[5e IC] And The Rain Keeps Falling

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« Reply #60 on: <08-03-16/1459:41> »
Chaim receives the next packet of info from Pixel, and gives out a low whistle.  Yeah, this is the kind of thing they don't tell you during the meet.  He then turns to infiltration expert.

"Sorry to say it, Eddie, but you may need to dig those flippers out of storage.  You getting a load of this?"

"I'm thinking they've got a basement down there after all," Eddie says.

"So, what do you guys think?  I say we move forward with the delegation angle tomorrow morning, and plan to check out the grounds after dark.  Any other ideas?"

ok. mr chaime? what would be the dress code of this little opp? I only ask because I don't have any formal business attire. everything I have is "utilitarian"

"Ichante, you got anything Pale Horse can borrow?" Chaim asks, clearly all-too-pleased with his joke.  "It won't be armored, but let's see about getting you some off-the-rack niceties to wear, on Papa Brasa's dime."

<<@Pale Horse [Brasa] It's 'Brasa' in front of company, dear.  We don't know if Pixel's got her ears out.  If I was going hotsim around strangers I know I would.>>


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« Reply #61 on: <08-03-16/1726:55> »
pale horse blinked, her face went into neutral as she looked at ichante, "eh? what? don't get it?" she blinked twice and tried as smile and defaulted to the shrug I;m sorry but i seem to miss the....errrr...hmmmm...(snaps fingers in triumph) context"

as Ichante expanded on what she meant, her eyes strayed to the screen Chaim had out "can I see the floor plans?...Please"
You are not what you think you are. you are an imitation of what your wish you were

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #62 on: <08-04-16/0655:17> »
Eddie just stared at Chaim with a dead-pan look on his face.

"I had to burn almost all of my gear last time, omae; ain't no cleaner known to man can get that smell out, and that's chip truth." Sighing loudly, he continued. "But if that's what it takes... Do we have anything that can recon the tunnels remotely, or did I just the draw short straw on this one?"

Clearly not overly pleased at the prospect of wading through sewage, he nonetheless brings up an ARO and starts looking for appropriate gear.


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« Reply #63 on: <08-05-16/2015:06> »
Begrudgingly, Eddie finds himself once again outfitting for a venture into the depths. The rain has driven most people indoors, and as his truck splashes through the potholes, few heads lift at the sound of the passing engine roar. Supplies in hand, the adept traverses the city blocks nearest to Newhaven. It doesn't take long to find a secluded alley and the manhole cover just as Pixel mapped out. Maybe she'll be able to work her way into the circle of trust the runners share already. Time will tell.

Eddie makes quick work of the cover and slides quickly into the putrid muck before anyone notices what's going on. The darkness of the clouded skies feels ever more oppressive underground, and the thin break of his flashlight does little to push back the black wall. Water ruins quickly through the pipes, lapping up and over his boots and ankles, a myriad of reflecting eyes scatter ahead of the tight break of his light.

Navigating takes significantly longer than he would have liked, the jumble of mismatched and overused passageways make it difficult to find the correct path. Over time, he realizes the correct path, and makes his way to a series of small locked doors. Each is identical in size and shape, approximately 2 feet on each side, large enough to squeeze through, but not comfortably for the average person. Through the layers of grime and plaqued on debris, a key hole is visible. He can see what appears to be rubbing marks along the edges like something was pushed through the hole that didn't quite fit, and from beyond he can barely discern a pair of voices. One deeper, muffled by the walls and running water, the other more clear, closer. Yeah, went through yesterday. This popper left a mess in here. Gonna be a few days before this gets cleaned up and the next one comes in. Better put in for OT. Laughter echoes sickeningly and fades away. As he looks around the hole once more, the outline of a barely fleshed hand can be seen caught on the tunnel wall. As he reaches for the claw like fingers, the skin sloughs off and drifts away in the current, leaving crumbling bone and connective tissue behind.

It's time to get back to the team. The tunnels take him back the same way, and he returns to the safe house to clean up and discuss his findings.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #64 on: <08-06-16/2118:51> »
The return to the sewer entrance had taken considerably shorter than had finding his way from the entrance to the target site, and Eddie let his mind wander for a moment while he retrieved the survival kit he'd stashed away after making his entrance.

