Al and Alyce - Second Chapter

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #30 on: <01-14-17/0804:10> »
Thursday, July 16th, 2076

Alyce laughs.  "Point taken.  I guess I do it for the excitement and because it beats being at home alone.  I make an average of two trips a year to some really exotic locations and got to do things most people only dream of, and I get paid to do them.  And paid quite well, thank you.."  Without looking his way, Alyce puts her hand back on Al's leg.  "I did notice that there is a key hanging on the rooms available board in the pub.  Interested?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #31 on: <01-14-17/0928:08> »
Thursday, July 16th, 2076

Her hand on his thigh didn't bother Al a bit. Quite the opposite. But he started the car.

"Don't think fer a minute I ain't. But this here's a courtship, not a damned booty call. An' ol' Al don't kiss onna first date."

He swung the car out into the country road and drove even faster on the way back than he had on the way out, top still down all the way. By the time he pulled up in front of the book store Alyce's hair was in total disarray, which he thought looked damned good, and a change from the ubiquitous pony tail to which he'd been accustomed.

He keyed her lock so she couldn't get out on her own - he reckoned she could hack it in less than a second, it wasn't to keep her in, just to remind her to wait. Then he got out and went around to open it for her. Offered his hand to help her out.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #32 on: <01-14-17/1233:01> »
Friday, July 17th, 2076

The wind through the sunroof makes talking difficult and Alyce remains silent on the return trip.  She has much to think about and feels that her efforts to reach Al are not getting far.  She finds it hard to fathom how a man who has knocked about a good portion of the world in this age would be reticent about taking a willing woman to bed.  She shakes her head; she knows so little about him and he just does not share information.  He knows so much more about her than she knows about him and it frustrates her to no end.  Yet, any time she tries to get more from him or tries to get closer to him, he pulls away with some Guthrieism that just makes no sense.  Sighing, she realizes that she has a lot of work to do on this.

Back at the shop, she waits for Al to come around and help her out of the car.  Holding his hand, she says, "Thank you Al.  I had a very nice evening and we should do this again.  Your auto is bloody amazing and you drive like you were born to it.  You said that you are occupied tonight, so what would be a better day to get together?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #33 on: <01-14-17/1313:50> »
Thursday, July 16th, 2076

"Well, my druthers'd be sooner's better. I'll be eager ta see ya, so soon's I git freed up, I reckon. An' I ain't figured out the show yet, so can't rightly say what night. But ya said yer schedule's open, so I s'pose I'll call once I git 'er sussed."

His hand still in hers, he wondered if there something more he ought to do by way of a parting gesture, but through the window behind her he saw her four-legged friend waiting expectantly in the shadows of the shop, eyes and nostrils glowing like impatient charcoals. So he winked, gave her hand a squeeze, and got into his car.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #34 on: <01-15-17/0154:12> »
Friday, July 17th, 2076

Alyce watches Al drive off and shakes her head in sorrow and regret for another opportunity gone by.  She turns and unlocks the door, locking it behind her after entering.  Kneeling, she puts her arms around her companion and hugs him to her.  "What do I need to do to get him to love me?  I guess it is up to him to make the move.  Let's go to bed."  The two move to the stairs and climb to the first floor, entering the private luxury flat the occupies this entire floor of the hotel.  Alyce walks to her room and undresses before crawling into her bed as Al settles down on teh floor at the foot.  Before falling asleep, she sends messages to Stephanie and Mae, letting them know what time she arrived home and when she needs to have breakfast ready. 

Alyce wakes to her internal clock and stretches before getting out of bed and using the bathroom.  When she returns, Mae is in the room getting Alyce's clothes from the closet and bringing them over to the bed for Alyce to put on.  The aroma of breakfast cooking drifts into the room and Alyce smiles.  "Mmmmm.  Breakfast smells wonderful.  Remember, I will..................."

"............not be in for lunch due to an appointment at the hospital this afternoon.  Yes, Miss Lysander, I remember.  Will you be in for dinner tonight?"

Alyce nods.  "I expect to be here, yes.  What time is Alan coming in?  We have the auto meeting him, yes?"

Mae nods, the slight gap in her teeth making a slight whistle when she speaks.  "Yes, Miss Lysander, John will be there to meet him when the train comes in and they should be back here by half five or so.  He is looking forward to seeing you again.  This past year at school has been hard for him,  but I think he will pass high enough to get to university."

