Into the Chaos - Land Grab [IC]

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« Reply #105 on: <08-24-15/0010:48> »
@Athos, Minnie With all the horror stories you heard about Dame Valentina nothing prepare you to the plain, middle aged woman that you meet. Could she really be the one to rid the family of even the most powerful trouble makers?  Fifth in command, if you entered that room for an assassination or even for business Valentina would probably be the last person you would target. First of all she is under dressed. While all the men in the room are wearing expensive suits, Valentina’s suit is clearly very cheap. She has no expensive jewelry and is not wearing any sort of makeup. In that room it makes her almost invisible, not very different then the casino employees, or some small time gambler  that was drugged to this room for cheating.  Can she really be one of the most powerful people in the family?

Even the most junior bodyguards are dressed better than her. Athos and Minnie are greeted inside - by almost everyone in that room. They seem to be the focus of attention, they are the only unarmed people in that room except for Dame Valentina.  To Minnie the situation is a bit less pleasant as she  identifies Tony, one of her most uncomfortable diamond clients in that reception room.  Tony is not into beatings or humiliations (tanks god) - yet he seems to know exactly how to manipulate her into doing his bidding and she is going out of her way to please him. He probobly knows Minnie's body more than her girlfriend. But it is not only her body, their long relationship have taught him exactly where her pressure points are. Minnie feels all worked up after pleasing that guy and he can find flaws in her techniques no matter how perfect they are.  Even after she did her best and he clearly enjoyed himself, he never once gave her a satisfied look. “Not bad” was the most she could get out of him. Tony’s presence is making her very uncomfortable, she usually needs all her mental energies just to face him.

Like the rest, Tony gives a polite handshake to Minnie and Athos. He introduces himself and then goes to his business, he does nothing to embarrass Minnie. Yet, she feel so vulnerable just for having him around.
Finally, Valentina approaches Athos “Come please, we have a wonderful lunch in the second room just for us.” says Valentina.  Her voice is pleasant and the awkwardness is suddenly all gone. It is very difficult not to feel comfortable around Valentina and she seems nothing like the myths that surrounds her.

At the next room they are alone with a dedicated waiter and a small table. "They have the most exquisite red wine if you like".  They quickly discover that Valentina actually knows quite a bit about the food, she even fixes the waiter a few times when his explanation is not accurate. She does so in a very friendly manner, she seem to expect even their waiter to be flawless. Is she really going to execute him afterwards just for not knowing what year the wine was? Can she be that terrible?

@Artie (and Minnie) - casino attendance is sparse but that place is very secure. You identify firing platforms very delicately assembled into the slot machines as well as a very powerful jammer that makes all electronics stop working. If you enter the Gates you leave all your troubles behind. She identify that someone is watching her, some black jack lady that sneaks a peak at her any once in a while. Artie can say that she is professional security despite the way she dress and act. She somehow manages to be aware of Artie even while playing with some of the patrons. Talking to them and making them comfortable and distracted. Somehow, that woman just knew that Artie is worth being aware of.

Minnie - you also identify very powerful wards and watcher spirits that assense anyone on the entrance. Most casinos have strong magical security, most of them will never let the awakened even play. After all, some of these awakened can cause extreme trouble to the casino. The Gates is one of the casinos that do let awakened play, but that only implies that their magical security is strong enough to prevent them from cheating.
« Last Edit: <08-24-15/0245:18> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #106 on: <08-24-15/0115:35> »
Athos was reared on the stories of what Valentina had done to secure her place in the Finnigan family.  She may have been fifth in command, but her influence was felt in almost every facet of the gang's business.  It is unlikely that anyone not in the family would know just how powerful the woman really is.  There were almost as many rumors about her as there were people telling them, but one thing was sure; she was all business and her closest associates were completely loyal to her.

