Drowning in Shadows [OOC]

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« on: <01-20-12/1432:58> »
This is the Out Of Character Thread for the game Drowning in Shadows made by Aalith

Sentinemodo - just recommended, but busy. One more slot is free!
And I would like all veterans to welcome Lysanderz - I decided to add a relatively new player too. Because I'm a noob in this site too and people have given me a chance to prove myself :)

And the things to be on the lookout for:

All characters live in Everett. You can be in a nice condo or in the sewers under the street - but in Everett. Thus you all get free area knowledge, rating depending on background.

Advanced lifestyle rules is a must. And also a description about the place. If you have qualities, work those into the description.

Contacts Charisma*2 + a name and a short personality/appearance

You are all 400 BP runners - which means you are no way newbies. Everyone starts with a Street Cred 1 + maybe more depending on background. Notoriety can come too, if you make a street-living grenade launcher on shoulder type character.

And most importantly, 2 things:

Try to utilize underused qualities. Overused ones may not be permitted or I'll make your life harder because you are lazy to be creative and want extra BP or dice. With a brilliant background, almost anything is possible of course. But please spare me the Uncommon Allergy - Strawberries. If you want some quality, I'd like to use it in the game - and not by giving you purple faces.

And, of course, have fun!

« Last Edit: <01-20-12/1542:39> by AalithHUN »


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« Reply #1 on: <01-20-12/1439:47> »
I may not be in this, but if anyone wants to use my character from the On the Run game thread as a contact, they can feel free (her apartment is in Everett, so it could make a lot of sense).
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #2 on: <01-20-12/1547:29> »
Street Name: Billy
Name: Hayden Slayter
Movement: 8/20, Swim: 4
Karma: 15
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Dwarf (Gnome) Male Age 25
Height 88 cm Weight 30 kg
Composure: 5
Judge Intentions: 6
Lift/Carry: 10 (75 kg/50 kg)
Memory: 6
Nuyen: 700

== Attributes ==
BOD: 5
AGI: 5
REA: 4 (6)
STR: 5
CHA: 3
INT: 3
LOG: 4
WIL: 2
EDG: 1

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   2,05
Initiative:                7 (9)
IP:                        1 (3)
Matrix Initiative:         6
Matrix IP:                 1
Physical Damage Track:     9
Stun Damage Track:         9

== Active Skills ==
Climbing                   : 2 [Assisted]           Pool: 7 (9)
Computer                   : 3                      Pool: 7
Con                        : 2 [Fast Talk]          Pool: 5 (7)
Data Search                : 3                      Pool: 7
Disguise                   : 4                      Pool: 7
Dodge                      : 2                      Pool: 8
Escape Artist              : 1                      Pool: 8
Etiquette                  : 1                      Pool: 4
Gymnastics                 : 3                      Pool: 8
Hacking                    : 2                      Pool: 6
Hardware                   : 3                      Pool: 7
Infiltration               : 4                      Pool: 9
Locksmith                  : 2                      Pool: 7
Palming                    : 4                      Pool: 9
Perception                 : 5                      Pool: 8
Pistols                    : 5 [Semi-Automatics]    Pool: 12 (14)
Running                    : 1                      Pool: 6
Shadowing                  : 4                      Pool: 7
Software                   : 3                      Pool: 7

== Knowledge Skills ==
Biology                    : 3                      Pool: 7
Engineering                : 2                      Pool: 6
English                    : N                      Pool: 0
French                     : 1                      Pool: 4
German                     : 3                      Pool: 6
Literature                 : 3                      Pool: 7
Security Companies         : 2                      Pool: 6
Security Tactics           : 4                      Pool: 8
Spanish                    : 1                      Pool: 4
Sperethiel                 : 1                      Pool: 4
Underworld                 : 1                      Pool: 4

== Contacts ==
Cheryl Reid (female human street doc) (2, 2)
Lewis Clearwater (male elf fixer) (3, 4)

== Qualities ==
Arcane Arrester
Critter Spook
Distinctive Style
Speed Reading
Thermographic Vision

== Lifestyles ==
Joe's Delicatessin's Basement  1 months
   Comforts:      Squatter
   Entertainment: Low
   Necessities:   Low
   Neighborhood:  Middle
   Security:      Low
   Qualities:     Hasty Exit [2LP]

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Flex Hands
Gecko Hands
Grip Feet
Radar Sensor Rating 3
Wired Reflexes Rating 2

== Armor ==
Chameleon Suit            6/4
Clothing                  0/0
Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit6/2

== Weapons ==
Ares Light Fire 70
   +Hidden Gun Arm Slide
   +Personalized Grip
   +Smartgun System
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 1
Hammerli 620S
   +Concealable Holster
   +Plasteel Components Rating 1
   +Smartgun System
   +Trigger Removal
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 1
Ruger Thunderbolt w/ Smartgun
   +Concealable Holster
   +Personalized Grip
   +Smartgun System
   +Sound Suppressor
   DV: 5P   AP: -1   RC: 3
Unarmed Attack
   DV: 3S   AP: -   RC: 0

== Commlink ==
Novatech Airware (3, 4, 3, 3)
   +Novatech Navi
   +Suite: Pro User [Analyze 4, Browse 4, Command 2, Edit 4]
   +Stealth Rating 5 [Copy Protection 4, Registration]
   +Spoof Rating 3 [Copy Protection 3, Registration]

== Gear ==
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Heavy Pistols) x60
Ammo: Gel Rounds (Light Pistols) x50
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Light Pistols) x100
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Heavy Pistols) x50
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Light Pistols) x50
Ammo: Subsonic Rounds (Light Pistols) x30
Autopicker Rating 6
Earbuds Rating 3
   +Select Sound Filter Rating 1
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 2
Fake SIN (William Radcliffe (UCAS)) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Chameleon Suit) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Pistols) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Cyberware) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Programs) Rating 4
   +Fake License (B&E Gear) Rating 4
Glasses Rating 4
   +Flare Compensation
   +Low Light
   +Image Link
Handheld Sensor
   +Camera Rating 1 [Vision Magnification]
   +Laser Microphone Rating 6
Handheld Sensor
   +Directional Microphone
   +Camera Rating 1 [Vision Magnification]
   +MAD Scanner Rating 3
Jammer, Hand Held Rating 2
Keycard Copier Rating 6
Lockpick Set
Maglock Passkey Rating 4
Medkit Rating 6
Nanopaste Disguise (Small Container)
Sequencer Rating 4
Spare Clip (Hammerli 620S) x9
Spare Clip (Ares Light Fire 70) x5
Spare Clip (Ruger Thunderbolt) x5
Standard Rope (100 m)
Wire Clippers

== Description ==
Despite his age, Hayden is often mistaken for a typical sandy-haired kid, probably about 7, at first glance--an impression that he likes to encourage by "dressing young"--t-shirts, sneakers, etc. He finds that people pay less attention to him that way. (Going into a bar is always an interesting experience, though.)

