[OOC] New Beginnings-Horizon

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« on: <04-16-14/1524:04> »
This is the OOC thread for the next New Beginnings game.  People in the game should include their updated character sheets, backgrounds, 20qs and whatever else they feel is relevant in their first post under spoiler tags.

You have all played with me and together so I don't need to do any other of the usual first post stuff.

Please, if you are not one of the following, DO NOT POST HERE.  Feel free to address any questions to me by PM.

Mercy Merchant

Link to Snow's Sheet  and 20 Questions Part 1 and Part 2
« Last Edit: <12-29-14/2213:06> by Crossbow »


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« Reply #1 on: <04-16-14/1538:39> »
Name (real):  Maria De la Vega
Name (fake SIN1, r4): Rachel O’Toole, UCAS citizen
Name (fake SIN2, r3): Samantha Delavine, Horizon citizen
Alias: Sammy
Race: Orc
Sex: Female
Nationality: PCC
middle, 5500¥/month (due to roommate) (3 months bought, 1 month passed)
Location: Everett, Seattle

She rents a 120 square metre, 3-bedroom top floor apartment in an old building on 172nd street SW, not far from the junction with 36th avenue W in Everett.  It was not in the best of neighbourhoods, but due to the proximity of the Alderwood mall (only 10 minutes on foot) there was some security, as KE patrolled the area around the mall to some extent.  She has also spent a bit more on good locks and a decent firewall for the home node.  Inside it was cozy with cheap but good furniture and some good AR paint.  She had magic for things like hairdressing and general body care, so she didn’t need to pay for that, which helped a lot.  Her brother has the second bedroom while she has put her magical lodge in the third bedroom.

Karma received: 8
Karma remaining: 0
money: 23530


EdgeMagic EssenceInitiative

Positive Qualities
-mage (15)
-national fame (10)

Negative Qualities
dependent (medium) (-10)
Asthma (-15)
SINner (Standard) (-5)
Reduced Hearing (-5)

Active Skills
assensing 3
etiquette (media +2) 1 (3)
blades (swords +2) 2 (4)
con (acting +2)2 (4)
disguise (cosmetic +2)1 (3)
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
Magic Trids 2
Magic Theory 2
Celebrity Gossip 3
gambling card games 2
Horizon media 2
gambling card games2
Seattle high society 1
Language Skills

Stunbolt (F/2)-1
fireball (F/2)+5
Heal DmgDV-2
Increase Reflexes (F/2)+2
Improved Invisibility (F/2)+1
Stealth (F/2)+1
Trid Phantasm (F/2)+3
Physical Mask (F/2)+1
Makeover (F/2)
initiation: 1 (centering)
(group, oath)

Hermes Ikon34
Novatech Navi43
Programs: analyse 6 (ergonomic, optimization 2), browse 4, edit 4, encrypt 4, purge 4, scan 4
Options: Optimization (exploit): +1 to actions using program

Sony Emperor32
Iris Orb33
Programs: analyse 4 (ergonomic, optimization 2), browse 2, edit 2, encrypt 2, purge 2, scan 2

Gear (109290¥)
armored vest (2x) 1200¥
Form-fitting half-body suit (nonconductivity 3, fire resistant 3) 1800¥
Zoé executive suit ensemble (long jacket) 1950¥
Zoé moonsilver evening gown + scarf + handbag 8500¥
docwagon basic 5000¥
survival knife 50¥
defiance EX shocker 150¥
Ares predator IV (personalised grip, gecko grip) 550¥
Katana (personalised grip, gecko grip) 1200¥
pistol ammo (90 rounds regular, 30 rounds stick-n-shock) 420¥
taser darts (20 rounds regular) 100¥
spare clips (5 pistol) 25¥
commlink accessories: AR gloves, nanopaste trodes (3), satlink, subvocal microphone, sim module 1200¥
Earbuds r3 (audio enhancement 2, select sound filter 1) 430¥
Goggles r5 (image link, flare compensation, smartlink, vision magnification, vision enhancement 2) 1125¥
tool kit (disguise) 500¥
white noise generator r4 200¥
fake SIN rating 4 + 3x fake licence rating 4 5200¥
fake SIN rating 3 + 3x fake licence rating 3 3900¥
magical lodge materials r6 3000¥
respirator rating 6 600¥
survival kit 100¥
medkit rating 6 + supplies (2) 700¥
flashlight 25¥
sustaining foci (illusion r3, health r2) 50000¥
asthma medication (2 months) 600¥
suit (security) 50¥
fake SIN rating 4 + 3x fake licence rating 4 5200¥
fake SIN rating 5 + 3x fake licence rating 5 6500¥

James Dermott (Talistmonger)4/3
Melissa Firebird (trid mage)3/4
Jenny Starflinger (ex-agent)5/3
Jesus (elven rigger)3/3
Liam (media junkie)1/2
Matthew (Ork mechanic)1/3

James Dermott: A 45-year old talismonger living near Lake Serene in Everett, he is a friend of Sammy’s old teacher back in LA.  He has a small shop and while he makes some things himself, he buys quite a lot from corporations.  He knows a lot about magic in all of its forms and he also knows quite a lot of people in the magical scene of Everett and beyond (like in some corporations and academia) and occasionally he gets mages in contact with fixers.