Alyce smiles gently and touches her maid and friend on the shoulder.  "He will do just fine, Mae.  He has adapted brilliantly and is going places."

The two women leave the bedroom, followed by the Hell Hound.  Stephanie is waiting for them in the dining room, already serving food from the trays on the sideboard.  "This is wonderful, Mae, Cảm ơn các bạn.  Thank you."  Alyce's personal assistant turns to her mistress.  "Two calls from the hospital already this morning, Miss Lysander.  They are sending the latest patient charts to you and it is hoped that you can be in pre-op by 1100.  The traffic is light and John should have you there in plenty of time."

After breakfast, Alyce and Al go out to the front lobby of the hotel by the private elevator that goes to the lobby, where they are met by Alyce's chauffeur, John, who escorts them to the limousine.  During the short drive, Alyce is reviewing the charts sent to her 'link and working out treatment issues in her mind.  Alyce gets out of the car at the staff entrance to London General Hospital and enters the building, where she is met be a nurse staffer who walks with her to the pre-op room.  Alyce clucks at Al and he goes off to sit in a special corner where some blankets have been placed on the floor him to curl up on, while Alyce goes to meet the supervising surgeon, Doctor Eric Wingate, and the rest of the surgical team.  Four hours later, the team emerged from the surgery room, tired but in good spirits................another life has been saved, and that is a very good thing.  Doctor Wingate congratulates the team and gives a special thanks to Alyce for her timely assist at several critical junctures.

Alyce declines an invitation to go out, explaining that one of her godsons is returning home today from school and a big dinner is planned.  She gives out rain promises and picks up Al on the way out of the hospital.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #35 on: <01-15-17/2145:41> »
Friday, July 17th, 2076

Alyce arrives home at just on 1900 to a bit of an uproar.  She can hear Mae's raised voice as she steps off the elevator to find Stephanie waiting for her with her ever-present data pad in her hands.  Her assistant takes her coat and whispers, "Bit of an issue, Miss Lysander.  Alan has apparently got himself a girl and does not want to go to uni.  The girl's father is some sort of race car driver and she helps out and even drives a bit herself.  Mae is not impressed."

Alyce laughs softly.  "Could have fooled me.  Dinner is when?"

"It was supposed to be 1900, but it might be delayed."

Alyce sighs. "Alright.  Let me see if I can diffuse the issue."

She turns and walks down the hallway to the rooms that Mae has with her family and knocks on the open door to Mae's suite.  She sees Mae and Alan standing in the living area, but the two younger kids are not visible.  Both of the occupants turn to the door and stop arguing as they face Alyce.  Mae gathers her breath and  bows.  "Miss Lysander, so sorry to have you hear this.  Should have closed door." 

Alyce smiles at both of them.  "It is alright Mae.  I just wanted to come see Alan."  She turns to the young man. "My, you have certainly grown and filled out during this past term.  Welcome home, Alan.  Mae, you will have to get a big stick to keep all the girls at bay."

"It is apparently too late for that, Miss Lysander.  He has already found a girl and she is turning his head from his education."

The boy looks about to explode but notices Alyce's slight shake of her head and calms down slightly. "No, mother, she is not turning my head.  It is my decision to do this.  I can always go back to uni later, but this will give me a chance to do something besides school for a bit."

Mae's face turns an almost purple color but Alyce steps in.  "Alan, why don't you go see if Stephanie needs any help while your mother and I have a chat."

The young man nods and leaves the room quickly, obviously relieved to be out of the situation for a bit.  Alyce turns to Mae and motions for her to join her on the couch.  Once seated, the two women pause for a bit to let Mae calm down.  "Now, Mae, is this the end of the world?"

The other woman looks at Alyce for a moment as if she has been betrayed then her shoulders sag and she looks away.  "Education is so important, Miss Lysander.  He will never get anywhere without it.  He would be the first in our family to go to university.  He has a future."

Alyce puts a hand on Mae's shoulder.  "But whose future, Mae.  His or yours?  Would you drive him away from you or would you want him to be happy?"

"But he does not know how to be happy or what he really wants.  It is just about a girl."

"You have done an amazing job of raising him on your own, Mae, and he is a smart young man.  Maybe he needs something besides more school right now and he is right about going back later.  What has he said about this girl and going to be with her?"

"She has told him that her father's team is short a mechanic and he is convinced that he can get the job."

