Drowning in Shadows [OOC]

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« Reply #60 on: <01-26-12/0628:01> »
You can have each other, since *spoiler* you are going to be teammates :). Connection is the number of contact the other character has (with at least their own connection at 2) and loyalty is 3.

Netz! I'm reading and I've read, just everyone keeps changing and adding so I'm a little confused here at work. When I go home, I'll get everything in order and post if it's OK or something is missing :)
« Last Edit: <01-26-12/0629:40> by AalithHUN »


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« Reply #61 on: <01-26-12/1306:35> »
Okay, Netz, looks like you are the first approved. I'm posting this character as an example, so everyone will know what I roughly expect:

Street Name: Mike "Gentleman John" Aisle
Name: Mike Aisle
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 5
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Ork Male Age 22
Height 1,95m Weight 130kg
Composure: 8
Judge Intentions: 8
Lift/Carry: 11 (75 kg/50 kg)
Memory: 6
Nuyen: 0

== Attributes ==
BOD: 6
AGI: 5 (7)
REA: 4 (8)
STR: 3 (5)
CHA: 4
INT: 4
LOG: 2
WIL: 4
EDG: 4

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   2,1
Initiative:                8 (12)
IP:                        1 (3)
Matrix Initiative:         7
Matrix IP:                 1
Physical Damage Track:     11
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Active Skills ==
Climbing                   : 2                      Pool: 7
Con                        : 4                      Pool: 11
Disguise                   : 4                      Pool: 8
Etiquette                  : 4                      Pool: 11
Flight                     : 2                      Pool: 7
Gymnastics                 : 2                      Pool: 9
Infiltration               : 4                      Pool: 11
Intimidation               : 1                      Pool: 8
Leadership                 : 4                      Pool: 11
Negotiation                : 4                      Pool: 11
Palming                    : 4                      Pool: 11
Pistols                    : 6                      Pool: 15
Running                    : 2                      Pool: 7
Shadowing                  : 4                      Pool: 8
Swimming                   : 2                      Pool: 7
Unarmed Combat             : 2                      Pool: 9

== Knowledge Skills ==
Blues                      : 3                      Pool: 7
Corporate Politics         : 2                      Pool: 6
English                    : N                      Pool: 0
Fine Beers                 : 2                      Pool: 6
Guns                       : 2                      Pool: 6
Japanese                   : 3                      Pool: 7
Spanish                    : 3                      Pool: 7
Underground Politics       : 3                      Pool: 7

== Contacts ==
Eric "One-Eyed" Mandrake (Arms and Drugs Dealer) (4, 1)
Nathaniel Colds (Fixer) (2, 1)

== Qualities ==
Bad Luck
Implant-Induced Immune Deficiency
Incompetent (Hacking)
Low-Light Vision
Restricted Gear (Rating 1)

== Lifestyles ==
Everett Apartment  1 months
   Comforts:      Middle
   Entertainment: Middle
   Necessities:   Low
   Neighborhood:  Low
   Security:      Low

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Biosculpting, Minor Modification
Clean Metabolism
Hearing Enhancement
Move-by-Wire System Rating 2
Muscle Augmentation Rating 2
Muscle Toner Rating 2
Tailored Pheromones Rating 3
Vocal Range Enhancer

== Armor ==
Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit6/2
Mortimer of London: Berwick Dinner Jacket (Ensemble)4/3
Mortimer of London: Greatcoat Line6/5
   +Chemical Protection 2
   +Insulation 2
   +Ruthenium Polymer Coating
   +Thermal Damping 4

== Weapons ==
Grenade: Flash-Bang
   DV: 6S (10m Radius)   AP: -3   RC: 0
Grenade: Smoke
   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -   RC: 0
Grenade: Thermal Smoke
   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -   RC: 0
Hardliner Gloves
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 0
Morrissey Élan ("Marcelle")
   +Concealable Holster
   +Chameleon Coating
   +Personalized Grip
   +Smartgun System
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 1
Ruger Thunderbolt w/ Smartgun ("Audrey")
   +Concealable Holster
   +Chameleon Coating
   +Folding Stock, Powered
   +Personalized Grip
   +Smartgun System
   +Underbarrel Weight
   DV: 5P   AP: -1   RC: 5
Shock Glove
   DV: 5S(e)   AP: -half   RC: 0
Unarmed Attack
   DV: 3S   AP: -   RC: 0
Yamaha Pulsar ("Miyoshi")
   +Concealable Holster
   +Laser Sight
   +Personalized Grip
   DV: 6S(e)   AP: -half   RC: 1
Yamaha Sakura Fubuki ("Asuka")
   +Concealable Holster
   +Smartgun System, External
   +Chameleon Coating
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 1

