[IC] Honest to god milk runs, Part 3- (Wreckanize Rale)

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« on: <03-19-15/1818:03> »
[Jacksonville, CAS. April 13th, 5:27am 2076]

Not even the throngs of churchgoers who swarm into the first baptist church downtown have woken up yet. The morning dew is still forming on things at this hour. The sky is dark and thick, rolling clouds rush by above the city, staying close to the treetops and threatening to burst and engulf everything in one of Jacksonville's famous three day thunderstorms. The perfect party weather from last night is long forgotten as a chill creeps in from the ocean, trying to cool as much as it can before the blistering sun comes up again in a couple hours to cook everything off again. And then, the smell will be back. That horrible, rotten shrimp and saltpeter odor that seeps out of the swamp and into everything, everywhere and everybody.

Most of the city has only been sleeping for about two hours or so, having gone on a near record-setting bender last night in celebration of the first warm weekend of the year. Even more of the city will be getting up in about an hour, putting on their nicest clothes and headed out to church, despite how tired and ragged they feel. After church, there's usually a big lunch, then all manner of activities and whatnot to keep those tired people up and moving, despite the haze of sleep they wander in. It's a great day for the "right sort of people" to make moves that they might not get away with during the rest of the week.

It is in these early and innocent hours of the day that you each get a message on your comm.

<<@FP [DaOne] Yo, no bullshit, wiz? I NEED a mug like you, wiz? Holla back, ASAP, wiz?>>

<<@Byte [DaOne] Yo, I need high end matrix overwatch for mid-grade pay. I can toss ya some discount merch to make up the difference though. Holla at a mug as soon as ya can, wiz?>>

<<@Viso [DaOne] Yo, sorry I never got back at a mug bout them drinks, yo. But for real, if Greg says its all good, for real? It's all good for real. I got some last minute shit that needs doin before church today that I could use a mug's help with, wiz? Holla back as soon as you can, wiz?>>
« Last Edit: <04-09-15/1852:58> by Poindexter »
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« Reply #1 on: <03-19-15/1958:39> »
Normally not being one to take part in the festivities others seem to enjoy, Byte did splurge a little last night as the city was the most alive he's seen since coming to J-town. So, in the heat of the partying, Byte visited his favorite hangout at Slack Jaw's bar. Still, Byte's idea of partying is a modest meal, few drinks, a couple of winks and going back home for one of his all-night gaming sessions. Naturally, Byte was a bit tipsy and riled up when his com beeped to life and interrupted his match. Drek! Every frackin' time.

<<@Byte [DaOne] Yo, I need high end matrix overwatch for mid-grade pay. I can toss ya some discount merch to make up the difference though. Holla at a mug as soon as ya can, wiz?>>

Byte smirks, his mind already racing with possibilities. A job? I hope it's fun. Byte dismisses his game and match, no longer caring about beating his trash-talking opponent. He then quickly goes over his settings and programs, making sure he's ready for anything in almost a paranoid manner before he goes to reply to the message.

<<@DaOne [Byte] Was just gettin' bored yo. Overwatch is meh, but I will definitely be hittin' ya up for some DCMerch, wiz? Sure, I can do that... Been wanting to play with my new persona anyway, y'know? You know.>>

Byte then immediately hops back into his favorite action game and goes for a round of "NubStomp." "Hmm... Where was I supposed to meet him again?"
« Last Edit: <03-19-15/2101:20> by Byte »
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« Reply #2 on: <03-19-15/2026:34> »
<<@DaOne [Byte] Was just gettin' bored yo. Overwatch is meh, but I will definitely be hittin' ya up for some DCMerch, wiz? Sure, I can do that... Been wanting to play with my new persona anyway, y'know? You know.>>

<<@Byte [DaOne] Big ups on the speedy response, yo! Meet me at the yard before seven. Bring what you're gonna need.>>

Included is an ARO showing a location.
« Last Edit: <03-19-15/2029:02> by Poindexter »
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« Reply #3 on: <03-19-15/2112:31> »
Viso had been having all kinds of trouble adjusting to Jacksonville time; he kept waking up around 4 AM and falling asleep around 9 PM. He'd have to fix that eventually, but it's not like he had anything to do at the moment.

He looked around his apartment. Mold in the bathroom; outdated wallpaper; no hot water. Basically, it was just like his place in Seattle. It had only been a few days since he moved in under one of his Fake SINs, but already it felt like he had lived here for a while.

Except for the damn time zone.

He had told Paul that he had to get away from Seattle for a bit. Paul had nodded understandingly, and told him he could mind the business. He was a good guy; a bit clueless though. Viso just hoped that he wouldn't return to find his friend bankrupt; he had never been too good with numbers.