"45 minutes, give or take. At least it wasn't a wasted trip; the presence of the subterranean entrances proves there's more to Newhaven than meets the eye." He removed the canister of C-Squared and liberally applied the cleaning agent to his chameleon suit and shock gloves, as well as the rest of his gear that had been exposed to the elements. "The trail should be easy enough to follow; let's hope no one comes looking for electronics any time soon." Stripping out of the chameleon suit, he made a mental note to re-apply more cleaner at the safe house and to hang it out to dry. At least the coveralls didn't smell too bad, unlike himself. "Man, I need a shower. And some sleep."

Content that the long night would almost be over, he climbed the ladder to the surface easily, pausing only to use the endoscope in order to ensure there weren't too many people around, before making his way into the morning dawn. He quickly stashed his gear in the smuggling compartment of the ATV and jumped into the drivers seat. The engine roared to life and Eddie smiled at the familiar sound. "Nothing like the sound of a naturally aspirated engine purring on all cylinders to brighten up your day."

The drive to the safehouse was uneventful, and after parking outside the garage he grabbed his gear and headed inside. Finding a spot to hang his suit from proved to be easy enough, and placed a micro-camera above it before giving it a once-over with industrial strength cleaning fluid. He then took the stairs up to the safehouse itself, and was pleasantly surprised to find the rest of the team assembled around what looked like breakfast.

"Hoi, chummers!" he exclaimed cheerfully, and grabbed himself a cup of soycaf before sitting down on one of the plastic chairs in the room. By the looks on everyone's faces, the smell was worse than he thought. "Yeah yeah, I smell like sewage. I'll grab a shower in a bit. That can wait, though, 'cause Pixel's intel paid off and I hit paydirt; there's definitely some sort of structure underneath the Newhaven property, though I can confirm that it's a mess of tunnels, too. I laid a trail of RFID tags and set them to run silently, so we can enter or exit underground in roughly an hour, if necessary."

He paused for dramatic effect, taking a long swig of the hot soycaf. "Here's the kicker; there are several doors that lead into the structure, all with locking mechanisms, looking for all intents and purposes as if they're just part of the wall. Not conventional doors, mind, more like... I dunno... pens, is the feeling I get, 2 by 2 . Like the ones at the racetrack keeping the dogs in?" Another drink drained the cup, and he set it down on the table. "And there were definitely people inside. I barely caught the tail end of a conversation, and they talked about someone "going through yesterday", and something about a "popper" leaving "a mess in here". Oh, and they were talking about OT because they'd need to clean up; "a few days before this gets cleaned up and the next one comes in" were his exact words."

He swallowed before continuing, still a little uncomfortable at the thought of what had happened next. "And I found a hand; seemed human enough, but it had what looked like claws instead of fingers. It was stuck in the wall, near enough, and almost completely decomposed; it literally decomposed when I touched it." With a thought he created an ARO containing all of the information he'd collected, and gave out MARKs for everyone in the room to it. "Anyway, it's all in there. Now if you'll excuse me, I need a shower..."


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« Reply #65 on: <08-07-16/1916:09> »
Pixel melted away from the grid of the hospital her concious experiencing a moment of detatchment before a faint shimmer on the public grid saw her business like avatar push upward from the glimmering floor of data streams. Stretching languidly she made a face at her reflection on a nearby node and made a gesture restoring her flowing avatar of swirling motes and glowing neon hair which hovered about her like an underwater dancers. She smiled at the waiting figure of her agent program who dissapated in a flash downloading into her deck and disseminating the gathered data to the uplinked comms of the team.

She lingered for a moment looking out over the grid wondering if Hatter was jacked in out there somewhere and she resisted the urge to reach out for him. He would find her again someday she was sure. Brushing her hands over her mark it shimmered briefly downloading all of the particulars of her excursion including the data on the doctors card usage, the security snap shots of the stations, schedules, the altered shift schedule, copies of the tour invitation as well as all the rest. Especially the data on the room in the basement. Then her own form dissapated in a whirling spray of tiny musical notes and top hats.


