Into the Chaos - Land Grab [IC]

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« Reply #1845 on: <02-01-16/0348:25> »
@Maxwell Amy said "You really think that you can defeat him? You kill them and protect the pixie, why is that?" She genuinely sounds curious.

@Kynos Becky said "As you wish, good luck in your meeting - are you looking for work?"
(2 Bottles of good quality booze (feel free to choose) are 50 nuyen - or middle lifestyle.
If you want something more impressive you'll have to pay more (and or give knowledge check)).

@Athos before you leave Faith say "lets carry the bodies out of here before all sort of creatures will block this route." Carrying scorched body is not exactly pleasant so is walking in the sewers but you endure. She looks at Athos -"We can either place the bodies in this pump room and lock the door until some other people arrive to clean up or we can go and feed the ghouls right now, what would you prefer? I did not expect to have company"


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« Reply #1846 on: <02-01-16/0444:16> »
"Not exactly. I'm about to acquire a contact of his - you could say I'm working as a head hunter for a rival business. Hopefully I can manage the transfer without bad blood between us.

75% Blue Vodka please. Two bottles and tell the server to wait for me before the door. I'll be up shortly."

Kynos transferred 100 NY including a tip for Becky, so hopefully the request to the server to wait for him would be transmitted as well.

He smiled his least sharky smile towards Becky and moved towards the lift.
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1847 on: <02-01-16/0718:34> »
Athos looks at Faith and replies, "I would rather not leave them as they could easily draw too much attention here.  So I guess it is off to the ghouls.  Let me lead the way, unless you know a short cut.  And I came down because I did not wish to take the chance of losing you so early in our partnership.  It was obviously a misplaced concern as you seem very capable of handling things without help.  So, talk to me about pixie slavery.  I have to say I am not fond of slavery in any fashion, and slavery to sell to those that eat the victims is even lower on my list.  Can we agree that we do not smuggle this sort of cargo?  And maybe try to convince your friends to look for different cargo to handle?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1848 on: <02-01-16/0838:46> »
@Athos Faith said "This is not our contract, it is good living tough. Pixies have fast life cycles - their growth is accelerated and they are under BTL influence the entire time. Never controlling their bodies or even learning to speak, controlled by a P-fix that makes them obedient and unable to resist being drained. It only takes several months to artificially create pixie but you cannot free them they actually don't have any real memory underneath, never developed a personality. All they have is few days before being slotted. Not the nicest thing in the world - but people that can traverse discreetly under the city seldom get nice jobs. Nice things are transferred above ground. If you wont do it somebody else will - where there is demand somebody will provide the supply."

@Kynos Becky say "As you wish - good luck in your business, you must have some pretty big business. " You can tell that she is a bit skeptical but you tip well so she does not let it show.  she types a few digits on a piece of paper and say - "just call room service with this order number - good luck".

@Edge and Minnie - Nagisa stretches and picks her cosmetic kit (that Minnie already knows that seconds are her deck. While fixing herself in the passenger mirror she asks "So - are we ready to go? I have never been inside an airport before - I cannot wait to get there."
« Last Edit: <02-01-16/0853:19> by gilga »


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« Reply #1849 on: <02-01-16/0934:09> »
Maxwell pushes back his hair behind his head before responding.  "I can fight against him.  I can be his adversary.  But i'm just one man.  I'm going to need the strength and skill of others like me to finish him, and i'll need your aid as well." 

He bends down to affectionately kiss her again, cold lips are what he feels as he does.  "Titania, the pixie, she was in a bad position when we met.  She told me that some smugglers were trying to catch her and what her fate would be if she was recaptured.  She cried as she told me this and I knew what I wanted to do.  I called forth an elemental of fire and bade him to kill the smugglers.  Of course, I didn't know that she was cloned to be vampire food when I did that.  Looking back... i'd still do it anyway."
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« Reply #1850 on: <02-01-16/1014:41> »
Kynos took the lift and called the number.
When the bellhop arrived, he gave him a curt nod, gave him a generous tip, and took the two bottles from him together with the white sheets they were served on.
One of the bottles he stashed in his coat pocket, so he could more easily balance the other bottle and the two glasses.

Then he knocked: "Room service."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1851 on: <02-01-16/1051:00> »
Athos considers what Faith has said and nods.  "Yes, there will always be someone to supply a need if others will pay for it.  But slavery is not my thing and I will let others do that.  I am skeptical of the pixies not knowing their fate.  It might be interesting to ask one.  By the way, I did not see one with the bodies and the money was still there, so someone else did not kill the men and make the delivery.  Is it possible that the pixie killed those smugglers?  If so, that sort of means your theory about the pixies might have a hole in it."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1852 on: <02-01-16/1735:59> »
@Athos Faith grins "We'll know more once we see the video feeds from the cybereys. It is probably competitors looking to buy into this contract - perhaps some new asshole wants them to pay some protection. You can't make a living in this world without someone challenging you or trying to take what you have. "
She softly laugh.
Then she become serious and say - clearly annoyed.

