Date Night ( IC )

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« Reply #90 on: <03-25-15/1500:37> »
When Arc pulled her back Sedan to pick Marco his authentic reaction was "WOW... you gals look amazing!"
He knew they had it in them, he could picture it that night - but still he was surprised just how changed they looked.
Demoness will kill me... he thought.
He looked at feathers, smiling... you did not seem the type for salon, but I’ll hook you up too next time if you like. To Arc and Yelena: I see that you had the discipline to stick with Debi until the end... Definitely worth it if you ask me. I am sorry about her attitude she sees the world a bit differently than us.   Did you enjoy your lunch date?  I usually go there after a run, this food is pure happiness to me.

Marco looked plain, his suit was plain black and he wore a nice white shirt that fit his torso like a glove. He looked okay, but nothing out of the ordinary. However, to those at the club enjoying the AR setting Marco’s suit made him appear a bit taller, a bit wider and a bit stronger. His entire clothing played with subtle manipulation of colors to make him look just a little bit *more*.

The equivalence between outside and inside of the club was similar to the before Photoshop/ after Photoshop.  If you enjoyed the AR, Marco simply looked amazing, just as if he was taken out of some fashion journal. His body language was masculine, he used just enough cosmetics to give his face a more rigid look, with an almost invisible touch. He wore green contacts that made his eyes slightly glow in the dark.

His voice tone had this authoritative feeling that somewhat compelled people to do what he said. He was the same person, but his body language, voice texture and general appearance were so different than yesterday that he felt like someone else entirely. When he entered the party he greeted Tammie saying:  “well hello gorgeous", kissing her hand.  The cold and distant hostess blushed and giggled, she barely had enough air to respond with ‘hello Marco’.
It wasn’t just the look of him, it was something else, something that was almost supernatural. It was the first time that week that Marco unleashed the full force of his devil tongue. The feeling was addictive and difficult to control, He felt spectacular and omnipotent. He held the hand of Yelena as a hostess escorted them to their VIP booth. "You look amazing...I know it must be awkward for you, I’ll do what I can so you feel comfortable. Everybody deserves stardust, even if it is just for one night."
« Last Edit: <03-25-15/1513:16> by gilga »


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« Reply #91 on: <03-25-15/1903:31> »
Stahl's brief conversation with Abigail was enough to put his mind at ease. Though he knew he probably shouldn't call and check up every twenty minutes, he felt better doing so. The last hour or so of loitering across the street from the Stardust was nothing special. Stahl saw nothing that denoted the place as being much different from other poncy clubs in the area and this put him at ease, somewhat. Reiner had probably just passed out in one of the rooms, or something like that. It wouldn't be the first time. Stahl had noticed nothing unusual about the outside of the club besides what appeared to be a couple of high-profile guests being dropped off. Stahl quickly moved to cross the street, perhaps aiming to use the group's arrival to slip inside.


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« Reply #92 on: <03-25-15/2121:26> »
The attention given by the "fans", and then by Marco, was enough to keep Arc feeling uneasy about the whole thing.  She tried her best to focus on the driving and the whole objective at hand: be natural, find out what you can.  She made a note to have her cybereyes record everything she picks up for later, as it might help.  Especially if I lose control like last night...frag man...  Gulping, she slowed down as they approached the Stardust, parking the car until everyone got out, upon which she sent the car's autopilot to find a parking place and lock up.

The crowd and line on the approach was loud, the energy in the air excited, and it was all weird territory for the short human.  So this is high class social stuff huh...weird...  Her thoughts were interrupted by the booming voice of the ork bouncer who recognized her.  Oh, DREK!  That guy was at the Pit last night...what's his name...oh frag, he was one of the forward ones with delusions.  oh frag me  In her mind, she had to find a way to get her inside and avoid this trog's advances that would look natural and avoid further catcalls from this one.  She glanced over to Marco, but he already was holding hands with Yelena, and Feathers was on the opposite side.  So, she had to think fast.

