Panzerknacker [IC]

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« Reply #660 on: <04-03-17/1452:55> »
Mike grunted at Slobber's remark: "One address we have. The portal lodge hotel across the street from the bank is where the security guys hang around when they are on call. Might be a starting point to learn something about the two bodyguards. No idea if they know anything about the deckers or the mages. If I were you'd I'd try the bar or the fitness room. From what I found out during the preliminary research, these guards all come from different organisations. Some were Lonestar, some KE others are ex-military.

Krestov and you have corp security identities. If you get close to them posing as if you are interested in hiring, you might learn something. Can't imagine that those two bodyguards are particularly well liked with the troops - at the very least you'll learn what they are capable off."

Schmidt answered Anna: "As far as I know he does this once a week, but usually not the same girl twice in a row. Of course this might not be the case if you made enough of an impression. In that case we might be forced to get Eve fired, hospitalized or otherwise taken care of. Maybe have her win a vacation or something. You are a smart lot, you'll figure something out."

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #661 on: <04-03-17/1515:33> »
Anna felt a sting at the thought that she was just a casual weekly steam release for Lavndora. On one hand, if it was so it was perfect on the other hand - she wanted to be a special snowflake extraordinary woman that the guy would just fall in love with or something.  She grinned "I was thinking of legally booking her services so that she is unavailable - but let's think about it if it is actually a problem. "


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« Reply #662 on: <04-04-17/0810:30> »
bnc replies to Anna: "Difficult yes, impossible know. In the astral world, too, there is stuff you can hide behind. There are a lot of living auras that can conceal you. You can use Manascape, too. I wouldn't change into a watcher, however, as watchers are usually used for spying services. This might cause more alarm than just a random curious soul coming close to a strange building.
You can also summon a spirit and command it to Hide your aura. This is probably your best approach. If things get hot, the same spirit may also Confuse the watchers without actually attacking them. Just use your wits. Am I the mage or are you?"

She finishes her yoghurt and licks the spoon. Then she says, making it sound like a conclusion: "Our generous Mr. Johnson made possible that I get Augmented no later than tomorrow. Until then, I will try and find out as many adresses and information as I can. I guess, I will be taken out for at least two days. After that, I'll return.
I guess, before we don't have more infos, there's little planning we can do. I'll investigate in the matrix. Slob and Krestov will stretch out their ears in their respective fields of communication, Flatline and Ev... Anna will investigate their astral security and try to find out, where the mages live. Let's meet when we're done doing these things, and our various other stuff.
Oh, and I'll have my agent keep an eye on Eve. If Lava loves Anna's diverse orifices as much as Anna herself, I'll try and intervene."
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #663 on: <04-04-17/1539:44> »
Anna replied to bnc "Well you are quite knowledgeable on magic I give you that, but there are misconceptions. You and I are physical creatures and while we are visible from the astral plane we are not present in that plane. When I astrally project some part of me leaves this world and enters that plane.  My aura moves from being a reflection of something that is elsewhere - to something that is present in the astral. Thus most astral beings will notice that I am in their world and not in ours.  So it is one thing to hide in a mass of people when you are not perceiving the astral world and another thing entirely to do so as an astral form.

Second, the spirit power you speak about is a physical power as such it only affects our own world. Only mana spells can be used in the astral plane, so a spirit can confuse a watcher but not hide me from that said watcher. I am a good student, and am knowledgeable inside my profession. I will get the job done one way or the other and I think that it is safer to use the manascape spell and I can only disguise myself as an astral form so the selection is limited - but the goal is to prevent someone from assensing my real aura and then tracking me.  Me and Flatline will figure things out do not worry. "

Once bnc refers to her as Eve Anna grins and blows her a small kiss. Then she said "It may also be my charming personality, but for all practical means I guess we're done here. We'll be smarter once intel starts flowing in. I guess I'll go do homework or something. "


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« Reply #664 on: <04-05-17/0917:58> »
"Please. Though I have to admit that I didn't know that there are no spirits who can hide you in the astral world, as I'm unable to Conjure, obviously, don't treat me like an amateur. You know that I know what the difference between an astrally active and a solely living aura is. And you also know well that they, too, block sight which may give you a possibility to hide. You also know that the Earth itself has a real aura which makes it more difficult to distinguish you from the background if you're perceived from above. Bushes and trees may offer additional protection. I didn't say it's easy, but you made it sound like you are just there or not. But you can create and use many different things to hide behind. And watchers aren't well-known for their tremendous wits.

