up against a hotshot corp spider. 

When Pale Horse and the new-comer starts talking about routes, he scoffs loudly. "What good are routes if we don't know where we're going. If Dr. Nelson has an office on the 7th floor what we're after could literally be anywhere; we could recon the whole grounds for all the good it'll do us when we make a move days from now. Heck, at this point we don't even know if we'll have to go in by water, tunnel in from underground, or just have Brasa waltz up to the front entrance with that million nuyen smile of his." Eddie grins at the face before proceeding.

"What we do need to know before we start planning for routes is where exactly our target is, what kind of security this place has both exterior and interor, how many guards are on premises, and if they have on-call or on-duty mojo and/or matrix support. Biomedical research probably means clean rooms and redundant security systems, as well as possible test subjects we'll want to steer clear of" he says with a scowl, "and they might even have other... biological... security on-site. With the facility located just north of Rosemont the local badges could have a response time of anywhere from ten minutes to an hour, but a corp like Newhaven is likely going to have private contracts above and beyond what the wageslaves get, which means HTR if things go south."

"Agreed.  I don't need to see how good your pilot program is, Pixel.  I need to see what you can do in the trix."

When talk turns to finding a more suitable location to continue at for their respective legwork tactics, Chaim starts digging through his link.  "If we just want to make a night of it, I have a friend who may be able to provide us with a meeting room in a downtown bar.  If we want to go ahead and spring for a clubhouse for the next ten days, I have a couple different avenues to tap, and I can float the cost until payday.  Whaddya think, chummers?


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« Reply #40 on: <07-14-16/1552:34> »
that sounds good to me lets move before peoples tongs start wagging. is it a nice place or will I have to dress up?
You are not what you think you are. you are an imitation of what your wish you were


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« Reply #41 on: <07-16-16/0544:31> »
If Pixel seemed affected by the tirade it certainly didn't show on her face, she regarded chaim with a sort of quirked eyebrow and let him say his piece. The overbearing types were nothing new to her and being both elven and female she was quite used to being singled out or being dismissed by another, partly it was the reason she never trusted anything that another person said. She was sure he had a a point but there was something about being spoon fed that Pixel had always hated. It reminded her too much of her parents and truthfully she preferred to do legwork herself. Shrugging at him she meets his gaze.

"If you feel like trusting that guys intel, if he had any, then be my guest. Personally it's too many variables, if he didn't present it right out then he either doesn't have it or is hiding something. The info you need I can get and get it before you plan on hitting this place and we won't have to wonder if anything was intentionally left out or omitted for some game the guy in the pretty coat and his friend are playing. So if your finished 'dad'  I have work to do."

Following the exchange she then responds to the notion of workspace.

"Agreed.  I don't need to see how good your pilot program is, Pixel.  I need to see what you can do in the trix."

When talk turns to finding a more suitable location to continue at for their respective legwork tactics, Chaim starts digging through his link.  "If we just want to make a night of it, I have a friend who may be able to provide us with a meeting room in a downtown bar.  If we want to go ahead and spring for a clubhouse for the next ten days, I have a couple different avenues to tap, and I can float the cost until payday.  Whaddya think, chummers?

"It doesn't matter to me either way. I can jack in from a soycafe if I wanted to and establish a link to your comm's, I'm content to go to my usual site but if you want me to stay with you guys wherever your going then I'll do that....and nooo...."

She looks pointedly at Chaim the motion sending her green hair cascading about one shoulder.

"...before you say it I wan't planning on actually going to a Soycafe. Any place I can jack in will do...I'd prefer my shop but...."

She simply shrugs without finishing the sentence.


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« Reply #42 on: <07-18-16/2133:37> »
Ichante's astral form returns to her body. Merging the two, she opens her eyes and reflexively starts combing her hair with her fingers, as if it might have gotten mussed flying through the astral. It's a ridiculous habit but one she can't break. She licks the tip of her fingers and and tries to tamp down an unruly portion of her bangs that seems prone to frizz regardless of the rainstorms of the last week.

She stands and accepts a soykaf from Chaim, which is of questionable origin given the neighborhood. She trusts her dwarven tolerance for pathogens by taking a sip and finding it exactly as dreadful as she hoped. She scoops up a packet of hydrogenated vegetable-based non-dairy creamer and adds it to the soykaf to give it a sickly greyish hue somewhat akin to ghoul skin.

