Tangled Currents - Lizzie

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Mercy Merchant

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« on: <08-18-16/0215:10> »
Sunday  10 June 2075  2300  Pulse Nightclub  Seattle

The Pulse is hopping tonight.  The smart club is the happening place for many of the idle rich who want the feel of being a bit risky without really taking too many risks.  The bodies are all groomed and fit, comprising the beautiful social elite of Seattle.  The club's entrance is about a hundred people from the end of the line of young well dressed wannabes vying for some inside.  The girls that work the floor taking orders and delivering drinks are reputed to be clean and willing, the best sort of combination.  You are already inside, one of the chosen; a permanent private invitation from Grace, the somewhat flamboyant  manager of the club.  There is talk that she is really the owner but is operating under an assumed name to avoid some trouble.  You have been working the crowd for a couple of hours now and your evening's stock of your special brand of happiness is already down to less than a third of what you started with.

You are currently talking with a pair of pretty young things that obviously have more money than sense.  They are in the process of buying a couple of hits from you and one is giggling far too much to be sober, but the other is giving you an appraising glance as she hands over a credstick for you to slot for the purchase.  As her friend turns away the second one remains.

"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1 on: <08-18-16/0818:06> »
The power of the Seductress is strong here as it is everywhere that pleasure and vice intermingle.  Doing my part to fuel that is thrilling and I always feel at home in places such as these.  The itch to do more has just begun and I ponder what else I might do to please my mistress.  Perhaps simply expanding my operations.  I'm sure Shelly could find plenty of people looking for cram or some sort of mental booster at the school where she takes night classes and this wouldn't be the first time she has dealt for me.  Corbin may have a market with those meatheads at the gym.  I will have to talk to them.

Perhaps she will point me toward new and more exotic pleasures.  This pretty one however is screaming to be taken advantage of, the unspoken request is plain on her face.  Who am I not to accept such a willing sacrifice.  I lean forward close enough to smell her, I wet my lips as I whisper to her just loud enough to be heard over the music.  Tell me, there something more you desire?
« Last Edit: <08-18-16/1909:37> by Ennui »
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #2 on: <08-18-16/2354:22> »
The young woman standing in front of you is tall and slender.  Her long dark brown hair hangs down to the middle of her back and matches her eye color.  Her complexion is pale and flawless, perhaps helped a bit by a subtle use of make up.  She blinks twice before nodding.  "Yes.  I want something more.  I think that you want something more.  That woman I was with wanted more but could not see past the drugs she abuses to grasp it.  Can you?" 
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #3 on: <08-19-16/0729:51> »
My face changes from a languid smile to pursed lips then finally a blank mask.  I glance at her out of the corner of my eyes and sigh.  Everyone wants something, but play coy and mysterious with someone else.  I'm going to my table.  You can come tell me what you want, or you know...not.

What a pathetic power play.  It's expected I suppose, women tend to like to pretend to be mysterious, so few actually are.  I steeple my fingers and look through the crowd.  If she is still watching I meet her gaze, nod and motion with me head for her to come join me.
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #4 on: <08-19-16/0950:57> »
The woman watches you walk away but says nothing to stop you.  Once at your table, a waitress swings by, a new girl you think, as you do not remember her face and you have been here long enough to know most of the permanent staff.  She asks if you would like a drink and takes your order.  While waiting, you look through your steepled fingers and see the slender woman watching you.  At your nod, she moves to your table, taking a seat.  Leaning forward she places the drugs she has just purchased from you on the table in front of you.  "Here, you may have these back.  I never use the stuff and have no need for them other than as a means to secure an introduction to you.  I did not mean to come off coy or mysterious, but it can be difficult to decide the best manner of approaching someone you wish to do business with.  Are you comfortable talking business here or would you prefer a quieter place?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #5 on: <08-19-16/1159:58> »
It should be private enough here, grave is kind enough to her regulars to let us know about the white noise generators she has installed at these tables, I say drawing up my hood to let the trodes connect me to my comlink and use my code to activate the device.  I lean back and observe the astral looking for any watchers and sizing up the girls aura and assensing what I can.

