Tangled Currents - Lizzie

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« Reply #45 on: <08-26-16/0718:24> »
[spoiler]OOC: you keep saying car but I'm riding my bike.  I don't own a car...yet.[/spoiler]

Glinda these are my very good friends, Shelly and Corbin.  Glinda has provided us access to more of the supplies I needed to increase production and is going to be selling with us.  I hang my coat and bracers on the coat rack in the corner.  Are you two going to speak or just look at me weird?  This isn't the first time I've brought home a "friend".

After the introductions I unload the chemicals and show Glinda around  the work space.  This is where the magic happens.  Literally sometimes when I'm doing alchemy, I don't have any good formulas for that yet but I hope to utilize chemistry and alchemy together in new and exciting ways some day,  Would you like a drink I have a very tasty aqua vitae I've created, has a nice ginger flavor, or I have beer. 

I show Glinda around the lodge I stop at a piece of art to talk about it, placing a hand on her hip and drawing her next to me, explaining the feelings the piece evokes.  I release her as I move to another area drawing my fingers lightly across her back as I move away.  As I show her the altar I squeeze her shoulder gently, I continue touching and teasing as I finish showing her around ending at the only unopened door in the apartment.  ...and that is the bedroom,  I say looking into her eyes.  We can explore that a bit later if you'd like.
« Last Edit: <08-26-16/0813:18> by Ennui »
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #46 on: <08-26-16/1018:19> »
Monday  11 June 2075  0330   Lizzie's Apartment  Seattle

Shelly laughs.  "I was just admiring the view, dear.  It has been a while since you brought such an interesting friend home.  Corbin nods in agreement.  "Much superior to your normal tastes.

Glinda blushes and seems grateful to be taken on the tour.  She makes no effort to move away as you touch and tease her, even returning some of the touches.  When you stop at the bedroom, she turns to you.  "I am very impressed.  Sian will be impressed.  You are perfect for what we want here.  Do your friends come with  you or what?  And their familiarity implies a certain closeness with each other and you, perhaps?  I would  like very much to see the bedroom when you want to show it to me, but I do not want to impose if you have other plans?"
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« Reply #47 on: <08-26-16/1047:53> »
They come with me in as far as we are a family and all that might entail.  They are not part of our deal however they are not chess pieces or bargaining chips.  They work for me and work with those I work with...if they want, nothing more.

But enough of business.  Relax, have fun, there is much to entertain yourself with here and anticipation whets the appetite.

I move toward her slowly We could watch some trid, I say taking her hands.  Listen to some music?  Closer still looking deep into her eyes.  Grab a ...snack. pressing her gently against the wall.  Engage in some light, petting.  I press my body against hers and steal a kiss.  Abruptly I break contacts and turn away from her and take two steps toward the couch.  I look back over my should at her and hold out my hand.  Whatever you wish.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #48 on: <08-27-16/1141:41> »
She smiles as you go through your bit of increasing the sexual tension, willingly letting you take the kiss and touch her body.  Her breathing quickens and her body reacts to your touch in a manner that tells you she is interested and aroused.  When you look back over your shoulder, her eyes are alight with an intensity that you are not sure you have seen before in others and you are drawn back a half step towards her before she shakes her head and smiles.  She walks to you and takes your hand.  "I want it all, just as you said.  I have too long been in that cesspool of humanity and am feeling free, which probably make me sound silly or pathetic.  Perhaps even both."

Accompanying you to the couch, she smiles at Shelly and Corbin and motions for them to join you on the couch, as it is big enough for four.
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« Reply #49 on: <08-27-16/1243:14> »
No, it makes you sound normal.  Everyone needs to have fun, everyone needs a release,  I say drawing her to the couch. 

When she nods to Shelly and Corbin, I raise my eyebrows.  Feeling adventurous are we?  Shall we do body shots?  I must say Corbin has exquisite abs. I draw my fingers along the line of his muscles. 
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #50 on: <08-28-16/0156:50> »
Glinda has a pretty laugh and gives one now.  "Yes.  I would like to have fun.  Remember, though, that I am somewhat new to this sort of thing."  She blushes a bit.  "Well, not to sex, of course, but to this sort of adventure.  And I am only basically familiar with body shots, but willing to experiment."  Her eyes follow your finger as it strokes Corbin's bare abdomen.  Her breathing is a bit ragged and you can see her nipples poking against the material of her blouse in a sign of arousal.  Shelly giggles a bit and leans forward to place a hand on Glinda's knee, allowing her robe to gap a bit more and exposing quite a bit of her cleavage.
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« Reply #51 on: <08-28-16/0257:25> »
Then I shall demonstrate.  Corbin...  I lay him down on the table and pour a shot of the vitae onto his abs, while he flexes to make a shallow pool for it to gather.  I slurp it up and suck on a lemon wedge to cut the the bite of the distilled ginger.  See?  Easy.  You try.

Again I pour and hold the lemon for Glinda, then Shelly gets a turn.  I take a swig of the vitae and pass it to Corbin with a kiss and stick a wedge in his mouth.