However. This is your field. You'll do all right."

bnc gets up and nods to everybody. She then smiles one of her rare smiles."I'll do some homework now, but I really think we should celebrate our achievements. Who's in?"
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #665 on: <04-06-17/1521:06> »
Anna said "You seem so interested in the astral, I wish you could be there.  The earth is dual natured indeed this is why underground bunkers are so secure. I'll figure it out don't worry - I am a regular visitor to that world.", her smile widened when bnc suggested celebrating and she said "We are scoped down so options are limited, but how does a night of drinking and karaoke sounds? "


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« Reply #666 on: <04-06-17/1932:30> »

"I've always been interested in whether or not bnc could drink Special K under the table."
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #667 on: <04-07-17/0021:11> »
bnc raises an eyebrow. "Karaoke?
Jeez. In that case the correct chronological order must be first drinking, then karaoke."

She grins at Slob. "Let's find it out, sempai!"
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #668 on: <04-09-17/1532:33> »
Schmidt got up: "Alright then, enjoy your outing. Mike, if you would be so kind to help me move my gear so Anna can set up her lodge, thanks. I'll be around but have to attend a few VR meetings, so if there are any other issues, just send me a message and I'll get back to you asap."

Schmidt and Mike left the room. 
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #669 on: <04-12-17/0221:25> »
"My own magical lodge, finally. I mean a real one, rather than desk in the magic department. Crime pays off! " She waves at Schmitt and said "Thanks again, you are very considerate."
She silently watched the interplay and took some mental notes, smiling she said to Krestov "Well that one indeed comes in a little package... Though I hope you have not given up on humans in general as the other Anna seems to like you... "
« Last Edit: <04-12-17/0225:52> by gilga »


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« Reply #670 on: <05-05-17/0312:39> »
Seattle, November 10th, late morning

The party had come and gone and the aftermath was even now cleaned up by Kite's drones - a disconcerting sight with all the little roach drones carrying litter into the bins.

Mike was already up again and busy doing what the old ork was usually doing: Making calls and tinkering with some gadget.
On the fridge in the kitchen an AR notice told anyone interested the the current hotel plans and schedule of the bank guards.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #671 on: <05-05-17/0819:20> »
Slobber put on his new suit and jacket and grabbed a snack in the kitchen

"Well Krestov, how about we go talk to those guards about Zola's men?"
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)


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« Reply #672 on: <05-05-17/1602:13> »
"Honeys, I gave you a shitload of data to work with, and we agreed upon a load of tasks you can complete while I'm off.
Remember my gaze, sweet ones. I might not return the same person..."

bnc packs her stuff and prepares for her hospital visit. This time, she's particularly nervous.
"normal speech"
whisper/"under your breath"
"foreign language"


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« Reply #673 on: <05-08-17/1302:32> »
Slobber and Krestov had no problems getting on the island, now that they had valid IDs, visa and rented space.
The streets were busy although there were slightly fewer heavy cars and more energy efficient individual transports around.
The hotel was really only across the street, but still about 200m away. Both noticed that car parking was underground and could be secured by a heavy steel mesh gate. The facade wore the brown-red tone of corporate native culture but probably wasn't particularly different in building style than any other hotel in Seattle. Entering the foyer greeted visitors with even more native american kitsch and a faint smell of fresh paint and overheated diode lamps.
A perky young girl manned the reception, wearing a trouser suit that clashed horrible with the rest of the decorations.

From the building plans, they knew that the corridor beside the elevators would lead them to the fitness room and the pool area with the adjoining changing rooms.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #674 on: <05-08-17/1419:38> »
Before entering the building, Slobber unscrewed the silencer from his revolver. He was only carrying gel and standard ammo, so if he was going to get popped for carrying a firearm he wanted to at least make sure it was a legal one.

"Let's go find our stool pigeons"

Slobber led the way to the fitness room.
"normal speech"
"under your breath"
" translated foreign language" (Foreign Language)

