Tangled Currents - Eva & Cynthia

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« Reply #30 on: <07-11-16/2105:09> »
[Cynthia Rawson - Sunday June 10th, 2075; Somewhere in the Matrix] #11

Now that she has succeeded, she will seem confused too, as if she had lost for an instant the one she was following. Which of course is easy to do since she did indeed lose the persona she was following. Still, after a few seconds, she goes toward another host, taking care to not be too invisible. On the way, she will try to analyse what she can about the persona on which she has a mark (and periodically checking that no other mark appears on her).

Instead of taking any drasting measure, she will try to play it with finess. She will go from Host to Host, at first giving the impression that she intends to continue her research, but will soon appear to lose interest in all this (for example by spending some time on some totally unrelated stuff). Her hope is that in doing so, her hunter-prey will take the initiative to remove his mark by himself to give the impression that nothing happened. She could remove the mark herself, but then the game would end. And she doesn't want that yet.
« Last Edit: <07-15-16/1730:45> by Imladir »
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« Reply #31 on: <07-11-16/2148:51> »
I send Sylvia a message saying we may have VIP access and a few guests she might find interesting.

"Their are five with you, perhaps another depending on how my next meeting goes. Myself, my current partner Sylvia, an employee of mine I'm vetting for promotion and her boyfriend to decide if he's worth keeping around.

"I'm sorry, that seems a heavy burden to bear, and the scandal for a women of your stature must be substantial."

Especially if you go around telling people all the time. No matter, it's a piece of her that I know now, a hint at her personality.

I smile knowingly over my shoulder as I apply the tape "As to killing such men, best to leave it up to the professionals. They're so much more effective then a blind rage and a pair of scissors."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #32 on: <07-11-16/2151:56> »
@Cynthia   The persona following you stays with you for some time, but eventually seems to lose interest in you and wanders back in the direction of where you had started this game.  Your check tells you that the mark on you has been removed.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #33 on: <07-11-16/2206:08> »
@Eva   Tanya looks appreciatively at you as you model the gown.  "Almost perfect.  I think if you wore your hair in a slightly different fashion you would be the rage of the club tonight.  You might have to fight all sorts of men off.  Women, too.  May I?"  She stands and motions with her hands to your hair.  "I can see the value of a professional, but the scissors and some good rage would have been oh so satisfying."

While you are deciding whether you want to get that close to her, you get a response back from Sylvia.  >>So it is going to be a party?  Will I have to be on my A-game to go home with you?  Still 2200?  And I guess we meet at the VIP entrance instead of the regular one?<<

"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #34 on: <07-11-16/2226:55> »
[Cynthia Rawson - Sunday June 10th, 2075; Somewhere in the Matrix] #12

Cynthia dismisses her Courrier Sprite. For what she has in mind, she will need a Data Sprite. And since she really want to succeed, she will compile a sprite a bit more complex than usual. She might need a little nap after that, but that's no big deal. Once the sprite is here, she will ask it to Snoop her target, while Cynthia will help and not the other way around, since this sprite is much better at doing this than Cynthia is.

Usually, I think I would use sprites lvl 4. Here, I'll compile a lvl 6, since I really want to succeed this Snoop.
I'll probably take some Fade, but that's not a problem here. Well unless Eva intends to use her whip on Cynthia at least :o
« Last Edit: <07-15-16/1730:51> by Imladir »
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« Reply #35 on: <07-11-16/2316:30> »
I still feel very little real attraction after that fo pa a moment ago, but the opportunity to flirt is too good to pass up "Of course, I know theirs not much to work with but do with it as you please." As she begins to stand up some of my hair I continue "I believe I understand, though my profession demands a detailed perfection, I sometimes feel I miss out on true... passion."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #36 on: <07-11-16/2322:23> »
@Cynthia   The strong Data Sprite races off to do your bidding, leaving you on your own.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #37 on: <07-11-16/2334:30> »
[Cynthia Rawson - Sunday June 10th, 2075; Somewhere in the Matrix] #13

Once this is done, Cynthia seems a bit lost.
It takes her a moment to go back to why she just sicced a Sprite on someone. Once there, she decides that while she doesn't really want to know where the man and the paralyzed woman are, she would at least like to know why they are the hottest couple - at least in terms of reward - in Seattle just now. She'll nap later.