"I'm back," she announces unnecessarily, but it's a habit from being 50-100cm shorter than the rest of the world. "Scoped out the exterior; didn't take a chance poking my head inside. Not at this hour at least. Nothing too remarkable about the exterior. Building is ten stories, surrounded by lightly wooded hills. It's the tallest building around. The trees appear to be landscaped, so maybe the hospital owns some of the surrounding grounds too instead of just the building. Perhaps there are additional security measures in the woods but I didn't see them from the astral.

"There is a guard booth at the entrance to the parking lot with a fattie just waiting to retire. There are rent-a-cops patrolling the grounds. Not Awakened, little cyber, no paracritters. No watchers or spirits that I could see. It gives off the vibe of a regular hospital - hope, despair, life, death, all that - so they might have to play it soft on the visible security, at least externally, so that they don't alarm the guests."

She gives a look to Eddie. "From the outside it did not appear to be a den of torture and inhuman experiments, but maybe we'll get lucky inside, neh?"

She sips the soykaf again before her eyes fall on Asher's commlink. "Before we submit our equipment requests we should figure out next steps. It looks like a public facility so it's not impossible that we could pose as potential guests, or agents of a potential client, or donor, or so on. I doubt any of us have the chops to pass as a potential doctor or researcher so that might be out.

"If Chaim poses as a prospect, one or two of us could tag along as a security, or assistants, or general entourage. Enrique and I"
she uses the name from Chaim's fake SIN - "have UCAS SINs that complement each other. Maybe Enrique gets out the blush and toner, disguises us up a bit, and walks us straight in the front door to get an inside-out view. If we go that route, I'm going to need something presentable to wear though."

She mentally tabs through the options. Couldn't do Mortimer of London or Zoé on that budget, but Vashon Island's Synergist Business Line has some nice designs out for the autumn season. Still custom-made. I wonder how long they would take to deliver? We're on the clock.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #43 on: <07-19-16/1246:52> »
"Let's go for something more permanent; I'm guessing the kind of leg work we'll need on this won't be done in a night, so we might as well settle in for the long haul. Somewhere nearby Newhaven, preferably, overlooking the site if at all possible."

Eddie mentally reviewed the intel Ichante had provided, nodding as she laid out a possible avenue of approach.

"Sounds good to me; I can pose as a bodyguard if necessary."


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« Reply #44 on: <07-19-16/1303:13> »
"If you feel like trusting that guys intel, if he had any, then be my guest. Personally it's too many variables, if he didn't present it right out then he either doesn't have it or is hiding something. The info you need I can get and get it before you plan on hitting this place and we won't have to wonder if anything was intentionally left out or omitted for some game the guy in the pretty coat and his friend are playing. So if your finished 'dad'  I have work to do."

Parental issues, eh? Chaim mentally files that one away for future use.  Among shadowrunners it was rare to find one who had what you'd call a good family life, but Pixel has SINner written all over her, probably raised in the enclaves, good schools and all that drek.  Not that he cares.  Not that he's in a position to care, but it's good to know regardless. 

"Far be it from me to hold you up, PIxel.  Let's see what you got," Chaim says before turning to Eddie and Pale Horse.  "I'm gonna do the best to keep Ichante off my back, and go get that soykaf.  Figure I better make it six?"

With that, Chaim makes his way out of the warehouse, and back into the night's rain.  He makes his way a block down to the closest Stuffer Shack, finishes off a carafe of Seattle's Finest™, and has to wait for the next one to "brew," while he flirts with the cashier.  He barely makes it back to the warehouse before Ichante comes lulling out of her trip, and starts doing that weird thing with her hair again. 

She gives the specifics in that clipped, all-business tone of hers, and when talk comes to their acquisitions, Chaim agrees with the assessment.

"Yeah, I'd like to see what Pixel comes up with before we submit anything," he says.  "There are a lot of avenue we could go with, from maintenance crew to potential donors, to staff.  I like that security doesn't seem to heavy on the outside, but things could look very different in the research wing."

He smiles when Ichante talks about the two of them going is as some kind of rich corpers.  She'll do just about anything to justify some new threads.