Melissa Firebird: A 21 year old human female, she’s currently at UCLA (currently in her final year of a Bachelor of Magic), while working as a mage off screen in the week-ends and holidays.  Her father is VP in a movie studio (a subsidiary of Horizon).  She and Sammy were good friends during high school in LA and they still keep regular contact.  She knows a lot about the trid and glitterati scene and has contact with trid crews and some of the stars (and of course daddy the VP).

Jenny Starflinger: 45 year old human female, she was Sammy’s agent back in LA.  She is well known in LA and works with quite a number of trid stars.  She knows just about anybody who is someone in the trid bizz in LA and beyond, as well as a number of senior executives from Horizon.  Has good Pito rating.  She still tries to get her to come back to the trid from time to time.

Jesus: elven rigger who brought the group back to Seattle with his modified UH-1 ghost.  Tricked Sammy into going to dinner with him at the needle.

Liam: leader of a local theater group, he hid the group while they were getting back to Seattle.  He was a big fan of Sammy who introduced him to Jenny, her ex-agent.

Matthew: Ork mechanic who helped the group get into contact with people who got them back to Seattle.  He came with them and is currently looking for work in the big city.

Physical Description: A good looking woman, she normally has long hair done up in current fashions.  On runs normally in a simple pony tail.  On runs, she often wears loose fitting clothes, a hat, goggles and a respirator to hide herself (together with a spell and some mundane disguise equipment).
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: brown
Length: 1m69
Weight: 80 kg
Age: 22

Maria was born in East Los Angeles, as daughter of two poor factory workers.  While it wasn’t El Fierno and they managed to get by, live in East LA was far removed from the glamour and glitter of Hollywood.  Live started to get interesting when she was 13.  She was on the bus when she witnessed a stabbing incident.  As there were PCC cops close by, the attacker ran away quickly, but not after stabbing his victim in the chest.  She had just had some CPR classes at school, she went over the see if she could help.  As she tried to stop the blood coming out of the man’s chest, suddenly the wound closed.

It didn’t take long for the arriving medics to figure out what had happened and when they had calmed the young girl down, the police brought her home.  Her parents were worried at first when they saw her arriving with the police, but they were quickly reassured.  As mages were something every company needed, they quickly saw that this would be the way for their daughter out of the slums.  As it was determined after testing that she followed a hermetic tradition, so she was put in a special program at school.

She didn’t find a corporate job, but she did find something else, and that was the trid industry.  When she was 15, Melissa Firebird, a mage friend of hers from school brought her in contact with her father who worked for a subsidiary of horizon.  At first she only worked there during breaks and week-ends and off-screen, mostly turning people invisible and also healing stunt people when something went wrong.  It was a life she really liked and when she was 16, she got her first chance.  A mage had fallen ill and they quickly needed a double.  As she had about the same physical built, she was asked to stand in.  She did so, although under a fake name and this was the start of a career that would last for 5 years.  She liked acting and at the end of the year she even got a small role in one of the episodes of Neill the Orc Barbarian.

When in 2069 the earthquakes shook LA, she was out of town to film on location in the PCC.  It was a trying time as they couldn’t go back and they didn’t know anything about family left in LA.  When they finally were allowed to go back, it took Maria quite some time to find out what had become of her family.  Of the seven people (herself included) only two others survived, one brother and one sister.  She took them with her and tried to get more acting jobs to make ends meet.

In 2070 she got pneumonia from shooting the movie Crash 2.0, ACHE (luckily for her shooting had just finished).  While she recovered, her bronchia have gotten some damage, resulting in periodic asthma attacks.  She keeps it under control with medication and with wearing a respirator, but it still made it difficult at times, especially when filming in desert regions or places with high pollution.

She became known for researching quite a lot for the movies she acted in, even going so far as to learn to fight with a sword and things like that.  While she still liked to do some work off-screen, she got her chance in a big production when she was 19.  It was a classic fantasy movie with magic and swordfights and even a dragon, and she managed to do very well.  She was even nominated for an Oscar for best actress and even though she didn’t win, it was an amazing time for her as Horizon CEO Gary Cline made an appearance at the ceremony.

The next movie she was going to star in was set in Alaska.  While they didn’t go there, they did go to the Saskatoon in the Algonkian-Manitou council.  While filming she stood too close to an explosion and she had to go to hospital as she couldn’t hear anything and she had vertigo.  There they did tests and found she had a punctured eardrum and some inner ear damage as well.  The eardrum closed up, but she had a permanent reduction of her hearing.  While she could get cyber ears to solve the issue, she decided not to as it would interfere with her magic.

A second blow came a couple of weeks later when she got the news that her sister had gone missing.  She went back to LA to search but she couldn’t find her.  She was about to give up when she heard from James Dermott, a Seattleite talismonger and friend of her old magic teacher, that her sister had been spotted in Seattle.  Immediately she moved there, but by the time she arrived she had been found dead.  She decided not to go back to LA and stay in Seattle to think things over, having her brother come over as well and subscribing him in a local school.  She lived on the money she had for now, but after a while she had to search for work again.  James brought her in contact with a Fixer, told her couple of things she would need and so started her career in the shadows.

