Into the Chaos - Land Grab [IC]

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« Reply #1590 on: <01-01-16/0150:00> »
@Athos - there is not much left of the underground, the zombies took over most of the locations Bruno takes you to what is left. A fortified enclave of near desperate orcs. Their smuggling businesses are brought to an halt as they cannot brave under the city and ship their illegal goods and when you arrive you can see that they are in desperate need. There are about 20 families in that enclave and some of them have not slept in days, the military base shutting down was also a set back for them.


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« Reply #1591 on: <01-01-16/0716:41> »
The stim coursing through his veins brought Kynos back up to speed. 'Right. Some rigger chugged grenades at me and my bike. What psychopath shoots grenades in such a crowded area... besides me of course.'
Which brought him back to his current situation. To many people here for his liking and he now ran on borrowed time. Venom had slipped again from his grasp, but that hadn't been the objective. Without a car to transport him this was irrelevant.
Getting Sovereign back had failed equally and therefore his attempt to find DemoX. Time to call it quit for the day and hole up. But the opp-force had spirits that could track you. By now this thing probably was back in action.
So first things first:
- Disengage
Kynos realized only now that the civilians had started to get angry at him. What ever.
A mini-grenade of Pepperpunch at his position later he started to run. His enhanced agility allowed him to outrun any foot based pursuers.
The drones were a bigger problem, but as long as he was among civilians they would hopefully refrain from chugging grenades like a malfunctioning candy dispenser.
With a mental command he deactivated all wireless gear in his position.
Next came cover from above. Running through the throng of refugees he ducked between cars, makeshift tents, smoking cooking fires, until he found a sewer access hatch.
- Disappear
Once out of sight, he produced one of his burners and used the code for the Red Hot Nukes:
<<Hi, it's Kynos. You offered to me and my companions to spend the night at your compound. Is that offer still on the table? Also do you have any magical wards? I might have some astral pursuers. Also I'd like to talk with you about DemoX. He got kidnapped about half an hour ago. Love Kynos.>>

Drop Pepperpunch grenade to ward of the mob
Run: Running: 7d6t5 1
34 m per round
Hide: Stealth: 13d6t5 6
Ninja Vanish
Open sewer: Strength+Body: 12d6t5 5

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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1592 on: <01-01-16/0736:42> »
@Kynos Gerald answers >>DemoX has so many enemies it is difficult to find, either they kill him or they ask for something. He is a big boy but I'll ask around see who has him and what do they want. You seem the kind to shoot well so you are welcome to the castle as long as you are not too hot.

You run push dodge until you finally find a manhole you can pry open, and down the rabbit hole you go into an uncharted territory the sewerage, the first thing that welcome you is the stench the riot above you is a distant sounds. Life are cheap at this time, and as you decend you see several corpses half eaten. the cries of rats spark your eyes and to properly navigate you need thermographic vision.
There is not much time before the side effects of the drugs wears off. Your head aches, your ears ring from the grenades and your mind still struggles with the relative peace of the sewarges.

Walking a little bit in the sewerage you discover a cross roads, there is a west -east pipe and a south-north pipe. Atleast you'll be able to control where in the city you pop out, if you make it conscious that long.


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« Reply #1593 on: <01-01-16/0754:59> »
<<Appreciated. No I'm not too hot. No official agencies or the like, only a strung out elf mage and her Japanese-cronies.>>

Kynos once again appreciated the fact that the armor was sealed with an internal air supply and that he had in fact thermo-vision on his glasses.
Ignoring the half eaten bodies - the Ghouls seemed to be satiated so they had no reason to attack at this moment - me made his way in the direction that would get him nearer to the castle.
He surfaced as soon as he thought it would be safe, looked for a safe corner to change into his normal street gear and stuffed the full body armor into a plastic bag before he transfered it to his duffle bag.
His biomonitor counted the minutes until he would collapse. He quickly estimated if he could make it to the compound.

What does the map say?
The stim should have about 40 minutes duration left, the Kamikaze is at 30 minutes. Can I make it to the castle in that time and receive some first aid? Otherwise Kynos will try to find a heap of trash, bury himself and hope for the best.

« Last Edit: <01-02-16/0503:42> by Jack_Spade »
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1594 on: <01-01-16/1438:29> »
Athos approaches a group of people that seem to be refugees from the Underground.  After ascertaining that the zombies have savaged even that place, he looks around to find something to stand on.  Raising his arms and his voice, he calls out to the small crowd.  "Please, may I have your attention.  I am looking for help and can give it as well.  It looks like you are at a bad spot.  I cannot give false promises, but I can help.  I represent a Family interest that is looking to expand its control over some territory.  I can trade a place to begin building a home and provide some jobs in return for help securing the place and acting as part of a protective cordon to keep other gangs away.  If anyone is interested, please see me here.  This is a chance to help your families and make a difference."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1595 on: <01-02-16/1128:47> »
How can this happen!

I can feel Strawberry's body growing colder and stiff under me with every passing second. 

She's dying and I can't do anything to save her.  Think Yulia, think!