Of course, on second glance, people generally realize that he's actually a gnome. Fully grown and still just short of three feet tall, Hayden is shorter than the average human's belt buckle. While this makes slipping through crowds easier, it's not generally an attractive level (despite what many taller folk seem to think); this lead to Hayden's interest in climbing. It's nice to look down on others some of the time.

His small size also helps him to get into places where he really shouldn't be, which he takes full advantage of.

== Background ==
Hayden doesn't know who his parents were, and he doesn't really care. He was found near Wiggum's Hollow one morning in May of '49. Since no one had reported a missing child matching his description, Lone Star put him in the child care system. Their best guess is that he was two at the time. Over the next ten years, Hayden lived in three different orphanages and one rather miserable foster home before deciding he'd had enough. Late one night, he slipped out his bedroom window and never looked back.

Life on the streets was harder than Hayden had expected, and he came very close to starving multiple times. His mistrust of "the system", however, prevented him from seeking hand outs; anything he wanted, he needed to be able to take. The first two or three years were spent hiding near street gangs' hideouts, watching, learning, and taking whatever he could without being noticed. Weapons were a definite problem; even dwaves' guns were often too big to use comfortably. Information, on the other hand, was surprisingly easy to get--and often worth a lot to the right customer. Of course, some of the best information was only available (though not intentionally) on the Matrix, so Hayden focused a lot of time on learning to move around the nodes almost as well as he could move around the streets.

When Hayden started Running, rather than just stealing from others for himself, he found that he often wasn't taken seriously because of his size, and so he realized that he needed to build up a reputation--without drawing too much of the wrong sort of attention, of course. Playing off of the fact that he was often mistaken for a kidat first gance, Hayden started placing a baseball card at the site of each job he pulled as his marker.

When Hayden finally had enough nuyen and contacts to get a properly sized gun, he found that he was fairly good at wetwork--he could often get close enough to the target without being seen that finishing the job was easy, without getting so close that he had to deal with the mess (physical or emotional) of direct confrontation. He prefers infiltration and retrieval, but sometimes he needs to deliver a bullet or two instead. That's life in the Shadows.

The past thirteen years have been somewhat challenging, but Hayden finally feels like he's hit his stride. Life is starting to look up.

== Concept ==
Small and lethal (from a distance, at least). If the fighting gets up close, Hayden's in trouble, so he tries to avoid that wherever possible. Focused on infiltration and information gathering,

== Notes ==
About the Signature:
Hayden places a baseball card somewhere on each job. At least he enjoys the bubblegum that still comes in the packs.

About the Apartment:
It's not much--a small portion of the basement below Joe's Deli that's been walled off--but it's home. And Hayden doesn't need much space, anyhow. The most important feature, in Hayden's opinion, is the small window well for letting in a little daylight--being nocturnal, he doesn't care so much about the light as the fact that it's just big enough for him to climb out to the alley behind the deli. He normally keeps the window hidden behind a thick curtain.

About the Contacts:
Lewis Clearwater has been Hayden's go-to for gear and odd jobs for the last six years, and always seems to know how to find items that are small enough for a gnome to use comfortably--not an easy task. Hayden appreciates this, and a comfortable relationship has grown up between the two. Lewis has even started to teach Hayden some Sperethiel, his native language.

Cheryl Reid's clinic is on the up-and-up...unless she trusts you enough to see you after hours. Luckily for Hayden, he's one of her trusted patients, and has been for about eight years. Perhaps her interest in his metagenetic abnormality helped; regardless, when Hayden needs patched up, he knows where to go.
« Last Edit: <02-20-12/1201:23> by AalithHUN »


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« Reply #3 on: <01-20-12/1553:19> »
Been selected! Great!

I hope we all enjoy playing this one.

First question, though, shall we start the game as a established team, or would it be better if our characters don't know each other?

And Here's come the Gentleman's sheet:

Street Name: Mike "Gentleman John" Aisle
Name: Mike Aisle
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 5
Karma: 16
Unspent Karma: 6
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Ork Male Age 22
Height 1,95m Weight 130kg
Composure: 8
Judge Intentions: 8
Lift/Carry: 11 (75 kg/50 kg)
Memory: 6
Nuyen: 1200

== Attributes ==
BOD: 6
AGI: 5 [7]
REA: 4 [8]
STR: 3 [5]
CHA: 4
INT: 4
LOG: 2
WIL: 4
EDG: 4

== Derived Attributes ==
[spoiler]Essence:                   2,1
Initiative:                8 (12)
IP:                        1 (3)
Matrix Initiative:         7
Matrix IP:                 1
Physical Damage Track:     11
Stun Damage Track:         10[/spoiler]

== Active Skills ==
[spoiler]Climbing                   : 2                      Pool: 7
Con                        : 4                      Pool: 11
Disguise                   : 4                      Pool: 8
Dodge                      : 1                      Pool: 9
Etiquette                  : 4                      Pool: 11
Flight                     : 2                      Pool: 7
Gymnastics                 : 2                      Pool: 9
Infiltration               : 4                      Pool: 11
Intimidation               : 1                      Pool: 8
Leadership                 : 4                      Pool: 11
Negotiation                : 4                      Pool: 11
Palming                    : 4                      Pool: 11
Pistols [Heavy Pistols]  : 6                      Pool: 15 [17]
Perception                    : 1                      Pool: 5
Running                    : 2                      Pool: 7
Shadowing                  : 4                      Pool: 8
Swimming                   : 2                      Pool: 7
Unarmed Combat             : 2                      Pool: 9

