Date Night ( IC )

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1545 on: <09-01-15/2355:43> »
@ Marco    Ginny looks up and says, "Do you think I can learn?  Can you teach me?"  She waves at the two men ion the kitchen and goes into the bedroom. To her, this is just about the largest bedroom she has ever seen, and this is the spare room.  It makes her wonder for a moment just how big the master bedroom is.  She puts the bags down and starts removing things.  The closet is full of cans but she moves some aside so that she can hang some of the new clothes.  A small bureau allows her to put the rest of her things away.  Ginny goes into the bathroom to put her new toiletries away and stares open-mouthed at the size of the place.  And it comes with a shower. 

She looks around then quickly takes her clothes off and takes a hot shower, letting the water run over her for only a short time as she is unsure of the hot water ration Marco has and does not wish to use it all.  After finishing, she steps out and dries off before wrapping the towel around herself.  She goes to stand in front of the bed, trying to figure out what she should be wearing for the evening.  She really is completely clueless about this.
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« Reply #1546 on: <09-02-15/0211:55> »
Marco feels for Ginny when she confesses he is bit surprised that she is a Buddhist and that she feel all that stress, for an action so casual and mundane for Marco. If any, Marco need to make an effort not to be seductive and flirty. It was a moment of truth and Marco would not give her any grief about it nor will he pressure her to do it. Eventually, Marco feels that he need to be true to the people he choose to care about.

Marco look at her, he is selfless and understanding. Despite the fact that the doc is his most connected client so far. Convincing people in a way that empower them is about putting their needs above your own and Marco is determined to learn how to do it. He does not have much to go on, but Marco sense that Ginny in some deep manner would benefit by joining this date. She desperately need the opportunity - being in her late twenties a brilliant woman that never reached any serious intimacy with a man. This is a cross she carries and perhaps a cross that Marco can free her from.

In a perfect world, Marco himself should have been a Buddhist. Some of the very emotions that define him can easily be interpreted as Buddhist. Marco feel connected to anyone in this world, he feels that everything living is essentially the same. Agrat taught him to let go of his self importance, to make his self image completely disappear and just live the moment - be part of the experience. Even now Marco still has his own fears to overcome, before he can be truly happy. He instinctively know that that fear is something that is holding him back.

Marco smiles at Ginny, “Being happy requires overcoming fear. In Christianity we say that it requires a leap of faith. In Buddhism I think that it means that fear, is an obstacle toward achieving Nirvana. I can help you connect with people and learn how to trust them. I think it will make you closer to what you aspire to become “

Marco said and then paused a little bit.
“I will not however try to convince you into coming with me. I have many good reasons, why I want you to come with me. However, I try to put your needs above my own.
I think that you have a good opportunity to meet influential people tonight and have fun.

It is my job and life long passion to make people comfortable and help them let go of their doubts and fears and be true to their desires. I believe that this is where happiness happens, only after we overcome fear.“

It is only when Ginny aks Marco if he can teach her that Marco finally say:
“If you want to overcome this social stress I can help you if you come with me tonight.
It is not ideal circumstances, but I assure you that I will do everything that I can so that you will feel comfortable and I will personally make sure that you are not being pressured into doing things that you are not comfortable with. I can even establish a telepathic link between us so that all you need to do is think at me if you feel that things took you so far. “

When Ginny goes to shower, Marco is introducing himself to Snowden “I am Marco, I hope you like my home. Whats your name? “Marco figures up that he really don’t know Snowden’s first name. He say to Jed “Is there anything I can do for you? are you hungry? I must be the worst host ever to just leave you there and go do my stuff.“

Seeing that the two are still undressed, Marco offers them some of his clothes. Jed seems to be a bit short of cash, so Marco also offer him 100$ for some expenses.
« Last Edit: <09-03-15/1316:41> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1547 on: <09-02-15/0302:32> »
Ginny removes the towel and carefully hangs it on the small rack in the bathroom.  Marco had said something about the black lingerie and black dress so she gets them out and places them on the bed.  Naked, she sits on the bed next to the underwear and idly runs her fingers across the lacy things.  Not only has she never worn such things, but now she is supposed to wear them to get a man to look at her.  She has attracted few men in her thirty years and is not really sure how to do that.  Maybe the man will see past the clothes to her mind and.................Yeah, right.  When has that happened?

