Tangled Currents - Lizzie

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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #30 on: <08-22-16/0940:36> »
"I do like your style.  The drugs produced at the lab here are pretty much of the quality used here in the Barrens.  By that I mean low, so as to be affordable.  Unfortunately, the most common form of payment in the Barrens is in kind; labor, material, and most often sex.  This does not really provide me with the sort of money I need to make my program really succeed.  I would like to branch out and sell to the greater metropolis outside this district, but that means I need a better quality product and a distribution system.  Glinda has been searching for the right person to help us and we have decided to ask you if you are interested.  My vision would have you set up a drug lab to produce a quality product.  Once you have that working, you would take deliveries of your drugs and sell them.  Glinda would help by steering customers your way, customers that pay in cash money that we can use here to keep making the small improvements you see around you.  Now, I know that you are a businesswoman, not a philanthropist, so what sort of remuneration would entice you to partner with us?"
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« Reply #31 on: <08-22-16/1015:54> »
Well typical distribution models, what I do for the gang in my area for instance, is I sell the product at 80% of market value and you keep the profits.  If you want to set up a lab here with your chemicals and labor that I oversee I would be willing to sell it at 60% instead and your sellers could keep the 40% and your cut of that 40% would be up to you and could be used to fund the lab and your little community improvement project.  It will also in turn provide a source of income for the workers which in turn would increase the prosperity here as they would then also have disposable income, in a nice little feedback loop of capitalism.  This model only works well if you have a reasonable distribution network however.  I can easily over-produce my current needs with the set up I have now.  Also your initial investment would not be insignificant, the facility alone will run 50k to equip, but luckily the chemicals needed for basic pharmaceutical grade compounds are relatively cheap.  You want something exotic or custom made well we can cross that bridge if we come to it.

Also I have one rule...You do not cut my product.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #32 on: <08-22-16/1057:16> »
Sian turns to look at you, silent for a few moments as she takes in what you have said.  Finally, she nods.  "So I understand that if you make the product and I supply additional customers to you, you will keep 80% and I will get 20%, but that if I use a lab here to make the product, you will only keep 60%?  If that is correct, I can go for the second option and build a lab here.  However, that will take time and I would need to work out how to get this done down here.  Can you provide me a list of equipment that you would need and would you be willing to train people to do the work?  In the meantime, we can proceed with the first option.  I will provide you with more customers for the product you currently sell.  Glinda will work closely with you on that.  You would not mind working with her, I hope?"
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« Reply #33 on: <08-22-16/1222:18> »
Basically.  Think of it like an army or a pyramid scheme.  We are the generals.  I have people under me, you have people under you.  My people sell for me your people sell for you.  I'm not selling individual doses to your people I'm selling 100 doses.  Or maybe that guy has 5 people selling for him so he buys 500 doses and keeps a cut as he gives them each 100 doses to sell.  Layers of management and a system of distribution emerge.  I only sell at clubs to increase my base there, eventually someone will take over selling there.  What do you want to sell? 

I write up a list of the items needed for a chemistry facility, then a second list of the chemicals needed for production and send them to Glindas link.

The first list is the equipment needed the second list contains the chemicals needed to begin production, on the popular ones like cram bliss and ex.  I will need a portion of those in advance to get started on your initial order.  If you want other stuff I will need other things, though there is a crossover.  I can do BADs but that will maybe double your costs unless you wanted to do something basic like deepweed.

Training won't be an issue, the assistants will just be doing the grunt work and prep.  If you have any talent I might apprentice them.

Oh, and do your friends have names?
I say indicating the hellhounds.

« Last Edit: <08-22-16/1400:41> by Ennui »
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #34 on: <08-23-16/0941:32> »
Sian shrugs.  "As for what we sell and how, I am pretty much in your hands.  You will be our general in charge of that and can organize as you see best.  The same with what we sell.  The same with what we sell.  You have much more experience in that area than I do and I would defer to your judgement." 