== Commlink ==
Novatech Airware (3, 3, 3, 3)
   +Iris Orb
   +AR Gloves
   +Biometric Reader
   +Subvocal Microphone
   +Datasoft (5 very extensive Blues Music Collections) Rating 6
   +Mapsoft (Seattle) Rating 6
   +Suite: Basic+ [Analyze 3, Browse 3, Command 1, Edit 3]
   +Linguasoft (Italian) Rating 4 [Copy Protection 4, Registration]

== Gear ==
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Holdouts) x30
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Light Pistols) x30
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Heavy Pistols) x60
Ammo: Silver Bullets (Heavy Pistols) x60
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Holdouts) x30
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Light Pistols) x30
Ammo: Taser Dart (Tasers) x20
Contact Lenses Rating 3
   +Flare Compensation
   +Image Link
Datachip x20
Earbuds Rating 3
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 3
Fake SIN (Thomas Gramarie (UCAS)) Rating 4
Forensic Tool Kit
G3 x20
Galak x4
Gecko Tape Gloves
Gentleman's Cane
Grenade: Flash-Bang x5
Grenade: Smoke x5
Grenade: Thermal Smoke x5
Laés Cigarette x20
Loco x3
Medkit Rating 6
Medkit Supplies x5
Psyche x3
Red Mescaline x6
Scent-masking Cigarette x20
Slab x3
Spare Clip (Taser) x2
Spare Clip (Holdouts) x2
Spare Clip (Light Pistols) x2
Spare Clip (Heavy Pistols) x5
Standard RFID Tags x400
Stealth Tags x400
Steampunk Accessories

== Description ==
Gentleman John's appearance is somewhat iconic; you'll never see him without one of his tailor-made suits. There's too much formality in his attire to imply he is a wageslave, he seems more as an executive or a Mafia consigliere - a real Mafia man would be in doubt if Gentleman John is copying them out of respect or in order to mock their style. In fact, both options are wrong; The Gentleman just has an attuned, even if somewhat limited, sense of aesthetics.
Aside from his outfits (which usually are the things that show up the most), The Gentleman is a somewhat "handsome" ork, as much as that is possible. His facial features are strong and sharp, almost violent, but not disproportionate (someone with medical knowledge would probably perceive that he has some corrective cosmetic surgery done). Still, he has touched nothing that would put his orkish heritage in doubt: his pointed lower canines are as visible as ever.

== Background ==
The ork know in the shadows as Gentleman John probably do not remember that well the road that took him to where he is now - and he seem to not care that much about it. Anyway, the fact is that he does not talk about the past, for good or for worse.
Born from human parents (on February 7, 2050, exactly eleven years after the Night of Rage - the stories he heard about the incident left a deep mark on his childhood) and goblinized at an earlier age, the young Mike always thought that his ork characteristics were the reason that maintained his parents stranded. In fact, that was not the case - they were simply too busy and concerned with their work, so much that they even managed to forget family relationships. In order to be praised by them, Mike tried hard to distance himself the most he could from the Ork stereotype. He became skilled in talking to people and understanding what they wanted; he knew how to make they feel good and wanted, even if he needed to lie - without knowing the young work was becoming a little manipulative, since this was the only way he managed to be liked.
Here's the thing: when the story reaches this point, it forks. All information anyone managed to search on him points to to different and imcompatible records, and Gentleman John is not talking about which one, if any, is the true one.
Version A) One day, he never really understanded why, a group of hitman's entered the building where he lived with his father to collect a debt which "had been postponed so much it was REALLY REALLY due time to be paid". The young boy watched as his parents died begging for the debt to be forgiven (which as today he never knew exactly what it was). The killers saw that the boy was not afraid of them, but they couldn't exactly tell what was it that convinced them to take him as a new member of the team and teach them how to be a killer; perhaps it was the way the boy coldly told them that they had no need to make them humilliate themselves if they were kill them anyway, without showing any emotion; they valued cold enough people, they made the most efficient hitmen. From here, the story goes like this: the ork grew up among the guys who killed his fathers (the three hitman went by the handles Huey, Dewey, and Louie), learning from them the art of killing, and eventually becoming better than them in some of it's skills. When he thought he had spend enough time to learn and earn their trust, he killed them all, one by one, with the same coldness that he showed when he saw his parents being murdered. It was his first and last free killing; from them on, he acquire a reputation as a cold and efficient killer.
Version B) Huey, Dewey and Louie really broke into the condo where Mike family lived, but they were not after his parents; they were just collateral damage while they searched for another guy: a Mafia hitman named Just Steve. The thing is that they targeted the wrong man and killed his father, and then his mother since she went screaming. But then Just Steve, who was expecting them, killed the three and found the boy. At first, he found the little ork was shocked by watching his parents dying, and something in what still was left of the hitman soul ring (some say his story as an assassin also started when he watched his parents die in front of him). Motivated God knows from what, he took the boy under his wing, and during the time in which he raised the kid, he taught him how to shot and move without being seen. That is, until the day he just dissapeared, and the boy, now a mature ork, was on his own. As his teacher before him, he never worked for free, and showed up to be almost as skilled as Just Steve (which he believes to be probably deceased).