M!  Of course!  She surely can do something for Strawberry.  In fact, I'm amazed she isn't here already!

Totally disregarding the eyes on me and any risk to my own life, I jump up and haul Strawberry over my shoulder.  Despite my great strength, the elf is remarkably heavy.  I don't have time to ponder that, though.  I have to get her to M as soon as I can.  I dash as fast as I can for the entrance to the enclave, arriving at the entrance as fast as my legs will carry me.


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« Reply #1596 on: <01-03-16/1004:45> »
@Kynos the castle is about 15 perhaps 20 kilometers to the north. You will not make it in half an hour. It also becomes evidently clear that you do not want to be in the sewer when you pass out. Your air tank can only provide you with fresh air for a while and you might drown or be eaten alive if you stay in the sewers.

@Athos the orc leader tells you "We need a new place as under city is becoming more and more crowded - if you can find us someplace safe to stay and medical supplies we are at your debit and will follow your cause. We can fight, but staying here is hopless - no matter how many we kill there always seem to be plenty more."

@Minnie when you enter few people of the enclave tell you 'quick - take her to the lodge and they help you carry Strawberry to her lodge. You have not been there and  because of your emotional state it feels as if you are going underground forever.
The lodge is hall that is filled with clay status, where you meet whom you assume to be M, but then shortly after Strawberry emerges from between the statues.  Wait how could you distinguish them these gingers look exactly the same, and if the two of them are there - whats with the body that you just carried?

As you approach M says leave that statue her and leave, Minnie - you stay. When the men leave Strawberry approaches you and passionately kisses you. "My heroine..." she whispers, "tilting at windmills but your heart is on the right place." You can feel that Strawberry is agitated, her eyes are still wet and red she cried dearly. Despite her emotional state, when you hear that voice you are moved and encouraged. Her voice is so unique that you have no doubt that you are kissing the right one.

« Last Edit: <01-03-16/1008:40> by gilga »


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« Reply #1597 on: <01-03-16/1338:04> »
He surfaced as soon as he thought it would be safe, looked for a safe corner to change into his normal street gear and stuffed the full body armor into a plastic bag before he transfered it to his duffle bag.
His biomonitor counted the minutes until he would collapse. He quickly estimated if he could make it to the compound.

Seeing that he wouldn't make it on foot, Kynos looked around for a likely hiding place where he could hide himself and rest until the after effects of the drug wore off. He tried to remember if there was a suitable place nearby.

Street Knowledge: Hiding Places: 5d6t5 2


talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1598 on: <01-03-16/1402:17> »
"I have land on the site of a ruined warehouse.  I will not lie or hide things.  The building was destroyed by an explosion and much work needs to be done to clear the rubble and rebuild, but I have money to buy materials and get people working if you want to move and start new lives there.  It will be hard work and may be dangerous, but it might be better than what you have now.  I will give the address to anyone who wants to come with me.  I will head there now and can even take people.  You do not need to leave things behind as I have a good van that can make trips to bring everyone and their belongings if someone can drive it.  Any takers?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1599 on: <01-03-16/1955:42> »
@Athos their leader say "We'll take it - we'll build some refuge out of whatever we find there and if you can organize some tents that can endure the weather it would be great.

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« Reply #1600 on: <01-03-16/2156:49> »
Athos nods.  "Thank you.  And what is your name?  Mine is Athos.  I will do as much as I can.  I know some people.  Now, please organize who is in the first load and I will take them there and let someone drive back to start bringing everyone else along.  Is there anything we need to bring that will not fit in the van?  If so, I will get a bigger truck if I can."

As he watches the people organize themselves he turns to Bruno.  "Bruno, my friend.  This is just about your last chance to stay or jump.  I am not doing exactly as Dona Valentina wants and she may be angry.  There will be difficulties if I cannot convince her of my way of thinking.  Staying with me might get you killed.  It is your choice and I will not think less of you for leaving.

Athos lets Bruno think on that and picks up his commlink.  >>Andu-San.  Athos here.  Things are changing and I can use some help.  I am starting something that is not Mafia and not Yakuza.  It could get me killed from either side just because it is a change from what has been.  I am organizing some people to come to the warehouse site and a couple of other properties and start their lives.  The city is exploding and old orders are falling like flies.  I need materials and equipment, perhaps some people who know how to use the equipment.  I will be building homes on that site and will be expanding my claim as much as I can protect.  This may cause problems with my current employer, but I am not looking for a new employer, rather someone who can help me.  I have some money and hope to get more, so can pay for what I get from you.  Let me know if you are willing to help me.  I warn you that this may cause friction with the Mafia and perhaps even your organization, so consider the consequences.  But this is a chance to help people and profit from it, rather than terrorize people and profit from it.  Please let me know.  I am on the way to the warehouse site shortly and could use a lot of temporary shelters, food, medicine, anything to help a bunch of families get a new start.<<
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1601 on: <01-04-16/0704:24> »
Athos the underground leader say "These people call me Faith, but my parents have named me Ellen, Faith is my family name." she  smiles, her face is full of scars and in the heavy - retro like leather armor that she is wearing it was difficult to even say that she is female.  "Ice, Drama we're leaving this joint in 20 minutes take anything that you can we got to be fortified by nightfall move it! " She say to two of her vices  whom themselves begin shouting orders in some strange dialect of Or'zet.