2068 Zombies of the deep - Nathalia (action/horror)
2068 Neil the Orc barbarian - Viera Santos (action, episode 10, season 17)
2069 Up the well - Sandra Turner (action/SF)
2069 Awaking - Laura Jasqui (action/comedy)
2069 Kung fu mage - Lisa Galletly (action)
2070 Crash 2.0, ACHE - captain Sylvia D'Angelo (action/reality)
2070 Crash 2.0, ACHE - captain Sylvia D'Angelo (trid game, voice)
2070 Karl combatmage - Sue White (episode 6+7, season 14) (action)
2071 Sadness, cubed - Laila (episode 2+3, season 3) (Dark comedy) (attitute p65)
2071 Dragons in the mist, Sevelda (action/fantasy) (Oscar nomination best actress)
2071 Dragons in the mist, Sevelda (trid game, voice)
plus some Horizon (and Horizon subsidiary) commercials

Marcus De la Vega: 14 year old Ork male.  He was at school when the earthquakes of 2069 hit LA and managed to get onto the roof of the school together with 20 others.  They were rescued after two days by PCC helicopters, but in that time only half of them were still alive.  Although he thought himself hard (and he was to survive in the neighbourhood they grew up in), he was still traumatised by these events.  When three weeks later he was finally re-united with his sisters Maria and Debby, he was tired from lack of sleep due to nightmares.  Maria managed to get him some counselling that did help him of most of his fears.

In 2071 his sister Debby went missing when he was back at school (and a better school than before, thanks to Maria’s sponsoring).  Maria was up North, but as soon as she heard, she came back to start a search.  When Maria relocated to Seattle, Marcus had to go with her (she was his guardian as she was the only family he had left).  He didn’t really like it, as he was used to sunny LA and Seattle was cold and rainy.  Also his new school, which Maria insisted he went to (she had managed to get a partial scholarship).  He didn’t understand why they couldn’t stay in LA, but his sister didn’t want any of it.  He did make a couple of new friends.  So while he wants to go back to LA, he still feels gratitude towards his big sister, who has taken him in and provided for him.  She’s also the only family he still has left and family counts for a lot. 

He tries his best at school, although he does struggle with some courses due to missed time during the earthquakes.  For the rest he is just as rebellious as any teenager.
« Last Edit: <09-06-15/1559:09> by farothel »
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #2 on: <04-16-14/1901:32> »
Name: Clementine Mitsui
Alias: Clem
Race: Ork
Sex: Female
Nationality: UCAS
Money: ¥35,295
Lifestyle: ¥ 2,000 (1 month paid) Comforts 2, Entertainment 2, Necessities 2, Neighbourhood 2, Security 2, Network Bottleneck, Worse Neighbours (Bunraku Parlour), Green Plan, Escape Tunnel
Karma: 8 (0 spent)
Physical Description: Stands at 6’1” tall, weighs around 105 Kg, usually wears her shoulder length wavy brown hair up in a bun. She looks quite fit for her build and has a relatively small chest. On her left thigh is an 8cm X 6cm traditional-looking tattoo of a crane, the symbol of the Takeda-gumi. It’s high enough so it doesn’t show unless she wears a miniskirt, which is quite rare.
Personality/background Clementine was born in Seattle and grew up in a rough neighbourhood. She quickly dropped out of school and got friendly with local members of the Takeda-gumi, one of which was a former classmate. She started working for the syndicate before she had realized it. Nothing too fancy at first: providing a safe house for members to cool down after hits, bad deals, etc.
After a few years, Clementine got assigned to escort protection, mostly from violent Johns. On one occasion though, a rival enforcer slipped through "surveillance" and was roughing up one of the best earners when Clementine stepped in and handled the enforcer with style. She proved so efficient that the gang boss was impressed enough to send her out to get outfitted/trained for a higher purpose. Upon coming back from her training, Clementine came right in the middle of a turf war against the Kanaga-gumi. She fought as hard as she could, but ultimately the syndicate lost the war, with the boss getting killed.
What nobody else knows is that the death of her boss was a direct consequence of Clementine failing her duties. She was supposed to guard the boss' condo, but was led astray chasing a suspicious shadow in the neighbourhood. While the other guards were left at the house, she took it upon herself to pursue the stalker, but ultimately didn't catch him/her. She came back to a blown up condo, with everything blown to smithereens. The boss' body was never actually found, but with bits of body parts everywhere, who would doubt his death?
Released from her syndicate, she started wandering the streets, a lost ronin in Seattle selling her skills to the highest bidder, with a grudge towards the syndicate responsible for her career change.
55 (7)5 (7)3
3N/A4.29 (11)

Positive Qualities
High Pain Tolerance
Negative Qualities
Big Regret (Boss’ Death)
Incompetent (Hacking)
Prejudiced (Outspoken about the Shotozumi-gumi)
Spirit Bane (Spirit of Beasts)
Active Skills
Close Combat Skill Group4
Firearms Skill Group4
Athletics Skill Group2
Heavy Weapons2
Perception3 (5)(+2 Audio, +3 Visual)
Pilot Ground Craft1
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 4 free points)
Yakuza Underworld4
Security Design4
Law-Enforcement Procedures4
Japanese Literature3
Language Skills