Her eyes turned the other way, as they were other patrons seeking entry along with them.  Without thinking twice, the short human grabbed the arm of one, the man (Stahl) lurched by the grip of her cyberarm to her side.  "Be cool, 100 nuyen if you play along" was all she muttered before she put on a bright smile to the ork.  "Aww, y'know if I knew you was aworkin' here i mighta considered it.  But, alas, tonight ain't your lucky night.  Perhaps next time, hm?"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #93 on: <03-25-15/2303:20> »
Yelena might never have spent much time in a place like the Stardust, but she does know how to walk the walk.  Moreover, she is comfortable in her skin and has had lots of experience mingling with people from different social classes.  Before she gets out of the car, she turns to her friend, "Arc.  Take deep breath.  All people here put clothes on like Arc and Yelena.  One leg or arm at time.  Trust in self." 

She gets out of the car and looks at the building exterior.  Despite what she had said to Arc, she was a bit unsure of herself here.  She shakes her head and laughs before hooking her arm with Feathers.  "Let's go boys.  Off for relax and fun."  She is impressed with the way Marco is handling the situation and how smooth he is with the hostess.  She hold out her hand to the Keeb woman.  "Hello, Tammie.  Is Yelena.  I hear much good you from Marco.  Where we sit?  You will help if need, yes?"

Yelena is surprised that Arc has so readily picked up a strange Keeb.  The man is not dressed for the club and she wonders how he got in.  She looks around the club as they are led to their table.  The dress she chose is deliberately not of the same style as the rest of the glitterati are wearing, but she knows she wears it very well, and her walk is designed to get attention.  She smiles at everyone and nods to anyone trying to get her attention.  Once seated, she looks at the stranger and holds out her hand.  "Hello.  Is Yelena.  You friend of Arc?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #94 on: <03-25-15/2330:01> »
The crowd appeared more energetic as Stahl grew closer, slipping his way through the throngs of people as best he could.  Unlike the large majority of clubbers near the entrance, Stahl didn't seem particularly excited to be there.  The under-dressed elf took a short glance around near the club entrance, mentally noting the two rather large and boisterous looking orcs manning the doors.  The trio he had spotted exiting the vehicle earlier were now just in front of him.  Upon closer inspection, Stahl realized they may not have been the best group to follow.  They were certainly getting quite a bit of attention, something the elf had hoped to avoid.  The woman in front of him was currently being chatted up by one of the bouncers. Stahl could see why - even with a cyber arm, the woman out-classed at least half of the other woman waiting to get into the club.  With a quick glance over his shoulder, Stahl swore he caught a couple of jealous glances directed towards the woman.  Must be the high rollers. Stahl thought, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he waited for an opportunity to get inside. Stahl took a few moments to sneak a few glances at the last two members of what he thought was a trio.

His heart skipped a beat as his gaze centered on the female elf hanging onto the arm of the other well-dressed elf. Time seemed to slow down and for half a second Stahl stared into a hauntingly familiar face. As quickly as it happened, it ended. Stahl felt a force tugging him forward. He hardly registered the low voice offering him payment and the rough grip of the cyber-arm on his own before he snapped out of it and plastered a large grin onto his usually solemn face. "Sorry girlie, I had a call. You know how busy I am." he announces loudly, not-so-subtlety inspecting the loud orc up-and-down in the typical defensive boyfriend manner. "Gonna' let us in, pal? I'm lookin' to drop some nuyen on the good stuff, y'know?" Stahl spoke in the manner of what could be considered a cocky street kid who had just a bit too much wealth. He ended his statement there, not intending to provoke the large orc. After all, he was trying to get into the club, not get into a fight.

It seemingly worked, as the large orc waved the small group through with a displeased frown. Stahl let out a breath, making a point to inspect the interior of the club as he walked along with the woman. He lowered his voice, his usual neutral tone returning "I appreciate it. Doubt he would have let me in." He continued playing the part, walking along with the woman and listening to her responses, if any, while sitting with the group as they finally arrive at a nice table. He feels the gaze of the familiar elf woman as he sits in his seat, offering a polite smile as he moves to shake her hand.
"Hello.  Is Yelena.  You friend of Arc?"

