[5e IC] And The Rain Keeps Falling

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« Reply #15 on: <07-04-16/1453:41> »
That I do, Johnson will suffice for now. The interests I represent are in need of some... Less than legal assets. You see, there is something we would like you to acquire. In our line of work, it is important to be the first to reach certain goals, and we have received word that a competitor may have beaten us to the punch. We simply cannot let that stand. We are prepared to compensate you for services rendered of course, but we will require a certain level of anonymity. As such, this will be the only contact you will have with me. My associate, here he pauses to indicate the man in the white overcoat, will be your primary form of contact if anything should arise. He has all the details you may need. I suppose you are all interested in payment of course. I offer a sum of 10,000 nuyen each.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #16 on: <07-04-16/1635:00> »
With a mental command through the trode net, Eddie composes a reply to Ichante.

<<I'll take your word on the suit; do you see that pin he's wearing? Looks like Ares to me; definitely no discount for these guys, Chaim.>>

With Chaim and the Johnson exchanging the usual pleasantries, Eddie keeps his attention constantly moving. "Fire escape, personnel entrance/exit, skylight, double doors probably cargo dock, fire extinguisher, wait, what!?" Carefully hiding his surprise from affecting the muscles in his face, he quickly shoots another message to the team.

<<10k each for a heist, and that's the starting price? Make sure you pump this guy for details, that's not exactly chump change even for someone like us.>>

Eddie began thinking of all the things he could do with ten thousand nuyen in his account. "That's rent for several months, with enough left over to grease some serious palms about Echo Lake. I could even ..." Realizing he was day dreaming again, he forced his attention back to the meet, thankful to discovered it had been only seconds this time.
« Last Edit: <07-06-16/0737:30> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #17 on: <07-04-16/1655:34> »
A pleasure bunny as a messenger then this, too many trid chumbatta. Really hope she's a club employee and not yours, with those tailored's I could follower all Overton,

And now your dropping big figs for a team of upon comings, wer doer fur?

We just because your paranoid .......

Really need to hear what white coat has to say about this job cos my feather's itching now
You are not what you think you are. you are an imitation of what your wish you were


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« Reply #18 on: <07-04-16/1811:35> »
Ichante's heart gives a small leap when she hears the proposed sum. Starting the negotiations in the five figures! she thinks. Chaim's pheromones working double-time on this chummer. Her paranoia about what the job might entail wars with her inner sense of self-worth that knows that this is the Right and Proper sum for a professional of her caliber, oh and for her teammates too, she supposes.

Her mind races with what she would do with the funds. First I'll move to that larger apartment next to Lordstrung's, then I'll get that Ace of Coins dress that will put elven bubblegum slitches in bodysuits to shame... Actually, the money would go to pay off the Lakota mafia that she had recklessly borrowed money from to finance ... whatever. She kicks herself for her lack of financial planning, for borrowing so heedlessly. It would take three more jobs like this just to see the light of day, and this job wasn't even done yet.

I just hope Great White here isn't Mitsuhama, she thinks. Pale Horse has a bit of vindictive streak and will geek him on the spot. That would be such a bother.


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« Reply #19 on: <07-05-16/1445:41> »
¥10,000?!  Chaim keeps his face impassive, even when his vision is flooded with text messages.  Still, he thinks nodding his head thoughtfully, a number like that needs to be commented on.  Of course, there was always playing it the other way, "Oh yeah, chummer, I don't normally get out of bed for less than 12.  And back when I was doing work for Damien, you know Damien don't you? . . . and all that drek.

"Ten thousand nuyen is not an insubstantial amount of money," Chaim says, settling on his strategy.  "But in this line of work an 'acquisition' can mean anything from a smash-and-grab on an armored car convoy to a exfiltration on extraterritorial grounds.  I understand your need for anonymity as I likewise understand any reticence you may have toward divulging any unnecessary details prior to my team and I accepting the job.  And let me also add that I don't want any specific information on this job should we decide that we're not a good fit here, or that it is wise for us to decline.  If such is the case you can rest assured that this meeting never happened. 

"But, for us to move forward we do need some, let's say, generalities about the work.  This thing to be acquired, is it living?  Will it fit in a suitcase?  Is its location on extraterritorial property?  In transit?  Are you prepared to offer any logistical information, such as its exact location or blueprints, or will we be operating in the dark on that front?  Given your description, I will assume that a timeline must be adhered to, but are we talking about a number of hours, a number of days, or a number of weeks?"