== Knowledge Skills ==
Blues                      : 3                      Pool: 7
Corporate Politics         : 2                      Pool: 6
English                    : N                      Pool: 0
Fine Beers                 : 2                      Pool: 6
Guns                       : 2                      Pool: 6
Japanese                   : 3                      Pool: 7
Spanish                    : 3                      Pool: 7
Underground Politics       : 3                      Pool: 7[/spoiler]

== Contacts ==
Eric "One-Eyed" Mandrake (Arms and Drugs Dealer) (4, 1)
Nathaniel Colds (Fixer) (2, 1)
"Ironfist" Franks (1, 1)

== Qualities ==
Bad Luck
Implant-Induced Immune Deficiency
Incompetent (Hacking)
Low-Light Vision
Restricted Gear (Rating 1)

== Lifestyles ==
Everett Apartment  1 months
   Comforts:      Middle
   Entertainment: Middle
   Necessities:   Low
   Neighborhood:  Low
   Security:      Low

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
[spoiler]Biosculpting, Minor Modification
Clean Metabolism
Hearing Enhancement
Move-by-Wire System Rating 2
Muscle Augmentation Rating 2
Muscle Toner Rating 2
Tailored Pheromones Rating 3
Vocal Range Enhancer[/spoiler]

== Armor ==
Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit6/2
Mortimer of London: Berwick Dinner Jacket (Ensemble)4/3
Mortimer of London: Greatcoat Line6/5
   +Chemical Protection 2
   +Insulation 2
   +Ruthenium Polymer Coating
   +Thermal Damping 4

== Weapons ==
[spoiler]Grenade: Flash-Bang
   DV: 6S (10m Radius)   AP: -3   RC: 0
Grenade: Smoke
   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -   RC: 0
Grenade: Thermal Smoke
   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -   RC: 0
Hardliner Gloves
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 0
Morrissey Élan ("Marcelle")
   +Concealable Holster
   +Chameleon Coating
   +Personalized Grip
   +Smartgun System
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 1
Ruger Thunderbolt w/ Smartgun ("Audrey")
   +Concealable Holster
   +Chameleon Coating
   +Folding Stock, Powered
   +Personalized Grip
   +Smartgun System
   +Underbarrel Weight
   DV: 5P   AP: -1   RC: 5
Shock Glove
   DV: 5S(e)   AP: -half   RC: 0
Unarmed Attack
   DV: 3S   AP: -   RC: 0
Yamaha Pulsar ("Miyoshi")
   +Concealable Holster
   +Laser Sight
   +Personalized Grip
   DV: 6S(e)   AP: -half   RC: 1
Yamaha Sakura Fubuki ("Asuka")
   +Concealable Holster
   +Smartgun System, External
   +Chameleon Coating
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 1[/spoiler]

== Commlink ==
[spoiler]Novatech Airware (3, 3, 3, 3)
   +Iris Orb
   +AR Gloves
   +Biometric Reader
   +Subvocal Microphone
   +Datasoft (5 very extensive Blues Music Collections) Rating 6
   +Mapsoft (Seattle) Rating 6
   +Suite: Basic+ [Analyze 3, Browse 3, Command 1, Edit 3]
   +Linguasoft (Italian) Rating 4 [Copy Protection 4, Registration] [/spoiler]

== Gear ==
[spoiler]Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Holdout Pistol) x30
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Light Pistol) x30
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Heavy Pistol) x60
Ammo: Silver Bullets (Heavy Pistol) x60
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Holdout Pistol) x30
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Light Pistol) x30
Ammo: Taser Dart (Taser) x19
Contact Lenses Rating 3
   +Flare Compensation
   +Image Link
Datachip x20
Earbuds Rating 3
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 3
Fake SIN (Thomas Gramarie (UCAS)) Rating 4
Fake License (Move-By-Wire (Thomas Gramarie (UCAS Bodyguard)) Rating 4
Forensic Tool Kit
G3 x20
Galak x4
Gecko Tape Gloves
Gentleman's Cane
Grenade: Flash-Bang x5
Grenade: Smoke x5
Grenade: Thermal Smoke x5
Laés Cigarette x20
Loco x3
Medkit Rating 6
Medkit Supplies x5
Psyche x2
Red Mescaline x6
Scent-masking Cigarette x20
Slab x3
Spare Clip (Yamaha Pulsar) x3
Spare Clip (Morrissey Élan) x3
Spare Clip (Ruger Thunderbolt) x5
Standard RFID Tags x400
Stealth Tags x400
Steampunk Accessories[/spoiler]