You are not in any position to pass moral judgement,  you have it all. Money, power and people that work for you.  You do not know what it feel like to be hungry and not know whom to turn. To be sick and have no money for medical treatment, to die like garbage in the streets because of common cold when there is a cure for cancer and even for old age if you are rich enough.  We are sinless - no jobs, no rights and no questions asked if we are killed - we are the bottom of the social structure - we do not get to choose who we work for. We do what we do to survive - it is as simple as that. It might change when you build your little crime empire, but I see nothing wrong with people risking their life to provide for their families to survive."

@Maxwell Amy said "In bad position ? she still is in bad position. She was born to be drained and she has no life experience - where would it go?  Mundanes rarely even notice pixies - especially in poorly lit conditions.  I can barely see them -  Grail could spot one instantly tough no idea how he did that.  This specific pixie is more plant than animal, if you leave her here I will eat her. You cannot tempt me like that." 

@Kynos you hear a female voice - that say "come in... "
« Last Edit: <02-02-16/0214:47> by gilga »


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« Reply #1853 on: <02-01-16/1823:39> »
Maxwell sighs, nodding in saddened agreement.  "Yes, i'm aware of all that.  I wasn't going to leave Titania here.  That would be cruel to both you and her.  I was going to take her to someone who might altruistically look after her and not keep her as a pet or as a meal.  The problem with this plan is that I don't trust this person and I have no way of knowing if they'd be kind to her or not.  But I don't really have any better options."
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #1854 on: <02-01-16/2248:40> »
It is Athos' turn to be annoyed.  "We could spend all night doing our best "I suffered more than you did" drek, se let's just call that off.  You know nothing about me or what I had to fight through to get where I am, the number of bodies behind me, or the unpleasant things I had to do.  So enough of that and we will just accept that you had it rougher.  As for now, you could not be father from the truth about what I have.  I have access to money, which is not the same thing as having money.  I have no real power at all beyond my fists and what people perceive.  The only people that work for me so far are Bruno and you and your people.  My criminal empire is pretty fragging small right now.  But with your support it will grow and become something good for these people, not bad.  We all do what we need to do to survive.  And that includes me.  But some things I will not do, no matter the potential gain.  And slavery is one of those things.  We can provide a haven for slaves like that and make use of their talents and skills.  For now, we may all be at the bottom of the social structure, but that does not mean we take advantage of others on the bottom.  If we cannot agree on this fundamental principal we can never be partners in this endeavor, and I will have failed.  Please think long and hard on this and let me know what you wish to do.  If you are ready to change things for you and your people as well as for many of your neighbors you stick with me and commit fully to that, not part way until it serves you better to betray me to another gang.  Can you see the future in my face or not?  It is that simple.  Go big or go home."
« Last Edit: <02-02-16/0115:38> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #1855 on: <02-02-16/0103:43> »
Kynos nodded at the bellhop to open the door for him and stepped swiftly inside, trying to take in everything he could see, hear and smell.
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1856 on: <02-02-16/0721:38> »
@Athos Faith say "Lets agree to disagree - I am true to my own and my allies. I do not have the privilege to have a moral outlook on life. I'd not do awful things just for the pleasure of it but there is nothing I would not do to keep my people safe. '

@Maxwell Amy say "I'll keep an eye for Grail, enjoy your new fond parenthood."

@Kynos inside there is a human lady in a black dress and some shiny jewelry. "I am Debora, nice to meet you - come enter inside Mr. Johnson " she then looks at your as if looking for approval, "will explain it all after the party."

« Last Edit: <02-02-16/0758:57> by gilga »


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« Reply #1857 on: <02-02-16/0839:45> »
Kynos frowned: "I'm here to talk about DemoX, but I might have the wrong room."
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1858 on: <02-02-16/0938:53> »
Maxwell smirks at Amy's jive.  "Something like that."  Not much was explained in his plan or what he was thinking.  Most of what he said was more cryptic than helpful.  He'd have to tell her all about it later, if she was interested.  For now he has to find Titania a new home before Amy loses her cool and eats her.

Maxwell returns to where he last saw Titania before she made herself disappear.  He looks around but to no avail, finding it simpler to call out her name and see if she answers instead.  "Titania, are you in here?  I'm going to take you to someplace else.  You don't have to hide.  I'm not going to hurt you."
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« Reply #1859 on: <02-02-16/1626:37> »
@Kynos With a pleasant voice the lady tells you "DemoX... is a name of a shadowrunner isn't it so? You seem to be in the right place. Can I offer you a drink while you wait?"
(Roll perception)
@Maxwell Titiana seems exactly the way you placed her... "What what just happened here?" She seems very confused.

