Into the Chaos - Land Grab [IC]

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1935 on: <02-15-16/0839:10> »
Athos sympathizes with Strawberry and thinks to her, **My entire world, too, has been turned upside down by what has happened.  And there are many people like us.  They are looking for a safe place to live, jobs to provide food and shelter for families, and a purpose to living that is something more than just existing.  I have a plan to do some of that but my resources are thin and I need help.  I am creating a new Family here, starting with that warehouse.  I have moved people in and they are the start.  Right now, they are smugglers in search of things to smuggle and ways through the sewers to get goods.  They have specialized in weapons in the past and are most comfortable with that, but I am sure that they can do other things if the pay is there.  The people I saw gathering at your tree need leadership and security.  You and I might be able to give them that.  Can you use my help?  Because I can certainly use yours."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1936 on: <02-15-16/1718:15> »
Athos Strawberry looks at you and speak, she seems very angry "Weapon smugglers? You too Athos? Her cheeks are red and her hands begin glowing with red light. "If you do not get your people off my domain I will make sure that the ground itself will burry them. These amoral agents of Chaos are not welcome in my domain, and Mr. Andu will back me up.I'll give you 24 hours." Anger seem to have restored her live force it gave her a new purpose but she totally locked up after Athos mentioned weapons. It is like she did not even hear the rest of his words. "Now get out of here before I do something I regret!" she says.
« Last Edit: <02-15-16/1719:53> by gilga »


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« Reply #1937 on: <02-15-16/1726:34> »
@Kynos the plane lands and as Casa assured you you are not searched. The plane crew welcomes you to Tokyo and offer you light refreshments. You are at the cooperate terminal ex-territorial cooperate court ruled airport. The security is very tight and Kynos can appritiate their proffessionalism. However, the plane itself it is formally cooperate land like embassy - nobody is considering to search it.

"Welcome to Tokyo" an airport employee and adds "Is there anything you require? I must say that things are different between Tokyo and Seattle make sure you are in compliance with local law before leaving the airplane."


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« Reply #1938 on: <02-15-16/1750:35> »
"That shouldn't be a problem. I carry no illegal or even restricted items on my person and anyway we just have a meeting at the hotel, so we won't actually cross over into regular Japanese territory."

Kynos nodded to Finestra: "Come we have to get the rooms ready."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1939 on: <02-16-16/0002:22> »
Athos shakes his head.  **Do not push them out, Strawberry.  You did not hear what I was saying.  I said that they are arms smugglers.  That is what they know.  Give them something else and we can train them.  But they need food and shelter and pride.  Without that, they are nothing.  Less than nothing.  I am not asking for a free ride here, but some sort of training and a plan to get them something.  The number of people you have showing up here is growing and you will soon need to expand your holdings.  We can join together and make this work.  But you have to be able to work with us, with me.  Without that, you will see your new people preyed upon and weak and you will lose even more than you already have.** 
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1940 on: <02-16-16/2033:37> »
@Athos Strawberry say "I have nothing to offer you I grow awakened plants and vegetables, plants that are sensitive to the behavior of people on the ground. Every time there is a murder, or other abuse I lose money. Every time your runner friends decide to casually murder people the spike in background count kills very expensive plants. My work filters the toxicity out of the land and make it more fertile, the people that live here for years are healthy and actually reach old age this is not intended just the result on living in an area where expensive rituals clean the soil and air.

I killed tens of Andu's men and I had to start from scratch and the land was ruined - but I did so to survive and I did survive, but at a terrible cost. I did terrible things to survive and I am not sure I that I was even the 'good' one. Your people are agents of chaos, they are selfish and amoral people that do terrible things as a way of life. They do not care for anyone but themselves, and would do anything if the pay is good even the worst of atrocities -This is not what I agreed with you, you said that you would respect my domain. That the Finnegan family would behave, your first action is to bring these people in here? Do you think that adult people are so easily changed? Is it my job to educate scum ?"