== Description ==
[spoiler]Gentleman John's appearance is somewhat iconic; you'll never see him without one of his tailor-made suits. There's too much formality in his attire to imply he is a wageslave, he seems more as an executive or a Mafia consigliere - a real Mafia man would be in doubt if Gentleman John is copying them out of respect or in order to mock their style. In fact, both options are wrong; The Gentleman just has an attuned, even if somewhat limited, sense of aesthetics.
Aside from his outfits (which usually are the things that show up the most), The Gentleman is a somewhat "handsome" ork, as much as that is possible. His facial features are strong and sharp, almost violent, but not disproportionate (someone with medical knowledge would probably perceive that he has some corrective cosmetic surgery done). Still, he has touched nothing that would put his orkish heritage in doubt: his pointed lower canines are as visible as ever.
== Background ==
[spoiler]The ork know in the shadows as Gentleman John probably do not remember that well the road that took him to where he is now - and he seem to not care that much about it. Anyway, the fact is that he does not talk about the past, for good or for worse.
Born from human parents (on February 7, 2050, exactly eleven years after the Night of Rage - the stories he heard about the incident left a deep mark on his childhood) and goblinized at an earlier age, the young Mike always thought that his ork characteristics were the reason that maintained his parents stranded. In fact, that was not the case - they were simply too busy and concerned with their work, so much that they even managed to forget family relationships. In order to be praised by them, Mike tried hard to distance himself the most he could from the Ork stereotype. He became skilled in talking to people and understanding what they wanted; he knew how to make they feel good and wanted, even if he needed to lie - without knowing the young work was becoming a little manipulative, since this was the only way he managed to be liked.
Here's the thing: when the story reaches this point, it forks. All information anyone managed to search on him points to to different and imcompatible records, and Gentleman John is not talking about which one, if any, is the true one.
Version A) One day, he never really understanded why, a group of hitman's entered the building where he lived with his father to collect a debt which "had been postponed so much it was REALLY REALLY due time to be paid". The young boy watched as his parents died begging for the debt to be forgiven (which as today he never knew exactly what it was). The killers saw that the boy was not afraid of them, but they couldn't exactly tell what was it that convinced them to take him as a new member of the team and teach them how to be a killer; perhaps it was the way the boy coldly told them that they had no need to make them humilliate themselves if they were kill them anyway, without showing any emotion; they valued cold enough people, they made the most efficient hitmen. From here, the story goes like this: the ork grew up among the guys who killed his fathers (the three hitman went by the handles Huey, Dewey, and Louie), learning from them the art of killing, and eventually becoming better than them in some of it's skills. When he thought he had spend enough time to learn and earn their trust, he killed them all, one by one, with the same coldness that he showed when he saw his parents being murdered. It was his first and last free killing; from them on, he acquire a reputation as a cold and efficient killer.
Version B) Huey, Dewey and Louie really broke into the condo where Mike family lived, but they were not after his parents; they were just collateral damage while they searched for another guy: a Mafia hitman named Just Steve. The thing is that they targeted the wrong man and killed his father, and then his mother since she went screaming. But then Just Steve, who was expecting them, killed the three and found the boy. At first, he found the little ork was shocked by watching his parents dying, and something in what still was left of the hitman soul ring (some say his story as an assassin also started when he watched his parents die in front of him). Motivated God knows from what, he took the boy under his wing, and during the time in which he raised the kid, he taught him how to shot and move without being seen. That is, until the day he just dissapeared, and the boy, now a mature ork, was on his own. As his teacher before him, he never worked for free, and showed up to be almost as skilled as Just Steve (which he believes to be probably deceased).

Regardless of what story is the real one (if any), the truth is that Mike is not so cold as he build his "bussiness name front character", the Gentleman, to be, but that he is afraid of losing control of everything if he let his emotions get into his way; his is hurt enough to be an adversary of the whole world, since this way he cannot be hurt anymore. The only times in which he let the emotions flow freely is when he is under the influence of drugs (which happens quite frequently; they serve as his escape-valves, since he can blame them for his behavior, and not an hypothetical weakness) or when he is savouring music. That's one of his quirks - good music (specially blues) transport him, and he is capable of letting a negotiation go south just because he choose not to pay attention on the Mr. Johnson than on the music.[/spoiler]

== Concept ==
An ork with a fine aesthetic sense, a cold and calculist hitman, who may serve as the group gunslinger/face/B&E specialist.

== Notes ==
About the Appartment:
[spoiler]Mike lives into a cheap appartment on Cascadian Way, next to the junction with Meadow road. The place is not the best in town, but the price is right for what it has to offer; technically, the landlord (a dwarf called Roger Stills) is not the owner of the place, but he has set here for so much time, and people seem to respect his authority. The appartment is clean and confortable, even though a little small. The sound system that Mike putted on seems a little out of place with the rather poor place, but it's his only diversion besides going out to the night-life (which sometimes is just not possible, when it's needed to let the dust settle after a job). [/spoiler]

About the Contacts:
[spoiler]Colds (Fixer) - Colds is the man who usually get work orders for The Gentleman. They don't get along that well, but the relationship is profitable for both of them, so they leave it as it is. Colds is a night man if a severe problem with drugs, and he just don't understand someone who can be so sober and bland as The Gentleman being suddenly all the social-guy when in front of a Johnson - so he trust his professionalism and skills, but not the person. Mike feels almost the same about him, since he can't point out what kind of relations Colds have to make the work orders coming...

One-Eyed (Arms and Drugs dealer) - An arms dealer who brags about being able to make any type of boomstick reaches the hands of his buyers with the propper time, even military weaponry (which is a debatable point). Really, an arms dealer who brags about almost everything - his weapons are better, his ammunition is failure-proof, etc. Some guys even say that listening to his bullshit is part of the payment they must endure to buy from him. But when he takes your money, he delivers, and that's enough to Mike. Also, One-Eyed (he has this handle since he choose to not replace a missing eye with a cloned part or with cybernectics - no one can say why, but Mike suspects his body does not accept implants well) sometimes passes along drugs.

"Ironfist" Franks - A Knight Errand dwarf cop who knows about the Gentleman identity and has a copy of a verification in which his fake SIN (Thomas Gramarie) showed up as false. As he has his biodata and knows his identity, and has deleted the verification which could end up with the Gentleman in jail... The Gentleman is in need of gaining his trust.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <02-16-12/2230:54> by Netzgeist »


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« Reply #4 on: <01-20-12/1556:21> »
Former message:
[spoiler]Thanks for your trust.

Would love to see a list of the qualities you see as overused, i know in my case it's in debt, but I never used Allergies your example so, it would be beneficial to be accurate in these things.
you remember one case where someone ended a game without telling what he wanted right  ;)[/spoiler]

In Making From Sam's Template !!!!!

{Health: 0 / 9P and 0 / 12S damage, NO Wound penalty, NO Stun penalty} | {Edge: 0/ 3} {Defense: 2; Initiative: 10; IP's: 1} |
{Ballistic Armor: 4; Impact Armor: 4 ; Mods : No Mods} |

Eagale Shifting Shape changing mage

Magic Mechanic, Drones and Biodrones, Shifts.