Muscle Toner (2)0.416,000¥+2 to Agility
Synaptic Booster (2)1.0160,000¥+2 to both Reaction and IP
Reception Enhancer (2)0.440,000¥+2 to Perception

Katana (Personalized grip) 1,100
Ruger Super Warhawk 250
AZ-150 Stun Baton800
Colt Cobra TZ-110 (Personalized Grip, Sound Suppressor) 1,200
Colt Government 2066 (Personalized Grip, Silencer) 1,000
Vashon Island Steampunk Overcoat 1,000
Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit1,600
Stick-n-Shock ammo X125 (half caseless)1,000
Regular ammo X200 (half caseless)400
Spare Clips X1050
Flash-Bang Grenades X10300
Commlink (Fairlight Caliban, Novatech Navi, Hardening 6) 9,600
Fake SIN (4)(Fumiko Eckhart, UCAS)4,000\
Contact Lenses (3)(Flare Compensation, Image Link, Vision Enhancement 3)525\
Earbuds (2)(Audio Enhancement 3, Spatial Recognizer)420\
Metal Restraints (Mechanical with key)20
Plasteel Restraints X10500
Subvocal Microphone50
Vashon Island Steampunk Corset600
Vashon Island Steampunk Slacks400
Vashon Island Steampunk Blouse250
Commlink (Meta Link)100

Suzuki Mirage

Hiroshi HasegawaFormer Takeda-gumi member turned arms dealer3/3
Louis FreemanKnight Errand Detective3/2
Mathew BrownMinor Politician4/1
Unnamed armorerMarker for weapon purchase3/1
« Last Edit: <09-06-15/0753:39> by HydroRaven »
Self thought


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« Reply #3 on: <04-17-14/1543:51> »
Street Name:Sam Torley
Lifestyle:¥10,000 (2 months paid)
Karma:8 (0 spent)
Physical Description:While very engaging in direct communication, he is nonetheless extremely average, and his exact appearance easily forgotten. Nothing about him stands out--unless he's talking to you.
Personality/background:It's amazing how easy life can be when everyone wants to help you out. Because of his innate charisma and his adept powers, almost everyone he meets ends up agreeing with him and doing what he asks them to. His parents doted on him, perhaps a bit more than is typical in a loving family; certainly, he tended to get whatever he asked for, even though the family's finances couldn't keep up with his requests. Eventually, he decided that his parents simply didn't make enough, and that he could get what he needed directly; he moved out and never looked back. Relying on the kindness of strangers worked surprisingly well, and he became adept at moving in and out of social circles. Naturally, this constant generosity became somewhat boring, so he decided to start Running to bring some excitement into his life. Sam recently joined the Club, a secretive magic group, after being convinced that he has some magical abilities.

33 (5)22

Positive Qualities
Astral Chameleon
Negative Qualities
Combat Paralysis
Gremlins (Rating 2)
Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker)

Active Skills
Influence Skill Group4
Stealth Skill Group3
Perception5 (Visual)10 (12)
Pilot Ground Craft13
Unarmed Combat16
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 4 free points)
Bars and Clubs49
Language Skills

Adept Powers
Commanding Voice0.25
Improved Ability (Non-Combat) (Leadership)20.50
Improved Ability (Non-Combat) (Negotiation)20.50
Improved Physical Attribute (AGI)21.50
Voice Control0.50

Fichetti Tiffani Self-Defender¥350
Remington Roomsweeper¥0*
Telescopic Staff (Personalized Grip)¥200
Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit¥900
Mortimer of London: Berwick Dinner Jacket (Ensemble)¥3,100
Vashon Island: Synergist Short Jacket (Ensemble)¥1,200
Armor Vest¥600
Security Outfit x2¥100
Commlink (Novatech Airware, Mangadyne Deva, Suite: Basic User, Subvocal Microphone)¥2,400
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Holdouts) x46¥92
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Heavy Pistols) x15¥0*
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Heavy Pistols, shot) x50¥115
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Heavy Pistols, slug) x50¥115
Contact Lenses Rating 1 (Thermographic)¥150
DocWagon Contract: Basic¥5,000
Earbuds Rating 1 (Audio Enhancement Rating 3)¥310
Fake License (Fichetti Tiffani Self-Defender) Rating 4¥400
Fake License (Remington Roomsweeper) Rating 4¥460
Fake SIN (Samuel Torley (UCAS)) Rating 4¥4,000
Scent-masking Cigarette x5¥50
Spare Clip (Fichetti Tiffani Self-Defender) x3¥15
Spare Clip (Remington Roomsweeper) x3¥17
* Acquired during course of New Beginnings.