"I'm Stahl. Ah, no, we've just met." He offers his introduction to all seated at the table, his earlier manner of speaking gone.

« Last Edit: <03-25-15/2332:50> by ElteeDan »


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« Reply #95 on: <03-25-15/2343:43> »
Frankly, Arc is surprised that half-brained idea of hers even worked.  The elf man played along splendidly, and even needed a way into the club to boot!  Mentally grinning at her stroke of combined luck and genius, the human wrapped her arm around the man's, tilting her head a little with a polite smile to the bouncer as they were let in.  Upon entry, and meeting Tammie, she was floored by how Marco handled himself in these circles, and even more so as Yelena adopted her own persona, working the looks and the stares as if some kind of performance.  And if the human didn't know better, the Russian seemed to be enjoying it.  Taking her advice, she took a breath and turned to the man as they were led through the club to a table.

"Guess we both needed a hand, huh?  Appreciation recipro'ed, chummer.  Name's Arc.  Feel free to join us."  She casually used her street name, though likely it carried a reputation now, being involved in saving the Barrens from its recent peril, but she thought none of it as they all sat down as a group at the table, Yelena offering her hand.  Arc's cheeks flushed a little pink at the realization that he basically was her cop out, but she shrugged and smirked widely.

"What can I say?  Needed a fraggin' excuse to get m'hoop clear of whatsisname.  Works out too.  Hoi, you're not looking to score a free partay, are yeh?"  The human trailed off, glancing sidelong and tracing the man's gaze to Yelena, head tilting a bit in curiosity.

As for refreshments or whatever, Arc started to pull up the ARO menu, mentally swooning a bit at the pricing of the service, but then remembered the pocket money Sam had given them...oh boy...Pace yourself, girly...let the escort boy run that show, just do yo thang...


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« Reply #96 on: <03-26-15/0011:11> »
Seeing the situation at the door Marco realizes that Arc must still feels like a pet. Why is the guard so explicit with her... he shouldn't feel comfortable speaking like that to her,  she makes herself too accessible. She does have some resolve... but instead of talking him up she picks some other guy as if the only way she could possibly refuse his attention is waving some other guy in front of him. It was a bit strange, the young girl was popular, in her own turf they all liked her, yet no one appreciated her... Marco assumed that she still feels like a pet or a what was the word she used yesterday... beatstick.
Marco felt odd... he never anticipated her being so threatened by the same attention she seemed to be enjoying so much yesterday. Infact, Yelena was watching her all night trying to make sure she wasn’t enjoying herself too much. The two must share some special connection. He felt it - but was not sure what connected them.

He addressed Arc’s new date:
Name is Marco and the pretty lady here is Yelena, this is Feathers. He shook his hand with confident. It is awesome that you made it in here with us... by all means do join us! I 

Tammie!... Get our friend a suit! He sized him up... size B will do. .

The table was already packed with what Marco felt were their favorite drinks thanks to some prep calls he made. There was also a nervous waitress, that constantly tried to establish eye contact in order to see if they wanted anything. She was dressed like a blue Deva.  Marco poured some Vodka for Yelena, and what he hoped was the Rum Arc drunk that night. Feathers did not seem to be picky about drinks so he just invited a large variety of them for him. For himself he poured a glass of good quality red wine.

He played with his glass a little bit, smelled it and when his foreplay was finished. He said:
I hope I got drinks right... just get yourself something else if I did not. he said as he raised his glass. *Cheers* he said, and took a sip. It was a small one.

