[5e OOC] Tabula Rasa, Chapters II and III

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« Reply #1770 on: <03-20-15/1348:05> »
Site is being slow and I'm working on 3 different things at once... It should be back after yours now.
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« Reply #1771 on: <03-23-15/1450:19> »
Let's get some IC responses up. Lots of interesting information and questions on the table:

1) Ohanzee's excellent summary of the situation.
2) Doc's analysis of the nanites and sarcasm about the group watching the BTL together.
3) Katsina's questions to the group about next steps and Ace's lie about wanting to go back to Ares.


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« Reply #1772 on: <03-24-15/0952:12> »
Monday's seem to be my day from hell. I can never get anything done on them.

I'll get to an IC today.


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« Reply #1773 on: <03-24-15/1821:44> »
Today I was stuck in meetings.  Doc has decided to put his noodle to work and came up with a ton of data that Tecumseh was curteous enough to get to me.  Now I've gotta digest it and craft Doc's response.  I'll try for it tonight, but tomorrow is more likely.  Sorry for the delay.
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« Reply #1774 on: <03-25-15/1404:13> »
Still nothing compared to one of Mal's updates, but that was a lot for Doc.  And *none* of it was in blue!  Crazy!

Anyway, thanks for all of the data Tec.  I hope I got at least most of it correct. :)
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« Reply #1775 on: <03-25-15/1603:56> »
Does Sam have the ability to disarm the bomb remotely?
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« Reply #1776 on: <03-25-15/1605:48> »
As a correction to Doc's musings, the expected take from selling the artifact is a million nuyen and up. So Doc's 1/6 share would be closer to 166,667¥. Plenty to get us set up going forward. The problem being finding a fixer that can afford 1M¥ on short notice and who is willing to take on the risk inherent in dealing with such a significant item.
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« Reply #1777 on: <03-25-15/1651:56> »
Most fixers/fences aren't going to be able to get us ¥1mil. They'll get us 50-60.  Ares or DIMR will be able to do the >¥1mill
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« Reply #1778 on: <03-25-15/1719:33> »
A fixer big enough to deal with heavy hitters like us will be able to do a mil, i bet.
One of the big deal magical groups had better come off a mil EACH
and if we're talking about one of the big 10? I say 5 mil each.

Sam dun really give a SHIT about the money anymore though. All he wants it answers, the nanites out of him, and to be left alone.

EDIT: Also, Sam didn't mean "You recorded it, you know?" like "How come you dont remember this?" Sam knows better than anyone how silly that would be. It was more like "Check out this crazy shit you did while you were on shrooms last night" kinda thing, y'know?
« Last Edit: <03-25-15/1722:28> by Poindexter »
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« Reply #1779 on: <03-25-15/1910:41> »
Does Sam have the ability to disarm the bomb remotely?

It depends on how he designs it. In theory, yes, he could design it to be disarmed remotely, but doing so would require a wireless signal and make it vulnerable to being hacked. So you can do it this way but it is less secure, and thus the Mutually Assured Destruction is less-assured.

The problem being finding a fixer that can afford 1M¥ on short notice and who is willing to take on the risk inherent in dealing with such a significant item.

This is not a minor problem and is the primary reason Doc was giving the ¥60k figure. You'd be looking for someone with a Connection rating of 7+ and a high risk tolerance. Fixers do not, as a general rule, put their own money or their own necks on the line.

A fixer big enough to deal with heavy hitters like us will be able to do a mil, i bet.
One of the big deal magical groups had better come off a mil EACH
and if we're talking about one of the big 10? I say 5 mil each.

A million each is possible - even five million each is not completely absurd - but, again, it shifts the corporation's "do we pay them or do we just kill them and take it?" equation in the direction of "kill them". Nobody's going to fork over ¥12,000,000 when ¥120 of ammo will accomplish the same thing.

This risk-reward equation is, of course, the heart of the question of "what do we do next". You can ask for twelve million - or twenty, or thirty - and maybe even get it! But you better have an amazing exit strategy.