Pixel plucked the data jack out of her temple as her deck made a soft sound and she took a moment as the shift back to the real world assaulted her senses. Catching the last part of the conversation about the cages she flipped her hair idly to one side while taking a moment to ensure the data was filtering to the rest of the team.

"I wouldnt be suprised if they are testing on ghouls or something....they are hiding something big in that basement."

She sighed with a slight melodramatic effect and focused her purple glowing gaze upon those present and slightly arched her brow.

"Funny they failed to mention that part huh? Like I said...they either dont know drek or are hiding things. Anyway you chummers have a tour tomorrow....and we have our security shift plus the docs movements for the last while up to today so....we should know just where he'll be."

She stands arching her back and stifling a slight yawn as her deck winks out nearby shrouding her in dark from its faint glow.

"Think I'll go lie down somewhere."


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« Reply #66 on: <08-08-16/1828:38> »
"we're not the next test subjects for a program are we?"
You are not what you think you are. you are an imitation of what your wish you were


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« Reply #67 on: <08-08-16/2245:36> »
Ichante rolls over on her cot when Eddie barges in with his cheerful news about the sewers. "Shhh," she shushes him, "that's all terribly interesting, about the disintegrating hands and everything, but I simply have to get some sleep or I'm going to show up for my Lordstrung's appointment with bags under my eyes." With that she rolls over and returns to sleep, troubled by nightmares of ghouls with frown lines, crow's feet, acne scars, large pores, melasma, spider veins, and unsightly jowls.

Unable to sleep deeply due to fear of oversleeping, Ichante gets up in the morning with frizzy hair only to find her handsome guardian spirit is gone like a one-night stand with Traceless Walk. A long, wet ride from Redmond to Downtown Seattle perched on the back of Pale Horse's Suzuki Mirage does nothing to improve her mood. She shows up at Lordstrung's looking like a well-armored drowned rat in the middle of a AAA department store. She only makes it past the highly skeptical security troll by flashing the ARO of her reservation and protesting her innocence. By the time she gets to Lordstrung's Hall of Measuring and Pampering she is near tears, which probably wouldn't be visible given the raindrops stored in her hair that are steadily being released down her face.

"Oh, my dahling!" protests the effeminate ork who sweeps in to rescue her. He's wearing a high-collar floor-length coat with back shoulder flaring and flowing-but-layered lower half that Ichante instinctively identifies as the Ace of Cups from Vashon Island. "Come with me! We have to get you out of those... wet clothes!" He throws a plush towel around her shoulders as he leads her to the unisex spa, where he pushes her into a shower that blasts her simultaneously from six different shower heads. He gives her a terrycloth bathrobe that is thick enough to stop small-caliber bullets and that was clearly meant for someone taller than a dwarf. She emerges with a meter-long train of robe trailing behind her as the ork, introduced as Valentine, asserts his authority over her corporeal form. Ichante soon finds herself reclining in a chair with form-fitting gel cushions. She's asleep before she knows it, waking up some time later to discover some sort of vegetable slices over her eyes. Her stomach grumbles audibly and she has to resist eating the strange, watery slices.

"No time for breakfast?" Valentine asks as he undoes her braids and washes her hair gently in 40 C water that has been filtered via reverse osmosis. He stops to clap imperiously with shampoo suds on his hands. A Renraku Manservant lumbers forward through the curtain of shampoo bubbles with a tray of fresh fruits, pastries, herbal teas, and sparkling water. Ichante would stare except for the fact that she has vegetables over her eyes and can't see any of it. Valentine feeds her like a mama bird while applying various facial products. She tries the first grape of her life, followed by a slice of something else.

"What is this?" she asks with wonder.

"That's a satsuma," Valentine replies succinctly, eliminating her split ends snip by snip with his silver shears. "They grow them in California Free State and the CAS but we import ours from Japan."