Ford Spiral 115Ti (Low-Cost Sports Car) (High Amenities)

Domingo CortezDomingo "Dom" Cortez is a decendent of a Mexican drug runner who got fed up with his job and just kept heading north. Dom runs a slightly upscale club, the Cabana, in downtown. For the most part, his business is legitimate, though there are some "extra services" available (drugs, prostitutes, and making introductions, primarily) for those who know to ask for them. Dom also keeps his ears open.3/2
Dr. Marcia HalfmoonDoctor Halfmoon is an Amerind who runs a street clinic a few blocks away from downtown. She has a soft spot for orphans, and believes Sam to be one since he doesn't like to talk about his family.1/2
Josef HuxleySam's closest thing to an actual friend, Josef "Jo" Huxley is a well-connected socialite. Since his wealth is inherited, Jo doesn't have a day job; he tends to rest during the day so he can spend the evenings and nights partying. If someone has a lot of money, power, or both, chances are pretty good that Josef knows them.4/3
Lt. Paul HarrisLt. Harris has had a fairly lengthy career in law enforcement, most recently with Knight Errant. He's a solid cop who does his job well, though he lives more comfortably than his KE income would suggest possible--if the price is right and the risk of being caught minimal, he's not opposed to selling information. He taught Sam some basic self defense after chatting over martinis at a party.4/2
Sarah BarefootSarah Barefoot is an Amerind shaman that Sam met during a Run. She's fairly young and attractive, and the two of them have remained in touch. Although Sam has taken her to dinner once or twice, neither is actually interested in dating the other.2/2
Two-FingersTwo-Fingers, as he's known on the streets, is a former Yakuza who managed to get out mostly intact (other than those seven fingers and one thumb, he's fine). Sam doesn't know his real name, just that he has a knack for getting pretty much anything you ask for--drugs, weapons, information, you name it.3/1
LyraSam's primary contact for The Club.?/?
« Last Edit: <12-17-14/1152:58> by Thvor »
Colors: Speech Thoughts Matrix Astral

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« Reply #4 on: <04-17-14/1643:25> »
Name: Patrick O'Connor
Alias: Bullet Storm
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: U.C.A.S.

Lifestyle: Low - One Month Paid
Karma: 9 (3 remaining)
Nuyen: 38,834¥

Street Cred: 1
Notoriety: 6
Public Awareness: 2

Physical Description: Eyes: Brown    Hair: Brown (buzzcut) Weight: 81.65 kg / 180 lbs. Height: 1.83 m / 6’0”


455 [8]3
3568 [11]

Positive Qualities
Aptitude (Dodge)
Negative Qualities
Addiction (Mild, Zen)
SINner (Criminal)
Bad Rep
Enemy (Street Gang - Azure Fists)
Vendetta (Street Gang - Azure Fists)

Active Skills
Firearms Group4
Close Combat Group3
Athletics Group2
Dodge(Ranged +2)7
Perception (Visual +2)3
Armorer (Firearms +2)1
Intimidation (Physical +2)1
Knowledge Skills
Redmond Barrens Area4
Redmond Barrens Street Gang Turfs4
Firearm History3
Firearm Design (Automatics +2)3
Action Movies3
Language Skills

Adept Powers
Improved Ability (Dodge)1Rank: 2
Improved Reflexes4Rank: 3

Low (Pine SIN) - 1 month
Cavalier Scout x2
w/ Personalized Grip
w/ Skinlink
w/ Smartgun System
Fichetti Security 600 x2
(w/ Laser Sight)
w/ Barrel Extension
w/ Custom Look Level 2
w/ Melee Hardening
w/ Personalized Grip
w/ Skinlink
w/ Smartgun System
- Spare Clips x2
Ares Crusader x2
(w/ Extended Clip)
(w/ Gas-Vent 2 System)
w/ Fire Select Change (FA)
w/ Underbarrel Weight
w/ Personalized Grip
w/ Skinlink
w/ Smartgun System
- Spare Clips x2
Colt M23
w/ Sling
w/ Foregrip
w/ Gas-Vent 3 System
w/ Personalized Grip
w/ Skinlink
w/ Smartgun System
- Imaging Scope (Magnification)
-Space Clips x2
Ruger 100
Ruger Super Warhawk
Explosive Rounds (Holdouts) x70
Explosive Rounds (Light Pistols) x294
Explosive Rounds (Machine Pistols) x382
Explosive Rounds (Assault Rifles) x353
Stick-n-Shock Rounds (Light Pistols) x30
Regular Rounds (Light Pistols) x8
Regular Rounds (Sports Rifles) x8
Regular Rounds (Heavy Pistols) x4
Survival Knife
Concealable Holster x2
Hidden Gun arm Slide x2
Quick-Draw Holster x2
Armor Jacket (festooned with chains and spikes)
-Fire Resistance R6
-Insulation R6
Armor Jacket (double breasted, oversized lapels)
Armor Vest
Identification and Licenses
Fake SIN (Mitchell Danvers) R4
Fake License (Driver's) R4
Fake License (Bodyguard) R4
Fake License (Conceal Carry) R4
Fake License (Cavalier Scout) R4 x2
Fake License (FS 600) R4 x2
Fake License (Ares Crusader) R4 x2
Fake License (Colt M23) R4
Fake SIN (Daniel Pine) R4
Fake License (Driver's) R4
Hermes Ikon
Iris Orb
-Sim Module
Commlink Accessories
AR Gloves
Basic+ Suite
(Analyze R3, Browse R3, Command R1, Edit R3)
Encrypt R3
Visual Sensors
Contact Lenses R3
-Flare Compensation
-Image Link
Tag Eraser
Firearm Repair Kit
Survival Kit
Medkit R6
Stimulant Patch R3 x2
Zen x6
Clothing (Off-the-Rack Suit)

