[IC] Honest to god milk runs, Part 3- (Wreckanize Rale)

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« Reply #30 on: <03-25-15/0921:04> »
No wizards and jus human muscle. Righ'. What type of drugs do you think will be on hand? The spliff approaches, but is passed right on by, Zen? No' for me, no fanks. Are the guards known for partaking of the merch? If so, and wiv the danger of added drugged bodies, ah reckon we could go hit the front guards quietly, then go in loud and proud, scare the herd away and take out whomever we need. 3 guards, one up front, dead. One behind door, how do we get the door open? Go' any ex-ex to blow the door? I've got a flash pack and some bangs or even 'nades to throw in once the doors popped. One of us secs the back door while one of us goes for the stash. Ain't gonna be beat cops on the grahnd? Can any of us handle a LAW or an RPG? Can you get us one to pop the door?
To Byte
Hey little brother (says the 5'7" Ork to the 6'0" Human) can you see what the corp popo are doing? All of them?
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« Reply #31 on: <03-25-15/1856:04> »
No wizards and jus human muscle. Righ'. What type of drugs do you think will be on hand?

"Cram, Bliss, Novacoke, Jazz mostly, but ya never know."

Are the guards known for partaking of the merch?

"Not when they're on the job. 'Cept for the Jazz. Now, if they think shit's about to pop off, you can expect em to be Miles fuckin Davis by time it does."

One behind door, how do we get the door open? Go' any ex-ex to blow the door? I've got a flash pack and some bangs or even 'nades to throw in once the doors popped. One of us secs the back door while one of us goes for the stash. Ain't gonna be beat cops on the grahnd? Can any of us handle a LAW or an RPG? Can you get us one to pop the door?

"Whoa, chill son, chill! It aint that reinforced. Good solid ram oughtta do it. Mono-saw maybe..." Then his face lights up and he points at Byte repeatedly. "Yo, maybe a mug can hack that shit open, wiz? But for real, you aint finna need no fuckin bazooka to take this door down. It's just to keep fiends out. And don't be tossin no grenades in there neither. You don't wanna blow up your payday, wiz?"
"speaking out loud"
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« Reply #32 on: <03-25-15/2029:34> »
To FP, "Done." Byte immediately swaps his Firewall and Data Processing attributes on his Deck(6 Sleaze, 5+1 Data Processing, 5 Attack, 3 Firewall) before redoing his programs with: Signal Scrub(-2 Noise), Toolbox(+1 Data Processing), Virtual Machine, Exploit(+2 Sleaze when Hacking on Fly) and Baby Monitor. (Programs in Core Rulebook [2nd Printing] p.245)

Byte then Hot-Sim jacks into the public grid before attempting to hop into the local grid. Botching that, he simply swaps over to AR and jacks-out. After a quick reboot, and acting as if nothing at all happened while the others talk, Byte once again jacks in to the matrix via Hot-Sim and tries to hop grids.

Byte enters the Local Grid successfully on his second attempt and starts to attempt to locate Police Icons. He starts with a search for Police Vehicles, and attempts to find a comlink of an officer. It takes a minute, but Byte eventually locates what he's after and goes to place his mark on it. (I'll await the results on the final test here.)
« Last Edit: <03-25-15/2219:42> by Byte »
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« Reply #33 on: <03-25-15/2238:17> »
Viso offers the Zen to One67 again. "Nothing for me; gotta be clear for the job."

Pausing a moment, he continues, "Other than the aforementioned transportation, I believe we're ready for this job. I don't know about any specialized gear we could need, but the run sounds simple enough, and we have a capable team. Do you have any preferences about casualties? Do you want us to run non-lethal?"


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« Reply #34 on: <03-26-15/1543:56> »
Pausing a moment, he continues, "Other than the aforementioned transportation, I believe we're ready for this job. I don't know about any specialized gear we could need, but the run sounds simple enough, and we have a capable team. Do you have any preferences about casualties? Do you want us to run non-lethal?"

"Naw. Alls I care is that you get ALL EIGHT keys a the fake nova, that you DON'T leave any trails back to me, and that you DON'T try to disguise yourselves as members of another gang. I aint tryin ta fuck up the truce, yaheard?"
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« Reply #35 on: <03-27-15/0005:00> »
Dixie Sisters. Either of them there? Ya know where they are? No chance we're going to meet with them... no?
« Last Edit: <03-27-15/0834:14> by Nevyn »
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« Reply #36 on: <03-27-15/1717:10> »
Dixie Sisters. Either of them there? Ya know where they are? No chance we're going to meet with them... no?

