Run & Gun is Live!

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« Reply #150 on: <05-05-14/1426:46> »
I'll own it.  I can't be sure if I'm the only one who did so, but I reported your posts, Frank.  I'm not in any way affiliated with CGL, I'm not trying to curry favor from them, and there is no conspiracy to censor you or your opinions.  Quite the opposite in fact.  I personally believe that everyone should be allowed to state their opinions.  But when you start to drop F-bombs every third word, and you start to insult the folks that you claim to support...  that's where I think you've crossed the line.  You violated the terms of service that we all agree to when we register on these forums, one of the terms is to respect the other people on the forums.

The only reason Critias responded to you was because you were making accusations that deserved a reply.  When you got that reply, you then went off on him in a very personal and insulting fashion.  I cannot in good faith abide that kind of behavior, so I reported the posts.

In case you are unclear on the terms of service, please consult this thread.  Please note that I have violated these terms twice, and been reprimanded harshly on both occasions.  This is why I'm so adamant about the application of these rules.  If they aren't applied fairly, then they cease to have power.  And quite simply, these rules are common sense and totally reasonable.

If you want to be a forums mod I'm sure you can ask for it instead of posting something like this.
A big part of moderation on this (and, frankly, ANY board) is the Report feature. It's anonymous so people don't get bullied for whistle-blowing. Which is exactly what you just did there, samoth. And Namikaze was not the ONLY one to report on frank. So, before you go start inserting your foot in your mouth, consider the courage it takes to come out and say that he did what he did and why.


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« Reply #151 on: <05-18-14/0018:39> »
So.  Knucklebreaker.  Awesome technique, just one problem: no styles actually have it for the melee disarm.  Now, that said, if the function gets bundled into Called Shot: Disarm, then both Maverick and Eliot Spencer would pay 5 karma for the option to headbutt a man and take his gun.  Thoughts?


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« Reply #152 on: <06-06-14/1846:22> »
So.  Knucklebreaker.  Awesome technique, just one problem: no styles actually have it for the melee disarm.  Now, that said, if the function gets bundled into Called Shot: Disarm, then both Maverick and Eliot Spencer would pay 5 karma for the option to headbutt a man and take his gun.  Thoughts?

Sorry i don't get what you saying  :-[

Are you saying that no style can use this technique to disarm a person who is holding a melee weapon?


Are you saying that no style can use this technique with a melee weapon to disarm someone?

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #153 on: <06-06-14/1943:23> »
That's what we got One Trick Pony for.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #154 on: <06-06-14/2140:14> »
That's what we got One Trick Pony for.
Also Edge use.


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« Reply #155 on: <06-07-14/1506:22> »
I wonder if there isn't some way for us, as a community, to build a glossary of common terms?  If we could then submit it for approval to someone official, it would be a really useful asset.

I remember being pretty vociferous way back at the start of 3rd Edition about the need in ANY modern RPG for establishing early on a Glossary of Defined Terms.

I would support such an effort.



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Power corrupts.
Absolute power is kinda neat.

"Peter Smith has the deadest of deadpans and a very sly smile, making talking to him a fun game of keeping up and slinging the next subtle zinger." - Jason M. Hardy, 3 August 2015


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« Reply #157 on: <07-11-14/0327:09> »
Everyone is well aware that editing and quality control are ongoing issues (or you wouldn't see us freelancers scouring errata threads and compiling errata documents, on our own time and of our own volition, or posting our own personal errata documents on Google drives, or clarifying with our own errata forum posts when we can).  I understand and appreciate your passion and concern, but please be aware that you're not saying anything we haven't all heard, and (again) often said, ourselves.

First of all and slightly unrelated, Critias, that post of yours i quoted from was for me a very refreshing one. I truly understand the needs and limitations of NDAs (been under a few myself in the past), and i also understand the (usual) silence on boards from devs and creators in business-related ventures. I did truly appreciate however reading your post, as limited by judicial imperatives as it was. I often remarked myself about the lack of cohesiveness and the widespread confusion in the latest SR products, and i've even brought my group back to 4e rulings on the fact that i refuse to pay for what i consider ''broken'' systems . Incomplete, not-as-great-as-i-wished it-it-but-not-requiring-extensive-erratas-over-erratas, sure. I'll dish out money for it, because i get what i pay for. Working systems. Which i sadly do not feel 5e is...yet. Still, being told *what can be said* is a sure way to ease many of our restless minds (aka the minds of us ''whiner babies''. Ill own up to it ;) )

Should they be fixed properly, ill very likely return to supporting CGL monetarily, and buy more products (SR5 core is actually the one RPGbook i've EVER purchased on release day,and i was awaiting it eagerly weeks prior)  because they work hard, i am sure of it, and i respect their endeavors.  I also understand their current conundrum. Fix the old, while still remaining ahead and pushing forward the new. There's just no pleasing everyone and i don't envy the situation, but i encourage them to keep at it and when everything is a bit more fleshed out, i truly hope everything settles and works. I'm really, really hoping for SR5 to become the definitive ''Its the essence of Shadowrun that's back AND the rules work great!'' edition (4e doesnt have cyberdecks. FOR SHAME) .That essence of SR is something CGL has done wonderfully however, and i give them MAJOR props.

That being said, the main topic i wanted to breach is about this last part i quoted. Is there any post dedicated to listing those homemade erratas, or ''unnofficial-but-strongly-RAI-based'' houserules? If not, this could be a great thread to open up, and it might even make me revisit SR5 in a nearer-than-anticipated future. I've looked around and i've yet to see a decent, condensed post about it. Rather it's all spread out over Rules and Such and HouseRules and infuriating to make sense of. And ive not the patience or the recently released books to make sense of the earlier mentionned broken rules (ive heard Grenades can be interrupted now, im very glad! ...but it still leaves the core rulebook broken. So its either A) Fix the main core psd, or B) Wait till every ''core'' supplements are out to figure out if i feel 5th ed  is ''complete and workable'' from condensed opinions to see if i purchase them)

(With that said however, i fear im intruding in a thread not specifically linked to this subject, but im unsure where to move it to, and it was ''sort of'' linked to this thread. If this diverts too much attention from Run and Gun, i apologize and will move it/erase/make a new post as demanded!)
« Last Edit: <07-11-14/2208:19> by KraakenDazs »
Maybe, just maybe, concrete and Plasteel are MEANT to armor our planet, and not harm it, omae. Hydroponics can nourish our needy. And i assure you nuclear energy's been involved in getting you that fancy 'ware, chummer.Our mistake? Trading Wisdom for Greed. - Dögan "Babyface" Kross


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« Reply #158 on: <07-11-14/0418:59> »
Well, i dug up and found part of my answer in Michael Chandra's signature :P

Im sad the controversial matters and possible houserules arent as detailed/listed as the easilymissed rules and mistakes but it gives me a solid basis to compile the current houserules on the subjects,

Leaving the comment up in case anyone would suggest any other comprehensive list and because it does express my opinion of the current books (Run and Gun included judging by the size of the errata board). Unless if following frank's...empassionated comments... i end up infuriating people unwillingly. If so ill gladly erase it myself, as it was not my intention in the slightest.
« Last Edit: <07-11-14/0424:17> by KraakenDazs »
Maybe, just maybe, concrete and Plasteel are MEANT to armor our planet, and not harm it, omae. Hydroponics can nourish our needy. And i assure you nuclear energy's been involved in getting you that fancy 'ware, chummer.Our mistake? Trading Wisdom for Greed. - Dögan "Babyface" Kross