Honda Spirit

Darrel "Tinkerer" Hillbourne (Weaponsmith)3/5
Enrique Ortega (Drug Dealer)2/1
SSG Jeffery Ulrich (Arms Dealer)4/1

Weaponsmith C: 3 L: 5
Darrel “Tinkerer” Hillbourne, Dwarf Male, 20, has always had a love of guns and a passion for taking them apart and making them better. Had he been born with a SIN, Hillbourne could’ve become a premier weaponsmith for an corporation. Having been born SINless in the Barrens, however, Hillbourne has to eke out a living by arming the gangs and other criminal elements in Redmond. Hillbourne and O’Connor have been close friends since childhood, and their six year separation did little to diminish their bond.
Drug Dealer C: 2 L: 1
Enrique Ortega, Orc Male, 20, is a two bit drug dealer that deals mainly in Zen. O’Connor, from time to time, needs to get away from his shitty life, and when he does he calls Ortega for a few hits of Zen. Ortega is as one dimensional as they come. Every single stereotype there is of drug dealers has been distilled to their purest form in Ortega. He’s as sleazy and shifty as the most caricatured media character.

Arms Dealer C: 4 L: 1
O'Connor was given an introduction to Staff Sergeant Ulrich as part of his payment for one hell of a run.

Background: Patrick O’Connor was born, June 10th, in the slums of Redmond to Relena O'Connor a prostitute and junkie. His mother did little to care for him, and he was lucky if her pimp didn't beat him up for “looking at him funny.” The only escape he had from his shitty existence where his beloved action movie, especially the trideo remakes of John Woo films. He always dreams of the day he’d be that badass and wouldn’t have to take shit, or beatings, from anyone ever again. Perhaps because of his home life, O’Connor came into his Talent as a physical adept at an early age, and spent his childhood honing his body to be agile and his reflexes to be quick so as to avoid injury. He didn’t realize that he was an adept for a long while, he’d always attributed his Talent to simply being a badass. Along the way he picked up his combat skills by sheer virtue of surviving the Barrens.
               At the age of twelve O’Connor ran away from home and fell in with a local gang, The Azure Fists. The AF is a moderate sized gang, but packed quite the punch from boasting an unusual number of physical adepts in their ranks. During the first preliminary trial of his gang initiation, O’Connor was tasked with playing look out while the gang lifted merchandise from a warehouse. It turned out that the gang’s hacker wasn’t nearly as good as he thought and a silent alarm was tripped. Lone Star was at the scene in minutes. In the scramble to escape one of the gang members tripped O’Connor and left him as a diversion while the rest of the gang got away.
               Being SINless, O’Connor wasn’t even given a trail. He was thrown to the mercies of the prison system, spending four in what passed for juvie and two in penitentiary. He spent the next six years plotting his revenge on the gang that had betrayed him. At age eighteen, O’Connor was spit up by the prison system right back into the Redmond Barrens. O’Connor hit up his childhood friend, Darrel Hillbourne, as kids they’d both been fascinated by firearms. As an adept, O’Connor had focused his gift on augmenting his combat prowess. As a mundane, Hillbourne focused his talents on building and modifying firearms. Hillbourne set O’Connor up with a gun and found him some work using that gun. After about a year of doing freelance odd jobs for the local powers, O’Connor had enough money to get some serious hardware and decided to start settling his old score with the Azure Fists.
               He hit one of their hangouts and hit it hard. When he was done, there was about a dozen bodies and a flaming building. In an uncanny bit of coincidence, that same night another party hit several of the gang’s upper echelon, taking out their targets along with their families and friends. O’Connor hadn’t been quiet about his attack on the gang, and most, including the Azure Fists, believe he was also responsible for the brutal targeted killings as well. The unknown party was content to let O’Connor take the heat for their actions, and O’Connor didn’t really mind it himself. If the gang was going to be coming to him, then it would save O’Connor the trouble of going to them. Now that his personal war was on, O’Connor became a shadowrunner to finance it.

Personality: O’Connor has two main sides; cocky and sullen. His ability to practically Matrix-dodge bullets while laying down withering hails of return fire has made O’Connor arrogant in the extreme. He views all other gunslingers as his inferiors and isn’t afraid to tell or show them that. When he isn’t bragging about his abilities, O’Connor continually replays his betrayal and imprisonment in his mind, while plotting the next step of his vengeance against the Azure Fists.
« Last Edit: <07-31-15/0046:40> by Necrogigas »
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~



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« Reply #5 on: <04-29-14/0759:35> »
Extremely sorry for the delay.