Regardless of what story is the real one (if any), the truth is that Mike is not so cold as he build his "bussiness name front character", the Gentleman, to be, but that he is afraid of losing control of everything if he let his emotions get into his way; his is hurt enough to be an adversary of the whole world, since this way he cannot be hurt anymore. The only times in which he let the emotions flow freely is when he is under the influence of drugs (which happens quite frequently; they serve as his escape-valves, since he can blame them for his behavior, and not an hypothetical weakness) or when he is savouring music. That's one of his quirks - good music (specially blues) transport him, and he is capable of letting a negotiation go south just because he choose not to pay attention on the Mr. Johnson than on the music.

== Concept ==
An ork with a fine aesthetic sense, a cold and calculist hitman, who may serve as the group gunslinger/face/B&E specialist.

== Notes ==
About the Appartment:
Mike lives into a cheap appartment on Cascadian Way, next to the junction with Meadow road. The place is not the best in town, but the price is right for what it has to offer; technically, the landlord (a dwarf called Roger Stills) is not the owner of the place, but he has set here for so much time, and people seem to respect his authority. The appartment is clean and confortable, even though a little small. The sound system that Mike putted on seems a little out of place with the rather poor place, but it's his only diversion besides going out to the night-life (which sometimes is just not possible, when it's needed to let the dust settle after a job).

About the Contacts:
Colds (Fixer) - Colds is the man who usually get work orders for The Gentleman. They don't get along that well, but the relationship is profitable for both of them, so they leave it as it is. Colds is a night man if a severe problem with drugs, and he just don't understand someone who can be so sober and bland as The Gentleman being suddenly all the social-guy when in front of a Johnson - so he trust his professionalism and skills, but not the person. Mike feels almost the same about him, since he can't point out what kind of relations Colds have to make the work orders coming...

One-Eyed (Arms and Drugs dealer) - An arms dealer who brags about being able to make any type of boomstick reaches the hands of his buyers with the propper time, even military weaponry (which is a debatable point). Really, an arms dealer who brags about almost everything - his weapons are better, his ammunition is failure-proof, etc. Some guys even say that listening to his bullshit is part of the payment they must endure to buy from him. But when he takes your money, he delivers, and that's enough to Mike. Also, One-Eyed (he has this handle since he choose to not replace a missing eye with a cloned part or with cybernectics - no one can say why, but Mike suspects his body does not accept implants well) sometimes passes along drugs.
« Last Edit: <01-26-12/1436:44> by AalithHUN »


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« Reply #62 on: <01-26-12/1352:48> »
So he can infiltrate better than Skritch....... that's a small problem.


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« Reply #63 on: <01-26-12/1354:24> »
When you are paid to shoot people in the face with a gun who has a very limited range, you need to infiltrate well...

Oh, and don't worry; this is not the last version of the sheet... His guns aren't even named yet!


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« Reply #64 on: <01-26-12/1509:35> »
Skritch is a thief.... so it really makes me look bad that my skills are too wide based to handle a 15 pool of dice. Like... I get to roll 11 I think.