She slips the panties and brassier on, enjoying the feel of the fine cloth against her skin.  Looking in the mirror she notices that the push-up style of the bra has an illusory effect on the size of her chest, making her appear to be at least a cup size larger that normal.  The particular style also separates her breasts a bit, emphasizing her cleavage.  The dress is next and she slides it over her head,  When it nestles down she again looks in the mirror.  The knee length of the dress sets off her long and toned legs.  The cut in the front shows a bit of her new cleavage.  Not enough?  Too much?  Frag, how is she supposed to know?  Never one for much make-up, Ginny does not begin to know what to apply or how much.  In the end she goes for a bit of gloss on the lips and leaves the rest natural, expecting that Marco might make recommendations.

Speaking of Marco, what about him?  He is a strange man, but to her all men are strange and unknown creatures.  Without knowing anything about her, he spent money on clothes for her and is putting her up in this very nice apartment.  Warning bells are going off at every level.  But what does it say about her?  Without knowing anything about him, she accepted the clothes and room.  She expects that this will end in him demanding some sort of bedroom requirement in payment.  She shrugs, it would not be her first time in a man's bed, but this would be the first time a man gave her expensive gifts, either before or after sex.  Of course, the number of lovers she has had can be counted on one hand, and it is just as likely that this Marco will find her completely useless in the sack and toss her out on her butt.  But she might get the clothes and the room is far better than what she was getting from cousin Sebastian on that fragging boat of his.

Finished at the mirror, Ginny smooths the dress down and walks out into the living room.
« Last Edit: <09-02-15/0400:36> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #1548 on: <09-02-15/0525:50> »
Marco sticks a little bit to chat with Jed, but he is in a hurry. When Ginny is out of the shower Marco quickly grabs a towel and enters the shower. The hot water are not rationed and he takes the relatively long shower to calm his mind. This night will challenge him, especially with three different people that need to be satisfied.

But there was also another thing to look for his transformation. Changing shapes to birds dogs or cats was psychologically easy.  It was just an explorative game. Marco was not tempted to stick in this shapes long term, despite the wonderful vices he could experience in these bodies.
A feminine body? It felt less odd but it was mindblowing. The experience  always raised questions about his self image.  Masculinity and femininity, what aspect was Marco more attached to? Changing into a woman challenged Marco’s very flexible sexuality like nothing else could, it challenge his entire perception of himself.

The feminine body was not exactly uncharted land to Marco. During the last two years, he slept with many women and with many men shaped like a woman. At first it felt like a disguise - but there was a lot more than that. Marco enjoyed being a woman, a lot more than he cared to admit . He enjoyed it so much but somehow was relieved when he could finally change back - he liked it but could not bare it for long.

Marco prepares the technical magic details of his transformation as the water keep running over his naked body. He shivers with anticipation as he orders his spirit to change him. Having the spirit change him will allow Marco to use all his attention to the vices of the night and to really enjoy himself. His last thoughts in his own male form are “If I was just born feminine my entire life could have been fundamentally changed. If only because that awful assassin nonsense was a male only society. “ Marco’s new body feels good and alive, Marco could feel his excitement growing as he appreciated the the results in the mirror. “I am gorgeous” He thought. Marco missed this body. He haven't changed into it in quite some time now.

His initial feeling was extreme arousal, the kind that Marco could not easily contain. There was no need to - there was still some time.  He had this gorgeous and flawless body to explore, a body that Marco have not touched in a while.  “I missed you so much Marta”  He thought. He wanted to stick with his own male self image just a bit longer, he knew that it will be  more exciting. Marco’s hands explored his new body and skillfully excited it. It did not take long before Marco could feel that he can no longer contain this excitement. His body became receptive and when Marco placed the shower head between his legs it was not long before he climaxed and experienced his body shivering with pleasure for the first time that night. It was also the moment where Marco was ready to let go.