Name: Fionn MacDarrach
Alias: Gordon O'Connor [Should note, selected this name for Fionn's fake SIN before the game started; I'm amused by the coincidence]
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Nationality: Tír na nÓg
Lifestyle: Low
Karma Spent: 8



Positive Qualities
Negative Qualities
In Debt (5000)
Lost Loved One
Pacifist (Minor)
Sensitive System
SINner (Standard)

Active Skills
Cracking Skill Group4
Electronics Skill Group1
Longarms (Shotguns +2)1
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
Magical Theory3
Matrix Phenomena (Emerged +2)5
Matrix Security3
Mythology (Celtic +2)5
Tír na nÓg2
Language Skills
Gaelic (Irish +2)3
Sperethiel (Irish +2)2

Spells/Complex Forms/Programs
Complex FormRating

Gear (XXXXX¥)
Lined Coat700 ¥
Securetech Arm Casings175 ¥
Securetech Forearm Guards200 ¥
Franchi SPAS-22 w/ Underbarrel Weight, Sling1285 ¥
20 Shotgun Ammo: Stick-n-Shock160 ¥
Meta Link w/ Vector Xim300 ¥
Fake SIN R3 (Gordon O'Connor)3000 ¥
Fake License R1 (Ammo)100 ¥
Fake License R2 (Shotgun)200 ¥
Glasses R3 w/ Flare Comp, Vision Enhancement R3, Vision Magnification525 ¥
Wireless Adapter150 ¥
Fiberoptic Cable5 ¥
Nanomemory*2400 ¥

Jimmy Abramovich1/3

Physical Description
   Fionn stands about 1.9 metres tall (~6’3”), with the sort of slender build that is typical to elves.  Not particularly surprisingly for a native of the land once known as Ireland, his hair is red and his skin pale – and he’s even got the green eyes to go with it.  He has no cyberware, nor does he have any tattoos or similar markings; and his hair is kept a bit past shoulder length to allow him to cover his ears should he need to (back home, it was more a matter of warmth, but he’s finding it helpful in some areas of Seattle now, too).  Physically, he’s fairly unremarkable – though a little gaunt due to missed meals while in the ‘trix and now due to just not having enough to eat.   Normally he speaks with a Dublin accent, as that is where he was born and raised, but can slip into other accents if he needs to. 

   He tends to keep a warm longcoat on hand (being used to a northern coastal climate), and brought some decent enough formal clothes with him in addition to the more casual everyday stuff he had.  Most of the time, he’s just wearing whatever’s the most comfortable – usually just pants and a t-shirt.  He’s usually got a decent hat on, too – not a ball cap, trucker hat, or similar, but the sort he can get away with in less casual circumstances too (fedoras, flat caps, that sort of thing).  For colder days, he keeps a pair of black synthleather gloves in his coat pocket.

   On a behavioural note, he tends to be distracted from meatspace much of the time, and when speaking of anything relating to Resonance or the Emerged he can be very cryptic and frames it in terms of his particular brand of technoshamanism.  Further, he will avoid killing wherever it is possible, and rapidly becomes reticent about working with those who would kill without cause – he’d walk away from almost any job that demanded killing, unless there was something truly important about it and no other way to achieve the goal; wetwork is completely out of the question in his mind.  Fortunately, Agrona knows this about him so it hasn’t caused him much of a problem yet.  When he’s approaching a job, he looks for ways to get in and out without a fight so that people don’t have to get hurt – which tends to mean his work is done with a certain base level of discretion.

   He’s got himself holed up in the crappy apartment Maeve had been living in which he arranged (in addition with the acquisition of certain supplies) through Agrona.  Much of his downtime is spent interacting with the Matrix, and especially with sprites.  He’s still in contact with the professor that brought him into the resonance network, and is notionally still a member, but his leave of absence from the University means that this is mostly just looking for one another’s perspectives on new information or papers – that, and he’s still submitting the odd bit of work to the said professor and the network itself.  As a follower of a Paragon he calls Lugh (mechanically the 01 Paragon, just reframed into a Celtic context to fit the character), he takes seriously the protection of any in his care, and is demoralized should he fail in such an action.  He views Dissonant technomancers and other Dissonant entities as “the Enemy”, though he’s never yet had direct contact with any such beings.  He remains somewhat academically minded, and will tend to share any data he finds relevant with the network.

   Fionn MacDarrach never meant to fall into the shadows.

   Native to Tír na nÓg, Fionn and his twin sister, Maeve, grew up as otaku in a country with little opportunity for shadowrunners and thus little opportunity to hone their talents.  Fionn, for his part, kept mostly to himself in the Matrix, looking for the Deep Resonance he’d heard rumours of.  Maeve, on the other hand, was the black sheep of the family; she used her gifts mischievously, defacing public nodes or other, similar activity with no direct goal in mind.  Inevitably, she fell in with a pretty bad crowd that got her to use her gifts for the benefits of their own misdeeds, causing a lot of strife between her and Fionn – he found himself having to intercede when she got herself into trouble, inserting himself into risky situations he’d much rather have stayed out of or having to hurt others through cybercombat; he didn’t like it but he couldn’t leave her hung out to dry.  After the second Crash, Maeve tried to turn her life around; she and Fionn had ideas about working in the government and being able to influence Matrix policy – especially following the Emergence, which left both of them with new technomantic abilities.  Somehow, though, Maeve’s old gang found out about her new abilities and decided that they could use her to deal a blow to some rivals.  She wanted no part of it, but they tried to blackmail her into it with the threat of forwarding the evidence of some of what she and Fionn had done before the Crash to the authorities, at best ruining their chances of ever getting into the government; the worst didn’t bear thinking about.  Rather than tell Fionn and expose him to more risk, she decided to handle the problem herself by destroying the evidence.  It worked, but she didn’t get away clean - she set off an alarm when destroying the last bit of data; they knew who was responsible.