Name: Sharp
Alias: Sharp Race: Eagle (human) Shifter
Sex: Female   Age: 5
Nationality: UCAS
Silver Lake Ranch- High lifestyle(1 month paid)
Karma Spent/Total Karma: 5/5
Nuyen: (Left after chargen= 1200¥ Starting Nuyen= 8.000¥+6000(Leftovers)-5600(FakeSin+4Lic ) = On Hand 8400¥
Motto: Nothing is what it seems.
Street cred: 0
Factions relations (this will give you a bonus dices to any social roll with members of that faction):
Notoriety: 3 (Bed Rep Q)


Born in the lash forest next to silver Lake Sharp was enjoying her life in full, just as she reached maturity, witch for birds take just about 2 years, she noticed that she is stronger and faster, more perceptive as other s of her kind. She was special.
Her being special mean magic, she started to feel objects as the wind, she noticed that if you change how the wing touches the wind, the wind changes, so she applied this to objects too, at first she shaped things that had been shaped by humans, interesting black stuff the humans used for their iron things witch made a terrible stench when they burned, later she learned to shape much harder material like the iron carriages themselves, but the most interesting thing was the sudden realization that she herself could change into something else, but the most successful one and the one she felt comfortable with was a change into a human. She was only 4 years old at that time.
   Her newest obsession is tinkering with things human make. You could say it was fate that made her take a closer look at a bird, crow to be exact who had fled from Bicson Biomedicals research centre, it had implants Sharp could see, could feel, but could not understand, the most interesting thing for her was, they made this crow a worthy adversary to her natural form, in combat and in perception alike. This of course peaked her interest and when she started to use her Human form to see and learn how to make use and repair Human inventions she learned to love them so much she almost has forgotten her natural form, at least she has difficulties to remember when was the last time she was in her natural Form.
   Life in Seattle is Hard, here in Everett even more so, a lot of land feuds and the uncertainty of the future. Sharp has had a lot of luck up until now, she had found a home for her and her animals like no one could have dreamed. Right next to her favorite place and hunting ground Lake Silver, she got a Ranch with everything needed to support her two animal friends. Yes two, since last year a Rat she dubbed Rattatoi has joined the family, she helped it escape the Bicson MD place. These both are such technological wonders, that Sharp is herself surprised how long she has been resisting to tinker with them, on the other hand the idea to cut and saw and destroy her own kind is rather unpleasant. Thanks god she has got her own shed for tinkering and a nearby junkyard for parts, she has already had some success in repairing and improving drones, not biodrones like these two but metal drones with computer brains. Her FlyEye is patrolling as well as her Dobberman, witch she even equipped with a LMG for good measure, so no one ever dares to disturb her.
   The only one allowed in her home is Watchmaker, her landlord, if you can call him that. His hacking talent and rigging expertise has helped Sharp a lot in learning how to use drones and how to control them, even a bit on how to make them. Watchmaker was also the one who found the ranch she is living and spoofed the documentation so it is his to rent out, he is also the one who made her comlink, small with as adjusted controls as possible to enable it to be used in her natural state as well. Even thou Sharp is really Bad at communicating with others, Watchmaker gives her the time to formulate what she wants to say and even helps her out. He is just that kind of person.
   Even if life in Everett has been good to her on the material side, she can really just name one person she has got close enough to cal a friend, most others just hate her. Hate might sound strong, but she has got kind of reputation around here. Early on in her stay in Everett Sharp was strolling on the grounds of Everett community collage when two Orks started to bother her, being a newcomer to this side of the social world she responded as she always do in the animal kingdom, the orks had to be hospitalized for at least a month, this incident made headlines as the whole collage was thrown back in infighting, just when the first of the Orks came back from the Coma they endured and told that they were attacked by an outsider, the world knew she had acted in self defence, but she still was responsible for a Race fuelled massacre of three policlubers, one ork and one small troll. Most people see her as someone who will bring bad luck, but she does not mind, as long as they stay out of the ranch she can tinker with whatever she finds in the junk-yard or what Watchmaker brings back from his So called Runs. Some of the attacks on the Everett Beckon mill would not be the best thing to improve her reputation, but thank god no one has ever connected her with them.
   Sharp has not yet learned to interact in a socium of metahumans so her interactions are limited at best. So not to make mistakes she tries to be where no talking in needed, almost always this is her workshop and tinkering. At least it has given her the Basic knowledge in all Technological fields she knows, but there might be more, so she till keeps on learning


35610 IP 1

Positive Qualities

Negative Qualities
Bad Rep
Distinctive Style
Poor Self Control (Compulsive - Moderate Danger) (Tinker)

Active Skills
Mechanic Group2
Animal husbandry skill Group1
Electronics skill Group1
Knowledge Skills
Parazoology[N. American]4
Material composition4
Automotive designs4

Language Skills

SpellCostNotes:  Type - Range - Duration
LevitateF/2 + 1 PLOSS
HealDV - 2MTP
Control AnimalF/2+1 MLOS(A)S
Shape [concreate]F/2 + 3 PLOS(A)S
Shape [plastic]F/2 + 3 PLOS(A)S
Shape [steel]F/2 + 3 PLOS(A)S
Shape [rubber]F/2 + 3 PLOS(A)S
Shape [Silicon]F/2 + 3 PLOS(A)S

CommlinkRe/Si/Fi/SyOperation SystemMods
Watchman4/4/4/5Tea timenone

Analyze4Suite: Pro User 
Browse4 Suite: Pro User
Command2 Suite: Pro User
Edit4 Suite: Pro User

Vashon Island: Synergist Short Jacket (Ensemble)4/4SecureTech Forearm Guards

Fake SIN (Elgae Prahs)                 (4)  4000¥Fake System Identification Number - Elgae Prahs
3x Fake License  R41200¥(concealed&carry; restricted weaponry;Drones&Accessories; Magic) - Elgae Prahs
*Remington Roomsweeper-
6x fletchet Ammunition ?ammo


Watchmaker, Rigger/Hacker.
Connection Rating: 2 Loyalty: 2
Uses: Tech fixer, mechanic, SIN and information trader.
Places to Meet: Everet junkyard, his Van, Shadow BBS
Contact: Commlink

Quote from: Edge Log
3 start
3 left in Total
Quote from: modifiers and Changes

Change Log
« Last Edit: <02-16-12/1447:14> by Kouryuu »
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #5 on: <01-20-12/1655:43> »
Well, this is not a final list, but the qualities I'm intending to use are as follow: Linguist, Perceptive, Mentor Spirit, Records on file, Lost Loved One, Spirit Bane and Gremlins. And Magician, of course.

Anything here that's not okay?


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« Reply #6 on: <01-20-12/1658:04> »
I'll make a list, then. But you are all (well mostly) experienced players, so overused is what you can see in most of the games. It's not a rule, you can have allergies or any kind of quality  you want, I'm just asking you to try not to see them as + and - points but as factors that defines your characters.