He snorts loudly. "Naw, kid! Naw, Tammy and Jolene stay on THEIR compound, wiz? They aint runnin no streets."
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« Reply #37 on: <03-28-15/1712:34> »
Once finished on the Matrix, and at the end of the drive, Byte glances towards FP, "City's barely awake. Cops motionless. Tired still. No problems." Byte then simply sighs, the look in his eyes as he stares off tells you that he is ready to start the mission and get it over with.

Being the dedicated back-up, Byte allows the others to lead on as he simply looks for opportunities to assist in the run where needed. "Ready on stand-by. Always."
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« Reply #38 on: <03-29-15/1421:20> »
[Trainyard, Jacksonville, CAS. April 13th, 7:30am 2076]

The sun outside glares off the dew formed overnight on every surface. You've seen one or two pedestrians and no other vehicles since you got off the highway. It's a warm, quiet, humid, and smelly sunday morning in Jacksonville. Rounding a corner and headed back into westside, One feels like the meet is more or less done. He pulls up near the trainyard again and stops the car. "Aight, If yall aint need the car, yall can hop out how and do your thing. If you got any gear you need, gimme the list now, and I'll have it in half an hour. Still give yall a full hour to hit the place. Just make SURE you get all eight keys of the FAKE shit. If any of it stays there, no one gets paid, ya feel me? No one."

« Last Edit: <04-09-15/1857:08> by Poindexter »
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« Reply #39 on: <04-01-15/0804:34> »
Right. We need a plan, quick like. Can you drive us by the target? Is that even possible? If you can get me to my bike then I can recce the place.
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« Reply #40 on: <04-05-15/1858:04> »
In the absence of other comments: Great. That's a plan, we shall head back to the train depot, I'll get my bike, quick recce and then we hit the place.
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« Reply #41 on: <04-05-15/1951:47> »
As Viso gets out of the car, he turns back to One67.

"Shall we meet up again, in say, 2 hours? Same place?"

Viso nods to his companions. "I'm going to see what I can find out about this place; although I don't have high hopes, considering our lack of time. Here's my commcode, we'll meet back here in a half hour?"

After departing ways, Viso brings up several AR overlays. He starts looking for any information he can on the traphouse, but the public grid kept making things difficult for him. After trying to coax everything he could out of his devices, he gave up when he got "Error 408: Request Timeout" for the 10th time. Frustrated, he waits for the others to return.


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« Reply #42 on: <04-05-15/2126:34> »
Can you drive us by the target? Is that even possible? If you can get me to my bike then I can recce the place.

"Naw, aint too many cars as nice as this round there. Get seen, wiz? But here, take this." He passes you a cheap, black, scuffed up meta-link. "All the numbers and shit you need are on there."

"Shall we meet up again, in say, 2 hours? Same place?"

"Naw, we finna meet up someplace way safer than this. Somewhere in riverside, wiz? Soon as it's all done and everything's all good, yall holler at a mug, and I'll give ya an address to meet up at." Before driving away, he adds one more thing. "I aint finna say good luck, cause I aint think yall mugs need that shit, but I will say to make sure you're thorough, wiz? Peace!"
« Last Edit: <04-05-15/2130:44> by Poindexter »
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« Reply #43 on: <04-06-15/1023:06> »
Righ'. Eiffer of you got some kinda vid or trid recording device? I wanna drive fru at speed and we can slow it down on cam afferwards. Bikes got sensors and shit bu' we need eyeballs.

We got two options: Reckon that we could just go fru the front door an scare the shi' out of anyone who can be scared. Geek the guard on the door,
  he smiles at the word 'geek', silen' like, check for keys or pop the door if'n we can' open i'. Da jus' leaves 2 guards. I fight wiv two swords but carry the gun, so I'll need space when it kicks off. Check for guns on the inside, move in, shoot anything that ain' givin up.
He looks at both Byte and Viso, No shooting people we dun hafe to. Viso, you get to the stash, Byte, assuming ders a back door, you check i' an I'll sweep the rooms, else you stay on the fron' door. We exfil which ever door is safest and hoof it to the bikes.

Second, we go in fru a back way, I got these gloves that make me in'o a second storey man,
he rasps the t in storey, with his filed down tusks some letters are more tongue than they ought to be, so I can ge' fru the window and come from behind, he chuckles.if we do that then we leave the guy of the front door to come in at us so da's a risk. Reckon the stash is easiest that way.

I got 2 flashbangs if we need more scary.

Gotta recce though. Fough's?
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« Reply #44 on: <04-06-15/1246:06> »
Righ'. Eiffer of you got some kinda vid or trid recording device? I wanna drive fru at speed and we can slow it down on cam afferwards. Bikes got sensors and shit bu' we need eyeballs.

"I can do it."

Gotta recce though. Fough's?

Byte merely nods when he's mentioned. "Either's fine. Rec first."
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