Viso pulled up a chair, sat down in it, and started scrolling through AR maps. He spent an hour highlighting areas of the map. He had only been there a few days, but he had familiarized himself with the local gangs and a few local landmarks. Jacksonville was enormous though, much larger than Seattle. It felt childish, but it would help solidify his memory. Even if he never looked at the map again, just the act of highlighting it would help him remember.

With a thought, he pulled the local time to the front of his display. 5:20 AM Hell, it was early, but he was pretty damn awake. Maybe some bartender would skip church to serve the unholy ones? Some things have to remain consistent in the world. He started looking for a bar that was close by.

He remembered back to a couple of days ago. He was supposed to meet up with some fixer for drinks. The guy hadn't showed.

His commlink notified him of a message. Viso's eyebrow raises as he notices the sender. Parli del diavolo! This better be good.

<<@Viso [DaOne] Yo, sorry I never got back at a mug bout them drinks, yo. But for real, if Greg says its all good, for real? It's all good for real. I got some last minute shit that needs doin before church today that I could use a mug's help with, wiz? Holla back as soon as you can, wiz?>>

The accent didn't exactly come as a surprise, but Viso still felt slightly disappointed. He'd gotten over his contempt of those who had grown up in worse conditions than himself long ago, but sometimes you just want to talk normal English for once.

<<@DaOne [Viso] Nessun problema. You're the one who missed out on drinks. You called the right guy to get stuff done. What do you need?>>


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« Reply #4 on: <03-19-15/2122:38> »
[Jacksonville, CAS. April 13th, 11.27pm 2076]

Marcus spent much of the prior night at the Mayport NCO mess having a grillout and chili off. There are few orks that Marcus get on with and they're all in uniform. The average age of an ork NCO in CAS is lower than any other race, maybe because we all push ourselves before we die young...
Getting drunk on the navy dime is slottin' easier than on army... even if all of the CAS ships are dry

2am comes, and goes but by 3 all of the illicit card and dice games have dried up along with the unlucky credsticks. Even the coin-ops are dead. Marcus suits up and heads out to relax. The holiday is over and tomorrow, scratch that, today is Tuesday.

Getting back to 8103 from Mayport on the Harley doesn't take long and the MPs are easier about letting people out of Mayport than in. A quick appraisal of the property shows that it is intact and Marcus is inside, soon examining the back of his eyelids

[Jacksonville, CAS. April 14th, 5:27am 2076]
<<@FP [DaOne] Yo, no bullshit, wiz? I NEED a mug like you, wiz? Holla back, ASAP, wiz?>>

.... Time passes ....

[Jacksonville, CAS. April 14th, 5.45am 2076]
The day starts with an enormous cough, a groan, the echo of wind, passing, and an extremely satisfying ball scratch.

[Jacksonville, CAS. April 14th, 5.50am 2076]
As the soyKaf is chugging, Marcus checks his comms and replies to those that interest him, One stands out, the potential for hard and fast cash is always inviting and he is rarely running in J-Ville as... don't shit where you eat

<<@DaOne [FP] Chummer take this as that holla back yo NEEDED. Hit me back with time/place>>
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« Reply #5 on: <03-19-15/2123:29> »
<<@DaOne [Viso] Nessun problema. You're the one who missed out on drinks. You called the right guy to get stuff done. What do you need?>>

<<@Viso [DaOne] I need you to hook up with a mug at the train yard before 7am. Bring everything you're finna need. Clock is already ticking.>>
Included is an ARO detailing the location.
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« Reply #6 on: <03-19-15/2126:25> »
<<@DaOne [FP] Chummer take this as that holla back yo NEEDED. Hit me back with time/place>>

<<@FP [DaOne] Strap up and meet me at the yard. No time to fuck around, wiz?>>

An ARO of the spot is included with the text.
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« Reply #7 on: <03-19-15/2155:11> »
The trip to the train yards is about 7 minutes at speed without traffic. He says absent-mindedly

Marcus picks up his go-bag. It contains the Ares, 3 clips, the vibro-knife, both swords, 2 flash bangs, 2 frag grenades and the armour vest. He puts another flash pack in his long coat pocket and is wearing the telescoping staff in its concealable harness. He hums and haws at taking any surveillance equipment but decides against it. Last minute he grabs the gecko gloves and pockets them.

[Jacksonville, CAS. April 14th, 5.58am 2076]
<<@DaOne [FP] OMW. There in 10>>

[Jacksonville, CAS. April 14th, 6.0am 2076]
The soykaf machine chugs to a halt inside an empty house
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« Reply #8 on: <03-19-15/2213:20> »
<<@Byte [DaOne] Big ups on the speedy response, yo! Meet me at the yard before seven. Bring what you're gonna need.>>

Byte takes a look at the ARO of the location before also looking at a map for more details on the area. He then looks at the time. I have time for another round or two... Byte then sighs aloud and decides his time is better spent preparing. He gathers everything he usually carries with him when he's running and gets dressed out. He sets his clothes to a dark blue color, not forgetting his hat and headband to cover his headware. He attaches his micro transceiver and places his Fichetti Security 600 in its holster on his back. He then places his Ares Light in a small bag on his bike and goes into his deck.