Examples then:
Restricted gear, first impression for social characters, analytical mind for hackers, catlike for covert ops

Addiction (something irrelevant as alcohol), Allergy (non-threatening substance see strawberries), amnesia for an excuse for a crappy backstory, day job (especially with fame), distinctive style (with clothes), In debt , mania/phobia (like arachno), poor self control, prejudiced, scorched (non-tech), spirit bane, Uncouth for "trolls", maybe wanted

astral sight, code of conduct, college education, common sense, maybe deep cover, escaped clone,  home ground, inspired, latent and dormant traits, perfect time, sense of direction, speed reading, water sprite

you get the drift, just try to explore, I don't want to tell you you must use these, just feels like I'm seeing less runners with these. And in the negative qualities, there are some juicy ones too, which maybe more serious drawback-wise, but that's why it requires more roleplay to utilize.

Netz: you can know each other, can have a shared lifestyle (but starting money will depend on money spent on lifestyle) but not as a group. 2 people can have a closer relationship and you may have heard or seen or exchanged words with others (since you are all living in the same district), but generally you are not a group yet

To all: into the background, please try to work in how you ended up here and how you made name for yourself in the shadow community (a good job, some exceptional show of skill, good with the crowd, running from KE naked and making a fool out of them :) )

And I'm going to be a little busy at the weekend, so you have time to refine your character. I'm still gonna post and watch, just not this much.


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« Reply #7 on: <01-21-12/0034:51> »
I'll make a list, then. But you are all (well mostly) experienced players, so overused is what you can see in most of the games. It's not a rule, you can have allergies or any kind of quality  you want, I'm just asking you to try not to see them as + and - points but as factors that defines your characters.

Examples then:
Restricted gear, first impression for social characters, analytical mind for hackers, catlike for covert ops

Addiction (something irrelevant as alcohol), Allergy (non-threatening substance see strawberries), amnesia for an excuse for a crappy backstory, day job (especially with fame), distinctive style (with clothes), In debt , mania/phobia (like arachno), poor self control, prejudiced, scorched (non-tech), spirit bane, Uncouth for "trolls", maybe wanted

astral sight, code of conduct, college education, common sense, maybe deep cover, escaped clone,  home ground, inspired, latent and dormant traits, perfect time, sense of direction, speed reading, water sprite

you get the drift, just try to explore, I don't want to tell you you must use these, just feels like I'm seeing less runners with these. And in the negative qualities, there are some juicy ones too, which maybe more serious drawback-wise, but that's why it requires more roleplay to utilize.

Netz: you can know each other, can have a shared lifestyle (but starting money will depend on money spent on lifestyle) but not as a group. 2 people can have a closer relationship and you may have heard or seen or exchanged words with others (since you are all living in the same district), but generally you are not a group yet

To all: into the background, please try to work in how you ended up here and how you made name for yourself in the shadow community (a good job, some exceptional show of skill, good with the crowd, running from KE naked and making a fool out of them :) )

And I'm going to be a little busy at the weekend, so you have time to refine your character. I'm still gonna post and watch, just not this much.

The issue is that the "underused" positive qualities, while interesting are not worth what they cost in BP to acquire, a good deal of them cost far, far too much for what they do. The "underused" negative qualities, well the BP gained from them isn't worth the hassle the qualities present. No matter what you do or say, in the end, if a quality isn't worth what you pay (for positive) or what you get (for negative) it probably won't be used much if at all. There have been times when I've considered some of the less used negative qualities, but honestly, I couldn't figure out a way to work in to the background that I did do the horrific effects they present, and I didn't feel they were worth the trouble-for-point ratio.

Distinctive style is an entirely different can of worms. What would be a max-point Distinctive Style to one person would only be worth 5 points to another. For the most part, if you ask ten different people how many points a given choice would be worth, you'll probably get 15 different answers.

Common Sense...well, I for one tend not to think about it, because most people in my gaming group RL who GM don't allow it to be taken at all (no matter what the system is).
« Last Edit: <01-21-12/0038:20> by All4BigGuns »
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #8 on: <01-21-12/0635:52> »
hereby my character:

Name (real):  Maria De la Vega
Name (fake SIN1, r4): Rachel O’Toole, UCAS citizen
Name (fake SIN2, r3): Samantha Delavine, Horizon citizen
Alias: Sammy
Race: Orc
Sex: Female
Nationality: PCC
13 LP total, 4180¥/month (2 months bought)
Location: Everett, Seattle
1 roommate (brother)

She rents a 100 square metre, 2-bedroom top floor apartment in an old building on 172nd street SW, not far from the junction with 36th avenue W in Everett.  It was not in the best of neighbourhoods, but due to the proximity of the Alderwood mall (only 10 minutes on foot) there was some security, as KE patrolled the area around the mall to some extent.  She has also spent a bit more on good locks and a decent firewall for the home node.  Inside it was cozy with cheap but good furniture and some good AR paint.  As she has to pay things for her brother, despite his scholarship, she doesn’t spent that much on going out and stuff, except what’s needed to blend in.  She had magic for things like hairdressing and general body care, so she didn’t need to pay for that, which helped a lot.

Karma received: 16
Karma remaining: 2


453 (4)3
EdgeMagic EssenceInitiative

Positive Qualities
-mage (15)
-national fame (10)

Negative Qualities
Astral Beacon (-5)
Cursed (1) (-5)
Lost Loved One (-5)
Dependent (medium) (-10)
SINner (Standard) (-5)
Reduced Hearing (-5)

Active Skills
assensing 4
astral combat (blade foci +2) 2 (4)
blades (swords +2) 2 (4)
con (acting +2)2 (4)
disguise (cosmetic +2)1 (3)
spellcraft (illusion +2) 5 (7)
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
Magic Trids 2
Magic Theory 2
Celebrity Gossip 3
gambling card games 2
Horizon media 2
gambling card games2
Seattle high society 1
Language Skills

Stunbolt (F/2)-1
fireball (F/2)+5
Heal DmgDV-2
Increase Reflexes (F/2)+2
Improved Invisibility (F/2)+1
Stealth (F/2)+1
Trid Phantasm (F/2)+3
Physical Mask (F/2)+1
Makeover (F/2)