After drying her hair, applying conditioner, and then wrapping it up on top of her head in one of those towel tornadoes, Valentine seizes her hands and gives her a manicure while chattering on about the Neo-Aztec influences that define the styles of Armanté this season. "Aztechnology was a major supporter for Vitorrio Armanté’s shadow war with Zoé to recover the rights to the line name back in ’73," he says with a conspiratorial whisper, before proceeding to her feet while lamenting the lack of originality in Mortimer of London's most recent lines.

Once Ichante is suitably settled in her heavy robe and towel hair and facial mask and toe-separator thingee that women use to keep their toes separate while their nails dry, Valentine steps forward with a heavy leather-bound tome that he carries with an expression of deep reverence.

"I understand you are here for the Synergist Business Line. These are the fabric samples. Please, take your time."

Ichante opens the heavy book slowly as it casts a golden glow over her. She flips from page to page, eyes wide with wonder and the botulinum toxin treatment that Valentine injected around her face. She runs her hand over each sample as Valentine fills her in on the wonders of superwools with a maximum fiber diameter of 11.25 µ or less. "It comes from Awakened bighorn sheep!" he says with genuine excitement. "Can you believe it? There are rumors that Heritage is working on a new fabric derived from wild satyr wool!"

After careful consultation, Ichante selects a light grey fabric with subtle white pin stripes that will make her look imperceptibly taller. Valentine bows deeply and withdraws walking backward, lest he turn his back on his client.

"Wait, what about my measurements?" Ichante cries with some alarm to no avail. She is left to console herself with the tea sandwiches, petit fours, and kombucha that the Renraku Manservant - named Jeeves - provides at regular intervals.

"Thank you, Jeeves," she says absentmindedly, wondering if she could string together a handful of Healthy Glow and Fashion spells to recreate the experience at home.

Soon - too soon - Valentine emerges to rinse the conditioner out of her hair and remove her facial mask. Once she is back in her natural state, a series of drone porters glide in silently to present Ichante with a carefully curated selection of lingerie and lacy unmentionables. She hastily selects the least-frilly option while Valentine excuses himself so Ichante can dress herself. When she's ready Valentine returns with her new suit, which he folds over his arm and presents with a bow. Ichante tears up at the sight of the suit, knowing that her time in this oasis of corporate civility and class is drawing to a close. Valentine studies her closely after she dresses, looking for imperfections.

"I think the jacket needs to be darted," Ichante insists, hoping to extend the experience.

"It's perfect," Valentine retorts, plucking at the shoulders of the suit. Ichante knows he's right. It's perfect, frag it.

"Ah, but I can't send you back out in those!" Valentine protests, pointing at Ichante's boots with a bent wrist. He claps his hands again and a modified GM-Nissan Doberman rolls in with a selection of attractive but sensible high heels.

In her suit and heels, Valentine presents her with her old clothes in a Lordstrung's bag, which Ichante silently promises to frame as soon as she gets paid. Valentine escorts her to the door, where he summons a black cab with a single raised hand. Pale Horse is out there at the same time with her effeminate ork, who stares daggers at Ichante's effeminate ork. The women greet each other and agree to share a cab. "Where can it take you?" Valentine asks.

Ichante opens her mouth but realizes she can't say "Redmond", nor can she simply just walk home in the Underground looking like this, even if it is only eight or ten blocks. Instead she says "Gaeatronics Mountain," thinking that it sounds plausible given their ethnicity while reasoning that Bellevue is at least halfway to Redmond. She can call Eddie for a ride while taking a walking tour through the rooftop gardens (maybe the covered parts, given the weather) as well as see some of the facilities from the ground floor visitor’s center. Valentine helps her into the cab then presents her with a cup of peppermint tea and a small box of chocolate truffles made by someone with an expensive French name. Ichante cries a single tear as the heavy door closes and the taxi pulls out into traffic.
« Last Edit: <08-09-16/0010:10> by Tecumseh »


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« Reply #68 on: <08-11-16/1906:15> »
the trip to down town was uneventful except for the Ughs icks and ahs from her passenger as the rain hammered down. by the time they got to the store she was top of the hit list, but the short walk to the store mellowed Horse's temper, in fact by the time she'd stared the security down, on her way in, the comedy for their paring almost made her smile, one short expressive pamper poodle and the other tall passive utilitarian, could get a sitcom on the trid out of this. as they entered they were descended upon by to off the oddest Orcs she'd every meet, both trying to out effeminate (if that isn't a word it should be) each other