He now pictured himself as a woman named Marta. The young human lady picked up a fresh towel and made her way to her bedroom. Marta's  bedroom was equipped for all sort of bodies and Marta could easily pick the clothes she desired. First thing, she wanted to feel the touch of red lace lingerie on her body. She liked the way they sat on her, and just wearing them made her feel more sexy.  Appreciating herself in the mirror, Marta knew just what she wanted to ware for the evening.  A red dress that was full on the left side, and yet exposed her leg on the right side. Marta felt that it was classy, but appropriate for her hard to contain sexuality. It emphasized her beautiful long legs and at the same time had a very nice cleavage.

Satisfied Marta looked in the mirror and thought: “a proper display of my best assets. I am going to be a very naughty girl tonight”. On the back of his mind Marco was beginning to doubt his ability to stay true to his very sensitive words to Ginny as being Marta took him off balance - and he could feel that her desires could not easily be contained. Being a sexy woman that never has to endure consequences and can just stop existing for a while the next day was a difficult thing to contain.

Finally dressed and with some skillful use of cosmetics to make her  big brown eyes appear bigger and her eyelashes appear longer. Some red lipstick to draw attention to her lips and she was ready to go. Marta's skin was so perfect that she really did not need a lot of work to look stunning.
When she was finally done, Marta went looking for Ginny in the living room. "You look stunning Ginny... I am almost sorry that we have to go out... Do you like how I look? Please call me Marta or Martie, Marco is a very odd name for a girl... don't you think? "

Looking at Jed and Snowden - Marta asks "What do you guys think, we are stunning aren't we?" She say as she hugs Ginny. "Could you please take our picture ?" She asks Jed - and handד him her commlink.
« Last Edit: <09-02-15/1002:25> by gilga »


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« Reply #1549 on: <09-02-15/0746:56> »
@ Arc & Yelena. BloodMoney is in a hurry to complete the credit transaction And he says loudly, "Yeah we have a job and we need to go." But one of the thugs on the bike looks over at the Howlers and says, "You didn't tell me you did business with Howler trash. Word is she slotted every ork in that gang just to get in. And they kicked her out cuz she was even stupider than she was ugly." Jamie moves forward around you, but he's beaten to the head of that line by Blue. "Stupid is being on the turf of the pack when you smell so bad we could hunt you with our eyes closed. Arc said this was neutral turf. Now ride away, 'cause the turf surrounding it ain't. The pack keeps trouble from this door. It always has. And if you're looking to start it now. We will end it." The Howlers have been moving forward. And there is now  a wall of them between you and Jaime and the WhollyHells.

Arc's cheeks had flushed red at the comment and obviously false jab at the nature of how she became a Howler, barely noticed under the street lights as the human held her ground.  Her hands clenched into little balls as she shook a little, her mind's eye glancing back towards Jaime, hoping with some amount of desperation that he did not believe the bulldrek the offending ganger was saying about her.  As she noticed her Vruk coming to her defense, she stopped herself from retorting, hand reaching up to stop him, but thankfully for her, the ork Blue took care of that for her.

The next part stunned the mechanic more than the insults ever did, and shook her predetermined beliefs to the door.  Yeah, what the Howler said was true: Lupo had agreed to keep Arc's place a neutral spot in exchange for regular work provided, and to this day Arc always viewed Lupo and his Howlers as the diabolical shadow of her childhood she needed to escape from.  But here... they were defending one of their own, and the wall that had formed protecting the girl and her vrukart, and the fact that she had cast aside the colors made no difference.  What has changed...  She thought in some bewilderment as she stared ahead with wide open eyes, seeing the Whollyhells start to back off...

Emboldened by the support of the pack, Arc stood her ground, stance solid as she reached up slowly with a hand, grabbing Jaime's very slowly and giving a light squeeze.  A quick glance down at her showed a hard expression, one that gave the impression of strength and resolve, and would be believable too if not for the tiniest bit of a tear trailing down her cheek.  "'s all bulldrek.  You know I don't do none of that fragging drek."  She muttered out under her breath, glancing off to the side to see Yelena, giving a small nod as the situation seemed to slowly defuse itself.