Hermes Ikon34
Novatech Navi43
Programs: analyse 6 (ergonomic, optimization 2), browse 4, edit 4, encrypt 4, purge 4, scan 4
Options: Optimization (exploit): +1 to actions using program

Sony Emperor32
Iris Orb33
Programs: analyse 4 (ergonomic, optimization 2), browse 2, edit 2, encrypt 2, purge 2, scan 2

Gear (228731¥)
armored vest 600¥
Form-fitting half-body suit (nonconductivity 3, fire resistant 3) 1800¥
Zoé executive suit ensemble (long jacket) 1950¥
Zoé moonsilver evening gown + scarf 8000¥
docwagon basic 5000¥
survival knife 50¥
defiance EX shocker 150¥
Ares predator IV (personalised grip, gecko grip) 550¥
Katana (personalised grip, gecko grip, weapon focus r2) 21500¥
pistol ammo (90 rounds regular, 30 rounds stick-n-shock) 420¥
taser darts (20 rounds regular) 100¥
spare clips (5 pistol) 25¥
commlink accessories: AR gloves, nanopaste trodes (3), satlink, subvocal microphone, sim module 1200¥
Earbuds r3 (audio enhancement 2, select sound filter 1) 430¥
Goggles r5 (image link, flare compensation, smartlink, vision magnification, vision enhancement 2) 1125¥
tool kit (disguise) 500¥
white noise generator r6 300¥
fake SIN rating 4 + 3x fake licence rating 4 5200¥
fake SIN rating 3 + 3x fake licence rating 3 3900¥
magical lodge materials r6 3000¥
5x lael in disposable syringes 950¥
mage sight goggles + cable 2060¥
respirator rating 6 600¥
survival kit 100¥
medkit rating 6 + supplies (2) 700¥
flashlight 25¥
tag eraser 150¥
sustaining foci (illusion r3, health r2) 50000¥

James Dermott (Talistmonger)3/2
Melissa Firebird (trid mage)3/4

James Dermott: A 45-year old talismonger living near Lake Serene in Everett, he is a friend of Sammy’s old teacher back in LA.  He has a small shop and while he makes some things himself, he buys quite a lot from corporations.  He knows a lot about magic in all of its forms and he also knows quite a lot of people in the magical scene of Everett and occasionally he gets mages in contact with fixers.

Melissa Firebird: A 21 year old human female, she’s currently at UCLA (currently in her final year of a Bachelor of Magic), while working as a mage off screen in the week-ends and holidays.  Her father is VP in a movie studio (a subsidiary of Horizon).  She and Sammy were good friends during high school in LA and they still keep regular contact.  She knows a lot about the trid and glitterati scene.

Physical Description: A good looking woman, she normally has long hair done up in current fashions.  On runs normally in a simple pony tail.  On runs, she often wears loose fitting clothes, a hat, goggles and a respirator to hide herself (together with a spell and some mundane disguise equipment).
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: brown
Length: 1m69
Weight: 80 kg
Age: 22

Maria was born in East Los Angeles, as daughter of two poor factory workers.  While it wasn’t El Fierno and they managed to get by, live in East LA was far removed from the glamour and glitter of Hollywood.  Live started to get interesting when she was 13.  She was on the bus when she witnessed a stabbing incident.  As there were PCC cops close by, the attacker ran away quickly, but not after stabbing his victim in the chest.  She had just had some CPR classes at school, she went over the see if she could help.  As she tried to stop the blood coming out of the man’s chest, suddenly the wound closed.

It didn’t take long for the arriving medics to figure out what had happened and when they had calmed the young girl down, the police brought her home.  Her parents were worried at first when they saw her arriving with the police, but they were quickly reassured.  As mages were something every company needed, they quickly saw that this would be the way for their daughter out of the slums.  As it was determined after testing that she followed a hermetic tradition, so she was put in a special program at school.

She didn’t find a corporate job, but she did find something else, and that was the trid industry.  When she was 15, Melissa Firebird, a mage friend of hers from school brought her in contact with her father who worked for a subsidiary of horizon.  At first she only worked there during breaks and week-ends and off-screen, mostly turning people invisible and also healing stunt people when something went wrong.  It was a life she really liked and when she was 16, she got her first chance.  A mage had fallen ill and they quickly needed a double.  As she had about the same physical built, she was asked to stand in.  She did so, although under a fake name and this was the start of a career that would last for 5 years.  She liked acting and at the end of the year she even got a small role in one of the episodes of Neill the Orc Barbarian.

When in 2069 the earthquakes shook LA, she was out of town to film on location in the PCC.  It was a trying time as they couldn’t go back and they didn’t know anything about family left in LA.  When they finally were allowed to go back, it took Maria quite some time to find out what had become of her family.  Of the seven people (herself included) only two others survived, one brother (Rodrigo) and one sister (Jemina).  She took them with her and tried to get more acting jobs to make ends meet.

She became known for researching quite a lot for the movies she acted in, even going so far as to learn to fight with a sword and things like that.  While she still liked to do some work off-screen, she got her chance in a big production when she was 19.  It was a classic fantasy movie with magic and swordfights and even a dragon, and she managed to do very well.  She was even nominated for an Oscar for best actress and even though she didn’t win, it was an amazing time for her as Horizon CEO Gary Cline made an appearance at the ceremony.

The next movie she was going to star in was set in Alaska.  While they didn’t go there, they did go to the Saskatoon in the Algonkian-Manitou council.  While filming she stood too close to an explosion and she had to go to hospital as she couldn’t hear anything and she had vertigo.  There they did tests and found she had a punctured eardrum and some inner ear damage as well.  The eardrum closed up, but she had a permanent reduction of her hearing.  While she could get cyber ears to solve the issue, she decided not to as it would interfere with her magic.

A second blow came a couple of weeks later when she got the news that her sister had gone missing.  She went back to LA to search but she couldn’t find her.  She was about to give up when she heard from James Dermott, a Seattleite talismonger and friend of her old magic teacher, that her sister had been spotted in Seattle.  Immediately she moved there, but by the time she arrived the trail had grown cold again.  She decided not to go back to LA and stay in Seattle to search for her sister.  Her brother stayed with her and now he was accepted at college on a sports scholarship.  While she still looks out for him and he lives with her, he’s mostly independent.  She has been in Seattle for a bit over a year now and turned to running the shadows as a means to earn money and also to get information on her sister.

