IC: Urban Brawl -- scenario 1 (finished)

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« on: <12-10-10/1802:32> »
[OOC: Alright, this will be the IC thread for Urban Brawl.  Since most of this is Combat, it's easiest when you just indicate OOC statements the same way I do inside of the IC thread, and then any posts which seem to be predominantly OOC or are more involved metagame discussions, post it in OOC.  It's nice to have the rolls in the same post as the action though in my opinion.  Use combats in IC: Road to Redmond as a guide.

So we're gonna start off easy, with the same scenario I described in the OOC post where you're gonna rescue Tabby.  It's worth 5 karma each and 1000 nuyen each if you rescue her alive.

You've made it this far.  The run has been easy enough, just a typical snatch and grab with a little action  along the way.  You made it through the maglock of the warehouse garage door, then shut it locked behind you in order to not be disturbed by late night dockworkers.  Almost there, just gotta make it to Tabby who's nano-RFID tags were too small for her abductors to detect and her location is reading out loud and clear by your commlinks built-in Scan program.  Each of the loading crates also has RFID tags that are broadcasting their position and in this way you can get a great layout of the warehouse.  All you're hoping for is that there's nothing between you and Tabby that could frag this run up.  It does feel unusually warm in here though.....  The Moonlight coming through upper level windows which line the perimeter of the ceiling is the only source of light. 

[OOC:  The bad-guy's position is unknown to you currently.  Your present location is indicated by the orange letter of your name.  To change your position on the map, just save the image, and edit it in paintbrush and then post it with Photobucket or some other image hosting service or webpage you might have.  It's probably easiest to just use the little selection box  in paint brush and cut and paste your little position marker to where you want to move.  Remember, everything is "to scale" so just use a string on your monitor or a ruler to measure distances. 

We'll be using combat turns all the way through so the first thing you're going to do is roll initiative.  I'll also be making die rolls in secret sometimes.  Remember, if one of you has 3 IP's, then Brick gets 12m/IP, and Griffin gets 8 m/ IP, if it's 2IP's then it's 18m/IP, 13 m/IP respectively.]
« Last Edit: <03-31-11/2316:48> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #1 on: <12-11-10/0427:23> »
Initiative roll
[6,4,6,6,6,1,1,6] (5 successes +8= 13 int)

Brick flips his cybereyes to low light enhancement and pulls the panther from its duffel leaving the bag on the ground. *subvocally to stryker*
"hey kid, use your mojo to check this place over. No surprises omae."


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« Reply #2 on: <12-11-10/1003:15> »
Quote from: Initiative roll
8d6.hits(5) → [3,3,3,6,3,2,3,4] = (1)
So Stryker's Initiative is 9

Stryker shudders slightly. Even through the sub-mic the huge troll's voice is intimidating enough. And this time life is at stake, not just death and destruction...
He notices a shadowy figure in the corner of his mind's eye, and reassured by her appearance looks around, sharp and ready.
First, he closes his eyes for a second, attuning them to the Manastream, and when he opens them, he's looking through the Stream, watching the mirror-images of the Astral. Simple Action: Shift Perception
Second, he takes a moment to look around and be sure it's safe to leave his body for a moment, as his mentor taught him. Simple Action: Observe in Detail (Int+Per DP of 5, modified by the sustained spell).
Third, he goes over the necessary mental motions, to protect his huge 'friend' from any magic. Free Action: Declare Counterspelling Protection on Brick.

P.S. Can i assume Stryker has a Combat Sense and Armor spells ready(he should), or do i have to i cast them in-game?
« Last Edit: <12-14-10/1141:01> by Kot »
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #3 on: <12-13-10/1618:09> »
[OOC: bold face is for who's action phase it is.]

[OOC: I'll say you can say you already cast those spells, but you're gonna have to roll the spell-casting test and drain resist to know what level the spells are are at and how much they drained you.  So in the OOC thread just do the rolls, but it won't take up an action because it's a retro-active roll for you having cast it before since you would have prepared for the run.  Say you roll a F5 armor spell, and you don't like the number of hits you got; i'll say that you can just drop the spell and cast it again, but each time you have to keep track of drain so watch out cuz it might build-up.  I'll also allow a first aid test for each drain roll, but make it at a -1 for indoor conditions and a -2 cuz you're a mage. ]

You hear an approaching clatter of nails and a congested sniffing sound from about 30 m away by the north-east end of the warehouse.  Whatever it is sounds heavier than an average human.

Initiative Update: CT1, IP2.  Brick 13, Stryker 9

« Last Edit: <12-13-10/1630:19> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #4 on: <12-14-10/2305:39> »
Brick, hearing the sounds bounds from one set of crates to the crates on the west wall, to take up a position with a view down the long axis
(west to east) of the warehouse (while having cover from the north)  and prepares to attack anything that comes into view.