He whispered to Yelena :  - His face showed no clue as to what it was about.
Do you still want to sleep with Tammie?
« Last Edit: <03-26-15/0246:29> by gilga »


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« Reply #97 on: <03-26-15/0049:40> »
Marco then contacts Arc, saying: I thought you liked 'WhatshisName' you two seemed to be dancing quite a bit yesterday... shouldn't let him talk to you like that tough.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #98 on: <03-26-15/0052:19> »
Yelena laughs softly, "Fragging brilliant, Arc."  She looks at the strangely dressed Keeb.  "Guess with us now."   Scanning the AROs scattered about the club's interior, she finds the directions to the public restrooms, and the exits.  At the table, she smiles and takes Stahl's hand as Marco makes the introduction.  "Nice to meet.  Thank for help Arc."  As Marco poured out the vodka, she pulls the small silver case from her clutch and offers the cigars to the others at the table before taking one and lighting up.  She pulls the acrid smoke in and lets it out, relishing the flavor.  She holds the cigar with her left hand and reaches out for the vodka in the shot glass.  Holding her drink up to the others she says, "Nostrovya!"  Downing the shot in a single gulp she relishes the fire it causes as it wends its way from mouth to stomach, where it stays on fire for some time.  She smiles as she places the shot glass upside down on the table and pulls at her cigar.  She looks at the obviously nervous waitress.  "Very good and thank you.  You pick good vodka.  Yelena pleased."

Yelena is surprised when Marco leans over to whisper in her ear.  She considers the question carefully then whispers back, "Yelena interested, yes.  But not if pay or coerce.  Must want Yelena.  And not for now.  Later.  Cannot forget reason here."  She sits back against the soft seat, smoking her cigar while looking around.  "Will others come if sit here or should move about?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #99 on: <03-26-15/0215:08> »
Marco watched himself, like he watched Arc driving, he was inside his body... he agreed to where she was taking him but was not in complete control. Sure he could fight his charm, struggle to keep it contained - but he was exhausted from doing so. Yesterday took all his restraint, he struggled all night not to be too charming.

Tammie was not his type, she was breath taking indeed - but their relationship revolved around a power struggle.  It took him three weeks to gain access to the club because he was not confident enough to go directly to the one making decisions -to her.

He talked to more accessible mid level employees, asking for favors placing a couple of bribes. The previous time he went to the club he used money as a weapon, throwing it around in piles, it was unexpected and gained him the advantage.  But that tactic he could not continue for long, and will not be unexpected for long.   If he wanted that VIP table for the future he need to get it because of his personality, not his money. He felt that after the impression he did tonight she will book him that VIP table when he asks. Infact, if he was charming enough - any table he sits in will become a VIP table.

Tammie had more inside than she let people know... she probably did not have to consult with anyone to give him that table. Not returning a replay was her own power struggle, he’s not calling to verify was his own. She was a player, like he was. Both of them used  every social interaction trying to define the relationship, trying to get advantage.  He  felt that he was a bit ahead. For tonight at least - she was caught off guard as he acted in an unexpected way. Suddenly confident, almost rude and for tonight she was working for him.

After a short pause, he answered Yelena;

Well, think of this table as the Olympus, people will come to entertain you here... but no one will dare to just approach you for a casual chat. We should go dancing, or go to the ‘holodeck’ if we want casual social interaction. But do stick here for a short while, just being seen at this table will effect most people in the club.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #100 on: <03-26-15/0329:12> »
Yelena looked at Marco while she finished her cigar, then gathered her clutch and stood up.  "Yelena not sure Sam want this.  Will go along, but not happy.  Now need use loo."  She nodded to the others and went off, following the ARO that lead to the ladies room.  Once inside she nodded to the attendant and went to one of the posh sinks.  Leaning back slightly with her butt against the counter, she took a cigar from her case and lit it.  She pulled several times, thinking of Sam and the mission.  *Why Sam find Yelena?  Had to look hard.  Yelena dead three times and no real trail.  No record exist after prison riot and even if did, Yelena died in river in Moskva.  How he find and why?  Yelena not important to anyone.  Good skill, yes, but others with good skill.  Yelena kill many times; for self, for Nikko, for Vory, for gangs.  But not explain why Sam want find.  Sam is too secret.  Not sure Sam good Yelena, and not sure Marco not stooge for Sam.  Too easy.  Too much money.  Too much big idea.  Frag Sam  Like all boss; not tell all.*  She finishes the small cigar and tips the ash into the sink before washing it down and field stripping the butt without really thinking about it.  Putting the paper end into her clutch, she asks the price of the small alcohol hand wipes and buys several, then places several nuyen into the small tip tray next to the attendant.  She opens one of the packets, removing the wipe and using it to wipe down the faucet handle she had touched.  She smiles at the attendant and leaves the restroom, using the wipe to clean the surface of the handles on both sides of the door.