Sabastian (the lisp made it hard to tell) gathered her up and shooed her in to a room, towels and robes where brought (could get used to this) when he tried to hold the robe out for the novelty started to wear off (do these robes come without the Orc?) so what can we fit you for today miss..?
"pale horse"
"miss Horse"
"synergist trouser suit" she read of her com

the Orc exploded into a blither of extraneous information about collections materials cuts and detailing

Horse desperately cut in, as she tried to explain to Sabastian that this was work ware and she really did not need this that or the other (one because of budget) as it was very likely that it was going to get shot stabbed ripped or worse in her line of work, frustrated the little orc came back with a book and laboured hard to pull information not oft used from the back of his head. this was X denier , this has Y melt point yada yada yada. he explained about the fitting and raised an eye brow at her to enquire if she understood the direct stare and questioning tone actually raised a smile fro him when she muttered " isn't that your area of expertise? I'll listen to your advice in fit and.... was it Cut? if you'll listen to me on staying safe?"

things went much better from there on though she was sure he stretched it out some what he even adjusted the trousers to take boots rather than shoes (WTF are PUMPS, they're feet not tires) and the jacket to match the armoured coat. The look on his face when se pull out her pistol so he could fit the holster was priceless " but but miss horse its all oily!"

she had to admit it was not bad and it survived her most unladylike gyrations which really did scare the poor boy

"well looks like you can make a silk purse out of a sows ear, thank you Sabastian" he smiled back " if you ever need something unpleasant doing, or stopping, let me know and I will be back for that coat you spoke of"

he started in on the price list form the spar and hair salon protesting wildly about having hair to match the outfit but she cut him of with a stare "white mans clothes, Sabastian, fine but I'm still a tribeswoman, hair? that's a line I'll thank you not to cross" she added "lets not part on harsh words, show me what you have that I can wear on my bike"
he beamed and ran off to pull together sims for all kinds of things and wasted 30 minuets showing her jackets trousers boots of all shapes and sizes, horse duly noted them down in her com.

his face darkened when the other orc popped his head round the door on nodded.

Sabastian took her too the door, by now he had worked out that chit chat was not any use, pale horse thanked him for every thing, made reference to "the plan" and promised to be back

as Ichante and she disentangle themselves form the feuding orcs that jump in the taxi. Horse plugs her bike to follow. Ichante is crying, EH? is she allergic to the chocolates or some thing? she opened her bag to see Sabastian had put a bottle of smoothie and some dried buffalo.

she though she stick with Ichante while she waited for eddie if nothing else she could get used to the what she moved better for tomorrow and the recce look more bedded in and natural, she pulled a strip of meat out and slowly chewed on it as she ran over the plans in her head again working out how to move through the space and position her self so she could get the angles she wanted. As she reached for the drink she looked at Ichante still looking glum. "did you get what you needed?"
"I've got a milk moustache haven't I"?"
You are not what you think you are. you are an imitation of what your wish you were


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« Reply #69 on: <08-12-16/1426:53> »
Eddie wakes with a groggy Frag off," in Chaim's general direction while the all-too-jovial social infiltrator wags a soykaf in his face. 

"Come on, swamp rat," Chaim says.  "Just got pinged by our ladies.  Shopping's done, so we need a ride into Newhaven."

"Call a cab,"
Eddie groans, "and we can talk about this again at a much more civilized hour."

"I bought a couple of those curry breakfast burritos you like,"
Chaim offers.

Eddie pulls himself up to a sitting position and his eyes clear a bit.  Chaim is freshly shaven and coiffed.  He has his suit set to a rich plum with ochre windowpane stripes, and his quad-strap monks look freshly shined.  He dangles the Stuffer Shack bag invitingly and has on his please-don't-shoot-me-in-the-face-for-waking-you-up smile.

"Gimme those," Eddie says, eventually.