"Well, Mae, he has helped John on the auto and he is talented with his hands, so maybe he can get a job doing this.  I have an idea.  Why don't we invite this girl and her family up here for a couple of days so you can meet them?  They can stay in one of the guest suites."

Mae looks up and smiles.  "You make it sound so much less horrible and always have an answer."

Alyce shakes her head as she stands. "How I wish that were true, Mae.  It seems I have answers for everyone except me.  Now, shall we go out?  I would like to spend some time with my godson."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #36 on: <01-16-17/0742:32> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

Al felt better than he had in a long time as he cruised his Porsche up through the posh neighborhoods of Wimbledon, Chelsea, and Kensington to Alyce's shop. Pain in the ass as she was to both his head and his heart, he had really enjoyed his date with her the week before. Reluctant though he was to admit it, in fact, 'enjoyed' would be an understatement. He'd felt giddy like a kid in the days since, and each night - especially late at night - it had been all he could do to concentrate on his to-do list instead of just show up at her place, whisk her away to some all-night joint for coffee. He'd allowed himself to forget all the reasons he should be depressed instead of happy - what the hell, Alyce was a smart cookie - maybe she could succeed where She had failed to convince him he was full of shit.

The job he had now, this urban merc thing, you could get dead if your shit wasn't together. Except that he'd never get killed, so he didn't worry about that. But while he enjoyed the flexibility and down-time this work offered, he'd be damned if he would let it turn him into some layabout granola. So he kept busy, and over the weekend and into this week, that had meant his least favorite activity - shopping. His bang-bag was nearly depleted, and there were ideas he had for his cars that were as exciting as they were illegal. He hadn't found everything on his wish list - nor could he have afforded all of it if he had - as well as it paid, this job had some major overhead - but he'd gotten a lot at the Prospect, and, eventually, most of the rest from Chastity. Only hitch had been a trio of geezers that had taken him for a punter one night (Al congratulated himself on his interest in the local lingo), set up a fake buy to roll him. Maybe it was because he talked proper American English. Or maybe Chastity had gone psycho on him again and was trying to get his attention. Whatever - they'd come hard, and after he'd killed the first one, well, no percentage in leaving witnesses or enemies around....

But in between acquiring restricted explosives and SOTA vehicle components, he'd also had time to plan today, and he couldn't help being excited about it. It was mid-morning now and he had the whole day and evening planned. The show tickets on short notice had been a trick, but, like the dinner reservations, the right amount of nuyen still talked. Besides, it wasn't as though he'd have considered going anywhere he'd have to wear, well, anything but what he always wore.

The weather was clear and it was going to be warm - as usual, Londoners seized the rare opportunity to dress down, and the pavements were teeming with scantily clad eye candy. He was glad for the sun roof as it let the rays shine down on his face - he looked the same as he had when he'd called on Alyce last week, except that he'd been feeling a bit like a hippy this morning and taken his knife to his beard - a ritual his irrepressible manhood foisted upon him once a fortnight or so.

He'd texted her last night to make sure she was free clear though the evening (assuming she'd make herself so if she wasn't already), and now he pulled up in front of her shop. It was open this time, so he sauntered in, taking a look around in the light of day, with customers and all. Figured she'd spot him and make her appearance when she was ready.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #37 on: <01-16-17/1251:43> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

Four days.  Four bloody days.  No call, no text, no email.  Four days.  And then a text last night indicating that he would be by sometime in the morning and that she should be available all day.  She should be upset as hell but is she?  Fragging no, she isn't.  She is ecstatic that he has contacted her.  The four days are now in the past, as is all the worry and all the hurt and all the anger.  The text is like an epiphany for her and she smiles, feeling like a dam has broken inside of her.  She has been focusing for far too long on what she has wanted and what she has felt.  Perhaps it is time to work within Al's style instead of trying to force her style on him.  He is the love of her life and she has told him so more than once.  It is time that she just live in the moment with him and see if he comes to realize that he loves her, too.  There is a risk that he does not and she will have to live with that possibility.  But in the meantime, she can be his girl and let him decide if he wants her to be his woman.