But if you do pull it off... well, that's the stuff legends are made of.

Sam dun really give a SHIT about the money anymore though. All he wants it answers, the nanites out of him, and to be left alone.

This is a perfectly valid response. Go ahead and post something to that effect ICly, please.

Hopefully 8-bit can get an IC post up soon too.


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« Reply #1780 on: <03-25-15/1938:27> »
Sorry about the delay. Had a whole post written up, and then my internet decided to eat it. Had internet problems the rest of the night and just gave up on it. It's up now.


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« Reply #1781 on: <03-26-15/1652:29> »
I fell into a trap at work and got suckered into taking a business trip tomorrow. Today and yesterday have been busy getting ready; tomorrow I'll be offline most of the day. I'll get an IC post up this afternoon or tonight with Katsina's thoughts on the matter and her answers to Ohanzee's questions.


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« Reply #1782 on: <03-26-15/1759:09> »
Mal, what made you/Ohanzee think that Doc was just in it for the money?
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« Reply #1783 on: <03-26-15/1834:06> »
Doc seemed very focused on risk/reward in terms of payout (not information or other intangibles) in his IC. While he was motivated to survive the encounter, he was searching for the largest possible payout even if it entailed additional risk. He was opposed to simply dumping it for a fraction of its value and washing his hands of the whole business. He wanted to get enough money up front to set up a new life rather than (safely) dumping the item for a pittance and relying on the team's skills and each other to provide security and answers going forward. While money makes setting up a new life easier, we are fully capable of starting anew without it, but that seemed an option that Doc was strongly against entertaining.

For Ohanzee, he wants to use the exchange as a way to advertise to all interested parties that they no longer have the item and any income is entirely incidental. Simply dumping it over a ravine would be an option except that people would still be coming after all of us hard to try to get the item. If we sell it to another party and make the transaction public enough that all parties know we no longer have it, they might still want to kill us, but they would have a harder time justifying ridiculous resources to it. And really, in the short term, they'd have to divert their resources to recovering it from whoever we sold it to, a likely more expensive prospect, leaving them with little to throw at us for a short while, giving us some breathing room to vanish and start anew. As Tec continually states, the less we ask, the less likely their cost/benefit calculation shifts toward geek the runners and steal the item. Giving it away isn't off the table, but it is likely that we won't be taken seriously unless we ask for something. A million seemed like a nice starting bid, but if some neutral fixer is willing to throw 100 grand our way for it, no questions asked, Ohanzee would consider it if he felt those pursuing them would turn their attention to negotiating with the fixer and leave them alone for a bit.

Hell, dropping it in a pit and just putting an ARO with the location in downtown Denver and letting everyone throw their resources into getting there first in force to claim it sounds pretty appealing to him. Everyone would throw every resource they had into beating the others to the artifact so that Team Purple could have a reprieve long enough to escape, and anyone bent on revenge would likely be bloodied enough from the effort that they would be able to pursue them less effectively for a bit. The major downsides to this are that a) dozens, if not hundreds, of people would likely die in the mad rush, and b) the artifact would be at risk for catching a stray bullet (or worse), risking its destruction and ensuing chaos. So we are back to plan A - public bid, private exchange.

It sounded from Doc's words that unless there was a significant payout from the artifact's sale, Doc wasn't interested, eliminating a large swath of options (some outlined above).
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« Reply #1784 on: <03-26-15/1851:35> »
Chino doesn't actually care that much about getting a huge payout. He'd definitely like more than a million split 6 ways, but mostly because he's thinking money is the easiest way to get out of the heat. Pay off enough people and buy enough stuff to go completely off the grid; that's how he envisions it. He just doesn't think any of those other options (dropping it for nothing) or selling it in the shadows (especially if we don't even get paid because people likely won't buy something that hot) is going to help ensure survival.

Money just seems to be the most expedient way of getting the hell out of dodge.