Eddie makes the rounds to pick up Ichante, and later Pale Horse who's already doing her best to ruin the new look by tooling around on her motorcycle in the rain.  The Amerindian doesn't quite look comfortable in her new threads yet, but Chaim has to admit that they look good on her.  "You wear it well," he offers.  "Sebastian, or whatever his name was, did a good job."

"He made me wear pumps,"
she sobs.

<<@Pixel [Brasa] Team's assembled.  Uploading passes now.  Keep an eye on us, would ya?  Many thanks.>>
<<Invitation: MARKs>>

With everyone together and Pixel watching the trix, they make their way to southeast to Newhaven.  The cityscape appears bleary through the rain, AROs and tridboards flashing bright against the gray sky, and the never ending lines of traffic carrying metas of all persuasions to and from work in all the monotony of the sixth world.  What a time to be alive.  The Newhaven campus has the same dull stamp on the horizon as the rest of the buildings in the area, its lighted windows shimmering slightly, and they make only a cursory stop at the guard station, where an elderly Caucasian man checks Chaim's commlink and waves them on to the parking garage. 

Eddie finds a space, and says something about them finding their own way back home before heading to the safehouse himself for some much deserved rest.  Chaim clasps him on the shoulder before he departs, and says, "We'll see you soon, chummer."

As Eddie exits the parking garage he adds to Ichante and PaleHorse, "Alright, we all know the drill, let's see if my investment here is a wise one," and he takes he lead inside and straight to the receptionist's desk.

"Good morning," Chaim says, flashing a winning smile.  "I'm Mr. Casada.  I understand that I am expected for a tour of the premises."


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« Reply #70 on: <08-16-16/2041:39> »
After an indeterminate time Pixel rolled off the small mat she was using to sleep stretching languidly before leaping nimbly to her feet. Taking a moment to brush out her hair her comlink chirps and she purses her lips taking a quick sip of a Soycaf before flipping on her deck and siding the jack in. Finding the path into the camera system was a simple thing now that ahe had seen their grid and wasnt doing anything intrusive. Through the matrix her slightly musical voice chimed into the comms.

"Im watching...dont worry about it."


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« Reply #71 on: <08-19-16/0808:20> »
The ride to the hospital was tense as each member went over their respective part. Pale Horse and Ichante read their persona AROs for the eighteenth time. Chaim seemed more at ease, being in his own element after all. Outside the van, the rain and wind threatened to push the vehicle off the road, puddles large enough to swallow a Dodge Scoot hid untold depth that made navigating the broken streets of the barrens even more treacherous than usual. Smoother pavement greeted the tires as the central districts opened ahead. The hospital loomed into view through the rain splashed windshield. The gate guard looks to be hating his life, and would probably require several pay grade raises before he'd leave his heated booth, he gives only a cursory glance at the mock credentials and waves you through.

Inside, the receptionist greets you with an overly practiced smile which leaves you wondering if you'd ever seen someone so cheerful and not under the influence of some mind altering substance.

Welcome to Newhaven, how can I help you today? she begins, but is quickly cut off by a much sterner looking matriarch in horn rimmed glasses. Mr. Casada, so pleasant to meet you. she begins before making shooing motions at the receptionist. If you would just for me this way, I'd be simply delighted to show you what we have to offer here. As you are undoubtedly aware, Newhaven is a registered non profit research hospital. While we do take part in general studies, our focus is on the bleeding edge of science and technology. It is with the help of generous donors and grants that we are able to employ our full compliment of researchers. she continues to last it on pretty thick and you find yourselves tuning out quite a bit, recognizing it for the stinks prattle of the corp world. Trek the donors what they want to hear, woo them as best you can, and then line your pockets with their money. Not a bad business practice to be honest.

I'd like to take you up to one of our research floors to show you how everything really works here. she gracefully slides down a hallway to a back of elevators and waits for the door to open. Once inside, she presses the button to the eighth floor. While the elevator climbed, their your guide explained that Newhaven was leading several exciting new projects, each one more promising than the last. She told how the researchers used not only medical, but also technological, and magical means to push the limits of modern medicine. The elevator dinged as they reached their floor, and the guide passed a data card over a proximity scanner to open the doors.