Athos also recognizes Tony and knows that he is one of the "special" clients that Minnie sees on occasion.  He also knows that Minnie is always very uncomfortable around Tony.  She has so far refused to talk about it, but Athos knows something is wrong between them.  He turns and motions for Minnie to wait then follows Valentina into the private room, sits in the chair offered and quietly waits for Valentina to come to her point.
« Last Edit: <08-24-15/0300:31> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #107 on: <08-24-15/0142:56> »
@Athos - Valentina does not seem to come to any point. You have a pleasant conversation and she seems very interested in you.  You never talked to her before, yet she is quite knowledgeable about you and your motivations. The closest she gets to the point is when she asks Athos: "So how do you like Bellevue?" is she referring to the trust fund he was recently awarded apparently for no particular reason. None of the other members of his standing had such a fund. Yet, no one in the family explained why, or expected him to do anything out of the ordinary in order to get it. Athos could almost believe that it was some random computer error, almost. 
« Last Edit: <08-24-15/0242:04> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #108 on: <08-24-15/0151:14> »
Athos continues to wait for Valentina to get to what she is after.  When it comes to his new house, he smiles and talks of the things that he has done to it.  He does not take his eyes off Valentina and answers her questions directly and with respect.
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« Reply #109 on: <08-24-15/0256:12> »
@Minnie, Once Athos is gone Tony approaches you and say "Please accompany me to room 3" You understand by now that this is not a request, but what can Tony possibly want right now in the middle of everything. He is not exactly the guy for a quickie. It can take you hours to please him and even then, he does not seem very pleased.

@Athos Valentina asks you "What is the different between Bellevue and the Barrens? the richest and the poorest districts are so close and yet so far. So I am asking you makes them so far apart? "
« Last Edit: <08-24-15/0317:10> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #110 on: <08-24-15/0317:17> »
Athos wishes he had Minnie's head for quick thinking as well as her head for facts and figures.  As it is, he will just have to do the best he can.  He considers his words carefully.  "Dona Valentina.  I would say that the main reason is the people themselves.  Those of us who grow up and live in the Barrens have little hope of ever leaving the Barrens.  At the same time, most cannot really see themselves anywhere else.  The Barrens breeds survivors; people that, although very different from each other, will stand together against most authority.  Corporations or City government, it makes no difference.  The people of the Barrens stand for themselves and will band together in a most unusual way to defy outsiders.
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« Reply #111 on: <08-24-15/0323:44> »
@Athos Valentina continue : "but things are changing now, aren't they? " You couldn't have missed it. The fear in people eyes, the evacuation of complete neighborhoods from all but the most desperate or bravest. Dead bodies in the streets, rumors of Shedim, the futile attacks on Bellevue. Threats for airstrikes in national television did not help, a new generation of gang wars.  The recent month was very difficult on Barren people.

« Last Edit: <08-24-15/0334:36> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #112 on: <08-24-15/0334:43> »
Athos nods.  "Yes, Dona Valentina.  Things have been getting worse.  There are rumors of shedim in the neighborhoods, but I have met no one who has actually seen any.  Just plenty of people who are willing to spread rumors after embellishing them.  I am more willing to believe shedim are in the Barrens when I see them.  But there is no denying that people are scared.  May I ask, Dona valentine, what the family interest is in such rumors?"
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« Reply #113 on: <08-24-15/0339:59> »
@Athos Valentina continues "Power does not just happen overnight, it is the result of many delicate moves and careful investments. Where most see fear the family sees an investment opportunity. What if there are Shedim in the Barrens, what do you think will happen then? Can you suggest a relevant precedent?"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #114 on: <08-24-15/0355:26> »
Athos nods again.  "Yes, Dona Valentina.  Well, I am not sure if it is truly relevant, but the bugs in Chicago.  Eventually the government had to cordon off part of the city.  But the bugs were real and many people saw them."
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« Reply #115 on: <08-24-15/0410:07> »
Valentina answers:
There are many forces deeply invested in this panic. From big corporations that see this as an aggressive marketing campaign, to politicians looking to become popular, the family believes that this genie will not easily return to its bottle - even if there are no Shedim.

If things continue to evolve as they are parts of the barrens are going be sealed off from the rest of the world. The family estimates that after Chicago - the government would rather err on the side of caution.  SINless that do not vote, and the average citizens expects their goverment to protect them even if it means making life more difficult to the SINless.