2068 Zombies of the deep - Nathalia (action/horror)
2068 Neil the Orc barbarian - Viera Santos (action, episode 10, season 17)
2069 Up the well - Sandra Turner (action/SF)
2069 Awaking - Laura Jasqui (action/comedy)
2069 Kung fu mage - Lisa Galletly (action)
2070 Crash 2.0, ACHE - captain Sylvia D'Angelo (action/reality)
2070 Crash 2.0, ACHE - captain Sylvia D'Angelo (trid game, voice)
2070 Karl combatmage - Sue White (episode 6+7, season 14) (action)
2071 Sadness, cubed - Laila (episode 2+3, season 3) (Dark comedy) (attitute p65)
2071 Dragons in the mist, Sevelda (action/fantasy) (Oscar nomination best actress)
2071 Dragons in the mist, Sevelda (trid game, voice)
plus some Horizon (and Horizon subsidiary) commercials

Build Point totals:  400 = 180 stats + 20 race + 74 magic + 106 skills +25 qualities – 35 qualities + 26 resources + 4 contacts
« Last Edit: <02-24-12/1416:25> by farothel »
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #9 on: <01-21-12/0812:47> »
I'll make a list, then. But you are all (well mostly) experienced players, so overused is what you can see in most of the games. It's not a rule, you can have allergies or any kind of quality  you want, I'm just asking you to try not to see them as + and - points but as factors that defines your characters.

Examples then:
Restricted gear, first impression for social characters, analytical mind for hackers, catlike for covert ops

Addiction (something irrelevant as alcohol), Allergy (non-threatening substance see strawberries), amnesia for an excuse for a crappy backstory, day job (especially with fame), distinctive style (with clothes), In debt , mania/phobia (like arachno), poor self control, prejudiced, scorched (non-tech), spirit bane, Uncouth for "trolls", maybe wanted

astral sight, code of conduct, college education, common sense, maybe deep cover, escaped clone,  home ground, inspired, latent and dormant traits, perfect time, sense of direction, speed reading, water sprite

you get the drift, just try to explore, I don't want to tell you you must use these, just feels like I'm seeing less runners with these. And in the negative qualities, there are some juicy ones too, which maybe more serious drawback-wise, but that's why it requires more roleplay to utilize.

Netz: you can know each other, can have a shared lifestyle (but starting money will depend on money spent on lifestyle) but not as a group. 2 people can have a closer relationship and you may have heard or seen or exchanged words with others (since you are all living in the same district), but generally you are not a group yet

To all: into the background, please try to work in how you ended up here and how you made name for yourself in the shadow community (a good job, some exceptional show of skill, good with the crowd, running from KE naked and making a fool out of them :) )

And I'm going to be a little busy at the weekend, so you have time to refine your character. I'm still gonna post and watch, just not this much.

In my mind the relevancy of a positive or negative quality is up to both the player and GM .  If a player is allergic to strawberries, maybe the NPCs discovery this and introduce a strawberry derivative into a smoke grenade or break into the PCs house and spray the PCs clothes with a strawberry extract to taunt the player.  Strawberries is a bit extreme but I think you get where I am going.  Addiction is a role playing issues for me, but the GM should test the player by placing the addict in situation where the chemical is available and attractive and penalize the player karma award  for not role playing the addiction.  As for debt, the easiest way to make it relevant is, as a GM, don't throw money at the runners, or the interest keeps accruing no matter how much the player pays, make them work to pay it off.

A lot of great characters in literature, cinema and theater have had common qualities, Phillip Marlowe, Han Solo, and Superman (really how much Kryptonite is there on Earth),  Many of those common traits or qualities are found in the classical mythical archetypes that Joseph Campbell described in his works.

A good role player will make commonly used qualities relevant in the game and poor role players can make the less common qualities irrelevant.  In the end its up to the collaboration between the PC and the GM to make the games fun and interesting.  I have never played a PbP, though I am trying to find one, so I don't know how the written nature complicates storytelling for the GM or role playing for the PCs so I will withhold any judgement about the ease or complexity on those matters until I get a chance to play.

Just my .02
Winter: Broken Eggs, Smith: Gory Days


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« Reply #10 on: <01-21-12/0839:35> »
I'm working on a character sheet on Chummer, and I think I can have it mostly done at Monday to sent you.


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« Reply #11 on: <01-21-12/1345:06> »
Working on chummer.
Q: Would it be possible for my character to stay living where she is, on the Ranch, and have her day-job place in one of Everett hospitals? Due to she is a doctor, she will most probably have some kind of low level apartement close by for down time between shifts, still, her major base is ranch. maybe I can work with someone on the rent ;)
if i am going with small time biodroning i will have something similar to a ranch at least a house with a big, i mean really big garden. not checked yet but will it be possible in Everet?
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #12 on: <01-21-12/1452:55> »
I wrote to Lysanderz, he's the only one who did not make a post yet.

This will be a 5 player game.

Everyone lives in Everett. You can have the ranch as secondary. (to be fair, I warned you about pre-created characters)

I feel I've said enough about Qualities.I don't want this thread to be filled with arguing, I want everyone to have fun. Thus please, if you are not in the game, don't argue about the houserules. I respect your opinion, but this is an Out Of Character thread for Drowning in Shadows - I'd really like it if you'd let the players and me discuss this between us. If you have something to say about Qualities, please use the discussion threads in this forum. Thank You! :)

Far: I don't use Omae, it's much easier to just use Drag and drop, then PM link.

Good Day to You all, and take your time with the characters. :)


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« Reply #13 on: <01-21-12/1650:26> »
I'm here!!!! Give me a day to catch up and work on character stuff and such.


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« Reply #14 on: <01-23-12/0150:25> »
Ok, PMed the link.

I find Omae easier to use as it's integrated in chummer, but that's probably just me wanting everything in one place.
PS: I just found out I can't use the mediafire site at work, so all changes there I will have to do in the evening at home.
« Last Edit: <01-23-12/0152:40> by farothel »
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"

