IC: Urban Brawl -- scenario 1 (finished)

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« Reply #30 on: <12-22-10/1713:47> »
You ok kid? Brick settles from his stance bracing the heavy cannon, and motions for Styker to join him behind cover



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« Reply #31 on: <12-22-10/1715:11> »


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« Reply #32 on: <12-22-10/1741:09> »
Stryker shoots him a weak smile, while trying to clean himself a bit, without any success...
"Yeah... I think. Give me a few moments. I've got to cast a few spells to keep up with you... Did you get hurt?

He doesn't wait for Brick's response, instead uttering a whispering chant, followed by something between a long shiver, and a short epileptic episode...
Inside his mind, he gathers what he can from the Manastreams around him, cleansing his aura of the useless Levitate spell, and pours the Mana into his own body, where it starts flowing freely through his nerves and muscles, up to the brain.
Casting Increase Reflexes at -1 penalty. (8d6.hits(5)=2) So +1 IP, and +1 to Reaction, and a -2 sustaining penalty.
Increase Reflexes Drain Resistance roll: F4/2+2= 4S (10d6.hits(5)=1) That means 3S damage.
He shrugs, and shakes his head, trying not to cough his lungs out. Limping, he cautiously joins up with Brick, and taking up a position behind him.
"This is going to take a little longer. I need a moment, that casting didn't go well..."
His voice is no longer that of a scared kid. He seems more composed, and focused...

{Status: 3P and 4S damage, -2 Wound penalty, -2 Sustaining penalty}
{Sustained spells: Armor F3, on Focus; Increase Reflexes F2 (+1Reaction, +1IP).}
« Last Edit: <12-22-10/1745:54> by Kot »
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #33 on: <12-22-10/1758:23> »
Brick changes clips for his panther, slipping the other one in a pouch on his vest. "Ok, well don't take too long. We're solid for now, but this thing *pats the panther* isn't exactly subtle. No telling when we might have more company, so lets push to that office as soon as your good to go."

Brick smiles,thinking to himself,"Kid's got heart. He'll need it if he stays in this line of work." He shoots a signal to his smart jammer and clicks it on, squelching every signal in the area except his and styker's, before bringing the cannon back up to scan for new contacts.


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« Reply #34 on: <12-23-10/0608:23> »
Stryker smiles lightly again, this time half to himself. "It didn't go too well, but here i am. Nothing but a few burns, and some minor nosebleed."
"I need to heal these burns before we go. And if you think it's safe for now, i'd like to jump into Astral, so you'll have to keep an eye on my meat."
He takes a deep, calm breath, breathing in the Mana from his victinity along with air. It flows through his body, restoring the burned tissue...
Magic(4)+Spellcasting(5)-4, for the Heal spell. (5d6.hits(5)=2), so 2 boxes of Physical damage are healed.
Resisting 2-1= 1S Drain from the Heal spell. (10d6.hits(5)=3), so no damage.
Then he unpacks hid medkit, Trying to slap a patch on his neck, to speed up the drug's absorption. His hands are shaky, but the burns don't hurt anymore, and the itching isn't as bad as before he cast the spell. But still he can't focus enough to even read the label...
"Uh... Brick, can you help me with that? I can't keep my hands still."

{Status: 1P and 4S damage, -1 Wound penalty, -2 Sustaining penalty}
{Sustained spells: Armor F3, on Focus; Increase Reflexes F2 (+1Reaction, +1IP).}
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #35 on: <12-23-10/1451:17> »
"Here, use this." Brick pulls stim patch out of his vest and hands it to Styker without looking "That should keep you going till this is over.
Stimpatch rating 4 -4S for 40 minutes.
« Last Edit: <12-23-10/1459:27> by Teyl_Iliar »