Sleaze 6, Data Processing 5, Attack 5, Firewall 3 Set. "Overwatch? Hmm... Better load up the Track, Sneak, Virtual Machine, Browse and Configurator programs." Byte then sets his Configurator program to have ready a set-up of: Attack 6, Firewall 5, Sleaze 5, Data Processing 3 with the programs Blackout, Hammer and Lockdown ready. "That, should do it." Happy with his specs, Byte then makes sure his persona is set correctly: A young female Majin ( MINUS THE CAPE!) with a scouter (tracking). When he changes his configurator, his persona loses the scouter and gains a short sword (Hammer) and Blaster (Blackout). (If I really need more items for the others, I'll edit this, but honestly can't think of examples atm.)

Byte makes one last check to ensure he has his medical gear, simple B&E gear as well as his miscellaneous accessories. Getting on his bike, Byte checks his map one last time to reaffirm the route he is taking. Satisfied, he places his earbuds in his ears, puts on his AR gloves and takes off for the meeting area. Byte decides to park his bike in the safest sport he can find a couple of blocks down at Myrtle and Beaver and scouts the area as he makes his way to the meeting area, taking note of each potential escape route. (He also cross checks with his map as he does this.)

Upon reaching the meeting area, Byte quite happily starts up another round of his game. It only took Byte 50 minutes from the time he got the message about the place to when he arrived after scouting around.
« Last Edit: <03-20-15/1449:09> by Byte »
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« Reply #9 on: <03-20-15/0001:33> »
<<@Viso [DaOne] I need you to hook up with a mug at the train yard before 7am. Bring everything you're finna need. Clock is already ticking.>>

All right then, no time to waste.

He quickly changes into his Synergist Business Line suit; pulling the Khaki colored jacket overtop. Sending a mental command, the suit changes to a verdant green color. He tucks his taser into the inside holster, and clips a secondary holster inside. Picking up his Ares Predator V, he slides open the chamber. Opening a nearby drawer, he pulls out a clip of ammunition. He slams it into the chamber, and cocks the gun. Tucking it into the second holster, he turns back to the drawer of ammunition. He pulls out a couple of clips for his Taser, and carefully selects a couple more clips for his pistol. He slides them into his pockets.

He picks up his Ballistic Mask and tucks it into his jacket. He slides his master commlink into his jacket pocket, and his burner link into his pants pocket. He picks up a silver credstick and places it next to his commlink.

After a moment of thought, Viso opens up another drawer and places 2 small devices and a syringe inside his jacket.

Looking in the mirror, he straightens his suit. Ready to go.

He double-checks the location that One67 had sent. There's no way I'm walking there. Even if I could get there in time, I don't exactly feel like walking through a bunch of slums. Mentally, he starts a search for cabs that operate near him. His results turn up nada. He briefly reconsiders walking, but that would take a while, with no guarantees that he'd get there in time. He starts to compose a message, brow furrowed in thought.

I don't know One67 that well, but he wants me there. He's the fixer in town, maybe he can whip up something.

<<@DaOne [Viso] I'm new in town; I don't have any transportation. You got someway to get me there? Anything would be wiz. Willing to compensate for the expense.>>
« Last Edit: <03-20-15/0218:06> by 8-bit »


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« Reply #10 on: <03-20-15/0943:50> »
Marcus is at the yard by 6.10am.

The train yard is circled by 6 roads. The aim is that Marcus will approach up Myrtle, slowly left onto Church, right onto Acorn then left onto Beaver where he'll up his speed past the entrance to the industrial estate (in 2015 this is a farmers market and cold storage) left into Stockton. Then left into Dennis back to Myrtle at the underpass. The aim of this drive is to reconnoiter the area. This would take 10-12 minutes unless:

  • He sees anyone else loitering around Acorn on his first pass
  • He gets an update on the location (not keen on stopping in the middle of Acorn St as it is a tactically unfortunate position)

On Church St. Marcus will pull into an area that seems shaded and not under video surveillance to pull the Ares and swords out of his go-bag. Stabby and Slashy go into the sheathes concealed in the back of his coat and the pistol into a holster on the bike. If nothing else happens Marcus will return to the meeting point, this puts him at a standstill on Acorn by 6.30am.
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« Reply #11 on: <03-20-15/1132:52> »
<<@DaOne [Viso] I'm new in town; I don't have any transportation. You got someway to get me there? Anything would be wiz. Willing to compensate for the expense.>>