Instead of going back to the table, she decides to wander a bit, going from room to room.  This really is so very far from what she is used to that she is not comfortable here.  The dress is great and she knows she looks good in it, and the hair, the make up, the accessories all add to the ruse.  They all say that the woman is not Yelena.  Still, it is only for the one night.  Right?  She snorts, as if.  She avoids the main room where the others are sitting at the table and circulates, trying to make the contacts that Sam is paying them for. 
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #101 on: <03-26-15/0524:52> »
Say minimum get maximal effectiveness - could Demoness anticipate that her runners won’t go along with a night out in a fancy club?  Yelena seemed to be itching to start working. He did not know how long she’ll play along if at all.  Demoness was a lot different, patient and careful. She frequently booked Marco for several months before she made her move. She probably did a lot of legwork and only made her finishing move when she had enough leverage to ensure compliance. If Marco was more of an adventurous type and enjoyed this new profession he would have never find out about her leverage.

He was already too similar to a runner, he hated it. He had many buddies but no friends - no one that he really trusted. Part of it was thanks to Demoness that introduced him to a degree of illegality, where he started doing things he could not talk about. But really - everyone betrayed his trust, his parents, his bishop, Demoness... his life were just one betrayal after another.  But he never burned bridges, he kept in touch with his bishop, he worked for Demoness and he did what he could to stick with his parents.  That despite wanting all of them dead from time to time.

Yesterday was different, for a moment he forgot that they were runners and it was a job, for one night he was out with friends where he had nothing to hide from - well just for one night. He figured that he must have pushed them a bit too far with glamour, he hoped that they see it as a positive experience after all. He found it odd that a runner will be that neglected - I mean sure you grew up in the barrens but you are more than a street scum. You make serious money... you should be able to go to fancy clubs, eat real food and enjoy life. Instead, most runners spent their money on fancy expensive equipment - they were after *more* power... in a never ending pursuit to be better missing the very essence of life.

Marco was not going to let Demoness pay him money... money is a mechanism of control.  He already burned anything that she paid him on lifestyle, fancy restaurants and donations. In fact, his last job paid enough money to establish a small soap kitchen - while many runners where after power - Marco wanted to escape it - he was too young and too trusting to handle the powerful beings that were attracted to power. This is why he wanted to learn to be like Demoness.

That thought, he just continued drinking and making a pleasant chat, enjoying the music thinking about that Access Denied band. He was determined not to try and do anything practical to advance demoness goals - just like she asked him ... let them come to you. Just be a high roller and eventually they offer their special stuff. Besides, for him it wasn’t so difficult to obey an order to have fun - in fact, he was partying before he left to the club.
« Last Edit: <03-26-15/0533:10> by gilga »


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« Reply #102 on: <03-26-15/0636:22> »
"Guess we both needed a hand, huh?  Appreciation recipro'ed, chummer.  Name's Arc.  Feel free to join us."
Stahl nodded once in a polite manner, responding. "Good to meet you, Arc."  Stahl wasn't entirely expecting that sort of street accent, though he was pleasantly surprised by the woman's attitude. Her use of a street name was also rather curious, though Stahl had other things to worry about. He decides against ordering any drink, instead chatting with and meeting the rest of the group at the table. His gaze lingered on Feathers for a few moments, his brows furrowing lightly. Where have I seen him before?

Hoi, you're not looking to score a free partay, are yeh?"

"I'm afraid not. I'm actually looking for a friend of mine."
Stahl's expression turned a bit more serious as he kept this information limited to Arc, though imagined it wouldn't be too hard to overhear. "Short, dark hair. Human. Sort of skinny. Green eyes, usually wearing a black suit with a green pin on it. I don't know how often you come here, but.." Stahl trails off, looking to Arc in a vain hope she'll know something about Reiner. Stahl had not yet caught any glimpse of his friend which was especially concerning since Reiner was usually the loudest and drunkest person at these kinds of places.