Rolling for infiltration (as to not alert anyone.)
[4,3,2,2,5,1,2]=1 success (... my excuse is i'm a troll. :P)

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« Reply #5 on: <12-16-10/1034:03> »

Initiative Update: CT1, IP1. Brick 13 (using held actions), Hellhound 12, Stryker 9

As you move to take cover behind the crate your eyes widen as you see 2 little glowing red orbs which are low to the ground.  As your low light vision kicks in your smartgun system begins a pattern recognition analysis and quickly traces an outline around the little red orbs which makes your eyes widen even more!  You can make out the distinct outline of a massive dog-like figure which is crouching low to the ground and completely silent.  Just as soon as you notice it, the dog takes off towards you at a break-neck sprint and as it bears it's teeth at you, you see a glow inside its mouth from between its canines as if the creature had embers in place of a tongue!  "Smart little bastards seem to know when to keep quiet, must be the hunting instinct," you think to yourself.  

[OOC: you used your free action to move and now you can interrupt because you declared that you were going to attack anything that came into view and you're holding the rest of your actions.  We'll say that at this point the hellhound is a running target though (+2 to its defense) because as soon as you could react it was already running.  (I'm doing this instead of rolling surprise).  Also roll a Security Procedures knowledge skill test, i'm pretty sure that's logic based.  If you get a (3) or higher i'll tell you how many hounds you should probably expect.]

Initiative Update: CT1, IP2. Brick 13, Hellhound 12, Stryker 9

« Last Edit: <12-16-10/1558:30> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #6 on: <12-16-10/1257:05> »
rolling security procedures logic 1 + SP 2 + cerebral booster 2 = 5
[5, 4, 1, 2,5] 2 successes.

Brick aim's for the hound's head (called shot head) and opens fire with a long wide burst at the hound.
Rolling heavy weapons hvywpns 5 + agility 5 + smartlink 2 = 12 -2 for running target =10
[6,5,4,1,3,6,5,4,5,3] 5 successes. 8)
(OCC: so that's 15p (plus whatever you give for the called shot.) and -5 dice for it's defense roll.)


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« Reply #7 on: <12-16-10/1454:30> »

[OOC: Running target is a +2 defense modifier to the defender, not the attacker, but since it's a called shot, that's -4 to your roll, so i'll just add an aditional -2 to your roll and we'll call it even for your roll.  BF weapons can only do short bursts, you need FA for long-bursts, so it would be a -2 to the defense roll and put you out only 3 rounds.  Knocking off the last two dice will leave you with 4 successes.  Hounds defense roll: Reaction 5 + Running 2 + WSB -2 = 5 5d6.hits(5)=0→ [4,1,1,4,2] = (0).  The hound must resist 14P damage.  Body 44d6.hits(5)=0 → [3,1,4,4] = (0).  It blows up :).  You've used all your actions for the 2nd IP.  You can use Full Defense during the third though.]

You unload with your specially modified Panther cannon and as the resounding booming of your gun shakes the warehouse, the hound explodes and covers the crates near it with smoking flesh which glows like magma.  The biggest piece left of it is about the size of a football.  You still hear the clattering of nails from in between the crates a few meters to the north of the first hound.  As soon as you finished your burst with the Panther you also start hearing the clicking of nails far off to your north but rapidly approaching.  

Suddenly from in between the crates a few feet in front of what was the first hound, you see another identical hound bound out and start charging at you, the look in his eyes starts to overwhelm you and you feel a strange sort of push as if the hound were attempting to not only attack your body, but also claw at your mind.  Not only do you feel the heat of it's approach, you also feel your heartbeat start to race and the temperature inside your body start to rise.

[OOC: Hellhound2's Fear power roll: Willpower 3 + Magic 3=66d6.hits(5)=2 → [5,1,4,5,3,2] = (2).  You must resist by rolling just Willpower.  Counterspelling doesn't work with Critter Powers.  Might wanna use edge.]


As soon as Brick got off the burst from his Panther (you've never seen or heard anything like the shadows there's always a first for everything), you're still wondering what just got geeked.....but then suddenly it makes a lot of sense to you what made Brick unload like that.  From the north you see a massive black dog who's mouth is glowing like red embers come out from behind some crates.  You can tell brick can't see it cuz he's behind cover from it, but it's directly in your LOS.

[OOC: You still have a simple action held from the first IP and you can use it to interrupt H3 as soon as you see it.  After you use your simple action then it's the rest of H3's actions.]

Initiative Update: CT1, IP2.  Brick(2IP) 13, Hellhound1(dead) 12, Hellhound2(3IP) 12, Hellhound3(3IP) 10, Stryker(1IP) 9 (using Simple from 1st IP)

« Last Edit: <12-16-10/1526:44> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #8 on: <12-16-10/1540:05> »

Stryker moves ahead, to take a peek from cover at the beast, that's obviously charging Brick(by the sound of it).
Infiltration roll to see if he manages to keep a low profile:
Agility(3)+Infiltration(2) 5d6.hits(5) → [3,4,5,6,5] = (3)
Hearing the effects of the attack he bites his lower lip and peeks around the corner to see another beast..
Parazoology roll to identyfy the beast:
Logic(4)+Parazoology(3) 7d6.hits(5) → [1,5,5,4,2,5,4] = (3)
He feels a shiver running down his spine, breaking cold sweat. Almost panicking, he tries to react, even knowing he's too slow. There's no time for a spell! He knows that could be bad, but...
He takes a step back to hide from the one on his right, and yells at the other one in front of him.
"Hey! Fido! Here boy!"
« Last Edit: <12-16-10/1602:06> by Kot »
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #9 on: <12-16-10/1633:55> »

You recognize the beasts as Hell Hounds, they can breathe a mean blast of fire like a flame-thrower and worst of all they can instill a super-natural fear into anyone in their line of sight.....and it just so seems that that is exactly what the hound to your north is trying to do to you.

