[IC] New Beginnings-Horizon

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« Reply #75 on: <06-17-14/0134:17> »
O'Connor shrug at Sammy's suggestion, "Sure, couldn't hurt. Though, it might keep us from finding a good scrap."
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #76 on: <06-17-14/0217:12> »
"I'm sure Torley has it figured out; he is leading this expedition after all" answered Clem at Sammy's question. At O'Connor's comment, she said "You know, confrontation isn't always the answer, Con."
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« Reply #77 on: <06-17-14/0253:14> »
"You might be right on the first count, Clem," Sammy said, "and you're definitely right on the second.  we have to deliver these things safely.  Look for trouble in your own time.  Which reminds me, if something should happen in the Needle, try to use as much as possible non-lethal force.  It's in the center of the city, so Knight Errant response times are very fast and they will come to the Needle."
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #78 on: <06-17-14/0413:28> »
O'Connor shrugged at Clem, "It's an answer though. In any case, I'm not asking for something to happen. If it did, though, I wouldn't mind. Probably be the only bit of fun on this damn run."
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #79 on: <06-17-14/0509:54> »
"The fun will be the paycheck and our lives" answered Clementine to O'Connor's statement, keeping an eye on the road.
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« Reply #80 on: <06-17-14/0511:44> »
"If nothing happens, you can always ask the director if you can be an extra," Sammy said, "they always need some in most scenes.  Of course, the job has priority, but if you can keep an eye out from where you are on scene, it might be fun.  It's how I started some years ago."
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #81 on: <06-17-14/1154:03> »
A snatch and grab crew is about to either have a really good day, or a really bad one.

A lot of stuff on the black market are things that “fall of the back of a delivery truck.”

This crew, loosely affiliated with the Cutters, is responsible for a catching a lot of stuff and they have gotten really good at it.  They typically hit trucks early in the morning, using a hacker to shut down a target vehicle and unlock and open all the doors, then while one or two guys run in to put a gun to the driver and copilot’s head, up to a half dozen hit the cargo area for what they can and get it off the streets quickly.  They have a spotter looking for beat cops and anybody who wants to play hero.

The group’s planning and tactics have all the occupants of the cargo vehicle caught roughly off guard as the van comes to a sudden halt and doors open.  Only one in you group sees the situation happening, but typical to shadowrunner luck, it is the guy with Combat Paralysis. 

Make surprise checks, van occupants receive a -2 modifier to the check and and Initiative for the first round.


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« Reply #82 on: <06-19-14/2310:19> »
It take a second for Clem to realize exactly what has happened, coming to an unexpected dead stop in a vehicle you are driving will do that to you.  She does recognize the barrel of a large bore weapon being shoved into her head, and she gets the gist of the situation when a voice says, "Don't even twitch tusker, whatever is in the back ain't worth dying for."

O'Connor gets the same treatment, only without comment and instead of a shotgun it's a machine pistol.  However they are doing it, they have the drop on both of your heavies.

Sammy is tossed a bit, but she has some luck in that only one guy coming in the back sees her and he doesn't have his weapon ready, so he has to reach around and get it out to cover her.

Sam and  Fionn see the rest of the crew run up to the suddenly stopped and sprung open van, one guy at the side door efficiently cuts the cargo straps on the containers as three of the four at the back move to pull out one of the heavy cases.


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« Reply #83 on: <06-24-14/1119:21> »
Sam was not terribly surprised when something went wrong en route--he'd been running the shadows long enough to know that when something can go wrong, it usually did--but he still had a moment of panic when he saw the guys with guns charging up to the van. However, he'd been following the van--and the hacker hadn't stopped his car.

Quote from: OOC
As mentioned in the OOC thread, I'd like for Sam to end up blocking the back of the van, making the goons' day a lot harder (hitting a goon or two would be a bonus), though Sam's not in a good mental state at the moment to be planning that out. So, I'm going to roll a vehicle test using edge:
Skill (1) + Reaction (2) + Handling (2) + Edge (4): 9d6.hitsopen(5,6) = 6
Colors: Speech Thoughts Matrix Astral

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« Reply #84 on: <06-26-14/2241:47> »
Sam manages to expertly roll his car right up to the flung open doors of the van, straining the a bit on their hinges, but doing no real damage to either vehicle in the contact.

THE GOOD NEWS- all four of the grunts at the back of the van are pinned into the narrow space between the vehicles.

THE BAD NEWS- Three of the grunts had been sliding one of the heavy cases out of the van when they got bumped and jostled the case, which smashed down on the hood of the car, ruining the hood and crushing down on something that could be important.  Vehicle takes a box of damage.

THE REALLY GOOD NEWS- The bump startles the thugs at the front of the van, and causing them to jump back so they no longer considered to have held actions on O’Connor and Clem.

THE REALLY REALLY GOOD NEWS (at least, for Torley, I think personally) is that neither O’Connor or Clem had a gun accidently discharge near their heads in the process of all this.

