Introducing RPGs... to a ten year old!

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« on: <01-16-12/0446:56> »
Skip to the stars for summary  :P

I just recently bought the Call of Cthulhu core book from Chaosium, and in preparation for the upcoming game I'm going to run, this book goes everywhere with me. Every spare second I have, I crack it open and review Mythos, rules, or stats, just to make sure I've really got as solid of a grasp as I think I do.

So, it came with me while I was out visiting my mother. There's some down time, so I'm sitting on the couch reading about sanity loss, and my little sister come up to me, points at the book, and says, "Jacob, what's that?"

I paused for a minute, thinking about how to explain it. I said, "Well, it's a  game, but not like Zelda or Mario. You play it with other people, imagining what you're doing instead of seeing it on the tv. It's a lot more complex, too. In a roleplaying game, you can do anything you want to, from killing a dragon, to building a chair. As long as it fits the game world, you can do it."

She asked me what CoC was like in particular, to which I tried to explain about evil gods and ordinary people caught in extraordinary situations. I also told her that Shadowrun was set in the future, with magic and robot body parts, and that D&D was fantasy, with knights and wizards, and trolls and dragons.

To which she replied, "Oh. Okay."

Well, hey, whatever. Maybe she'll ask again in a few years.

Next day, though, as I'm getting ready to leave, and am heading out the door, she says " Jacob, I'd really like to play Shadowrun, or D&D." (Remembered the frakking names. She was paying attention :D )

So now I'm stuck with a dilemma. I can not pass this up.This is going to happen, no matter what. BUT, I don't know what the hell I should have her play. I've rolled it around in my head, and I've come up with a few conclusions:

1. NOT Call of Cthulhu. Not an investigator's chance in R'lyeh. Not only is the explanation of the Mythos way too much to make her sit down and listen to, it's just not something that really jives with a ten year old. "What? I just got eaten? I HATE THIS GAME!" So on and so forth.

2. I'm iffy about Shadowrun. She doesn't really have any prior experience with cyberpunk, and sitting her down to watch the dull as a butter knife snooze-fest Blade Runner (I like Blade Runner, I really do.), or lending her my copy of Neuromancer as a reading assignment doesn't seem like a good idea.

3. D&D; Fantasy = Good. She's got more experience with a fantasy setting than the other two. She loves Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and the aforementioned Zelda series. She's read the Percy Jackson book and loved them. Likes Egyptian culture and all their "funny" gods. Lot of background there. But D20 isn't my favorite system, nor do I feel that it's the easiest to learn. Especially preparing spells. I've read the section twice and am still hazy on why the hell they did it the way they did. I also don't really feel the little nasty surprises, like attacks of opportunity, will be too popular, especially since I've found they almost never end up working in the player's favor.


So, what systems, settings, genres, or styles of play do you feel would be best for introducing a young girl to the world of role playing games? What ways would you change any of the existing systems to make them more accessible to a younger audience?

Then again, maybe this is a case of, "Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."

Thanks in advance!


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« Reply #1 on: <01-16-12/0502:48> »
Awesome.  I so hope that my kid will want to play RPGs...  anywho...

Being partial to Shadowrun, I'd suggest you start her off in this world.  Go easy on the massive universe and color it in as needed.  Perhaps if she's partial to magic, then tone down the matrix stuff and vice versa.  In a few years, you'll be able to have expanded on the entire game world perhaps.

Best of luck!
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« Reply #2 on: <01-16-12/0538:37> »
I found an rpg called witch girls a little while ago ( you can find it on drivethrurpg). You might try that. It is relatively inexpensive and I think it would be great for you to  try.
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« Reply #3 on: <01-16-12/0750:11> »
First off, watch this video. Yes, she's much younger than your sister, but there's some things you need to remember if you want this to "hook" her.