She will start by looking for the news regarding the violent events in the last couple of days. And once there, she'll look into the identity of those two and what all this has got to do with them.
« Last Edit: <07-15-16/1731:13> by Imladir »
"Speech" | *Thoughts* | >>Matrix<< | ~Astral~

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #38 on: <07-11-16/2339:30> »
@Eva   Tanya moves to your neck and holds your hair in different positions.  She laughs gently as you talk.  "Well, I happen to feel that there is a place for both types of people.  I tend to plan some things to the best detail, but I always try to leave room for the unexpected, but most of my life is in the now moment.  I thrive on risk and chance.  Monique says I am too much the seeker of thrills, as she puts it, and I probably am.  Have you ever tried sky diving?  Would you like to?  Oh, and would you mind if I asked a date to this party tonight?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #39 on: <07-11-16/2351:27> »
"I don't mind at all and party is quickly becoming the right word for it. No, I have never been skydiving. I'm afraid I'm not much of a thrill-seeker myself, I haven't even been to a club like this in some time, my taste for excitement is limited really." I smile over my shoulder "Sorry to disappoint."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #40 on: <07-12-16/0227:03> »
@Cynthia   The news feeds are a bit confusing and some of the information is not the same from station to station.  What does seem to be common is that there was a gunfight at the lake at Washington Rec on Saturday morning.  The woman who is now paralyzed was apparently a part time student at the university and was working at one of the food shacks on the beach.  Several men opened fire on the beach goers, apparently at random, but also with the intent to kill a man who was seen to be carrying a small attaché case.  The other man wanted was apparently just there but intercepted the killers, putting at least three of them down.  A doctor on the scene has told authorities that the man with the case died in the arms of the woman who was later shot.  The surviving attackers grabbed the case but had to leave the woman, who was taken to Mercy General.  The hospital was attacked by an organized force and several KE officers and gunmen lost their lives.  It seems that the gunmen were focused on getting to this woman.  There has been no definitive word from the KE about much of this, but conspiracy theorists are saying that someone was after the case and needs a code that the courier passed on to the woman.

@Eva   "The Inferno is a good place to have a party, Marisa.  It helps keep people from doing too much.  Sometimes."  Tanya gives you an odd look and sits back down on the edge of the bed.  "I try to never be disappointed about people until I get to know them.  I have it on very good authority that you do excellent work.  Certainly your efforts to get the cabinet into the Gale house were  helpful.  It might have been a much tougher sell if you had not talked the wife into it already.  I do sense that I make you a bit uncomfortable and would be interested in knowing why, since I doubt it is the money or the flat.  I am sorry if I have disappointed you and would like to see if that can be fixed."
« Last Edit: <07-12-16/0947:07> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #41 on: <07-12-16/0256:57> »
"It's nothing." I say with a fake smile, this is manners at play, the little lie that really says 'my feelings on the matter aren't as important as yours' and leaves the door open for her to press the subject or drop it, this determining the depth of interest and moving the relationship up a level in a more formal and proper fashion.

She responds with a serous look, calling my bluff, and I take a seat next to her, feeling the movement of my new dress and enjoying it's silky smooth quality "I suppose it's more my problem then yours. In my line of work, my other line of work, I typically make acquaintances who sleep with one eye open as it were. Despite being called her as a decorator our mutual friends involvement led me to believe you were of the more unlawful persuasion. Yet now you openly confess a scandal against you, dress me for a party and show a genuine interest in companionship. It has caught me off guard I suppose, but I will strive to emulate your wisdom on this point: I will not be disappointed until I believe I know you."

We are sitting ever so slightly too close together, and I've been careful to work it in such a fashion as to make it impossible to tell who broached the invisible line. Now all I can do is wait for her response. I'm getting close now.


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« Reply #42 on: <07-12-16/0346:40> »
[Cynthia Rawson - Sunday June 10th, 2075; Somewhere in the Matrix] #14

Ooh, conspiracy! Who doesn't love a bit of conspiracy!
At least it explains the hunt going on in the Matrix. What with KE hunting cop killers, conspiracy theorists wanting to prove that everything they've been warning the world about is true and those that want to find the man in hope of a reward... And, if this conspiracy bit is not a complete invention, from the attackers trying to get their hands on the woman... Yeah, no surprise there's a lot of people looking after the same things.

