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« on: <08-20-14/1119:14> »
Anyone care to elaborate this into a Shadowrun version?


* Trenchcoat Maffia - Use a Lined Coat as armor.
* I Wear My Sunglasses At Night - Play in a Black Trenchcoat campaign.
* Rule #3 - Make a deal with a dragon.
* Curse Your Sudden, But Inevitable Betrayal! - Get double-crossed by a Johnson.
* Only Way To Be Sure - Fire a Thor shot (or have one fired at you)
* Fridge Brilliance - Survive a Thor shot.
* Barrens Superstar - Have a trid made based on your team's exploits.
« Last Edit: <08-20-14/1928:13> by AndyNakamura »
"If you are expecting a rousing speech, or a cunning plan that will get us out of this, I will have to disappoint you. I don't have any. We either do this, or we die. And the world dies with us."
"I paid quite a lot to get all of you here. I expect you to give me my money's worth. Shogun out."


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« Reply #1 on: <08-20-14/1151:21> »
Cut the Gordian Knot - After 2+ hours of meticulous planning, decide to kick in the front door.
I thought that was your thing - Come up against a skill-specific obstacle without anyone in the group who has that skill.
Plan B - Use Demolitions to overcome obstacles normally overcome through non-Demolitions means.
Actually, just average - Play an Elf with a Charisma of 5, a Troll with a Strength of 7, or an Ork with a Body of 6.
Just biz, chummer - Sell out at least one other PC.
It seemed like such a good idea at the time - Critical glitch while using a monowhip.
Killing so many sacred cows, I'm banned from India.


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  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 214
  • Memetic Warfare Agent
« Reply #2 on: <08-20-14/1947:18> »
* Paperless Bookkeeping - Generate a character in Chummer.
* Guns. Lots Of Guns. - Play as Weapons Specialist.
* I Know Kung Fu - Play as Adept.
* The Matrix Has You - Play as Technomancer.
* Operator - Play as Hacker.
* David Blaine - Play as Street Shaman.
* I Am The Law - Play as a Lone Star officer.
* My Name Isn't Molly - Play as a Street Samurai.
* I Did Not Ask For This - Have a body part lost in combat replaced with cyberware.
* My Vision Is Augmented - Have cybereyes installed.
* Evil Eye - Have an eye laser installed.
* Snikt - Have cyberspurs installed.
* Million-Nuyen Man - Have Y1,000,000 worth of cyberware installed.
* Ripley - Defeat an insect spirit Queen.
« Last Edit: <09-04-14/1904:07> by AndyNakamura »
"If you are expecting a rousing speech, or a cunning plan that will get us out of this, I will have to disappoint you. I don't have any. We either do this, or we die. And the world dies with us."
"I paid quite a lot to get all of you here. I expect you to give me my money's worth. Shogun out."


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« Reply #3 on: <08-23-14/1131:04> »
He's more man than machine: Have less than 3 essence
Cersei Lannister: Survive 3 deadly wounds in one adventure
You will always remember this day...: Taunt an enemy as you escape a trap
One does not simply walk into Mordor: Infiltrate a facility via the entrance


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  • Chummer
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  • Memetic Warfare Agent
« Reply #4 on: <09-04-14/1909:31> »
Let's see if someone gets these:

* Yours Truly - Use an Urban Explore jumpsuit as armor.
* They'll Listen To Reason - Equip a Vindicator minigun with a gyrostabilizer harness.
"If you are expecting a rousing speech, or a cunning plan that will get us out of this, I will have to disappoint you. I don't have any. We either do this, or we die. And the world dies with us."
"I paid quite a lot to get all of you here. I expect you to give me my money's worth. Shogun out."


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« Reply #5 on: <09-06-14/1213:23> »
The wheel of time turns: Have a character older than 60 years old.
I'm not left handed: Win a fight with a weapon that you have no skill for.
Exterminator: Wipe out an entire bug spirit hive
That was too easy: Easily overpower the final enemy of a adventure
Rand Al' Thor: Become initiated 4 times
I am Black Star!!: Fail an assassination
Wanted in twelve systems: Become an internationally wanted man.


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  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 214
  • Memetic Warfare Agent
« Reply #6 on: <09-09-14/1915:44> »
* Cyberpunk's Not Dead - Play in a Pink Mohawk campaign.
* Get Your Ass To Mars - Play in a Mars campaign.
* Total Recall - Use a PAB unit on someone, or have one used on you.
* Stainless Steel Rat - Infiltrate and escape a facility with no casualties on either side. (Again, another test to see if someone here reads the same classics as I do.)
* Sasha - Fire Y200,000 worth of ammunition.
* You Shall Not Pass - Have a character stay behind to cover a retreat.
« Last Edit: <09-10-14/1006:32> by AndyNakamura »
"If you are expecting a rousing speech, or a cunning plan that will get us out of this, I will have to disappoint you. I don't have any. We either do this, or we die. And the world dies with us."
"I paid quite a lot to get all of you here. I expect you to give me my money's worth. Shogun out."


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« Reply #7 on: <09-10-14/0148:32> »
@ Andynakamura

Slippery Jim DeGriz was my favorite as a teenager: never mind that taking place in the 90's.