1) Do not worry about the rules. They can come later. Tell the story first and foremost.
2) As much as I love Shadowrun (and who doesn't), I would say start her with D&D first. She'll be able to process fighting orcs with swords or throwing a fireball at a dragon in a fantasy setting with a more black & white view of morality than the greyscale world of Shadowrun.
3) Start her off with easy to learn rules. I prefer Pathfinder and cannot stress how well-made the Beginner's Box is to introduce the game. Likewise, 4E has well-balanced and easy to learn rules that are perfect for a new player. No matter what you use, though, remember rule #1.
4) This is a game about imagination. Rule #1 is all about that. If you start up the game and lay out that a king is asking her character to slay a dragon and she responds to that with that she doesn't want to slay the dragon and thinks the king is evil, then work with that. Make the king dastardly, have her go and find the dragon and discover that it's being persecuted unjustly. The key thing to remember is to remain flexible. If you find yourself saying, "You can't do that!", she'll lose interest and the game turns into work.

Finally, 5) Have fun!


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« Reply #4 on: <01-16-12/1359:35> »
ADnD and DnD3.5 are the best starters for any young kid. Lots of flashy heroic kiddie arcs are posdoble, but it's easy to go darker as needed. You can do it with Shadowrun too, though. Just be a young SINner dealing with less if the cutthroat stuff, and more with runs for friends and the local ice cream shop manager.


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« Reply #5 on: <01-16-12/1405:02> »
Since she knows the Percy Jackson stuff, you could use Scion as well.
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« Reply #6 on: <01-16-12/1408:02> »
I didnt think about White Wolf in my first post; if she liked any kind of anime, try Exalted.

Scion is horribly broken in my opinion. A close friend of mine worked on it and calls it an "unfinished, untested" game.


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« Reply #7 on: <01-16-12/1410:50> »
Not broken, just don't try fighting a character or NPC that's built for combat if you're built for leadership, science, politics or any other non-combat activities.
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« Reply #8 on: <01-16-12/1422:29> »
I would also recommend a one-shot with pre-made characters as a teaser of what is possible. Gives her the idea of what it's like to sit around the table, listen to one person do most of the talking and thinking about what you will be doing in response...

Also, if she's read any Dresden Files, there's the Fudge version of that setting
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« Reply #9 on: <01-16-12/1425:58> »
I will suggest this no matter what system you go with. If whatever you pick has magic, psionics or anything else with special rules, don't let that be her first character. A new gamer's first character should be something simple. A Fighter in D&D or a cybered out Street Sam in SR for example.
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« Reply #10 on: <01-16-12/1435:42> »
Thanks for the replies!

I do have one thing to point out, though. She's ten, but she's not stupid. Yeah, maybe she's not going to get all the nuance and flavor that I normally put into a game, but she'll still like all the the things you like. Killing dragons and becoming the all inquisitive ruler is a lot higher on her check list than gossiping about boys that don't exist.

Also, I can already predict that there's no way in hell I will be able to keep her away from magic if it's an option. Though she'll most likely want to do a spellsword type character...


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« Reply #11 on: <01-16-12/1502:15> »
The problem with running is she has to learn about how dark the world is, d and d should be what shes playing for now and in that case take all the convoluted magic rules out.
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« Reply #12 on: <01-16-12/1513:21> »
The problem with running is she has to learn about how dark the world is, d and d should be what shes playing for now and in that case take all the convoluted magic rules out.

This is all I was saying. No matter how smart someone is, it's generally the best idea for someone just getting their start in gaming to not play spellcasters.  Now, that said, playing a wizard or sorceror in D&D 3.5 could still work, but would require a whole lot of guidance from you both in creation and in actual game play.

With Shadowrun, it could still work, but start slow and don't really go into the deep dark parts of the game until you think she's ready, and SR is a system where a new player (especially one new to gaming as a whole) really should not start with a mage or shaman, and definitely not a hacker since it can be even more complicated and convoluted than magic.

All that said, it's your game, so if you feel comfortable giving the necessary guidance for her to play the more complicated stuff, go for it, but my advice still stands because the simpler character types seem a bit better--in my opinion--for getting someone a good taste for gaming.
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« Reply #13 on: <01-16-12/1514:41> »
My first d and d guy was a mage and my first shadowrun guy was a rigger I got soooo confused lol
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Always start and end character creation by asking yourself "why is this character not an ork." If you don't have a good answer you should be an ork. -UmaroVI
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« Reply #14 on: <01-16-12/1516:32> »
My first d and d guy was a mage and my first shadowrun guy was a rigger I got soooo confused lol

Ouch. Rigger for your first SR character? Damn, talk about jumping straight into the deep end of the pool right off the bat....
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

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