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« Reply #65 on: <01-26-12/1534:10> »
Don't worry about that.  My max dice pool is 13 I think (and that's due to a specialisation).  I've never made characters with 15+ dice pools and I've always managed to get by.  You just have to be creative.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #66 on: <01-26-12/1547:07> »
It's not a matter of being creative when there is a character who is better at it than you. I think I need to change my tactics a tad..... from sneak thief to smash and grab. Fuck, and I liked that build too. Give me 6 hours.


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« Reply #67 on: <01-26-12/1623:07> »
Skritch is a thief.... so it really makes me look bad that my skills are too wide based to handle a 15 pool of dice. Like... I get to roll 11 I think.

The thing is, Gentleman John is augmented, and Skritch is a magician... If Skritch has some magic to back his infiltration up, than the balance goes back to his side. And note that the Gentleman needs to be quite good at it also, as much as a thief; it's not that your character is not good at what he does, it's more that there's a guy who can be a little bit more silenced than you.


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« Reply #68 on: <01-26-12/1631:54> »
Gentleman John is a good build. He can assassinate, he can sneak, the only problem I would see with him tactics wise is the lack of real firepower under pressure. (Like when a whole gang decides to just pour lead down the alley at you) and Skritch couldn't match that either. So I gotta think quickly on either A) Another build or B) Rip through my archives for something we don't have.

We have:

Dronemage (Magician Offshoot)
Nina (Wildcat Medic last I heard)
Gentleman John (Hitman/B&E)

Which leaves..... Razor.


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« Reply #69 on: <01-26-12/1638:49> »
I hate to do this, but you leave me no choice, Lyz.

You have until this time tomorrow to submit a character with most of it's features ready. It can change a little, but I want to see the major structure points built. I've asked you several times to at least give me something I can work with, but still you keep delaying/changing for various reasons. Do not look at other peoples' characters, build one you want to play and submit it.

So I ask you kindly, one more time. By tomorrow afternoon, get a character ready, then we refine it until it's ready to play.


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« Reply #70 on: <01-26-12/1650:08> »
[size=14]The Basics[/size]
Name: Ethan “Specks” Rayne
Race: Human
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 140lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Shadowrun Type: Arcane Researcher
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Description: Ethan is a tactician and careful planner who looks for a long time before leaping. Despite him getting frazzled when asked to improvise, his knowledge of the arcane is an ever growing compendium that can be relied on in a pinch. He is often found wearing slacks, a steampunk vest and white collared shirt. His shoes are usually loafers and his hair is shoulder length and slicked back with gel. The strangest thing about him is the pocket watch he carries, an analog ticker in a digital age without any marks on its gold surface.

Body: 1
Agility: 3
Reaction: 5
Strength: 1
Charisma: 4
Intuition: 4
Logic: 5
Willpower: 5
Edge: 2
Magic: 5

Initiative: 9
Initiative Passes: 1
Essence: 6
Condition Monitor: 9
Stun Monitor: 11
Street Credit: 0
Notoriety: 0
Karma: 0

Magician: Years of study and formal education in the arts of the Talent have left Ethan an accomplished Magician.(15)

In Debt: Ethan owes a good deal of money to the triads who paid for his schooling after seeing his talent with sorcery. Though his academic career did not pan out with the addition of funds, the money did go to further his education by purchasing study materials for the boy which he taught himself from. He owes exactly 15,000 nuyen left on his debt.(-10)

Bad Luck: Ethan has terrible luck. Always has, always will. (This caused him to require a check (1d6) to see if his luck is having a bad day(-20)

SIN (UCAS): Ethan is legally registered with the UCAS, a decision he made during his attempts to enroll at the university. (-5)

[size=14]Active Skills[/size]

Astral Combat: 4
Arcana: 3
Assensing: 4
Binding: 4
Counterspelling: 2
Data Search: 3
Dodge: 3
Perception: 4
Pistols: 1
Ritual Spellcasting: 1
Spell Casting (Detection): 3 (5)
Summoning (Watcher Spirit): 6 (8)

[size=14]Knowledge Skills[/size]

Ancient Texts: 3
Arcane Anomaly: 2
Archeology: 3
 Parabotany: 2
Parazoology: 2
Seattle Magical Groups: 1
Serrin Shamandar: 4
Spirit Theory: 2
Techno Opera: 1