Begin second passes.


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« Reply #85 on: <06-27-14/0429:14> »
[Initiative 13, IP 2 of 4]

O'Connor was confused when the van came to a very sudden stop. He was about to make a crack about women drivers, when a machine pistol was pressed against his temple. O'Connor's lips twitched slightly in amusement, *I wanted a bit of fun. I get a bit of fun. The Universe is too kind.* The van lerched a bit, startling his assailant. O'Connor clicked his tongue at the thief in disapproval, "Shouldn't lose your nerve so easily, or you'll end up dead." A wolfish grin spread across his face, "Like so." With a few subtle flicks of the wrist, the hidden gun slide deposited a pistol into O'Connor hand. He wasted no time in aiming for center mass and squeezing the trigger twice.

[spoiler]Pistols 4 + Agility 5 + Smartlink 2 + Point Blank 3 = Pool 14

14d6.hits(5) → [6,2,5,1,3,2,5,5,6,6,6,3,1,1] = (7)
14d6.hits(5) → [2,1,5,4,2,3,5,5,4,1,6,5,5,1] = (6)

Light Pistol 4 + Explosive Rounds 1 = Base Damage 5
« Last Edit: <07-01-14/0352:44> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #86 on: <06-27-14/0705:40> »
The drive was going well until the van started acting up. It took a second for Clem to understand she hadn't caused this malfunction and that it wasn't mechanical in nature. The moment she realized it was caused by someone else, she knew they were targets of a theft. Unfortunately, that slow reaction placed a weapon on the side of her temple. The ork thought to herself "You have got to be kidding me..." when the thug have her his orders, throwing in a racial slur for good measure.

"You're right, this isn't worth getting shot for. You should just..." started the woman before being interrupted by a rather small shove forward from the van. Not understanding what had happened, she heard gunshots coming from the passenger side, and that was her cue to spring into action. She immediately reached for her SMG and shot straight at the punk that had just held her at gunpoint only a moment ago.

[Spoiler] Narrow Burst Agility 7 + Firearms 4 + Point Blank 3 - Burst Fire 2 + Gas Vent 2 (14d6.hits(5)=4) 4 hits, no glitches.

If it connects, damage is 5 + 4 hits + 2 narrow burst.[/Spoiler]
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« Reply #87 on: <06-29-14/1320:16> »
These street criminals were obviously not prepared to hit real opposition.  The poor bastard who drew the short straw of drawing down on O'Connor is loudly splattered all over the cars and the furniture storefront on the passenger side of the vehicle, Clem's attacker takes the burst heavily as well, though his vest allows him to maintain most of his bodily integrity, the force carries him to the parked cars across the street, prone.

(OOC: Rhat hasn't been on for a bit now, we will resolve the Matrix when he returns.  The opposition has no extra passes, so feel free to complete your actions.)


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« Reply #88 on: <06-29-14/1355:51> »
Sammy was as surprised as everybody else when the van stopped and the doors opened.  As she could see what was happening in the back, she saw one of the boxes being moved out.  When the car hit the back, the guys there were pinned, but they would be able to get free at some point.  Sammy looked at the back, while using the seat as partial cover.  She started to gesture as she had learned at The Club, targeting one of the guys strugling wit the cases.

[Spoiler] I'm taking one of the four at the back with a stunbolt, preferable one who, when he drops, makes it more difficult for the others to move the case (so one who, if he drops, also makes that the case drops, or one who would be in the way of the others when they want to move the case).
Force 9 stunbolt:
magic 5 + spellcasting 6 =11 (11d6.hits(5)=4)

So that's DV9 + net hits (4 - willpower roll).

Drain: F/2-1 => 3
willpower 4 + logic 4 + centering 1 =9 (9d6.hits(5)=4)
no drain.[/Spoiler]
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #89 on: <06-30-14/0155:52> »
[Initiative 13, IP 3 of 4]

Even O'Connor was a bit on the suprised side when his target was reduced to little more than a large smear of blood and bits gore. He looked down at his pistol to see if he'd grabbed the Warhawk in his haste this morning after waking up late. His suspicions were unfounded, in his right hand was one of his customized Fichetti Security 600s, Lightning of the Storm. He spared Clem a glance, confirming that she had her situation in hand.  O'Connor got out of the vehicle and spotted another thief by the opened cargo door. He leveled his weapon, "Your buddy just rode Lightning of the Storm straight to Hell. Tell 'im Bullet Storm sent ya guys." With a laugh, he fired.

I'm assuming that getting out of the vehicle eats up a simple action.

Pistols 4 + Agility 5 + Smartlink 2 = Pool 11
11d6.hits(5) → [4,6,1,6,6,3,3,1,6,6,1] = (5)

Light Pistol 4 + Explosive Rounds 1 = Base Damage 5
« Last Edit: <07-01-14/0352:19> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~