   Maeve had to get away or else she’d face the gang’s retribution; finally she explained what was going on to Fionn so he’d help her get away.  He’d had some money saved up from working part-time as a security consultant for a bunch of shops and such that either didn’t rate a full time spider or needed to shore up their automatic systems.  Fionn knew someone from back when Maeve still ran with the gang that used to warn him when trouble was starting up for her; this contact had gone on to become a fairly connected fixer.  He just happened to have a smuggler looking for Matrix support for a team protecting a shipment to Seattle (Fionn never did find out what the shipment was), so Fionn, with the help of a small financial incentive, was able to arrange for Maeve to be able to take that job and get out of the country.  As part of her payment for the job, Maeve was to be setup with a local fixer to get her setup in the new city.  She never told Fionn much about the work she was doing, but they kept in touch pretty much constantly – the Matrix was so much a home for them that it didn’t really seem like they were so far apart.  And that’s just how it was for a couple of years.

   After he graduated, Fionn was accepted to the University of Galway (and rapidly became very happy he spoke Gaelic) and began a broad course of study ranging from courses on the new Matrix across to Celtic mythology, and further still to the Awakening and everything that came out of it.  He’d long held a sort of spiritual view of the Resonance (though he’d never before heard about Dissonance), but he’d never really been able to delve into the subject with anyone – Maeve, the only other technomancer he’d been aware of, saw the Matrix as more of a web of connections; she saw herself as moving along the strands forming that web.  One of his professors, however, took note; one night while he was attempting to register a sprite a living persona he hadn’t seen before appeared in the node.  He identified himself as Fionn’s Introduction to Post-Crash Phenomena professor and invited him to a meeting in a hidden and secured node the following night; when Fionn asked how he accessed it he was informed that this was the first test.   Enlisting the aid of sprites he knew as Ecne and Flidais, he was able to gain access and join the local resonance network – finally giving him a chance to explore his ideas on the Resonance.  It was here that he first heard about Dissonance, and was introduced to the idea of submersion. 

He studied there for a few years, but near the end of the fall term his third he lost all contact with Maeve – he figured maybe she was just going radio silent for a bit.   Then his parents called and asked if he’d heard anything from her in the past couple of weeks, but Fionn reassured them that they didn’t need to be worried and that she was probably just busy or something – it’s not like that would have been unlike her.  Then a friend of hers from Seattle, Jimmy, contacted him asking if she’d gone home or something.  Now Fionn started to get worried.  He scoured the Matrix with the aid of Flidais, but turned up no sign; this could be because she didn’t want to be found, but he knew it could be something worse.  So he applied for a leave of absence from the University and left for Seattle to try to find her.  Once he got to the city, his first stop was to investigate her apartment; it didn’t look like there’d been any sort of struggle there, and in fact it was nearly pristine.  All he really found was tag broadcasting an ARO reading “Agrona Meet @ 3”.  After a little investigation into the name (Jimmy apparently didn’t recognize it), it appeared to be the name of a low-level fixer; once Fionn tracked her down and convinced her of who he was she explained that she was the fixer Maeve had been put in touch with – and that Maeve’s crew hadn’t shown up for a 3:00 meeting about a job a few weeks back. She’d done some investigation of her own, but hadn’t gotten much of a lead.  The crew seemed to just vanish.  However, she was willing to help him out, if he’d take care of a couple of jobs for her…

That was just weeks ago.  Now he needs to pay his bills, find some sort of lead on what happened to Maeve, and keep himself alive to do it – and he can only hope he can figure out how to survive the shadows in time.
« Last Edit: <04-29-14/0802:23> by RHat »
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« Reply #6 on: <04-30-14/2324:19> »


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« Reply #7 on: <05-01-14/0634:09> »
5 is always a good number :)
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« Reply #8 on: <05-02-14/0557:05> »
forgot to do my knowledge skills to see if I know something about him myself.  I think there are two that might be applicable (or even both), namely Horizon media and celebrity gossip.
logic 4 + horizon media 2 =6 (6d6.hits(5)=1)
intuition 3 + celebrity gossip 3 =6 (6d6.hits(5)=5)

I'll probably know more about the gossip part of Mr. Slade's than about his carreer
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #9 on: <05-05-14/1322:42> »
Sorry, fell off the world for a bit there.


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« Reply #10 on: <05-05-14/1831:37> »
Okay, so unless there is something major that needs to be covered, let me get posts showing when an how you arrive at the pier.


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« Reply #11 on: <05-10-14/1251:45> »
Thvor go ahead and give me a negotiations roll, and assume when there is money involved I will want one right away for here on.  You will most likely max out, but who knows glitches happen.


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« Reply #12 on: <05-10-14/1422:01> »
Quote from: Negotiations Roll
15d6.hits(5) = 4

Right, should have thought to do that this morning. That's what I get for playing so early. :) Four hits isn't that great, I'm afraid, but no glitches.

BTW, I'm buying a house on Thursday, so I may not be on much from Wed. evening through Saturday.
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« Reply #13 on: <05-11-14/0157:26> »
Congratulations on the house!
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« Reply #14 on: <05-11-14/0227:41> »
Congrats Thvor.
"Speech" *Thought* <Matrix> ~Astral~


