Smoke, Gun Adept Missions Build 10% less Lolsy

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« on: <08-14-20/2234:18> »
Needed to update my planned Missions characters with the FAQ release.  Here is my Gun Bunny Adept.  Basic Anticipate build, with decent social skills. 

Smoke, Elf Physical Adept      
Metatype   C   Elf 9
Attributes   A   24 Points
Skills   B   24 Points
Magic   D   1 PP Adept
Resources   E   8,000 Nuyen


Strength 2
Agility 7 (11)
Reaction 5 ( 8 )
Body 5
Intuition 5
Logic 2
Charisma 5
Willpower 3
Magic 4
Edge 5
Essence 4
Nuyen 505

Skills                       Rank
Firearms (SMG)                6
Influence (Intimidation)    5
Athletics                          1
Stealth                          3
Con                                 5
Close Combat (Unarmed)  1
Perception   (Visual)          5
Engineering                        1

Adept Powers   
Increased Reflexes 3   
Pain Resistance 2   
Vocal Control   
Critical Strike 1 (Thunderbird)   

Knowledge Skills

Area Knowledge Seattle
Fetish Scene


Built Tough 4
Stolen Gear (20)
Mentor Spirit Thunderbird
Extreme Allergy Cold Wrought Iron
Low Light Vision
Honor-bound Mes ti’Beletresa   

Used Muscle Toner   4
Alpha Platelet factory   
Alpha Bone augmentation 4


Simon Andrews, Fixer (5,5)   
Rico, Ancients Gang Leader (5,5)   
Lt Samuel, Lone Star (5,5)   

Fake SIN 4   
Nissan Jackrabit   
Ace of Cups Longcoat   
Programable Camo (Ace of Cups)   
1 month Low Life   
Rating 4 Licences:   
       Adept, Firearm, Foci   
       Bounty Hunter, Drivers   
AR Gloves   
     Image link   
Ultrasound Sensor 3 In Helmet   
Olfactory Sensor 3 In Helmet   
Thermographic 3 in Helmet   
Vision Magnification In Helmet   
Geko Tape Gloves   
Gas Mask   
Unbonded Qi Foci Level 18   
Walther Palm Pistol (2)   
Hidden Arm Slide (2)   
Ares Slivergun (2)      
2 External Smart gun links- top      
2 Gas Vents - Barrel      
2 Personalized Grip      
2 Short Barrel      
2 Custom Style, Intimidation, Negotiation      
2 Concealable Quick Draw Holsters      
FN93 Praetor (2)      
2 External Smart gun Links - Top      
2 Gas Vents - Barrel      
2 Personalized Grip      
2 collapsible Stocks      
2 Hip pad Bracing System      
2 Tactical Slings      
2 Ruthenium Rifle Sheath      
Defiance Super Shock Taser      
External Smart gun link      
Explosive Hold out Ammo (50)  Hand loaded      
Taser (20)      
Explosive SMG Ammo (200) Hand loaded      
Flechette Heavy Pistol Ammo (200) Hand Loaded      
Pepper Punch Grenade       
Securetech Armor Augmentation System   

Planned Advancement:  Killing Hands and Combat Sense.  Bond the Foci, Initiate.  Mostly Work for the People as Nuyen isn't really important for this character.  Round out a few Specializations and Expertise after the Foci are bonded and the first Grade of Initiation is picked up.  Martial Arts Sangre y Acero and then Kick attack after that.  Should use up about 90 Karma getting there.  After that it's probably Initiate until Grade 4.  At which point it's pure derp around mode and take whatever makes me giggle and wait for the Adept Social Powers to get printed.  : )   

Character background:

Smoke, born Angélica Robinson in the East Side Barrens neighborhood of Seattle.  She is 191 CM, 95 KG of foul mouthed, hot tempered Elven gristle.  Her skin is either scarred, tattooed, branded or pierced, sometimes all of the above, depending on where you look. 

Of course Smoke started out with the Ancients.  Young magical pissed off poverty stricken elf?  No surprises there.  She started at 14, ran with them till about 20.  Still keeps in touch with her Ex, Rico, who now runs a respectable piece of territory along I90.  Smoke parted on good terms with the Ancients (and Rico).  But the old East Side 'hood is still a core touchstone for Smoke.  It's where her family still lives, it's where she's from, and it's generally where she can be found on a Friday night.