Stahl smiled towards Marco, nodding his head. "I really appreciate it. Good to meet you too." Stahl wasn't about to turn down a suit. He stuck out like a sore thumb in this place. Had he not entered with this group, he had no doubt in his mind he'd be asked to leave. Stahl accepted Yelena's hand, the accent she had throwing him off again. It seems he had severely misjudged this group. With a short sigh one thought slipped into his mind: She looks just like her. Quickly shaking the thought from his mind, Stahl did his best to look like he belonged there.


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« Reply #103 on: <03-26-15/1138:00> »
Marco finally established eye contact with the blue deva shaped waitress. We’ll have four steaks, medium well. Please do not return until they are ready.. He watches the waitress leave and then takes another sip from his wine and say.  Good, their kitchen only has room for three steaks so it will take her some time to return. Keep your glass full and laugh when I laugh.

He poured some red wine into Stahl's glass. It is awesome wine from Portugal. Called port wine - 20% alcohol so be careful...  but by all means keep that glass of yours full and your face cheerful despite what I am about to say. He laughs, his laughter is deep and loud - and it seems so genuine it makes you want to laugh as well.

Marco takes a sip of wine, and speaks his hands move as if he is excited - his tone of voice and his body language are as if he is talking about some very vulgar, very explicit sexual joke but the actual content of the words is entirely different.

You are in great danger Sthal. You are extremely lucky to have found your way into our table. Let me guess, your friend was a loud dude right? a party lover?... well here is the deal he is not the only one missing. He laughs... it takes him around 20 seconds to get his breath back. his laughter his so contagious, you feel the urge to laugh as well.

He continue, again there is no relation with the excitement he moves his hands in and his facial expression to his lips. At what day did he visit the club? I was here twice previously perhaps I have seen him. Don't ask no one here nothing tonight because you are in over your head. Tomorrow I’ll introduce you to a friend of mine that may be willing to show you surveillance footage of the club so we can try to find your friend. You see... this club is not what it seems to be - and if you stick your head into the rabbit hole unprepared you might fall inside.  He laughs.

 If you managed to pay attention to both his words and the joke, you could actually understand both of them. As if his body language hand movements, facial expressions and pitch of voice were enough to tell the joke even without words.
« Last Edit: <03-26-15/1145:05> by gilga »


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« Reply #104 on: <03-26-15/1144:49> »
Arc gave a little sigh at Narco's comment, mentally firing him a text to avoid having to speak on the situation.

@Marco:  It wasn't serious last night.  I barely remember him.  Besides that, needs to be on my terms.

There was one key difference between how Arc feels at the Stardust than at the Pit: the Pit was familiar ground, streetpeeps of that which she grew up around.  She was comfortable there, and just having fun.  The fact she was also wasted up to here might have helped with that.  Here at the Stardust though, she was in a class unknown to her.  Nonetheless, she reminded herself she was supposed to be having fun, and picked up a shot glass of the rum, downing it with the others.  She held the dark liquor on her tongue for a moment, letting it burn While the amalgamation of flavors and notes danced on her taste buds: hint of cinnamon, fire, and ooh was that cocoa?  Gulping, she let out her breath in a small sigh. 

Listening to the stranger, now known as Stahl, the human gave a little nod as her stomach warmed to the booze.  "I don't.  First time here.  Believe it or not, I don't normally earn this kind of pay, haha.  Got lucky with some stuff, so to say.  I'll keep an eye out...ah". She noted Yelena had left to find a restroom, sitting back and furrowing a little, for a brief moment before she made her smile return.  She laughed and chatted for a bit, seeing the crowd ebb and flow around them, the music however muted filtering in.  Marco dropping the bomb was a surprise, but if living under a gang taught her one thing, if was to play along, and she laughed with him, her green cybereyes glancing at Stahl to confirm that Marco wasn't trying to pull a fast one.

"Thinking of hitting the floor in a bit...anyone care to join?  Feathers, I ain't gonna force you this time, I already owe ya for before..."