[5e OOC] Sunt Venatores Venationem

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« Reply #30 on: <01-08-15/1457:44> »
Sounds good all around. A few notes and clarifications:

Taking mist form in the wind can be risky, but the wind will also carry the vampire at a faster pace away from the runners which would be a good defensive tactic.

Elijah (3L1) has 2 fly spys. Keep in mind that although they're small setting them loose on the dance floor leaves a lot of eyes that can potentially notice them.

There is an alley on 2 sides of the apartment.

Did I miss anything?


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« Reply #31 on: <01-08-15/1502:24> »
Fire escapes, or other easily ascended exterior features?

Plan A sounds pretty solid, but if 8-bit is working on Plan B then I'm happy to wait.


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« Reply #32 on: <01-08-15/1516:34> »
Re: fire escapes, it's the barrens. The building may have been built with them, but they represent a significant security hazard. If they exist, they almost certainly must be deployed from the upper floors.


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« Reply #33 on: <01-08-15/1551:46> »
Let's not forget that Sister Rebecca will have some spirits. Those can do recon even if we don't have small drones available, especially since a small drone would likely have a difficult time distinguishing a vampire from a metahuman, doubly so in a crowd. (Unless the vampire is in full berserker mode.) The spirits can look for dual-natured entities and can sweep the building astrally much faster than we can physically. Downside: the spirits will probably tip our hand to the dual-natured vampires.

Completely forgot about the spirits. That will definitely be useful, but the only problem would be that they need to physically enter rooms (not manifesting) to bypass walls blocking Astral Sight. While they can scout quickly, that will put them right next to the Vampires if they find them. You are right on the drones though; they'll still be useful. They do make some noise though.

Maybe we can scout out the first 3 floors (sub-basement and Floors 1 and 2) with Spirits, just to clear them up. I'm hesitant to send them to the upper floors before we've secured the lower floors, as alerting them before we have the exits covered seems like a bad idea.

Achak's full body armor is not subtle, but it is the Barrens. When confronted with full body armor, I'm guessing most locals will come down with a severe case of shutthehellup. (The full chemical seal is also useful for keeping vampire juices at bay while I'm cracking skulls at close range.) The idea of starting at the top and working down was partly a function of not alarming the club clientele by walking in the front door in full riot gear. Even if we clear the basement first - which is a perfectly fine idea - Achak will probably leave floors 1 & 2 for SisterStake.

Sure, but I imagine climbing (even with fire escapes) is not extremely sneaky when in Full Body Armor. I do understand the idea though, so leaving Floors 1 and 2 for Stake and Sister Rebecca sounds like a good idea. My main hesitation was splitting the party up. Even with constant Matrix communication, us being at the bottom while you are busy fighting 1 vs. 1-3 seems like a good way to lose Achak.

Sister Rebecca has a solid Sneaking dice pool but we are up against vampires with Improved Hearing. Achak would want the rookie to keep her distance so she doesn't crimp his Catlike Traceless Walk style, but close enough to counterspell. (I should rename my Catlike quality to Doglike to reflect my mentor spirit.)

Works for me if it works for Pointdexter.

Sister Rebecca is not squishy by any sense of the word. She'll be fine if left alone for a bit. I only worry bout the counterspelling.

Stake isn't 100% sure of her abilities, but he would assume she can handle herself. The main reason he would want her to not be on the front line is that he doesn't want to lose their Assensing and Counterspelling by getting blindsided.

Taking mist form in the wind can be risky, but the wind will also carry the vampire at a faster pace away from the runners which would be a good defensive tactic.

Elijah (3L1) has 2 fly spys. Keep in mind that although they're small setting them loose on the dance floor leaves a lot of eyes that can potentially notice them.

There is an alley on 2 sides of the apartment.

Did I miss anything?

Sounds good then; I think you covered everything.

Revised Plan A - Assuming everything goes fairly well.