It doesn't appear anyone is watching us.  What business did you have in mind
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #6 on: <08-20-16/1234:22> »
There are some people interested in you, but it would appear to be a casual thing as the glances, both mundane and astral, wash over and past you without stopping long.  There is a touch on your hand as the girl opposite you reaches out with one of hers.  Suddenly, your astral eyes are opened a bit.  The aura of the girl in front of you changes from that of a normal mundane to something.............else, becoming a rippling mass of almost unformed, seething energy.  While you are watching, the undulating mass seems to stretch out tendrils of energy that gently caress the people nearby then retract, returning with something bright and leaving the others a tiny bit weaker, but not enough to be noticeable if you were not seeing it.  There is just a hint of something akin to a siren's call in the almost seductive way the energy moves, then the touch of her hand goes away, as does the vision, leaving you a bit breathless.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #7 on: <08-20-16/1304:45> »
Neat trick.  I say coolly.  While you've managed to intrigue me, I can't say that your little demonstration has made it any more compelling to work with you.  That said I'm still willing to listen to your offer.  This person may be some kind of magical threat.  I do not stop perceiving astrally, preferring to stay on guard.  I cast improved reflexes and sustain it while mentally calling for seductress to advise me.  I know I cannot trust to her whims to come at my beck and call, but it can't hurt to ask.

[spoiler]Increased reflexes force 4: 8d6t5 3 +3 and 1d6
drain 4: 10d6t5 4
That's no drain as I understand it, if I am incorrect please let me know.[/spoiler]
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #8 on: <08-20-16/1515:47> »
The other woman smiles.  "Good.  Very good.  I would be disappointed indeed if you were to just run away.  To business, then.  I represent an individual who provides similar services as yourself, but in a different market.  We wish to expand and I have been tasked with finding those who might be willing to get in on the ground floor of what could be a big thing.  I do not know who your supplier is, but would like to supplement your current flow of pleasure inducing substances and your market share.  I am good at enticing others to the right source and can bring you more customers than you currently have.  Your profits increase, as do those of the person I represent.  Does this interest you at all?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #9 on: <08-20-16/1848:09> »
I prefer to control the quality of my product.  My rep suffers if quality is not good and I can produce quite  a lot more than i can sell.  My current bottleneck is chemicals and customers.  I am interested though, but i'm afraid i'll need more details.  For instance, what product are you referring to?
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #10 on: <08-20-16/1909:43> »
The girl reaches across the table and taps a long, pedicured finger on the packet of pills still in front of you.  "This sort of product.  You are indeed talented if you are making your own.  My partner can provide you with the chemicals and I can help with clients.  So, are you interested in expanding with us?  I could take you to meet my partner if you are and if it would help make up your mind."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #11 on: <08-20-16/2137:24> »
Sure.  I'll meet your guy but it sounds like buying supplies on credit and offering to sell for me.  So im not sure how that is going into business together but I will listen to your pitch.  Where shall we go to meet this person?
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #12 on: <08-21-16/0405:20> »
The woman laughs.  "A bit paranoid, aren't you?  No credit involved if you like us and she likes you.  I will let her make the pitch, though.  I will take you there now, if you have the time.  Here."  She slides a credstick across the table to you.  "Take this to recompense you for any lost business while we are out.  I can give you a lift if you need one."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #13 on: <08-21-16/1255:43> »
I take the credstick and pocket it.  Paranoid?  No, I'm just not seeing your angle.  Maybe your business associate can explain it better.

I have my own ride.  I'll follow you.
  I get up to leave then motion that she should go first.  After you..

« Last Edit: <08-21-16/1337:59> by Ennui »
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #14 on: <08-21-16/1343:55> »
The girl smiles and rises from the table.  She heads for the exit, making a quick stop to talk to the bartender and pass him something.  Outside, she heads to the parking lot and climbs into an old beater of a car.  You think it is on older model Americar, but it is rusted in places and badly dented.  The front bumper has been replaced by some sort of board.  She starts up and waits for you to indicate that you are ready.  Leaving the lot, it is not hard to follow her as her car does not seem possible to go more than the speed limit and she is careful to signal her turns well in advance.  Fortunately, all of the lights seem to be in your favor and you are able to stay close to her without being separated.

Soon enough, it is evident that you are headed to Chinatown.  Once at the large arched entrance, she pulls into a lot and parks the car, getting out and waiting for you.  "Ready?  It is not far.  The way can be a bit confusing but it should be alright if you stick close."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>