Cynthia wonders from which group of those her hunter-turned-prey is a part of.
Would be nice if he were from KE. Even better still, from the no-doubt-evil-and-thrice-damned-conspirators. Not that there's much chance of that, even if they do happen to exist. Still, this situation could have turned ugly fast if she got that dubious luck. Her meat is probably taken by a case of cold sweat right now. And probably a shiver of excitement...

One thing that makes her suspicious is how the "Hero of Washington Rec" became Wanted on such a scale. The man could work for rivals of the killers, holding on the woman until he can manage to retrieve the suitcase? Seems plausible enough. However, if it were the case, he should have extensive backup, and the killers - at least those that got out of Mercy General - should be under at least as much heat as him. And while they are wanted, it doesn't appear to be on the same scale.

Maybe there's some truth in this after all. At least in so far as there's something going on. Cynthia briefly considers dropping the matter entirely: either it's nothing, and all this noise will lead nowhere ; or there's really something, and it could really become dangerous if she were to find something. Well, find something and let someone know. But she quickly decides to continue, for if she doesn't ignore the potential dangers, she finds all this to be the most exciting situation she was in since...well, entirely too long. And she doesn't intend to pass on this type of fun.

She's glad that the Sprite she sicced on her hunter-turned-prey is in no danger to be found: once the Snoop was initiated, the Sprite could be on the other side of the Matrix and it wouldn't change anything. At worst, the target will find her Mark but that won't tell him a lot, even supposing that he is able to guess who put that mark on him. Most probably this guy being a hacker who has done bad stuff this session - according to GOD at least - will need to reboot his deck at some point to avoid incuring GOD's wrath and would be none the wiser.

Reassured that she's in no danger at this point, Cynthia looks into what this Snoop gave her so far.
Once this is done, she will compile a new Data Sprite asking it to use this new data and everything she has found up to know as a base to gather a file with anything it can find on the man (who he is and who he works for), the doctor (did he come under any kind of scrutiny, from people thinking he might have heard when the courrier (allegedly) told the code to the woman?) and the killer themselves (who are they?) and send it to her 'link, updating it every ten minutes for a total of one hour.
Even if the Data Sprite is the best at staying hidden, she still has to keep the risks in mind. That's why she asks that before an update, the sprite checks if it is marked or has a cookie on itself. If so, it will attempt to erase the mark/cookie. If it cannot, then it will abort the mission. Since Cynthia will be "napbooting", she is immune to a trace, so it doesn't matter too much if at some point the Sprite is marked. The thing she must be careful of hower is a Snoop: and checking for marks just before sending data is enough to avoid this danger.

The Sprite sent on her quest, unless something huge comes up in the data extracted with the Snoop, Cynthia will reboot herself for a well deserved nap.
« Last Edit: <07-15-16/1731:34> by Imladir »
"Speech" | *Thoughts* | >>Matrix<< | ~Astral~

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #43 on: <07-13-16/0119:31> »
@Eva   Tanya makes no move to slide away or to get closer.  She nods.  "As it turns out, I really do need a re-do of my furnishings.  Some of this stuff has been here for far too long.  but there is more to this than just decorating my flat.  I am not sure how to put it into words."

@Cynthia   The data coming in from the sprite seems to indicate that the hunted persona is a casual but talented hacker.  The final action of the sprite is to return with the physical location of the hacker after making sure it is unmarked.  The second sprite sets off to begin its tasks.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #44 on: <07-13-16/0218:48> »
[Cynthia Rawson - Sunday June 10th, 2075; Somewhere in the Matrix] #15

Cynthia is a bit disapointed that her prey is not someone better connected to the case. But well, that was probably by far the most probable outcome.

She glances rapidly at the data, including the physical location, but will not even try to analyse what it means right now.
She sends her sprite, and hesitates a bit. Oh, something like a quarter of a second. But in a typical hacker mentality, she can't resist the appeal of letting her prey know that she bested him. Just before rebooting, she sends him a message thanks to the marks she has saying something like <<I think you caught some Marks somewhere. A bit dangerous to keep it for so long you know. Take care o/>>.
She will add some way for him/her/it to reply in some anonymous way or other (on a craiglist-like forum or thing like that, she probably knows tons of things like that). She doesn't intend to give any information about her, but she's curious.

Then she reboots for her nap, enjoying the spectacle of digital sugarplums dancing in her head.
« Last Edit: <07-15-16/1731:34> by Imladir »
"Speech" | *Thoughts* | >>Matrix<< | ~Astral~