Monosword has AP -3 instead of AP -2, so it's actually just a less expensive, less accurate Katana. But Katana and Monosword are both +6 on the concealment table, so just pay the extra 100 nuyen for the +2 accuracy. There's no reason for the monosword to exist with those stats.
Another weird one are the Cougar Fineblades. The short is just a shittier Combat Knife, and the long is a shittier Sword. Short has the same Accuracy, Same Reach, Same Damage, 2 worse AP, worse Avail and 50 nuyen more expensive than the Combat Knife. Long has the same Accuracy, worse Reach, Same Damage, 1 worse AP, worse Avail and 100 nuyen more expensive than the Sword. Again, no reason for these weapons to exist. They're inherently inferior to other options and add nothing to the game.