As the bikers realized that any aggressive action would not have ended well for them, they sneered and cautiously backed away, leaving the neighborhood in peace, the curtain of dread slowly lifting from the air as the denizens began to relax in palpable relief.  Arc let herself shake a little, eyes glancing up to Blue and giving a nod of appreciation.  "Thanks.  We solid on this one, omae.  "N''uut Pa'krayn kalat vut ayya'"  She hugged at her man before turning to Yelena, who had approached after the tension settled.  "Well, that coulda gone worse...buzzkill to yo thang though, sucks for that...think peeps be worth salvaging some wizbang times?"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1550 on: <09-02-15/1023:27> »
Yelena moves to the side when the Howlers formed their line, her hand instinctively going to the holstered pistol at her thigh and drawing it.  In the half darkness, she keeps the gun in the shadows; ready to use but not threatening anyone.  She just wants to be prepared in case something happened.  Her senses are attuned to her environment and so she sees that a number of the street revelers have found something to put in their hands, metal bars being the most popular.  Somewhere it must be written that there are always metal bars laying about in the street just when a gang fight is about to take place.  She notes that only two people seem to be glaring at the Howlers, while the rest are, like her, moving to give support to Arc and her neutrality.

The Wholly Hellers are apparently not so dim that they do not see this.  Realizing that the odds are stacked against them, they huff and puff a bit then leave.  Lots of parting words are said by both gangs and then the threat is gone.  Yelena replaces her gun in the holster and nods to her Srui when their eyes meet.  Sadly, the confrontation has broken some of the mood and people start drifting away, back to their own lives.  After all, the Barrens is the Barrens and cannot abide too much frivolity at one time.  At least not yet.  The impromptu party does show that the people here are willing to forget some of their problems to share with others.  And that is the first step to forming a real community, even in the shadows and even in a place as bleak as the Barrens.

Yelena walks around and exchanges handshakes and thank yous as the crowd dissipates.  Her little experiment receives approval from others, who say that such a thing is long overdue and should be repeated soon.  She begins to clean up, and is a bit surprised when others join in to help with the detritus of the evening.  Soon it is just her, Arc, and Jamie standing in the evening darkness and cold.  Yelena gives her Srui and the rigger man some space, taking the last of the things inside.  After the kitchen things are put away, Yelena returns to the garage to clean the sax, waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.