[size=14]Language Skills[/size]

English: N
Arabic: 4
Chinese: 3

  • Analyze Device (Type: P, Range: T, Duration: S, DV: [F/2])
  • Analyze Magic (Type: M, Range: T, Duration: S, DV: [F/2])
  • Catalog (Type: P, Range: T, Duration: S, DV: [F/2]+2)
  • Detect Magic (Type: M, Range: T, Duration: S, DV: [F/2]+2)
  • Mindnet (Extended) (Type: M, Range: T, Duration: S, DV: [F/2]+5)
  • Powerbolt (Type: P, Range: LOS, Duration: I, DV: [F/2]+1)
  • Stunbolt (Type: M, Range: LOS, Duration: I, DV: [F/2]-1)
Currently None

Colt America L36:
(4P, 0, SA, 0, 11c)
Silencer: -4 to Audio Perception test
Laser Sight: +1 to ranged tests
Ammo: 110 Standard Rounds
Ranges: (0-5), (6-15), (16-30), (31-50)

Renraku Sensei: Mangadyne Deva
Response: 2, Signal: 4, Firewall: 2, System: 3

  • x4 Conjuring Materials (Rating: 1)
  • Pocket Watch
  • Subvocal Microphone
  • Tag Eraser
  • PocketMage Library (Rating: 1)
Maefong(Fixer), Seattle/Renton District(1/2)

Vashon Island Punk Vest: 2b/2i

Lifestyle: Street
Nuyen: 40


[size=14]Personal History:[/size]
Siblings: Jeremy (Brother), Deceased
Parents: His father, Nathaniel Benson, was a well accredited lawyer with both money and power who married poor against his family’s wishes. Ethan’s mother Rebecca Sanders was an ork in love with the man of her dreams, dreams which crumbled as the romance leaked to Nathan’s workplace and his job suddenly vanished from beneath his feet. Reduced from near partnership with a firm he was forced into his own practice of representing minor criminals to make what little money he could to get by. Both are currently overseas in France after a wealthy client offered to lend money to Nathan to start a practice in the tumultuous legal systems in place in France.
Significant Others: Single
Bloodtype: O Negative
Birthday: December 21st
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Sport: Billiards
Favorite Type of Food: Mediterranean
Favorite City: New Orleans
Hometown: Seattle, UCAS


Jeremy Benson was born SINless in an Ork Ghetto on the outskirts of Redmond to a family that, despite their love for each other, truly could not afford a child. Ethan stayed out of the way, trying to cause as little fuss about himself as possible while his family struggled around him to survive. Life passed as any other kid’s passed by him, his mother and father working to support him as he pushed himself hard in school in an attempt to make them proud and lessen their burden in any way he could.

At the age of fourteen Ethan found he had the interesting ability to see beyond what others could see and in fact proceeded to interact with astral forms he found in hopes of finding out the secret to the beautiful world he had been allowed into. He found tales of wonderful people who turned summoning into an art form and adventures with spirits that seemed just too surreal.

At nineteen he proceeded to apply for a SIN under the name Ethan Rayne, his desire being to enter a university to further his research and studies into the arcane alongside other such informed individuals that might be able to assist or help to refine ideas that he had yet to begin truly understanding. After a time his acceptance into the UCAS was confirmed but despite his best efforts and test scores he could not gain access to the university’s campus or classes.

With mounting debt in his pocket after borrowing from the Triads, he knew that they would expect favors on the mystic side of things if he could not complete courses and find a job to pay them back what he owed. With his talents in hand, he found the shadows willing to accept another hermetic magician with open arms. He found that the money he made there could not only pay off his debts, but continue his own private research without all that dreadful red tape of the universities.


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« Reply #71 on: <01-26-12/1655:38> »
Crap my coding is off.


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« Reply #72 on: <01-27-12/0254:05> »
Aalith, anything I still need to change/update/modify?  I have some time this week-end and even Monday as I have a day off, so I can put some time in it.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #73 on: <01-27-12/0821:59> »
As I said, Contacts description, house/flat description and I think your earbuds are off.

For everyone: I don't know why, but both audio enhancement and SS filter takes one capacity/rating. Calculate this when you purchase audio stuff.


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« Reply #74 on: <01-28-12/1027:36> »
Corrections I need?