[5e IC] Circles of Power [2076 Game Thread]

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« Reply #180 on: <05-16-15/1950:15> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

"Aww, ain't nothin' wrong with this boy a good ass-whuppin' won't fix. Beetles, looks like." He pulled back an eyelid and squatted down for a better look. The ork seemed to be snapping out of it.

"I got this, you wanna go help that new feller, we'll be fine here. Hell, don't reckon you'll be gone longer'n a minute or so, which is good, cuz once Sleepy here gits that door open fer Saint, we gotta reposition  these back up rides."

He resumed trying to rouse Snow Crash without subjecting him to undue indignity. But when he heard Daddy's query to Duke, he yelled over, "Yeah, done sent him our pix. Good huntin'."


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« Reply #181 on: <05-16-15/2116:38> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

The albino orc comes back with a jolt, the slap knocking the chip connections loose, it takes his eyes a few moments to focus on Al.

"What the fragging..." he trails off as his comlink reconnects and the backlog hits his nural interface, including the new comcodes.

He shakes his head and rubs his face. "Alright, alright I'm awake Al. I figued someone wanting to do some scouting could get past a few locks. Gimmie a sec to setup here.

With that he tahes the helmet off and gets His deck booted up and setpup for covert work, not his speciality but what had to be done needed to get done.

<Snow Crash to Isaint> [OK sorry for the delay, get that thing open for you in half a sec.]

[spoiler]Renraku Tzurugi configuration: Attack 3, Data Processing 5, Sleeze 6 +1, Firewall 5. Baby Moniter, Virtual Machine, Signal Scrub, Browse, Configurator.

Palming: remove BTL
Palming 2 + Agility 6
Palming  check: 8d6t5 3 Hits[/spoiler]

Having setup again Snow Crash dove into the Matrix, using Hot Sim to get as much of and advantage as possible  for this work. The Oxford grid filling his senses, the Hot Sim buypassing all the filters of the grid. Locating the DataTap he tries to slip a mark onto the door lock.

[spoiler]Hack on the Fly: Door Lock via Data Tap
Hacking 6 + Logic 8 + Hot Sim 2 + Device Specialization 2
Hack On The Fly: 18d6t5 4 Hits
Sleeze Limit 7

Wow..  :o[/spoiler]
From To<<Matrix message>>


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« Reply #182 on: <05-17-15/0042:35> »
@daddy "yeah i got snapshots, gimme a sec to get in position, being careful so i dont trip over someone and hurt myself"
"Speech" Matrix Thought Astral


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« Reply #183 on: <05-17-15/0344:10> »
<<Take your time Snow, I'm still not sure if this ward is safe to pass>>
Isaint had to supress a loud sigh. What was it they always said: The invisible mans greatest foe: The closed door.
And the clock was ticking...
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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  • well . . . . that didn't work
« Reply #184 on: <05-17-15/2006:27> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

<<to Duke, Cool my man, i have a few spirits on stand by so let me know if you need some spiritual assistance and im happy to oblige, Love Daddy

<<to Isaint, Hey man, don't worry about your spell timing out on ya, I'll keep you covered till i know your in the clear, If something happens let me know and i'll have the spirits run some interference for ya. Love Daddy>>
RED = Thoughts
GREEN= Matrix
BLUE= Speech


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« Reply #185 on: <05-18-15/0912:36> »
Climbing the rest of the way up the tower Duke looks over the ledge seeing all is clear. He starts to set up the Terracota Arms Am-47 w/ gas vent-3 and tripod.
@all"Duke is in place ill have you all covered in a sec. Call out location once op starts and if you notice pursuit ill take em out." @jackhammer"all clear up here im setting up my rifle now if you need i can lower some microwire and rap gloves to assist you in getting up here." I set up at an angle i can see most of the property with ease and be able to switch targets. after setting up Duke peers around with his vision mag and enhancement noting locations of possible pursuit, and of course an escape route to his bike.
"Speech" Matrix Thought Astral


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« Reply #186 on: <05-18-15/1215:04> »
Wednesday, June 17th, 2075, Oxford. Primary Extraction Team

<<@Duke - glad ta have ya up there, amigo. We plan entry and exit from the underground parking entrance on Woodstock Road using this (img) van. Now, besides our exfil routes, how's yer view through the windows on that place?>>

Al spoke as he readied the vehicles, sending Spike into the van's shotgun seat with a gesture, and telling the Beamer to start up and once again follow the van. Once Snow and Daddy completed their errands for Isaint and Duke, they'd get mobile, reposition the secondary vehicles, and prepare to make entry. Hell, once Isaint had taps on the parking gates and cams, there probably wasn't any reason for him to even come out at all...