1. Do a preliminary scout of the outside of the building to make sure we have the layout and exits confirmed.
2. Clear the lower levels, starting with the sub-basement. Stealth is not absolutely required here, as it is unlikely that anyone is down here.
     2a. Have 3L1 use a smaller scout drone, quickly, and discreetly do a preliminary check of the lower levels before we send in people. We don't want to alert anyone, but it would be nice not to fly in blind.
     2b. Ditto with Sister Rebecca's Spirits. Have them scout for Dual-Natured entities.
     2c. Have Achak and Sister Rebecca enter the sub-basement together (Rebecca slightly behind) while the Roto-drone covers the exit that Stake will enter through.
3. Once the sub-basement is cleared, move onto the first floor. Attempt to remain stealthy, we do not want to startle a normal person or Vampire that will set off an alarm.
     3a. Confirm with a small drone that there are no people who are out, as well as a preliminary check. Remain as stealthy as possible, we do not want a random drone to be seen whizzing about. If necessary, abandon a drone sweep and just go for physical surveillance.
         3a.1 If there are people, Stake will go first to try and get them out of there; having Rebecca follow behind to Assense them to make sure they aren't a Vampire
     3b. Have spirit(s) sweep the floor searching for Dual-Natured entities.
     3c. Same as 2c, except we need drones covering the back exits and Stake will enter from the Main entrance; Achak remains in basement; Rebecca comes up through the basement (?)
         3c.1 Since we are going to keep Matrix communications open at all times (I assume everyone has commcodes and commlinks on them), repeat 3a.1 if we come into contact with people
4. Rinse and Repeat all steps of 3 for Floor 2
5. Move towards Floors 3 and 4; taking Achak discreetly with us. Take the greatest care here when going through the rooms; they are probably close together and we don't want to inadvertently alert anyone.
     5a. If we can scout with a drone, do the normal preliminary check of the rooms. Again, better to be blind than alert anyone, so if it's making too much noise or will gather attention, abandon the drone surveillance.
     5b. Have a spirit scout each individual room before we enter.
        5b.1 If they spot a Dual-Natured Entity, we can go in guns ready. I'm hesitant to say guns blazing, because it might be a random other Dual-Natured Entity (a normal Adept, or normal Spirit, for example)
        5b.2 If they don't spot a Dual-Natured Entity, we can consider the room cleared.
     5c. Achak takes point with his armor, while Sister Rebecca and Stake follow behind him.
        5c.1 Keep the Optic X-2 scouting from above, and the Rotodrone on standby for quick movement to cover the bottom floor entrances.
        5c.2 Also, if there are fire escapes etc, then have the Rotodrone cover those while the Optic X-2 does a general sweep of the building.
        5c.3 Depending on how many spirits we have, we might want one on the outside to check for any Mistforms that try to escape.
6. Rinse and Repeat all steps of 5, but stick together as a single group this time, instead of opting to split up. These are probably sound-proofed, and we most likely eliminated the other rooms. Stealth is not absolutely required.
7. At any point if and when we encounter the Vampires, put them down with extreme prejudice.
    7a. If there are innocent bystanders nearby, try to protect them, but do not go soft on the Vampires, if necessary.
    7b. If we manage to catch one by surprise and are able to incapacitate, but not kill it, then we can interrogate it for some information.
    7c. Keep a spirit around, but it doesn't necessarily have to help us in combat. I would rather it keep track of the Vampires if they try to Mist Form out.

Plan B - Assuming there are a ton of people on Floors 1 and 2 that we can't move.

1. Do a preliminary scout of the outside of the building to make sure we have the layout and exits confirmed.
2. Clear the sub-basement. Stealth is not absolutely required here, as it is unlikely that anyone is down here.
     2a. Have 3L1 use a smaller scout drone, quickly, and discreetly do a preliminary check of the lower levels before we send in people. We don't want to alert anyone, but it would be nice not to fly in blind.
     2b. Ditto with Sister Rebecca's Spirits. Have them scout for Dual-Natured entities.
     2c. Have Achak and Sister Rebecca enter the sub-basement together (Rebecca slightly behind) while the Roto-drone covers the exit that Stake will enter through.
3. Once the sub-basement is cleared, move onto the first floor. Attempt to remain stealthy, we do not want to startle a normal person or Vampire that will set off an alarm.
     3a. If there are people, Stake will go first to try and get them out of there; having Rebecca follow behind to Assense them to make sure they aren't a Vampire
         3a.1 Assuming we can't move them, here's the plan. Follow 3b and then get a Spirit to take Achak, and if possible, Sister Rebecca, to the top of the building. Proceed to step 6, then work backwards to step 5. Assuming the information is correct, the Vampires will be in the building, so this should lead to a confrontation of some sort. Stake will be on lookout on Floor 3, the drones will perform the normal step 5 and 6 overwatch.
             3a.1.1 When encountering the Vampires, go to step 7, with the following exceptions. Stake will come up when he receives the signal, so Achak and Sister Rebecca should try and keep the Vampires in one spot.
             3a.1.2 Should the Vampires manage to flee, Sister Rebecca and Achak should try to flush them towards Stake and keep them above the first 2 Floors.
     3b. Have spirit(s) sweep the floor searching for Dual-Natured entities.
     3c. We need drones covering the back exits and Stake will enter from the Main entrance; Achak remains in basement; Rebecca comes up through the basement (?)
         3c.1 Since we are going to keep Matrix communications open at all times (I assume everyone has commcodes and commlinks on them), repeat 3a.1 if we come into contact with people
4. Rinse and Repeat all steps of 3 for Floor 2
5. Move towards Floors 3 and 4; taking Achak discreetly with us. Take the greatest care here when going through the rooms; they are probably close together and we don't want to inadvertently alert anyone.
     5a. If we can scout with a drone, do the normal preliminary check of the rooms. Again, better to be blind than alert anyone, so if it's making too much noise or will gather attention, abandon the drone surveillance.
     5b. Have a spirit scout each individual room before we enter.
        5b.1 If they spot a Dual-Natured Entity, we can go in guns ready. I'm hesitant to say guns blazing, because it might be a random other Dual-Natured Entity (a normal Adept, or normal Spirit, for example)
        5b.2 If they don't spot a Dual-Natured Entity, we can consider the room cleared.
     5c. Achak takes point with his armor, while Sister Rebecca and Stake follow behind him.
        5c.1 Keep the Optic X-2 scouting from above, and the Rotodrone on standby for quick movement to cover the bottom floor entrances.
        5c.2 Also, if there are fire escapes etc, then have the Rotodrone cover those while the Optic X-2 does a general sweep of the building.
        5c.3 Depending on how many spirits we have, we might want one on the outside to check for any Mistforms that try to escape.
6. Rinse and Repeat all steps of 5, but stick together as a single group this time, instead of opting to split up. These are probably sound-proofed, and we most likely eliminated the other rooms. Stealth is not absolutely required.
7. At any point if and when we encounter the Vampires, put them down with extreme prejudice.
    7a. If there are innocent bystanders nearby, try to protect them, but do not go soft on the Vampires, if necessary.
    7b. If we manage to catch one by surprise and are able to incapacitate, but not kill it, then we can interrogate it for some information.
    7c. Keep a spirit around, but it doesn't necessarily have to help us in combat. I would rather it keep track of the Vampires if they try to Mist Form out.