« Last Edit: <09-02-15/1026:56> by Mercy Merchant »
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1551 on: <09-02-15/1032:19> »
Ginny is standing in the living room, a bit lost and wondering what to do next when a beautiful woman walks into the room from the bedroom.  It takes a bit for her scientific mind to close the links and realize that this is Marco.  So this is what mojo can do.  She is intrigued despite herself and actually a bit speechless when the woman comes over to her.  Marta, not Marco.  She will have to remember that.  If she can.  This has been the strangest day of her life so far, and it promises to get even stranger.
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« Reply #1552 on: <09-02-15/1311:29> »
@ Marco  Dr. Kawagishi texts you as you're on your way. >>I've booked a table for you under your professional name. I want to keep up the illusion of the chase. I'm looking forward to seeing all of your skills tonight. And if this goes well and I get the position I can promise you that we'll enjoy many positions together. And I will also recommend you to a few of my more open-minded colleagues who are capable of enjoying everything you can be.<< When you get to the restaurant its elegant and understated decor says money. And the ARO's accentuate that theme while they enhance the privacy of each table. The theme is Renaissance Versailles, and the wait staff are all dressed in an elegant courtly manner without the heaviness of the wigs and makeup. Beside you Ginny stiffens in shock as soon as she see's the place. The maitre de looks you up and down with just a flick of his eyes and understands your profession, and only the brief and tiniest frown shows that he is puzzled by Ginny. When he checks your reservation, you can tell he also checked who it was placed by. There is not a trace of hesitation or unctuousness as he says, "This way mademoiselles.  Your waiter will be Henri. He will see to your every need." As you move forward in an elegant sensual sway you enjoy the attention of several men and women in the room. But, it doesn't take more than a few moments before you notice that Ginny does not go with you. As you glance back she swallows, and rushes to catch up, her heel catching on her own foot she nearly stumbles but rights herself in time. She turns beet red and when she catches up to you she can't meet your eye. She follows you and pulls out her own seat in a hurry to sit down, and then becomes even more embarrassed as she see's Henri pulling out your chair to seat you. As you sit with a slightly exaggerated swing to your hips you smile at her in encouragement and notice that she is near tears. Henri, with the practice born of long attention seems not to notice the tears and says, "Good evening mam'selles. I know that you will enjoy your evening with us to it's fullest. Our chef, Jean-Louis deSardi has out done himself in the magnificence of tonight's offering. May I bring you a wine, or perhaps some champagne. Two such beautiful women deserve to be celebrated." Ginny looks like she's about to bolt, and just past her you see Dr. Kawagishi enter the restaurant with a man who, if he ever had any sex appeal, it's long been gone. He's short, even shorter than the doctor, and at least 200 kilos he's nearly as wide as he is tall, much older and balding, his very expensive tailored suit is the only thing about him anyone would notice.
« Last Edit: <09-02-15/1401:07> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1553 on: <09-02-15/1358:14> »
@ Arc & Yelena  Blue looks at you. "The pack see's to it's own." He's obviously overheard what you said to Jaime and he gives you a hard look and says, "A woman has the right to sleep where she wills. Just as a man does." He does not like to see you displaying weakness in front of your Vruk. But, before you can answer, Jaime does, in his damn near perfect Or'Zet. "A woman has the right to sleep where she wills. But if a man believes the words of one who is not pack he is a fool who deserves not the one he sleeps beside." He looks at Blue and says, "I am BlueDog. I have never hunted with the pack. But my woman has, and any who would harm her I would hunt and bleed beside." Blue looks at him and nods, "I am BlueSparrow, apprentice shaman for the Howlers." He slaps Jaime then, hard. Jaime staggers under the blow and when he straightens he looks straight at Blue, "Shpita is a test for children. I am no child." Blue nods then and looks up and howls. It's the howl to signify the pack gather and leave and it's answered by more than the group who showed up for the party. Arc counts the distinctive howls of at least five more. He looks at you and says, "I'll let Sarge know what went down. I'm sure he'll place an extra watch for the next few nights in case those drek-heads are looking to come back and start trouble." Almost everyone is helping to put away things by then, leaving the pack to it's own business.
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« Reply #1554 on: <09-02-15/1409:13> »
@ Jed  when Marco entered with Ginny it reminded Jed of just how little he and Snowden were wearing. He'd been more concerned with Snowden's health than with modesty and Marco bringing in a young woman who tried not to stare brought him up short. Snowden answered him just then. But, with Jed's attention on the problem of clothing, or rather the lack thereof, Jed had to ask him to repeat it, "Um, sorry. I didn't catch that. What did you say?" Snowden looks at him, again almost child-like, "I'm allergic to almonds. Well, actually I'm allergic to the skin of the almonds, but, it amounts to the same thing in processed foods." he pauses and then adds, "I'm not allergic to peanut butter." He's looking at you hopefully.
« Last Edit: <09-02-15/1417:47> by ismilealot »
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« Reply #1555 on: <09-02-15/1416:22> »
For Blake  & Ambrose  Blake arrives a few minutes before 8:00. And you can tell he's familiar with the dress code, he's packing at least one marginally concealed piece and the clothing is dark. He looks around and then at you and says, "I'm Blake. Arc gave me this address." he continues looking around, trying to ID Arc from the stragglers still hanging around. Ambrose is only a few minutes later. His limp is almost gone. And he moves with the grace of someone long used to blending into his environment, something his clothing facilitates and you almost lose him when he stands still in a shadow taking in the scene.
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« Reply #1556 on: <09-02-15/1526:57> »
On the way Marco text Yelena >> Y, I have some big date tonight so I can’t come. Check out how sexy we are. (Attached is a selfie of Marta and Ginny)

Marta sees Ginny struggling and sends her a look full of empathy. She touches her hand suggestively and asks her questions about her dissertation, about her adviser and their relationship. Marta does her best to keep Ginny continuously talking about things she like. Her goal is to get Ginny more and more excited by appealing to science - her true passion in this life. That way Marta hopes that Ginny will forget all about the awkwardness of her situation, and would feel at ease.