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« Reply #36 on: <12-23-10/1514:51> »
Stryker takes off his left glove, and slaps the patch on the back of his hand. He sighs, and flexes his hand to speed up the patch working.
"I know these re bad for me, but still... We need to act. Give me a minute and ill scout the way ahead. Just remember, I'll be out cold while wandering the Manastreams."
He then pulls out his gun, straightens up, and sits back in the corner, to get better protection in case. His eyes focus on a non-existent spot, and his mind slowly leaves the body, to enter the realm of Living Magic. Surprisingly, his body still sits in the exact position he was a second ago...
His True form, made of swirling Mana shaped in a form roughly reminding his physical body, moving with unnerving speed begins to follow the red hot trails of slain beasts, still fresh, with small astral flames marking places where the Hellhounds used their fiery breaths... Scouting the way ahead with mere thoughts, he still cautiously searches the warehouse for signs of metahumans, other paracritters and magical security.
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #37 on: <12-26-10/1939:48> »
Your astral form flies up toward the ceiling of the warhouse where you can take a good look down in between the maze of crates and you don't see any other threats.  The only place left to search is the office in the far north west corner of the warehouse from which you detected Tabby's node. 

[OOC: if you want to peak your head into the wall of the corner office then make an assensing test.]


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« Reply #38 on: <12-26-10/2001:14> »
Stryker opens his astral eyes wider, and wider, absorbing the glow from the Manastreams, to find any sign of living creatures, or Awakened activity...
Assensing(2)+Intuition(5)-2=5 (5d6.hits(5)=2)
He still is wary, expecting someone who would be able to handle three Hellhounds to be on-site. Fighting the whispering flow of Mana in his head, he tries to concentrate and remember anything about usual - or unusual - security procedures that would apply.
Logic(4)+Security Systems(3)-2=5 (5d6.hits(5)=3)
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #39 on: <12-26-10/2035:02> »
Hovering on the outside of the wall you peak your face into the office and as soon as it pops out on the other side you see a little girl that must be Tabby on the other side of a desk sitting in a swivel chair, her eyes closed and her aura illuminating the dark room.  Her aura looks quite dull for that of a child which is usually bursting with color and it seems she is not in good health at all.  You also notice that pieces of her aura are quite blotted out and are not allowed to shine well as if she had some sort of implant in her torso which is also contributing to the dullness in her aura.  Other than this you see no other astral presences.


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« Reply #40 on: <12-26-10/2047:25> »
You're also quite confused by the setup you've encountered here.  3 Hellhounds without anyone watching over them.  Either somebody skimped on the security or something weird is going on.


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« Reply #41 on: <12-26-10/2051:58> »
[OOC: each new attempt should be at a -2.  So that would be 1 hit.]

You still don't see anything else. 


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« Reply #42 on: <12-26-10/2104:56> »
Stryker returns to his body, swiftly as a thought, opening is eyes and whispering to his companion.
"Brick? We have a problem. I just took a peek what's inside the office. She's there, but something is seriously wrong with her. She has something implanted in her chest. Or at least her aura looks like that - it's dull, gray... She might just been drugged. Or..."
Something comes to his mind. A disturbing idea. "Great Living One, i hope that's not it..."
Images from training flash in his mind. He tries to tie any of them to his suspicions.
Logic(4)+Magical Threats(3)-2=5 (5d6.hits(5)=1)
"Damn it. Is she infected, or just drugged? We gotta hurry, big guy."
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #43 on: <12-26-10/2343:06> »
Brick's grip on the panther tightens as he grasps what Styker just said."Look, we can't just rush in. Before we move anywhere, is there ANYTHING thing else in this fragging warehouse?! we can worry about the package once we get it, and get out of here."
« Last Edit: <12-27-10/0345:29> by Teyl_Iliar »


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« Reply #44 on: <12-27-10/0553:20> »
"That's the problem. Nothing. No handler, no more critters, no security, no spellslingers."
Stryker stops for a moment.
"Either that, or i just didn't notice anything. I'm not really good at it. I was trained as a combat mage... I could hide us both, though. With an Invisibility spell, you know how they work. But we have to stay quiet." He looks at Brick, looking for approval for his idea. "It will be hard to maintain and act, but I'll drop it as soon as we get there."
He starts to run a check on his gear, along with the Colt Manhunter in his hip holster. Everything seems fine, even if most of his pockets look deformed from the heat.
"She might just have been drugged and strapped with explosives. Or something like that. Or something is still there, i just didn't notice it. But it would have to hide it's aura. And that's beyond my skill, to be honest."
He looks up, to meet Brick's eyes again.
"Who did you say gave you this job? And why did you pick me? Just curious."
He looks down again, at his feet.
"We really need a hacker to cover all angles. Funny, how they never seem to be available, when you need them."

Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