<<@Viso [DaOne] Where you at? I'll send my girl over to scoop a mug up.>>
"speaking out loud"
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« Reply #12 on: <03-20-15/1348:50> »
<<@Viso [DaOne] Where you at? I'll send my girl over to scoop a mug up.>>

<<DaOne [Viso] Sending you the address. Thanks man.>>

Attached: Address


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« Reply #13 on: <03-20-15/2337:40> »
[Trainyard, Jacksonville, CAS. April 13th, 6:55am 2076]

The sun is up, but just barely. The smell comes back as soon as the sun rises, seeping out of the swamp in waves of fog and low hanging clouds of foul scented mist. If you are out-doors, you are wet. There's just no way around it, the dew is so thick. Unless you've been in south america or parts of africa, you've never been anywhere as humid as this in your life. It almost feels like you're in a cold-sim VR trid about swimming through cold sewage water. At least it's still not hot enough for the mosquitoes yet.

FP has been here for nearly an hour already, and when he first arrived, the trainyard seemed empty at first, but after listening closely, he can hear the sound of aerosol escaping from can in short controlled bursts. Following the sound, he's eventually led around to a tall, white human in a mismatched sweatsuit. The top is green and has a hood, pulled up over his head and the bottoms are black with a print of "Mookey Moopey" a Japanese childrens show about a cutesy frog; the merchandise from said show is popular with strippers and drug users for some reason. The man has a plastic crate full of spray cans at his feet and is working on a 6 foot wide by 3 foot high three color piece on the side of a train. When he sees you come around the corner, he freezes for a moment, poised for flight, then smiles wide. One has seen better days, but he's in a good mood and happy to see you. "Finna be another hour or so fore the rest a these mugs get here. You wanna do lookout, yo?" You spent the time waiting while keeping an eye out for security drones and warning One if any approached. FP also saw Byte arrive about 10 minutes ago.

It's at this point in the morning that a large black BMW 400 comes pulling west up Church street toward the yard. One gets a message on his Comm, reaches into his pocket to read it, then interrupts whatever Byte and FP may have been talking about with the words, "Rest a the team here, yo. Time ta go. I'll explain everything in the car, wiz?" He gathers up his cans into the plastic crate and lifts it up over one shoulder, walking back toward the road. The car pulls to a stop near the three of you and the drivers side window rolls down, revealing a gaunt human woman in her early thirties. She's got blonde hair with too much product in it in a valiant but futile attempt to combat the humidty, and a bit too much make up. She's clearly tired as hell, but despite all that, she's still got an attractive face. There's a man in a green suit sitting next to her. She yawns really loud and smiles at One before saying, "So, what's goin on, Sam? The fuck am I doing all the way out here, anyways?" One responds only with an apologetic grin and the words, "I need to borrow your car for the day, girl."

During the ride back east over the Mathews bridge to Jennifer's apartment in Arlington, the two of them argue in the front seat like CRAZY. You're certain that the two of them will come to blows before the ride is over and you wonder just how horrifying a ride like this would have been a hundred years ago, before the dog brain did all the driving instead of a screaming mad human. She never tells you her name is Jennifer, but you know her name because it's about a ten minute ride of "Jennifer, no. No jennifer! Dammit Jennifer I never said- Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer! No Jennifer, Fuck YOU!" You get a few distinct impressions by the time she slams the door and stomps into her apartment crying, leaving the car running and the four of you alone in it. First, that she's a crazy fuckin junkie. Secondly, that Sam is kind of an asshole, or at least that he treats her like shit. Lastly, that they've been together for years and it's always been like this between them.

One turns around in his seat with a look of regret and defeat on his face. A face, which you now notice has received a decent beating within the last 48 hours. He still has a bit of a black-eye hidden underneath that hoodie, now that you look real close. He says to the three of you scrunched into the backseat, "Sorry yo, but I gotta run in talk to this girl right quick, wiz? Won't be but five minutes, yo. Yall go head and introduce yall selves and shit while a mug is in there, wiz?" And with that, he's gone, leaving the three of you alone in an idling car, bumping goblin rap too loud for this time of the morning.

« Last Edit: <04-09-15/1855:55> by Poindexter »
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« Reply #14 on: <03-21-15/0146:13> »
Byte is used to the idea of arguing... In fact, he was almost raised on it, being the oddball of the family and very hard to deal with. That didn't distract him from his games though, as he was happily occupied the entire trip trying to not be in that BMW. Upon hearing a door slam, Byte almost jumps in reaction as he glances up and notices the girl missing.

After One leaves the vehicle, Byte lets out a sigh loud enough the others could distinctly hear. He hesitates before taking a quick glance at the others. "..." Byte attempts to speak, but instead just closes his eyes and goes back into his own little world while listening to the others. It's obvious by his shift in posture that he is extremely uncomfortable in his current situation and has nothing to say on his own.

Intros? Da fuck man. Someone speak up so I don't have to.
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