Marta figures that just slightly manipulating Ginny so that she only talk about the things within her comfort zone will work better than actually explaining Ginny what the plan is.  It is like that Sophie could fly a lot better when she was occupied by something else. To Ginny that something else is her science. Marta's plan is to just keep Ginny talking geek to her.  Marta will subtly seduce Ginny to keep going, by displaying great interest in everything she say and mimicking her facial expressions so that Ginny feels more interesting. She would also slightly flirt with Ginny but that was not part of the plan... Marta just find it difficult not to behave like that.

Marta completely ignores the doctor and his obis suited friend. These, will have to crush their geeky conversation somehow. Otherwise, it will be obviously a set up. Besides, they better work hard to get the attention of two sexy brainiacs. She will let the odd couple figure for themselves exactly how to attract their attention.  After all if Marta makes any sign of recondition she'll just get Ginny stressed after she worked so hard to just get Ginny distracted.

No... Marta intends to fool Ginny for a short while, by the time Ginny understands that she is entertaining the client - she will already be in the middle of a passionate discussion about her science.  After all, if Ginny was indeed so successful in academia - she has to know how to talk about her science quite passionately.

Marta has the most optimistic thought  Perhaps it is a good thing that his friend is so fat... That way Ginny won't be anxious, after all she is totally out of his league.
« Last Edit: <09-02-15/1723:50> by gilga »


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« Reply #1557 on: <09-02-15/2201:47> »
Arc watched with open and alert eyes as the Whollyhells dispersed, followed quickly by the exchange between Jaime and Blue.  To be honest, the little human had dreaded the thought of her Vruk encountering a Howler up to this point, getting the feeling that the gangers would treat him much like she remembered being treated growing up.  But here he was, holding his ground with the confidence of an Alpha, even slinging out a street handle and rebuking against the declared Sh'pita.  Afterwards, Arc gave an assuring nod to Blue about the reporting to Sarge and the potential increased watch.

"Ya do what ya feel needa do, Skraa'cha.  Appreciated."  She withheld from howling with the others: while definitely her roots, it was clear that Arc didn't consider herself a true Howler anymore, instead nodding in salute before helping with the cleaning.  One thing's for certain, if Howlers didn't know I had a Vrukart before, they sure hella do now.  She exchanged a few words with her neighbors in thanks and encouragement, a good distraction, but maybe her Sruiken'kal and definitely her Vruk could see she was still a bit shaken up by the ordeal.

"And they kicked her out cuz she was even stupider than she was ugly."

Those two words echoed in her brain, taking her back to her adolescent days under the Howlers' boots.  As she carried the lamps in and stepping back out, she was almost shaking.  As the gathering had finally departed, leaving the three the sole occupants of the sidewalk before Yelena left, Jaime made a move, pulling the short girl in with hands holding her at the waist, forehead touching forehead.  Sharing a silent moment, Arc could feel his concern and worry as if they were mindlinked, and eventually spoke up, her voice uncharacteristically quiet.

"I...there's some drek ya needa know about me.  I grew up under those guys after lost m'fam, the Howlers.  All-trog gang took me in, making me pretty much the only breeder to be one of them, even if I was just some beating post to them.  Most of the time before I got out, and even a bit after, they fixed ta callin' me the ugliest, stupidest runt of the litter what dinna deserve the chance to hunt or eat.  It...kinda sticks in the noggin, yknow?  It's been a while since I've heard those...thought I was stronger, shoulda been stronger..."