Chaim gives one of his easy smiles as he waits for the Johnson to respond, and mentally types out a quick message to the team.

<<@Team [Brasa] Am I missing anything?  Pin looks Ares to me too.  Looks like we're going up against one of the big players.  Let's make sure it's worth it.>>
« Last Edit: <07-05-16/1448:32> by rednblack »


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« Reply #20 on: <07-06-16/0136:43> »
Yes, I suppose some generalizations would be prudent, he begins with a slightly condescending tone, the item in question is sensitive in nature, though not living. It will need to be transported in a specialized case slightly larger than an average suitcase. It is likely to be difficult to reach as it represents the cutting edge in research in its field. Asher, do you have anything further to add? he turns to the man in white.

At first he makes a face as if in pain, reaches into his pocket for an unmarked bottle of pills, takes two, and then moves towards the table.

We have an informant inside the compound that has identified a major breakthrough, indicating movement in the near future. We estimate no more than one week. If you choose to accept, I will make the necessary arrangements and provide more exact details regarding what we know of the location, although to keep things in general terms, we do know the item in question is within Seattle. No need to move into extraterritoriality issues currently.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #21 on: <07-06-16/0818:42> »
Eddie makes a mental note of the name Asher, as well as the shape and size of the pills the man in white ingests. Taking a closer look at the coat, he notes that it somewhat resembles a lab coat. "Sensitive, but not alive. Man, I hope this isn't a biotech job..."

<<If this thing we're supposed to retrieve is sensitive, it could just as easily be dangerous, too; hazard pay might be on the table. And if this thing is as state of the art as the J indicates, we might need to disappear until the owning corp stops looking for it; call it an exclusivity fee or something?>>
« Last Edit: <07-06-16/0824:17> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #22 on: <07-06-16/1642:42> »
is that sensitive means we dropit it fizz hiss bang or drop it tinkle millison usless pieces? MAtrix
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« Reply #23 on: <07-07-16/0202:10> »
Ichante assenses the room. She sees a curious bubble around Great White. He seems to give her a small smile and a little shake of the head, as if to say "oh no you don't". Ichante smirks, her opinion of the man improving immediately. She likes playful; she likes hard-to-get.

<<@Team [Ichante] Might not be a bigger player. Maybe Ares is kicking a little dog but they need it done right. Spending fifty or sixty on us is an easy call if it's going to save fifty or sixty million.>>

Ichante doesn't really believe that it's going to be a milk run, and she'll be mad if Chaim doesn't press for hazard pay or exclusivity fees - she liked the sound of that - but it's in her nature to be contrary. Little dogs, for example, don't often have "compounds" or beat Ares to market with "major breakthroughs". Not impossible, but not likely.

How the hell does he keep that coat clean in Seattle? she wonders, her thoughts drifting back to Great White. Vinegar with baking soda? A toothbrush?


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« Reply #24 on: <07-07-16/1212:36> »
<<If this thing we're supposed to retrieve is sensitive, it could just as easily be dangerous, too; hazard pay might be on the table. And if this thing is as state of the art as the J indicates, we might need to disappear until the owning corp stops looking for it; call it an exclusivity fee or something?>>

<<@Team [Brasa] I like your thinking, chummer.>>

"As my colleague has pointed out," Chaim says, motioning toward Pale Horse, "the sensitive nature of the acquisition does give us pause, even if the details of that sensitivity need to be divulged after we have accepted the job and heard from Asher here.  In our experience items of such sensitivity carry either risks to our persons, a necessary 'cooling off' period during which we are unable to accept any further work while target corporation or institution exhausts their investigative resources, or some combination of the two.  As such, I think it only fair that some sort of hazard pay, or even an exclusivity fee be discussed. 

"I think I speak for my team when I say that we are very interested in this job, and truthfully this is just the kind of work we are most suited toward completing quickly, effectively, and quietly.  I think it only fair that the pay reflect both the quality of the team and the particular challenges of the work.  If I add in twenty percent for hazard pay, and a flat 3,000 as our exclusivity fee -- as I must assume that both will be necessary, I think that ¥15,000 per runner is still a steal for you and your employer, as well as being completely palatable for myself and my team."

