I guess I just don't understand the need for the toxicity and gatekeeping. The only thing you are doing by trying to convince everyone that "6th edition is the worst and you shouldn't buy it" is actually convincing them not to buy it. Do you think that if SR6 doesn't sell, Catalyst will go back to 5E? Or try to create a 7E? If 6E doesn't sell, the most likely thing to happen is that they will stop producing Shadowrun. They aren't a large company and, if one of their production lines dries up, they will refocus on other things like BattleTech or DragonFire. And if Catalyst doesn't produce Shadowrun, then Topps will consider leasing the license to someone else. The only other company I can think of that would be interested is the new FASA corp.
And boy, if they buy it, expect them to REALLY change the game to match Earthdawn.
And there is a reverse side to each of these statements.
Toxicity is a two way street and I have seen it on both sides of this argument.
1. The idea that if you don't think the game is good you are being toxic is as good as saying " If you don't agree with me you are wrong"
2. I have made multiple attempts to propose optional/house rules to fix issues I found with the game and have either been ignored, told there is nothing to fix it works fine, or that was proposed to CGL during play-testing and it was rejected.
3. So if no one is willing to discuss it is that any less toxic to the community see below.
If it doesn't sell well they will drop the line and FASA corp may get it.
1. This argument assumes that there is only one choice, love the game or lose it.
2. Is it also as likely that if you drive away the core fan-base and don't get the influx of new players you are hoping for that the game will not sell well thus leading to the outcome you mentioned?
3. Who's to say FASA corp get it would be a bad thing. I own Earthdawn in all its versions and don't see much difference in the new edition. I would assume it would be more likely that they would either revert to the last version to sell well (5th in your example of 6th failing) or revert to 3rd which from my knowledge was the best selling version.
Overall the idea of voicing an opinion on what you feel is wrong with the game, shows the writes that others may not agree with their ideas.
It may not stop them from going forward (as they may be to far along), but it may give them ideas to work with in books like Run Faster /Shadowrun Companion where they can provide optional rules to address the issues officially. I for one can say if this was done I may try it out, but if a "this is how it is live with it or leave" attitude is kept then I will do just that.
I am in no way against companies looking for new players to keep making money, but both my business education and personal beliefs warn against do it without care for your current customer.