Here are my concerns with these plans.

1. This is going to require a lot of coordination, and it isn't likely to be quick.
2. This might take a lot of Spirit Services. Sister Rebecca might have to summon more mid-operation.
3. When the fight goes down, I'm not quite sure how we can keep innocent bystanders out of this. Some will unavoidably panic, which might set off the other vampires if they aren't all together.

There might be some more there, and anyone feel free to speak up if you have something to add. It gets a little convoluted and I might have missed something. Also feel free to speak up if anything isn't clear.


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« Reply #34 on: <01-08-15/1701:46> »
I am under the impression that there will be a good number of people there because of the club. Granted that it's Sunday night, but it's not like people in the Barrens maintain a traditional workweek.

What kind of music does the club play? If it's loud, it could help us. Distant shooting might be concealed by assrattling beats, and the ambient noise might make it easier to sneak up and bludgeon unsuspecting vampires. I will note that Stake doesn't have a lot (any?) of quiet options.

Also depending on the nature of the club, it's possible that a good percentage of the people there will be tripping the light fantastic on Bliss or Zen. A well-opiated population might make it easier to move around without generating alarm.

Things will get tricky if the vampires aren't off on their own, or are in the scrum of the dance floor looking for victims.

I'm going to roll Security Design just in case I'm derping on something. I presume there will be locks and the door and such, maybe even surveillance systems for Elijah to play with, especially if this club is connected to a syndicate.

Logic 2 + Security Design 4: Security Design: 6d6t5 2
+ Homes specialization 2 (for the apartments: Security Design specialization: 2d6t5 0

So 2 hits total.


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« Reply #35 on: <01-08-15/1721:08> »
Really looks like the plan is shaping up.  Good work.

The club plays loud dance music, so that is in your favor.  It's a criminally run dance club in the barrens, so the chances of most of the clientele being out of their skulls on drugs is a pretty safe bet. 

You'd bet security cameras, especially on the front door, and above the gun-check to make sure nobody's skimming off the top.  Ditto for the bar.  Other likely spots are stairwells and hallways on the upper floors.  If Achak has to hazard a guess, she would think that security HQ would be on the 4th floor, far enough from the dance area to make it a more difficult target, but not taking up any of the really valuable real estate.


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« Reply #36 on: <01-08-15/1806:12> »
Elijah (3L1) has 2 fly spys.

who is Elijah? Pardon me if im being dense.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #37 on: <01-08-15/1807:49> »
Elijah (3L1) has 2 fly spys.

who is Elijah? Pardon me if im being dense.

Rigger/matrix overwatch who Stake rented out for the mission.


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« Reply #38 on: <01-08-15/1816:53> »
2. This might take a lot of Spirit Services. Sister Rebecca might have to summon more mid-operation.
3. When the fight goes down, I'm not quite sure how we can keep innocent bystanders out of this. Some will unavoidably panic, which might set off the other vampires if they aren't all together.