Chaim waits for a counter offer, should the Johnson feel so inclined.


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« Reply #25 on: <07-07-16/1727:30> »
wow did I really say that? I just wanted to know if we needed a padded bag or an armoured one. but anyhow go boy screw the corper for more cash
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« Reply #26 on: <07-08-16/1738:06> »
Mr Johnson and the team's negotiator go back and forth for a short time, it is obvious they are both seasoned artists of their craft, and while Chaim makes solid arguments for their services, the corp representative is difficult to budge.

I am willing to accommodate to some of your points. This will likely be dangerous, but that is the general definition of your profession. However, I can see the need for exclusivity, and an willing to add ten percent to the final price, as well as an option of up to fifteen percent of the original offer up front in the form of needed equipment. If that is acceptable, then Asher will handle the details, if that is not acceptable, then I feel our time has been for naught and we must conclude our business.

Herr Brackhaus

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« Reply #27 on: <07-08-16/1937:17> »
As the Johnson presents his final offer, Eddie catches Chaim's eye when he looks around to the other team members.

<< Nice going, omae; I thought for sure this guy wouldn't budge at all. You know I'm in. >>

Eddie gives the face an almost imperceptible nod before resuming his careful watch of the room, not noticing that his left foot is tapping along to a non-existent beat.

"Great, now that all the haggling is done with we can finally get to all the juicy details! Please don't be a biotech job, please don't be a biotech job, please don't be a biotech job" he thinks, simultaneously both nervous and excited. He quickly glances over at the man in the white coat, once more trying to take in every visible detail ranging from his clothes and physical appearance to his body language and general demeanor. "Asher, huh? Wonder if he's planning to sell us into slavery like his biblical name-sake. And wearing all white in this city, on days like today? Sheesh. Man must have a platinum contract with at least a couple of cleaning services."

Eddie shakes his head curtly, staring at the floor in disgust. "Aaah, who am I kidding; he's a fraggin' corper, probably got in-house cleaning services as part of his contract." His eyes narrow slightly at the thought of the privileged few lording it over the world in their fancy clothes, before he realizes he's staring the man straight in the eyes. With the barest inclination of his head, hoping the man will take it as a sign of respect among equals and not a challenge to his authority, he then takes a deep breath. "Drek, focus! Let's see what this cat has to say while playing the part of the dedicated and obedient 'runner."
« Last Edit: <07-08-16/2331:09> by Herr Brackhaus »


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« Reply #28 on: <07-11-16/1128:35> »
Chaim looks around the table, sees the brief nod from Eddie, and the rest of the crew, and smiles.  "Mr. Johnson, I believe we have reached an agreement.  We will coordinate our necessary requirements through Asher, and I believe that our arrangement will benefit all of the parties present.  Asher, I look forward to hearing what you have to say."


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« Reply #29 on: <07-11-16/2041:22> »
That's all I needed to hear. Mr Asher will coordinate the rest with you. And with that Mr Johnson got up from the table, paused briefly to past Asher on the shoulder, and made his way out of the warehouse the same way the runners had come in a few minutes before.

Once he was gone, the man in white pushed away from the boxes he'd been leaning on and walked to the large bay doors. With a loud clanging rustle, he freed the locking chains and cycled the door open. On the other side was a rain soaked view of Seattle's harbor, and the brightly lit metroplex across the water. The chilled air and whipping rain obscured much of the view and caused everyone to tug their jackets a little closer.

Gentlemen, and lady, this is your target... he pauses a moment and set up an AR display on the table, the projected screen highlighted a medium building across the harbor, Newhaven research hospital is home to some of the brightest minds outside the big ten. We have a man inside, a Dr Nelson, who has kept us informed on their activities. Recently he reported they had made a breakthrough on a new vaccine for HMHVV. We need to beat them to that vaccine, plain and simple. You all will infiltrate the hospital, make contact with Dr Nelson - he will provide you with the necessary equipment to safely transfer a sample of the vaccine, obtain a sample, destroy what is left, and copy their research files before deleting any files they have remaining. You will need matrix support as well, which is why we have already contracted Pixel. The Decker enters the room on cue, and introductions are made.

As stated before, you will have approximately one week to complete your mission. Before Newhaven can announce their research. Any questions?
« Last Edit: <07-11-16/2046:14> by CraterShip »