A lone tear trailed down her cheek, which she quickly wiped up before looking at him, her smile slowly returning.  "Gotta be strong.  Protect my awesome man with the cool name I wanna hear about, protect my turf, protect what's mine.  I gotta meetup tonight with a crew.  Night job stuff, but if you wanna stick around, I don't see why we can't ride off into the night together?"

She blushed a bit, realizing she was unusually wordy and soft than her reputation gave off, part of her kinda relieved that noone close to her besides Jaime witnessed it (unless Yelena is the voyeur type...y'never know).  At that moment, she heard a clearing of someone's throat, breaking away from Jaime to turn and see a lean, older ork man in dark clothes.

"I'm Blake. Arc gave me this address."

Brushing a stray lock of hair from her eyes, the short human girl stood up straight, giving a nod.  "Ya talking to her, omae.  Nice t'put a name to a face.  Head on into the garage, we meeting up in there."  Soon after, she waved over the wandering and meandering Ambrose, directing him to the same place and joining them shortly after, with or without her Vruk in tow as the group finally got together face to face.

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« Reply #1558 on: <09-02-15/2305:08> »
Yelena is putting the finishing touches on the sax when Arc sends Blake in.  She nods to the man in dark clothes as she puts the sax in its case and secures it.  She motions to the garage, where some mismatched and worn chairs are scattered about.  "Hey there.  Find seat.  Others here soon.  Yelena take sax to room."  She watches him long enough to try to get a feel for how the man moves, but not so long as it could be called staring.  Turning, she takes the sax into the bedroom and places the case on the far wall next to her bed.  While there, she gets the message from Marco.  *Who the frag is Marta?  Who is Ginny?*

She returns to the garage in time to see Arc and another man enter the garage.  Arc.  Marco call.  Not coming.  Has date with Ginny.  Who the frag is Ginny?  Still missing Jed?"  Yelena goes to the small kitchen and grabs the soycaf pot and the mugs and takes them out to where the rest are.  She puts the pot and mugs on a counter.  "Soycaf hot.  Come get if want."  Looking around, she is reminded of another team meeting in this very garage just a few weeks ago.  She smiles at the memory.  "Hey Arc.  Should have got pizza."

Yelena moves to sit on the battered loveseat.  An idea comes to her and she scrolls through her internal address book.  Finding what she is looking for, she sends out a text.  >>Mike.  Is Yelena.  Mike know Vory.  Yelena visited by Vory name Nikolai Fyodorovich Alexandrov.  Know Yelena in past.  Yelena think dead.  Yelena pay Mike to find out anything about him.<<  Sitting back, she waits for Jed to show up to complete the team.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1559 on: <09-02-15/2329:58> »
Ginny has never felt more embarrassed or more out of place than right now.  This sort of restaurant only exists in the dreams of people like her.  She may be dressed to fit, but she does not fit.  And stumbling over her own feet is hardly a good omen.  She is about to bolt when Marc.......Marta reaches over and touches her hand and begins asking questions about her orals and her dissertations.  Ginny understands full well what Marta is trying to do and, strangely enough, it works.  She calms down when talking about her studies and other things that fit into her neatly packaged personality.  Even if most of the things she talks about are far over the other woman's head, Marta does not let on, nodding at all the right places.  Her read on people and body language must be amazing and Ginny feels for the first time tonight that they might pull this off.

Ginny has been so nervous that she has forgotten that she is fairly conversant in French, having studied abroad in that country for two years.  When Henri returns with their wine and to take their orders, she flashes him a smile and in her best French asks his opinion on what is good this evening.  Henri's training allows him to mask his surprise as he bends over her menu to point out the specials.  Ginny has only heard of some of the dishes from her time in Paris, but she accepts that the waiter knows his job and orders accordingly.  Once Henri leaves the table with both orders, Ginny leans a bit forward and whispers, "Marta.  Thank you for helping me.  I am sorry I almost went to pieces.  This is all strange to me.  I do not even really know what some of the food I just ordered is.  Well, I do know, but I have never tasted it.  Never even dreamed of being in a place like this and eating food like this.  Or wearing clothes like this.  I think that if I can keep the subject on science I might just be able to keep it together."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