@Kynos -Finestra quickly asks for a wheelchair for you saying that you had a bike accidents and the pains are back. She speaks fluent Japanese and seem to get things in line. It is not long after that you get a room, a suite actually on the top floor. It is far from the exit and the plane but it is big enough and sound proof and there are only four suites in that floor so it seems like a minimal risk to Finestra. There is also the possibility to take a room closer to the plane but that room will have many neighbors and less isolation. (I'll leave you with the decision).

« Last Edit: <02-16-16/2040:58> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1941 on: <02-17-16/0137:33> »
Athos stands still for a moment.  **No, it is your job to be tolerant and to lead by example.  Or it can be to remain as you are right now, a bitter, mean, and spiteful person.  I had thought that you would be a pillar of light in the darkness, giving people a home and a life amidst the chaos that is reigning over much of the sprawl.  And these are not scum; they are people.  They are from a different walk of life than you, but that does not make them scum.  You say that you did some bad things to survive, but yet you sneer at people who do what they can to survive and take care of their families.  They do not need or want charity.  If you have nothing for them, then I will find something else.  And our agreement was not who I brought here, but that I would not kill here.  And even that may need to change.  The people that are gathering up at your tree are not all capable of taking care of themselves.  From what I could see of their clothes as I came over here, many of them have no idea what is happening to them and might have no hope for the future without people like you and me to lead them.  Whether you like it or not, the world outside is changing and you will need to change, too.  It is not going to be pretty again for a while and you can either be part of the solution and help us, or be part of the past and just rot here.  So you decide.**
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1942 on: <02-17-16/0304:33> »
"No, the isolated suite is perfect. I'll wait there and prepare your return."
Kynos did not sit in the wheelchair, but did use it as a walking aid. Once within the room, he began to prepare the environment:
All chairs and tables went into one corner to leave no obstacles or heavy missile weapons one could use to defend oneself.
Standing on a chair he turned the spotlights on the ceiling to all shine directly on the bed in the center of the room.
Seeing the walk in wardrobe as his best hiding place, Kynos made sure, he hinges opened silently, lubricating them with a bit of bath oil. He organized an unused UDP cable and took the left lamp from the bedside table. He then cut of the lamps power line and spliced it together with the other end of the UDP cable, isolating its ends with a bit of gauze, band aids from the room's first aid kit and some difficulties. Then he attached to cable to the socket behind the trideo player.

With a bit of luck Finestra would not need to get it on with Venom, if the ork could just be persuaded to insert a UDP cable with high amperage to his datajack.

After concealing this trap, Kynos prepared his hiding place, making sure he could get out unseen and silently.
When he was done, he informed Finestra about his arrangements: <<I've laid a UDP cable out. Tell Venom to make a direct connection, so he can join in on a guaranteed unhackable conference call with the family elders.>>

Hardware 2nd try: 3d6t5 1
Spending Edge to avoid a glitch

« Last Edit: <02-17-16/0307:34> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1943 on: <02-17-16/0428:38> »
@Kynos DemoX say "Allow me!" he seems much more capable to the hardware job.
(keep your edge)
Hardware: 9d6t5 3


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« Reply #1944 on: <02-17-16/0457:45> »
@Athos Strawberry tells you "These people worship power, they fear me for standing up to the Yaks - but as you can tell the unpopular truth is that I did not win that war. I only won the appearances - I give the Yaks things they never had in exchange for my safety.

You failed me Athos, I hired you to take care of Venom and deliver him to the airport and in return three of your men turn against me. Murdering people, trying to assassinate me, and to kill Venom instead of keeping him safe. Excuse me if I do not have even the slightest bit of trust in you right now - you did all you could to sabotage me and bringing these scum to my land is just another sabotage.