The eighth floor was a mixture of what looked like a clean room, a chemistry lab, and every scientists dream. The people here were speaking in hushed tones, working together in several small groups. One group was just breaking up, heading to various pieces of equipment, when the guide waved one over.

Dr. Nelson! If you have a spare moment, could you briefly explain what it is you're working on right now? This gentleman, Mr. Casada, is very interested in our work here.

A man of about average height with unkempt hair and a mustache that seemed to be growing slightly out of control hurried over and offered his hand to Chaim. Shaking it, he waved his free hand in a sweeping gesture of the lab, Good to meet you, sir. What you see here is a process of elimination. We're busy testing hypotheses of all kinds. Just now, we're about to try out latest techno-osmosis chirality separation technique. This large piece of equipment you see here, will directly impact the speed of our work, and, as they say, time is money. Speaking of time, if you could wait here a moment, I could get the data regarding this to show Mr. Bras- err Casada, was it?

We really must keep moving doctor, I'm sure Mr Casada is a very busy man. There's no need to make him wait around. the guide interjected, clearly wanting to move along on the tour.
« Last Edit: <08-19-16/1339:03> by CraterShip »


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« Reply #72 on: <08-22-16/1215:34> »
When the doctor introduces himself, Chaim says, "Dr. Nelson, yes of course.  Your work on the life expectancy of orks is absolutely fascinating, and long overdo.  Of course, I had to have my wife sound out some of the bigger words for me," he turns to the tour guide with a smile, "but you've come to some very interesting approaches to an underserved population."

After Dr. Nelson offers some intel, the tour guide breaks in.

"We really must keep moving doctor, I'm sure Mr Casada is a very busy man. There's no need to make him wait around," she says, all smiles but clearly wanting to move them along.

Briefly ignoring her, Chaim says, "I would very much like to see that, yes. Turning to their guide he adds, "We have a moment or two to spare, don't we?  I know that I have time, unless I'm keeping you from something Ms. . .?"


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« Reply #73 on: <08-23-16/0752:05> »
Oh... Well, no, I don't have anywhere special to go... the tour guide immediately back pedals, tripping over her words in a rush to placate the group of potential investors. She instead begins to fiddle with her comm unit, rearranging unseen icons in her ARO. After a few moments, she composes herself and looks back up at the trio and smiles through her fluster.

After a short while of busying themselves with observing the research in the lab, the runners see Dr Nelson return from the bay of elevators. He makes a quick bee line to where they are watching a group of nano machines performing micro surgery on a vat grown heart.

We get the most use out of these artificial organs, the Dr returns to the conversation, of course, the best results would be real, live, tissue. And recently we've had some success working with the UCAS' organ donor programs, but it's slow going. Here's that information, I hope it will be interesting. I believe it to be some of the best work I've ever done! he sends genuinely pleased with himself.

Satisfied that Mr Casada has gotten what he wanted, their guide hurries then along to the rest of the building, before depositing them into a dark conference room to view a promotional video of Newhaven's president lauding the benefits and importance of their continued work, made possible through generous donors, like you.
« Last Edit: <08-23-16/0754:03> by CraterShip »


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« Reply #74 on: <08-25-16/1928:16> »
Pixel remained in her digital business form among the floating clusters of the video datastreams idly spinning an inactive cube with a ghostly finger watching the tiny motes of light dance along its surface. Something was off about this....maybe it was her paranoid nature, maybe it was the wording of the video...or maybe it was that the jittery tour guide just dumped high profile investor's in a room and left them. Like who did that?

Touching the musical note on her arm she opened her conciousness to Alice who was still on the public grid awaiting her input as usual. On the hospitals grid she looked into recent visitor logs, specifically tours and or donars if there were any including inspectors, other investors or anyone who may have visited here then fed any returns to Alice.

"Alice...check these names against any missing persons and tell me if there are matches. Hurry."

With another hand she initiated one of the camers datanodes to show her the feeds of every camera that guide passed until she reached her destination where she would then listen in on the audio. With the thought of those cages and body parts in mind she kind of hoped she was really just being paranoid right now.