[OOC: H3's Fear roll: Willpower 3+ Magic 3=6 6d6.hits(5)=2→ [3,5,2,5,2,3] = (2).  Resist with Willpower.  Once everyone rolls resist then I'll describe what happens and then move on to next IP.]

Initiative Update: CT1, IP2.  Brick(2IP) 13, Hellhound2(3IP) 12, Hellhound3(3IP) 10, Stryker(1IP) 9
« Last Edit: <12-16-10/1710:35> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #10 on: <12-16-10/1649:38> »
Stryker clenches his teeth as he feels a wave of fear washing over him...
Willpower(5) roll: 5d6.hits(5) → [6,2,1,1,2] = (1)
... and he fails to stop it, his mind just goes away, replaced with primal instincts...
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #11 on: <12-16-10/1711:08> »

[OOC: well since you didn't want to use edge (which being an elf you sank 20 BP into) i'll just go ahead.  You got feared for 1 Combat Turn.  This means you will be feared until the CT2,IP 2.]  

You felt it coming, you even expected it.  You attempt to bend the mana around you but this mana pattern is totally different from the way a meta-human bends arcane energy to his will and penetrates your attempts to counter it.  Suddenly the temperature in your body seems to rise to unbearable levels and you feel yourself losing control of your mind as shear terror overrides your most earnest attempt to stay in control.  Your only desire now is to run for the door as quickly as possible as soon as possible!
« Last Edit: <12-16-10/1724:56> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #12 on: <12-16-10/1730:22> »
Brick rolls willpower 3d6.hits(1) [1,2,5] 1 success
(occ: i'm gonna use one point of edge to re-roll my misses)
rolling misses 2d6.hits(1) [2,5] 1 success for a total of 2 successes
Brick realizes these aren't normal dogs, and snarls preparing to shred these ugly mutts.
« Last Edit: <12-16-10/1737:20> by Teyl_Iliar »


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« Reply #13 on: <12-16-10/1808:02> »
Initiative Update: CT1, IP3.  Brick(2IP) 13, Hellhound2(3IP) 12, Hellhound3(3IP) 10, Stryker(1IP) 9

As you feel the fear building you see Stryker's eyes widening and a contorted expression on his yellowish-white face of pure irrational terror begin to form.  "Gotta keep it together big guy...." you think to yourself and swallow hard.  Somewhere deep inside you find the strength to hold your ground and face head on the hell hound to the east as it stops charging and opens it's mouth as if to bark but instead flies out a stream of flame so hot you smell your eyebrows singeing.

[OOC: Elemental Attack (fire): Exotic Ranged Weapon 4 + Agility 4 = 8 8d6.hits(5)=3 → [3,4,1,5,1,6,5,1] = (3).  You roll reaction (can use full D if you want by using up your first action in the next turn).  Base damage value is 3P and net hits add to it.  You resist damage with Body+1/2 Impact armor (round up) + full fire resistance rating.  Don't forget to include a +1 for being a troll in your initial impact armor rating.  Roll an Edge (1) test and if you fail that something catches on fire.  Any glitches also will cause something to catch fire, and critical glitch will cause some of your ammo to blow up!][/i].

Before you can even turn around to start running the hound all the way to your north stops charging and shoots a streak of flame straight at you which criss-crosses the first one you saw shoot at Brick.

[OOC: Elemental Attack (fire): Exotic Ranged Weapon 4 + Agility 4 = 8 8d6.hits(5)=3→ [4,3,5,5,4,1,6,2] = (3).  Roll defense and then resist in the same way I told Brick to......and I think your combat sense bonus gets cancelled out by your sustaining modifier, so you just roll reaction.]

[OOC: Everyone roll initiative regardless of whether or not you're feared after you've incorporated your wound modifiers.  I'll control where your character runs but you still roll defensive rolls.

Hounds Initiative roll: 9d6.hits(5)=3 → [6,1,6,1,3,5,4,3,4] = (3)
 9d6.hits(5)=4 → [6,2,5,1,5,4,2,5,3] = (4)

H2's Initiative score: 12
H3's Initiative score: 13
« Last Edit: <12-16-10/1952:44> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #14 on: <12-16-10/2007:15> »
Reaction roll 5d6.hits ( 1) success &
Brick sees the fire coming right at him and he knows he won't be out of the way in time."sonofva..."
Resist damage20d6.hits(5 ) successes
Edge test 3d6.hits (1) success

initiative roll 8d6.hits (4) +8 = 12
(occ:edited for multiple mistakes. should have rolled 5 dice for reaction, also my luck hasn't run out yet!)
« Last Edit: <12-16-10/2022:53> by Teyl_Iliar »