Remember that these people prevoke their luck everyday, they do not need much to be killed a dash of bad luck will dramatically reduce their numbers - a brain fried out of BTL, overdose - bad luck in avoiding a bullet. To be fair, I told you to get them off - please do not seek me any further I'll only speak to Valentina."


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« Reply #1945 on: <02-17-16/0611:05> »
"Thanks DemoX. My hands are a bit stiff. But now you'd better get yourself a good hiding place and keep an eye on the surveillance - you did think to place a few sensor tags around, did you?"
asked Kynos
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1946 on: <02-17-16/0700:59> »
@Kynos DemoX said "I looked into it but they seem to be scanning the wireless for sensors all the time. We'll trigger security if we place cameras here. Don't turn the taser wireless on either. "


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« Reply #1947 on: <02-17-16/0716:57> »
"Didn't plan to so. As soon as Finestra gives the signal I'll go wi-fi dark completely. I'll be reachable only over my micro transceiver."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1948 on: <02-17-16/1256:49> »
Saturday 28, December 2075, 9:15.

Too early, It's morning.  The mage stirs and rouses himself.  Inclining upward to indolently rub the sleep from his eyes.  He turns his head around and notices Charlie to still be asleep.  Maxwell was thankful for this honestly.  The level of vivacious comfort she displayed with a complete stranger was not something he'd want to subject himself to on a day to day basis.  What he wanted was to go about his business and not be harassed by the rest of the acolytes, Charlie's suggestiveness in particular.  Preferably the less he interacted with them the better.

Stepping lightly, Maxwell slides out of bed and picks up his jacket to wear.  He'd have to go back to the place he was renting from Strawberry and collect the rest of his street gear.  Plus he'd also have to ask her or M to call off that doppelganger statue that they made to lure Grail.  The crude pale imitation would draw out the vampire and likely bring him here to the compound.  It'd be best if Maxwell had a week to prepare for the worst before Grail arrived.  First things first, he needed a bath.  To cleanses himself of yesterday's grime, sweat and toil.

[spoiler]Sneak into the Showers: 6d6t5 1[/spoiler]

Not wanting to be bothered as he bathes, Maxwell makes the effort to quietly leave the shared room and find the compound's shower area.  The facility was expansive but not unnavigable.  Eventually he found the place he sought and stepped inside, hopefully without others knowing.  For the moment he was alone in the bathroom and could safely message Amy.  Maxwell fishes out his comm and texts her, maybe she'll be up at this hour or maybe she won't.

@Amy - <<Good morning, i'll be up there to discuss a few things with you soon.  Going to shower beforehand.>>

Re-pocketing the burner into his armor, he strips off and sets aside his dark apparel then walks into the bath.  Maxwell stands there waiting for a reply if possible as warm water washes him in a drizzling stream.  Each droplet salves and rinses in hot steaming satisfaction.  Since he was alone, he places a hand on the spot where Amy bit into him and begins to cast a spell to channel restorative magic into his new set of wounds.

[spoiler]Force 6 Heal: 12d6t5 4
Drain Resist: 11d6t5 8
4 Boxes of Physical healed.  1 still left over that will require a full day of time and rest to heal.[/spoiler]
Speech|Thoughts|Matrix|Whisper|Astral|Descriptors and Narrative


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« Reply #1949 on: <02-17-16/1832:08> »
@Maxwell the night was pleasant he was half aware to the amount of sex that happened around him. Apparently these people do not have much else to do in there all day, the really creepy part was that they seemed to desire the same vampire he wanted to kill.  Sleep came quickly, almost too quickly. At morning the place is quiet most of the people are still sleeping or recovering from the night and nobody disturb him as he is taking a shower.

About half way through the text Maxwell understood that Amy is almost incapable of being awake during the day as she is a nocturnal creature now. This is why he is not surprised not to receive any message. Coming to think about it, it was unlikely that she went sleeping in the middle of the night, perhaps she only did that to get him rested? or perhaps the intimacy was too much for her.