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« Reply #187 on: <05-18-15/1227:53> »
Solo sends a message to Duke, in CC to his teammates Frenchman, and Mel (in the wife extraction team).

<<Duke- can you send us the the view from the tower? can you see the hotel? If so where do you suggest we exit when we are hot ... (someplace where you have a clear shot ) >>

« Last Edit: <05-18-15/1229:25> by gilga »


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« Reply #188 on: <05-18-15/1236:36> »
[Wednesday June 17th, 2076, ~23:30, Various Locations, Oxford]

@Main Team [Al, Snow Crash, Isaint, Daddy, Duke, Jackhammer]:
Waiting for the off tensions build and the adrenaline begins to pump.  As Isaint awaits Snow Crash’s intervention on the door lock the building suddenly goes dark from within and then relights with a dim green emergency light vaguely perceived through the translucent glass.  The maglock casing goes from a small red indicator to green and the way in is open for the taking…for now.  Only thing could have done this so comprehensively, a host crash, and that means the window of opportunity is severely limited before the spiders get it up and running again.  It would seem the opposing team are making their move!

@Randolph Team [Mel, Solo, Frenchman]:
The place is buzzing with the rich and famous all vying to be seen spending their hard earned cash on a worthy cause.  The principal guest is being spoken about in hushed whispers, a Lady deBathyre, who appears to have some kind of influence with NeoNet.  It is clear that nobody knows much about her and are as surprised about this as at her apparently youthful appearance.  To Solo’s brief astral glance though her influence is much less surprising as her unmasked aura clearly marks her as a drake, and one clearly powerful enough that she doesn’t feel the need to hide her nature from those with the skill to see!  So one of Celedyr’s minions is here whilst a team working for NeoNet is performing a high profile extraction at the institute?!?

@North Oxford Team [Smiley, Tobis, Hallucination]:
After relocating to a parking bay in Charlbury Road, just north east of the target to have a quieter jump point it is rather disconcerting to have a car turn into the same small road and pull in behind you, the headlights stabbing through the tinted glass of your vehicle.  The windows are cranked slightly and you can hear the blaring troll thrash music from here…bloody teenagers!  A laughing kid sprints towards you and hurls himself into the vehicle and it peels away…
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #189 on: <05-18-15/1429:53> »
Ward Counter Roll: 12d6t5 6 [12d6t5=6, 3, 5, 3, 2, 6, 6, 2, 6, 2, 4, 6]
No dice.

On to a final try:
Magic+Charisma -1 (-4 moderated by hightened concern)l: 8d6t5 2 [8d6t5=1, 6, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3]
Ward Counter Roll: 12d6t5 2 [12d6t5=5, 1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4]
Ok, spending edge for reroll
Edge Reroll: 6d6t5 3
Edge: 3/5

Finally, through the ward with intact spell...

For the door locks - since I established a direct connection there shouldn't be more than 6 dice:
Door Lock: 6d6t5 2
So the hacker opens it.

If you have planned something else, I'll edit the post  :)

Update while I wrote.
So now a perception check instead:
Perception (Listening w/ sound enhancers): 16d6t5 2 [16d6t5=4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6]
Yepp. Orokos wants me dead...

'Patience. There has to be a way.' Isaint felt how he was repulsed a second time by the ward.
One last time he concentrated despite feeling how his impatience eroded his aura and just made it harder. Time for a prayer:
"Saint Christopherus, please help a poor sinner on his travels through peril and danger..."
And just like that he found the way inside the ward. Just in time the whole building lost power and the door opened
'What the...'
<<@Prime team: Snow: Please tell me you did just shut down the whole building, if not, we got a problem. In that case this just became a race. I won't tamper with the garage but instead try to find the Doctor and pull him somewhere safe before the opposition gets here.>>