2- How many rooms are we talking about individually searching here? Gimme a number and lemme do some math real quick. From the sound of it, We'll only need one spirit bound and a bunch services from low power spirits, maybe a decent sized one if you want it to levitate us to the rooftop, but Becca should be able to handle that.

3- Beccas got mana barrier and physical barrier. She can corral some people.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #39 on: <01-08-15/1823:45> »
I imagine that Achak would have asked (or asked Stake to ask) Elijah to do some research on the club and who the owners might be, just to see if this really is a Yak shop or if they're pissing in someone else's pool. Or if that's a plot point then Elijah can punt on that and leave it for us to find out.

How much Matrix support can we expect during the run? I haven't played (or GM'd) a rigger/decker hybrid so I don't know how their time gets split between functions. I know they usually get plenty of passes due to hot-sim initiative, but I don't know if they generally let the drones do their own thing until they need to jump in or if they're usually jumped in the entire time.


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« Reply #40 on: <01-08-15/1829:31> »
i feel like they usually only jump in when there's some fighting or serious maneuvering to be done.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #41 on: <01-08-15/1844:30> »
i feel like they usually only jump in when there's some fighting or serious maneuvering to be done.

This.  He'll set the dog brains to do their recon thing, as directed.  He's not going to be a super-capable decker, but he will (hopefully) be able to hack into the cameras for you guys.  He's not there in the flesh, so noise may become an issue.  Club ownership might be more of a gang knowledge test than a matrix thing, I would think.  Yakuza LTD. isn't going to be listed on the deed. (Ha!  Barrens, deed.)


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« Reply #42 on: <01-08-15/1901:51> »
I was thinking of something simpler, like the language used in comm chatter. But I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

Someone want to post ICly to get the ball rolling? I already have back-to-back posts.


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« Reply #43 on: <01-08-15/1904:43> »
yeah, im gonna get something up before i go to sleep tonight.
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #44 on: <01-08-15/2010:35> »
What kind of music does the club play? If it's loud, it could help us. Distant shooting might be concealed by assrattling beats, and the ambient noise might make it easier to sneak up and bludgeon unsuspecting vampires. I will note that Stake doesn't have a lot (any?) of quiet options.

Ah. Ah! Oops. At least I didn't completely fail on subtlety, but well ... yeah, that's about right.

You'd bet security cameras, especially on the front door, and above the gun-check to make sure nobody's skimming off the top.  Ditto for the bar.  Other likely spots are stairwells and hallways on the upper floors.  If Achak has to hazard a guess, she would think that security HQ would be on the 4th floor, far enough from the dance area to make it a more difficult target, but not taking up any of the really valuable real estate.

A little more secure than I expected for the Barrens, but just something to keep in mind. I guess I should ask, how are we going to be dodging any on-site security (even though it's for their own good)? A spirit sustaining Concealment? Also starting to wonder how I'm getting my Alpha in here, or any gun for that matter. I assume Full Body Armor would also raise an eye or two for security.

2. This might take a lot of Spirit Services. Sister Rebecca might have to summon more mid-operation.
3. When the fight goes down, I'm not quite sure how we can keep innocent bystanders out of this. Some will unavoidably panic, which might set off the other vampires if they aren't all together.

2- How many rooms are we talking about individually searching here? Gimme a number and lemme do some math real quick. From the sound of it, We'll only need one spirit bound and a bunch services from low power spirits, maybe a decent sized one if you want it to levitate us to the rooftop, but Becca should be able to handle that.

3- Beccas got mana barrier and physical barrier. She can corral some people.

2- Well, it's going to be 21 rooms if we do them individually. I'm thinking of revising the plan to just secure the lower floors and have the spirits do a sweep of the upper floors. That way, we spend less time dodging security's radar, and even if we alert the Vampires, we have the mundane exits covered, and if they try to run with Mist Form, then spirits can track them. Hopefully. Any thoughts are welcome.

3- Sounds good.

This.  He'll set the dog brains to do their recon thing, as directed.  He's not going to be a super-capable decker, but he will (hopefully) be able to hack into the cameras for you guys.  He's not there in the flesh, so noise may become an issue.  Club ownership might be more of a gang knowledge test than a matrix thing, I would think.  Yakuza LTD. isn't going to be listed on the deed. (Ha!  Barrens, deed.)

Somehow I don't have Gang Knowledge. Would Area Knowledge: Seattle possibly cover this? Not a big deal if it doesn't.

yeah, im gonna get something up before i go to sleep tonight.

Ditto, I'm going to try and get something up as well.