He had not indicated what his plans were for the day, only that she be ready and available all day.  A shower in the morning and she is thinking her latest Steampunk outfit will be perfect.  The open wedge in the front shows off just enough leg to be enticing, especially in an auto where it can ride up just a teensy bit more.  The full rear emphasizes her rather nice ass, thank you very much, and will get looks without revealing anything.  After all, the gap in the front probably reveals just a bit too much, but that is why she is wearing her lacy silk knickers.  The top is delightfully low cut, emphasizing her braless bust to a degree that it should get attention, even from Al.  A slight outer bustier helps with the entire image.  The selected color can change, depending on her mood or where they are going, but right now is set to a mid-brown with white accents.  She has a tiny hat set at just the right angle and a bit of lace veil hangs from it down to her shoulders and her long hair is braided with small cogs and wheels.  Her walking stick is a wonder of the Mechanica's artwork, with moving wheels and gears up and down its length and onto the skull that forms the handle.  Water can be added through a small aperture on the top of the skull and a wireless command can set a hidden heater working to create a bit of steam that flows out of the skull's nose.  That effect is entirely for show, but it is rather dramatic.  The last bit is a matching clutch that holds her cred sticks and some makeup in case she needs to reapply some.  The only bits that seem even slightly off are the silver orthodox cross and the wooden idol on their silver chains around her neck. 

She looks bloody amazing and knows it but she hopes that Al will think so, too.  She spends the early morning wandering through the shop and greeting customers, many of whom wonder at the cause of the change in her from the previous couple of days.  Her own sensors and those of the shop that she is tied into are watching for Al's arrival so she is not surprised when he pulls up and enters.  She is at the side of her Hell Hound and hugging him.  Standing, she commands him to stay and instructs her shop manager to take care of him for her.  Christine nods and kneels next to the hound.  "Go on, Miss Lysander.  Al and I will have a brilliant day together."

Alyce makes a last second touch to her frock and Christine laughs.  "Go on.  He is walking about the shop, looking for you.  You look perfect.  Go."

Alyce nods and walks through the shop to greet Al.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #38 on: <01-16-17/1509:20> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

Ash was drifting from the tip of Al's Lucky Strike onto the glossy pages of a heavy coffee table book chronicling the production history of Tales of the Red Samurai when he noticed her approaching from the end of he aisle. He'd promised himself he wouldn't do anything rash when he saw her, but the only thing that stopped him crushing her in an embrace was that all the lace and bows and ties and velvets and so forth looked kind of fragile, so he didn't want to ruin it for her.

So he just lowered the book and looked her up and down as she walked up to him. There was the death hippy thing back again - he suspected this was her usual thing, and silly as it was he figured it was a lady's prerogative to doll herself up some. Mostly, however, his eyes hungrily and obviously devoured the generous expanse of toned leg and scandalous display of cleavage. Yup, here was the Alyce he remembered.

He did his best to meet her gaze past the funky shades and said, "I may not be salutin', darlin', but I sure as hell am standin' at attention." Doubtless her radar or sonar or whatever she used had no trouble verifying the statement.

"Now where do I pay fer this here book?"   

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #39 on: <01-16-17/1613:49> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

More than one of her enhanced senses tells Alyce Al is indeed at attention.  She knows that this outfit will get that sort of reaction from many men and even some women, but the only man she really cares to impress is standing in front of her.  She smiles at his question.  "That is a very nice book, Al.  I will take you to the counter where a very nice young woman by the name of Cecily will take your money from you while I go get my brolly in case the weather turns sour on us."  She walks with Al to the front and leaves him there to pay for the book, telling him that she will be back shortly.  She knows that his eyes are focused on the swish of her frock skirt as she walks away and she smiles again.

Cecily smiles and bobs her head at Al after Alyce leaves..  "Good morning, sir.  Oh, that one is ever so nice, don't you think?  I am sure that you will like it if you are a fan."  She pauses as she goes to ring up the sale on some sort of antique-looking contraption that looks like it came out of some very old movie.  There is nothing old about its operation, though.  She nods and looks back at you.  "That will be fifty nuyen, sir.  How would you care to pay today?"

Alyce walks to her office and looks at the array of umbrellas she keeps there, retrieving one that goes perfectly with her outfit.  By the time she returns to the front, Al has concluded his business and is waiting for her.  Carrying the umbrella under one arm and using the walking stick to help support her, she smiles and says, "I am ready to go, Al. I hope that you have not been waiting long."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #40 on: <01-16-17/1659:22> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

Al paid cash, a hundred nuyen note, and the girl didn't bat an eye. He figured any place selling books made out of paper would have plenty of throwback sorts using scrip.

Alyce came back, and the sight of her just walking toward him in that dress...somewhere far away a girl was offering him his change. "Keep it," he mumbled, grabbing his book distractedly and leading Alyce by the arm to the red sports car. The door opened and Al felt slightly dizzy as he tried to watch her bosom and her hemline simultaneously.