She is armed with a troll size bow that is as big as a small balista, and upon further inspection you notice that the rest are also armed with primitive weapons, bows knifes, axes and the like. They seem to share some common genetic herritage.

Athos Bruno pushes you slightly and say "I am with you Athos you do what you think right but don't dismiss Valentina she has a way to get her own way, she prospered as an outsider in a family that was completely hostile to her and rose to the top, be careful around her, tough I doubt you can ever get her angry this lady will peacefully smile at you as she poison or stub you."

Andu responds
>> Athos san,  no problem about construction materials, shelters and supplies I'll have Strawberry create you some temporary earth structure in there. It will feel more like a cave but it can be done before nightfall and whom ever is moving there can keep safe until a permanent solution is constructed.   Feel free to expend tough there is a delicate issue you should know before we continue two of your companions have done significant damages here,  mage is in custody and the ex military keeb is on the run. Don't link our working relationship to the fate of these two they seem to be making powerful enemies as they go along.

He did not respond about the possible discord between you and Valentina, if he had an opinion he kept it to himself.
« Last Edit: <01-04-16/0707:43> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1602 on: <01-04-16/0947:20> »
Athos looks at the Ork.  "It is good to have you on with this, Ellen.  Or do you prefer Faith?  Now, you have how many people here?  It looks like quite a few.  If you have good lieutenants I would like to take you in the first vanload so you can see the site and get things going.  I will arrange for some shelter and other supplies.  How are you set for food?  I can have that, too.  At some point, we are going to have to discuss what our people can do to contribute to the whole, but there is plenty of time for that."

He nods at Bruno and grins.  "Thanks.  And I will never discount Dona Valentina.  I am giving her what she wants with more people, an expansion, soldiers, potential income from taxes.  All she has to do is sit in the casino and make money and give me orders.  I suppose the hard part will be convincing her that my methods are better than the old ways.  I am looking at legitimate businesses, not a criminal empire.  If I can prove able to set this up and protect it, what reason would she have for being disappointed?"

Athos goes a bit pale at Andu's message.  **Which mage?  Yulia or Sovereign?**  With a slight sense of dread, Athos sends off a message to Jack as he climbs into the van with the first load of passengers, feeling a bit like an expedition leader.  >>Jack.  Athos here.  Thank you for the information on what you found.  I will be looking into it.  I have heard that there has been some trouble at Strawberry's  Can you fill me in?  Is Yulia alright?  I heard a mage is in custody?  Also, would Nagisa be available for a chat later?  I am on my way over right now.  If Yulia is OK, can you ask her to call me, please?<<

On the way to the warehouse site, he turns to Ellen.  "I have received confirmation that there will be some shelter and supplies delivered.  At this time I really do not know what it all entails, but it may involve some sorcery.  Will that be a problem?"  Despite his outward cheerfulness, Athos is worried by Andu's message and will fret until he gets more information from Jack or Yulia.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1603 on: <01-05-16/1233:01> »
@Athos Faith say "Call me Faith - I did go with you blindly because of a gut feeling - but beggers can't be picky the underground is scattered by a new force that begins to disturb the over world as well - perhaps now that they roam the city they'll solve it - but for us it was enough death"

Bruno - say "How do you think she got that Casino in the first place? She won that joint 10 years ago where it was nothing but a waste of space - look at it now, crowded renovated, your iron lady never rests she does not know how to do so.

Jake say "We have both Minnie and Sovereign, Sovereign apparently went insane tough, he burned down the Joke and killed 8 people before we stopped him. Kynos did not kill anyone but he went bananas in a KE style full body armor and begun tossing grenades, he damaged Strawberry's shrine a tree that belongs to her family for over a century and has great sentimental value, it is where the people come to worship her praying to find love or to be safe, odd tradition but Strawberry told me once that it effects the mana of this place and improves our crops - go figure how some superstitious chanting people actually do that - but that's beside the point I am getting ahead of myself.

Is there anything you need? About Nagisa you are welcome to visit but you'll have to talk to her directly.

Ellen look with disbelief Sorcery can do all that? "

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« Reply #1604 on: <01-06-16/0056:18> »
Relieved that Yulia is OK, Athos signs off by telling Jack that he is on the way over with the first of some refugees that he is going to put in the ruins of the warehouse and will see him soon.

He looks over to Faith.  "It is hard to believe.  I have seen a lot, perhaps too much, of magic in the last couple of days.  Like anything else, it can help or hinder, depending on the intent of the slinger.  Mojo will not solve all of our problems, but it will help us while we use our brains and arms to make a new life for all of us.  And you should trust your gut feeling.  I have and it has done me well so far.  Stick with me and give me your support and your families will thrive here."

Athos drives carefully to get to the warehouse location, trying to avoid any people in the way.  He parks the van close to the site and steps out to have a look around.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