Glinda receives your list and nods before looking over at Sian, who says, "Thank you.  We will get to work on these lists.  We do have people here that can make some of these.  Would you like to see the facility we use?  It is not much and would hardly qualify as your lab, but it is good enough for what is commonly used down here."  At your question, Sian kneels between the Hell Hounds, ruffing the inky fur of one then the other.  "These lovelies are my constant companions and have been with me a long time.  This one is Darius and this one Vilna."
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« Reply #35 on: <08-23-16/1005:00> »
What you sell depends on your clientele.  The clubs people tend to want bliss and eX, maybe cram, students will want cram and cereprax, muscle heads will want steroids or ripper.  I'll hook you up with bliss, eX and cram and if you want others let me know.  Of course if you intend to enhance you goons there's always Woad and K-10 but that stuff is nasty and I wouldn't suggest it except for extreme measure.

No offense but I prefer to use my own set up and I have work space where I cook.  If you have the chemicals on hand I will be happy to take those to get started.  Would you like to place an order to get you started?

I kneel down in front of the hounds Hello Darius, hello Vilna.  Will they allow me to pet them?  Paraspecieis are fascinating.

(If allowed) I pet them briskly with a few who's a good boy/girl's then stand and say  Unless there is something more, I will pick up those chemicals and get started on your order.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #36 on: <08-23-16/1019:36> »
You are allowed to pet them.  The hair is surprisingly soft and their blood-red eyes watch you.  Sian stands and the interview seems to be over.  "Very well.  Glinda will take you to get the chemicals and will show you the way out of here.  Thank you for wanting to help and I am sure that we will do good business together."  Sian nods to you and walks off, a massive hound to either side of her.  Seeing her walk away, you are reminded of the incongruity of the conversation you have just had with a teenaged girl who walks with Hell Hounds. 

Glinda makes a noise and you turn to look at her smiling face.  She motions for you to come with you and takes you to a small building on the edge of the plaza.  Inside you find two skinny girls and a boy, all Chinese, working in a very rudimentary drug lab.  They are taking the most basic precautions to avoid exposure to the drugs, but that is about it.  Glinda gets you some supplies.  "I can get you more when you need it.  We will be working closely together over this.  Personally, I am glad that you have said you will work with us.  Are you ready to return to civilization or do you want to see more of this place?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #37 on: <08-23-16/1046:51> »
I turn to Glinda  with a huge grin, and giggle I just pet hell hounds.  The wonder of the sixth world almost makes up for all the other shit.

After gathering the supplies and seeing the lab I shake my head.  I hope you don't treat all your assets like this.  How many people have you killed or gotten sick in there?  There will be strict safety protocols at the lab.  I won't tolerate that kind of sloppiness in a facility I run, I hope you understand that.

Yeah get me back to my bike.  You got a map soft for this place or am I going to need an escort every time I come here?  Did you want to place an order or should I just cook up 100 doses or each to start with?
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #38 on: <08-24-16/0028:54> »
Glinda nods at your comments about safety.  "Yes.  We do the best we can with what we have, mind you, but our knowledge is pretty skimpy.  To my knowledge, no working here has ever gotten sick from the dust, but we will accept any of your recommendations and do our best to put them into practice.  Here, let me help you carry some of that."

She helps carry some of the supplies out of the building and motions for you to walk with her.  "I am afraid a mapsoft will not do much good down here.  You must not have tried much with your 'link or you would have seen that the matrix connections are very weak and almost non-existent most of the time.  I would recommend contacting me for an escort when you want to come down, at least until you get more used to the way.  And the people.  Right now you are an outsider.  Suspect.  Of course, being with me or Sian does not really earn you a lot of points down here, either.  Some things just never change."  That last bit had been said in a very low voice, almost as if more to herself than to you.