With that Isaint went into the building, while cranking up his sound enhancement.
<<@ all: I need to know asap where the target is. I'm heading for the first storey. That's second floor for you Americans.>>
« Last Edit: <05-18-15/1649:42> by Jack_Spade »
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #190 on: <05-18-15/1518:06> »
<< [Duke] Microwire scares me. I'll do it the old fashioned way. >> Aaron responds on his comm as he spots what is probably the tower in question. He makes his way over, wary of prying eyes.
[spoiler]Perception: [9d6t5=5, 5, 2, 1, 2, 2, 6, 5, 3] 4[/spoiler]
Once he's convinced no one is looking, he begins to climb.
[spoiler]Climb: [3d6t5=4, 6, 4] 1
Climb: [3d6t5=6, 2, 6] 2 first ledge clear
Climb: [3d6t5=4, 4, 2] 0 no progress
Climb: [3d6t5=2, 3, 2] 0 no progress
Climb: [3d6t5=3, 2, 5] 1
Climb: [3d6t5=4, 2, 5] 1 second ledge clear[/spoiler]
Aaron makes it to the roof of the 2nd floor before noticing the lights go down in the building next to him. He pulls out his comm and fires off a message.
<< [Duke] Are we making a move? What exits should I cover? And... is there someone I'm supposed to shoot? >>
« Last Edit: <05-18-15/1522:59> by pistolgrip »


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« Reply #191 on: <05-18-15/1540:26> »
While Scanning the matrix Solo recieve the message from the main team... look like we are behind schedule he thinks.

He texts Mel and Frenchman... << From the feel of it, we move now... can anyone spot Rachel? >>

He looks around and tries to actively find her, while disguisng his active search with his knowledge of etiqutte. If there is one person he tries to avoid it is that awakened drake. Unlike the others that take great intrest in her he does his best not to form eye contact so she don't look at him. Solo understands that when Magic is concerned he has a lot to learn and he is no match for the really skilled in the art.

Not doing anything obvious... hide what he really is doing with plesentaries and casual conversations.
Etiquette: 11d6t5 5
Actively look for Rachel (not impressive but perheaps will work).
Looking for Rachel: 15d6t5 3

He then ads just in case. It seems like it is high time to grab and flee... How did they planned to flee the scene? he had one funny idea that involved a spirit and running at over 100 km/h.

<<Duke... + new guy? - I haven't caught the name yet)...
It seems like somthing is happening - if you look at the hotel let us know if someone that looks like the wife is leaving the hotel... the interesting stuff is often where you do not look.>>


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« Reply #192 on: <05-18-15/1610:07> »
@JackHammerif you are on the tower look around for targets, Im thinking the other team is making there move this just became a race.also might want to talk to the matrix guy i think his name is snowcrash or something here is his code*snow code*
[spoiler]OOCperception:hotel 12d6: 43 [12d6=1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 3, 3, 5, 2, 5, 5] (5 successes)   perception:exit route for main extraction 12d6: 51 [12d6=5, 6, 2, 5, 4, 6, 5, 6, 6, 4, 1, 1] (7 successes)  with the checks what is my view of the windows. morokos is liking me right now. [/spoiler]
@all*panoramic view of what i can see from my vantage point* ok guys lets move if you can call out potential threats ill assess and take em out.
i go into a kneeling position so if i need to change vantage points i can do so readily (tripod up).
« Last Edit: <05-18-15/1617:42> by zeththeadeptork »
"Speech" Matrix Thought Astral


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« Reply #193 on: <05-18-15/1637:20> »
Aaron nods as he gets his message from Duke. He tries this "snowcrash" fellow to see what's up.
<< [Snow] This is Jackhammer, new guy to the team and this whole "running" thing. I'm with Duke and I understand things are tight right now. Have any details or instructions for me? >>


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« Reply #194 on: <05-18-15/1925:40> »
The slender elf was trying to mingle with the guests but in a way not to draw too much unwanted attention to herself. When she read her incoming messages, she tried to spot her target without looking too suspicious.

[spoiler]First is the etiquette roll. Etiquette 〜 Charisma 6 + Influence 4 + First Impression 2: 12d6t5 3 Results   12d6t5: 3 [12d6t5=1, 2, 4, 1, 6, 4, 5, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5]
No glitches, social limit of 6.

After, perception roll. Perception 〜 Intuition 5 + Perception 6 + Visual 2 + Hawk Eye 1 + Vision Enhancement 3: 17d6t5 7 Results   17d6t5: 7 [17d6t5=6, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 4, 6, 3, 1, 5, 3, 6, 4, 5, 6] No glitches, mental limit of 7.[/spoiler]
Self thought