Hopping in on his side, he started the car and asked, "You eaten? We got time afore the matinee if'n yer peckish. Elsewise we can git drinks at the theater."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #41 on: <01-16-17/2335:05> »
Alyce smiles and lets Al lead her to the car and hands her in.  She leans a bit sideways as Al walks around the front of the car and slides into drver's seat, making sure that he gets a nice view of her cleavage as he does. " I am a bit peckish, Al, I have not eaten since breakfast.  Do we have the time?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #42 on: <01-17-17/0758:21> »
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2076

"Well jist said we did, precious. Have ya there afore ya can say copious cream-colored cleavage."

It was indeed a short distance to the nearest automobile entrance to the West End Underplex, and Al was too busy stealing glances at his breathtaking date to talk as he wove through London traffic. It seemed a shame to waste the sun, but he'd promised her a show, and hoped he'd found the right one. It had to be the matinee since he had other plans for the evening. And all the live theatre was down here, either on the rebuilt Shaftesbury Avenue or in the new National Theatre Complex. They would head to the latter.

As he pulled up to the Premium Secure Parking, he glanced at her and said, "You did erase us all from this place's..." and trailed off as she gave him the sort of look he'd have given anyone asking him if he'd recalibrated their timing belt correctly. "Sorry."

Once down in the mall proper, he took her arm and they shopped for a nice place to eat as they made their leisurely way to the Patrick Stewart Theatre. They chose a German place called Edelweiss. Tedious name but good eats. Started with sausages, finished with strudel. Of course the eatery offered beer all day. Conversation was light. Al had been thinking over the past few days of things he'd like to discuss if cornered into a real conversation, but he was delighted that she didn't lay anything heavy on him before noon.

Walking from brunch to the show, Al wondered why the damned molepeople couldn't make their little undercity more like this place - everything all clean, no one poisoning anyone, park areas apparently free of deadly demons. He figured Alyce would have a different view - he couldn't fathom her attachment to that infernal sub-realm. And he feared that particular mental derangement was just the tip of the iceberg....

So busy was he cautioning himself not to go down that particular thought-path lest it completely ruin a perfect day, that he didn't notice the man until they were almost on top of him. Standing in front of a shop chatting with a uniformed security guard was the very same plainclothes guy that Al had flipped off...and that Isaint had tasered. Before the man could look up and notice them, Al took Alyce around the shoulders and spun her into a tight embrace so that all the man could see was the V of her fit shoulders and the shape of her perfect ass swathed in all her steampunk finery.

And there, nose to nose in what was meant to have been a mere deception, Al felt her breath on his lips and did the only right thing...

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #43 on: <01-17-17/1110:07> »
Wednesday July 23rd 2076

Alyce is polite enough to remove her hat and hat pins during the drive.  Her curiosity is piqued when he turns in at the West End Underplex and motors to the nearest car park, but she remains aware enough to capture the security cameras in the vicinity and delete their images.  The look she gave Al when he asked his question was apparently enough to let him know she has it under control.

Alyce has literally spent hours down here shopping and doesn't want to inflict something like that on Al, so simply looks at the offered AROs from various shops they pass, committing anything interesting to her memory for later.  Lunch is perfect and she makes sure to tell Al so. 

Alyce has two of her Fly Spy drones up and so sees the security man before they reach him and is opening her mouth to let Al know when he swings her around and pulls her in close.  She finds her lips millimeters from his and her natural urges take control over the reticence she has been practicing and she closes the gap, kissing him with a passion that should be making his socks off.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #44 on: <01-17-17/1132:02> »
Wednesday July 23rd 2076

Kissing Alyce was making Al think about getting a lot more than his socks off. There was a tingly throbbing of his pulse in the tops of his feet and behind his ears as he explored her with his tongue. Still, the hand on the back of her head furtively pulled her hair to the side, allowing him to peek over her shoulder at the plainclothes security man, who was taking his time. That was fine with Al. By the time the coast was clear he had needed to switch to his internal air supply...

And then they parted. He disengaged his lips from her mouth and his scarred hand from her perfect ass. "Sorry ta take liberties, toots - was a matter o' life an' death, ya know," he said with a wink. "I'll try an' be on my best behavior goin' forward."
« Last Edit: <01-17-17/1135:47> by adamu »