Smoke started freelancing outside the Ancients.  Picking up odd jobs here and there.  Mostly muscle and intimidation work, but occasionally working with other runners on more complex and better paying runs.  Her next Ex, Simon Andrews, was the one who inadvertently got Smoke her big break.

Smoke was hired to persuade a Yakuza Kyodai to take a couple nights off, or to make sure he didn't interfere.  The young Yakuza soldier had also been given his big break.  A case with a fake ID, Magic Foci, guns, and an appointment with a Street doc that didn't ask questions.  Angélica happened upon the Kyodai as he was on his way to the Street doc.  The Yakuza drew on Smoke, and went down in a spray of blood.  When Smoke opened the case and realized what she had, she grabbed the opportunity with both hands. 

And while the Street Doc didn't ask questions, he certainly answered them when the Inagawa-kai Oyabun asked.  The Street doc gave up Smoke in a heart beat.  Smoke was tracked down and taken to the Oyabun. 

As it turns out, Oyabun Kimura was a very ill man.  In exchange for generously not murdering Smoke's entire family, Smoke now meets Oyabun Kimura twice a month at a private clinic.  They are hooked up to a machine, blood is pumped back and forth between Oyabun Kimura and Smoke, and then Smoke is allowed to leave.  The experience leaves Smoke shaken, bruised, and exhausted.  Uncannily, this is when the call comes for the next Job.

Smoke runs the Shadows full time now.  Reveling in the freedom of self employment, Smoke is a fierce combatant, terrifying presence, and cunning liar as needed.  Her current on again, off again, recently promoted Ex slash one that got away is Lt Samuel of Lone Star.  A mutual childhood crush, the good Lieutenant took the straight and narrow path to Corporate citizenship.  Smoke's current and past occupation as a professional terrorist for hire doesn't look good as Lone Star Lieutenant's girlfriend.  They occasionally still meet up when their professional paths cross, or when they both happen to be visiting the old 'hood. 
« Last Edit: <08-14-20/2243:46> by Hobbes »


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« Reply #1 on: <08-15-20/0624:29> »
The highlights for me are ex-boyfriends rather than contacts, and splurging on the ludicrously high force foci with stolen gear cash. That's how you do it!

Well rounded build overall. Two that really continues to upset me about SR6 that both of our builds highlight:

1. Adepts get away with D priority at full magic power out of chargen, while Mages and Mystic Adepts come out way behind the curve even if you sink a B into it. Mages should be able to buy spells for Karma with chargen points (even if a limited number, like A up to +4, B up to +3, ect.). Mystic Adepts should be able to do similar, like either use Attributes to raise Magic for PP, or spend Karma for spells, up to the split allowance.

2. I really dislike mixing Magic and ware, but hot damn if it is just not ludicrously efficient for most Adepts, especially with the new prices for both nuyen and essence.
"TL:DR 6e's reduction of meaningful choices is akin to forcing everyone to wear training wheels. Now it's just becomes a bunch of toddlers riding around on tricycles they can't fall off of." - Adzling


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« Reply #2 on: <08-15-20/0927:03> »
The highlights for me are ex-boyfriends rather than contacts, and splurging on the ludicrously high force foci with stolen gear cash. That's how you do it!

Yeah, you don't get to do much with character backstory in a Missions game.  The ex-boyfriends as the contacts struck me as a fun RP hook that would have lots of opportunity for the GM to play around with if they wanted. 

The actual break down of the Qi Foci will depend on BGC rules.  If Foci are reduced by BGC, then it'll be one big Combat Sense Foci.  Otherwise it'll be a few smaller Foci.


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  • Catalyst Demo Team
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« Reply #3 on: <08-15-20/1048:55> »
Combat Sense is probably the way to go for now. It moved from being very good in SR5 to vital in SR6 due to how much less soak is typically available.
"TL:DR 6e's reduction of meaningful choices is akin to forcing everyone to wear training wheels. Now it's just becomes a bunch of toddlers riding around on tricycles they can't fall off of." - Adzling