I pour Glinda a second shot but this time the lemon is in my lips and offer it to her as she comes up from her drink.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #52 on: <08-28-16/0306:00> »
Glinda hesitates for only a second then takes the lemon slice from your lips, allowing her lips to contact yours.  Her tongue plays about your lips before she sucks the wedge from them.  Shelly call next turn and removes the robe before laying on the table.  Glinda's eyes roam over the taut body of your friend and she smiles as you pour the liquid into Shelly's navel.  The new girls takes her time sucking the vitae from Shelly then takes her time again taking the lemon wedge from her mouth.  Corbin runs a hand along Glinda's flank, receiving a sound almost like a purr from her in response.  He looks at you and winks.  "We may have found a new playmate."
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« Reply #53 on: <08-28-16/0341:26> »
I pull Glinda to me, cradling her with my strong arm and my other on her stomach.  I lean in for a kiss, teasing at first, noses brushing my parted lips inches from hers feinting with her as I caress her stomach slipping my hand inside her blouse.  As our lips meet my tongue darts and seeks a playmate and I cup her breast and run my thumb over her hardened nipples.

I take pull back and take a breath.  Well you like how we play?
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #54 on: <08-28-16/1021:38> »
Glinda's body responds to your touch in a way that leaves you no doubts that she is aroused.  When you pull back, she takes a deep breath and nods.  "I do.  Very much.  It is all so very different.  But it is VERY arousing.  Will all of us be playing?"

Shelly sits up from where she is laying on the table and reaches out to begin unbuttoning Glinda's blouse.  "I hope so.  But I seem to be the only one here without any clothes on.  Let's see what we can do about that condition, eh?"

Corbin silently nods and slips his pajama bottoms off, revealing that he, too, is aroused then joins in helping Shelly while looking over at you.  For her part, Glinda shivers as the other two run their hands over her body and strip her of her clothes. 
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« Reply #55 on: <08-28-16/1118:48> »
I watch for a bit as they stroke and kiss each  other.  Oh my, Glinda you are so very greedy, I say playfully.  You said you want it all and you know what I am capable of.  Would you like a little magical stimulus, or would that make you uncomfortable?

I will use magic if she requests otherwise I undress and join in our little impromptu orgy.  I loose myself on the three of them both attending to their desires and demanding they fulfill mine until sated.

Afterwards after a few moments of resting entwined together I extricate myself and open my sight to the astral and begin gathering reagents.  I expect after that they should be rather potent.

Once complete I go to my workshop put on the chemsuit gasmask heavy apron and gloves and begin cooking.

[spoiler]Euphoria (if needed) force 4: 8d6t5 4  ooh that's a good one
drain 4: 10d6t5 2 bah, I use an edge to reroll misses, probably don't need to but ...
edge reroll: 8d6t5 2 no drain
reagent gathering: 8d6t5 3 1, unless you want to give me a bonus due to the, er "ritual"[/spoiler]
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #56 on: <08-28-16/1236:51> »
Glinda nods and smiles as you call her her greedy, already returning the caresses from the other two people.  She laughs as she replies.  "Magic?  I do not mind a bit of magic as long as it helps.  It is up to you if you want to use it." 

Your euphoria spell seems to have a great effect, almost as if you were receiving aid or inspiration or whatever, and everyone gets deeply into the process of pleasuring all of the partners.  You cannot actually remember when you have enjoyed a sexual encounter so much or experienced as great a degree of sexual release.  Recovery afterwards takes longer than normal and it seems to be the same for the others, too.  As you wander the astral, you do indeed notice that the "ritual" has improved the quality of the reagents you can gather. 

As you begin cooking a batch of your drugs, you have to force yourself to keep focused on what you are doing.  Part of you wants to go back out to the living room and see if the others are awake and ready to continue the action.

[spoiler]The power of your spell is increased by two and you do not have to use edge to avoid drain.  You can also take a bonus of two to the reagent gathering.
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« Reply #57 on: <08-28-16/1317:25> »
I open my sight to the astral during a pause in the cooking process and say I take it you approve?  I could feel your call to action but are you so powerful as to have set all this in motion.  I threw caution to the wind because it felt like you were telling me to do so and the rewards seem great but I know very little about this organization or its enemies.  I forsee danger ahead and would have you teach me what you think I should know for these trials.  I need a formula for healing alchemy, and perhaps something else that you might think I need.

I can only see the Seductress' lower half of her face smiling at me the rest of her concealed by shadow a tantalizing outline that suggests more to the imagination than anything real could offer.

I only think of immediate need.  I will focus on becoming more powerful after that.  Perhaps you could lead me to a magical group of like minded fellows.  I chuckle, or weak minded fellows.

I lean back against the  one of the counters keeping an eye on the boiling concoction in front of me and another on my mistress.  There are so many things I want, I barely know where to begin.

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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #58 on: <08-28-16/1448:01> »
The part of the Seductress' face that you can see laughs.  "In this case, I do not approve or disapprove, as that is not in my nature.  You are taking steps that will put you in either conflict with or working with things and realms I have little control over.  You many choose to remain in the place and at the power you are and go through life as you have been, but I think that your ambition drives you to something else.  Something powerful and perhaps controlling.  If this is so, I have already provided you with a link to a group of like-minded individuals.  What you do with that link is completely up to you.   Such is the nature of your kind; that you have such a range of free will.  I will consider your requests, but some things are available for you to grasp, if you are careful and if you are willing to pay the price."
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« Reply #59 on: <08-28-16/1620:15> »
I'm willing to pay so long as the juice is worth the squeeze, as I always have.

After the chemistry is done we let the mixtures set.  Next will come the grinding, sifting, straining, measuring and encapsulating which is just grunt work.  While waiting on this I go out to my alter pausing to scratch the heads of my lovelies, old and new, lightly and wink at them if they look up from their rest.  I scratch absently at the alter tracing the grain of the dark gray marble, opening my mind to symbolism that might connect to the spell from esoteric to material.  I continue to do so until I have arrived at a conclusion or time to get to the grunt work of putting together this last batch of medicines.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