We are not here to discuss national politics tough, these things are too big for the family. If we accept the assumption that parts of the Barrens are going to be sealed of from the rest of the world. Either because of real Shedim, or because  of a brilliant conspiracy - these things are over our heads. What would you suggest the family to do in that case?
« Last Edit: <08-24-15/0421:51> by gilga »


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« Reply #116 on: <08-24-15/0859:45> »
Minnie doesn’t even think twice about following Tony.  She’d been conditioned since childhood to NEVER question a request or instruction from a high profile client.  They say jump, the answer isn’t how high but rather to already know and do it dripping sensuality.  As it was, there wasn’t anything she could do for Athos right now and given Tony’s presence she was certain his role in whatever was unfolding had Dame Valentina’s full knowledge if not blessing.

Although it never occurred to her to resist Tony’s summons, she was perplexed with what he had planned for her right here and now.  She’d never been able to quite figure the man out.  He was a master manipulator.  Mouse had helped her recognize that.  Only now, however, was she just beginning to recognize his role in training her.  Tony began visiting her when she rose to taking diamond clients alone, rather than just as the child assistant to a more experienced “escort”, at a nearly unheard of young age of twelve.  Obviously some kids were “fed” alone to those with less acceptable appetites, but those kids were considered throw aways.  Minnie was being groomed for greater, long-term, things. 

Tony was the one doing much of the grooming.

When her inconvenient adept abilities had manifested, and especially after she killed a particularly abusive but well-placed and lucrative client, her official handlers proposed having her cybered up to kill her talent.  It would have the added benefit of permitting her to be hooked on BTL and opened up infinite sim options.  Tony had personally intervened.  She never knew the details, but he’d become much more stern with her after that.  Only very recently had she come to realize the level to which the man mastered the art of conditioning.  She literally could not fight back in her bedroom – the one where she entertained clients.  She knew for a fact that, if he walked in on her as a client in that room, that pathetic Humanis boy she had just shagged back at the community center could beat her to death and she’d die smiling and blowing his mind with pleasure as he rained down the blows.

So yes, Tony was an enigma to her.  She owed the man her adept talents and the fact that she was still in control of her mind.  She suspected…no she KNEW…that her current freedom was permitted with his permission if not blessing.  She could only guess what game he was playing.  She just knew that for now she was no better than a pawn in it.  Maybe someday she’d graduate to a rook.  Maybe someday she’d reach queen status.  But she doubted she’d ever be anything more than a piece in his oh-so-talented hands.

And for now that piece was following meekly to Room 3, awaiting whatever Fate had in store for her.  For her, Fate wore the face of the man ushering her into a private room.


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« Reply #117 on: <08-24-15/0931:37> »
@Minnie The two enter Room 3 and Tony locks the door behind them. The room has nothing but a table and two chairs. That nothing is striking, the walls are white, there are no pictures, no carpet on the floor, It is clean, too clean, sterile would be a better word to describe that. He lets Yulia appreciate this nothingness and then asks her “Do you know where you are?”
« Last Edit: <08-24-15/0942:51> by gilga »


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« Reply #118 on: <08-24-15/1019:02> »
Minnie blinked at the strange question, her mind racing as she tried to follow the cunning man’s game.  Any number of thoughts came to mind, from obvious to snarky.  None seemed likely what he was looking for, and most would probably find her back in her room for more training.  Instead she just shook her head, her ears drooped, and waited for him to tell her where she was.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #119 on: <08-24-15/1037:46> »
Athos thinks for a minute, his mind racing.  For Valentina to be asking such questions of someone of his status in the family is unheard of.  This really could be his chance and the wrong answer could send him back to obscurity.  "Dona Valentina, I can see an opportunity for growth.  If we stop what is happening, we can emerge as a champion of the people, gaining significant ground on our rivals.  If we could uncover evidence of complicity by the Triads or the Yaks, we could even do better, slicing off chunks of their territory."  He goes silent, waiting to see if he had answered correctly.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