Indeed, as you leave the area of the second plaza, you notice that the people you pass still avoid you.  Some even go inside buildings if that is the only way to keep out of your path.  "I think you do not really understand how little access to the outer city we have.  I do not have other sellers to take your product and pass it on.  Not yet, anyway.  My plan for now is to bring you clients.  You make your product and tell me where you will be and I will guide people to you.  Is that satisfactory?"
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« Reply #39 on: <08-24-16/0755:57> »
Why don't you just sell it yourself?  I will front you 100 doses of each since you supplied the chems I can do you this solid as a good will gesture for our future enterprise  When you need more you give me my cut and I'll set you up with another hundred doses.  Unless you are sending people to buy from me in bulk this is just going to waste my time.  I'm trying to spend less time slinging and more time cooking.  The whole idea is to widen distribution right?
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #40 on: <08-24-16/1002:17> »
For the first time since you met her, Glinda looks a bit.................uncertain, and maybe a bit vulnerable.  She licks her lips and hesitates before answering.  "Yes.  I can do it that way.  It's just that I have, well, never really been out on my own like this.  Sian told me I need to experience some life outside the Barrens and gave me some tasks, most of which I accomplished when I found you.  I had not really thought out the next step.  But sure, I can try that.  I should be able to sell as easily as guiding people to you.  Sure.  When can you get me my first lot?"  The young woman actually sounds a bit like she is trying to convince herself.

Once back through the maze of alleys, she walks to where the two of you had parked and helps put the packages in your car.  "So, what is the next step?"
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« Reply #41 on: <08-24-16/1029:16> »
I will cook you up 100 doses of cram bliss and ex the street on that is 9k, remember this pharmaceutical grade.  When you want more you 7200 pay me.  Or we can go with a specific type if one sells faster.  We'll work that way until you set up a distribution network or can afford to pay me back and start taking bigger orders.  This stuff can proba ly sell a little higher than the normal prices since pharma is harder to get ahold of.  the product basically sells itself you just need to watch out for the law.  I can cook your first batch tonight.  I'll give you a call when its ready.

If you're worried you can hang with me tomorrow while I deal and see how it's done.

  Shelly, Corbin, meet me at my place.  I have some business opportunities for you.
« Last Edit: <08-24-16/1953:55> by Ennui »
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #42 on: <08-25-16/0118:09> »
It almost seems as if some sort of veil passes over her face and she straightens up a bit.  When she speaks, she is a bit more confident.  "Right.  Call me when you have the first batch ready and I will meet you to pick it up.  Anything more for tonight?"

>>Got it.  We'ii be there.<<
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #43 on: <08-25-16/0743:08> » entirely up to you pet,  I say with a near predatory look in my eyes.  Our business is concluded but there's always time for pleasure, if you are interested.

Whether she comes with or not I head home.  Home is the top floor of an apartment building in a nice part of the Redmond Barrens (If any part can be called nice that is).  Shelly, Corbin and I have taken over the entire third floor between our apartments and my work space.  We have also started a garden on the roof.  The local gang guards the place; they know who their sugar daddy is, so it's relatively safe.  My apartment is also my lodge, art as well as occult symbols decorate the walls in a tribute to indulgence.  Corbin and Shelly are here entertaining themselves, we each have free reign of the apartments though typically they congregate here unless entertaining privately.

Ohayo chums.  I have good news.  We've got some new partners!  They have provided some chemicals so that I can increase production.  You guys should check out your individual haunts and see if you have a market and you can start selling again...if you want.  Other than that how have you been doing?  I will also introduce Glinda if she came with.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #44 on: <08-26-16/0225:04> »
Glinda looks at you for a moment then smiles and nods.  "Yeeees.  Pleasure.  I could do with a bit of that, if you are really interested, and I do not mean the drugs we are peddling."

Her heap has changed a bit to something a bit more acceptable to you, exposing much less rust, but still something few real thieves would want to steal.  Glinda goes over to it and climbs in, following you to your apartment.  When you get out of your car, you notice that her clothes have changed yet again to be completely suitable for this part of the Barrens.  Corbin and Shelly are both waiting for you and seem not at all fazed by the new person.  They are both is a state of near undress, with Corbin lounging in pajama bottoms and Shelly wearing a robe that is just barely clinging together.  They nod as you make the introductions and Corbin rises to come kiss Glinda's hand.  Both of them give you a somewhat quizzical look.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>