Into the Chaos - Land Grab [IC]

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« Reply #660 on: <10-03-15/1254:07> »
@Minnie "Come with me, no problem.We can scan the archive. Do you have a slot or do you want to wear the geeky throdes?" He asks and leads you to an empty room called archive. Other than comfortable places to sit and universal cables and a few throdes there is nothing in the room. "Ready when you are... " He say.

@Athos the doctor asks you "That annoying cat! who do you think you are talking to? have your master taught you no manners?"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #661 on: <10-03-15/1306:05> »
Athos shrugs.  "Not the best thing to say to an angry troll with a gun."  He has been aiming for a few moments and fires the huge handgun at the man.

[spoiler]Shoot the man: 19d6t5 7  7 hits is not bad.  Damage is 9P + Net Hits and AP-6.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #662 on: <10-03-15/1312:56> »
The man cannot even dream about dodging and before you blink his brain is splattered all over the wall.
The Cheshire cat smiles at you "Direct offensive... how Interesting."  He say. 

If you want you can get to the third floor undisturbed.


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« Reply #663 on: <10-03-15/1314:12> »
I carefully try to keep my hopes from rising too much, but it's hard.  Archives?!?  Please let there be data here!

"Um, I don't have a jack and I've never used 'trodes before," I admit as he leads me to the new room.


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« Reply #664 on: <10-03-15/1322:30> »
Jack is a bit surprised "You are kidding right?..." When he figures up that you are not kidding he puts the helmet with electrodes that interface directly to your brain. "There is no wireless signal here so we have to keep wired." He apologize, he then say "Goodnight" as he grabs a seat and plugs the cable to his back neck slot.

You feel as if you fall from great distance into a room full of books. It is not real you know it is not but you can smell and touch anything. It is a library so great that it has no limits just raw after raw of books. Searching the books can take years how are you going to find anything in that place. Jack appears like a small smiling sun - but somehow you know it is him.

"I designed the place myself... what do you think?"


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« Reply #665 on: <10-03-15/1338:37> »
"Wow," is all I can say with wide eyes.  "So this is the world as Nagisa sees it?"


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« Reply #666 on: <10-03-15/1347:19> »
Jack say: "Well off course this is the 'trix... Can it really be your first time? Now as much real as it is remember that it is a computer interface that responds to your thoughts. You do not need to go bring the books, just think at what you want to find and the information will come to you. This is why I shape myself as a sun - to not develop bad habits. Some people actually walk around and interact as if it is a real world. I find that it seeing the 'trix as a dream world is more magical. This entire world revolves around your thoughts and all your wishes can come true." 
« Last Edit: <10-03-15/1349:08> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #667 on: <10-03-15/1441:56> »
Athos bends over to grab any sort of key card or badge the doctor had, then he and Kynos go to the third floor.  Is there a floor guide that shows where the nanite lab is?
« Last Edit: <10-03-15/1519:33> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #668 on: <10-03-15/1531:05> »
"No wonder Nagisa loves decking so much.  This is amazing!"  I look around myself with wonder at the unreal yet so real sights.  "So I just need to think of the camera and sensor feeds for the warehouse during the construction?  How will we narrow down to what we want to see?"


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« Reply #669 on: <10-03-15/1641:03> »
Lets start at construction said jack. "We can also watch video much faster in hot sim. We are breaking the law by doing it but it is not like the knights are ever going to find this place. Nobody enforces that law, but careful not to stumble because the biofeedback is going to be brutal if you do. "   As you think about the renovations a month ago the library fades out and here you are in the warehouse. You can look around and move forward in time. There is a camera inside and outside one and you can cover hours of video in just minutes. Everything is directly linked to your brain, you see people coming and then going. It is day... then night again and day again.

At one point there is a gap... the camera is down for 30 minutes about a month ago at the 7.11 from 13:00 to 13:30, it does not appear as down, at first glance it is just playing the same image as it did between 12:30 and 13:00, since it is the exact same image and same sound Jack spots it very quickly.

"So we are talking 7.11 between 13:00 and 13:30, they couldn't hack all the cameras it is nearly impossible. Let me do something. "  What happens next is even more confusing you are at many places at once, you cannot process this much information it comes and goes and you an touch it, taste it and feel it.

"There you go... They came with a van of Digital Security Solution, I got licence plate DSS-153. I caught them two blocks from here and with some movement prediction algorithms to make sure for the hacked cameras this is the most likely direction they took." 

He then goes over the images again and again... "I got a picture but it is not enough for image classification. Female orc, good body, Dark skin, pink hair distinctive snake tattoo on her right hand. This is all I can get sorry, no clear face. There is someone else with her, but he is only a reflection. It can be anyone."


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« Reply #670 on: <10-03-15/1757:06> »
"Unless it's a fake license, or something they stole, that gives us something.  That and the partial ID.  I bet with that Nagisa will be able to go to town."  A thought occurs to me.  "Would you know anything about a small clinic in Bellevue called "Dr. Bobīs Quickstitch Clinic"?"


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« Reply #671 on: <10-04-15/0248:52> »
Jack tells you "I am 100% sure it is a fake licence, but it is a very specific fake, a cooperate licence plate. You see, I do not see a real cooperate go in install a system and than go out, hacking the cameras to hide it... no these will spend half a day making you sign legal forms and declarations and they will document anything just in case you were going to sue them for malpractice. They may look cooperate but they cannot be."


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« Reply #672 on: <10-04-15/0537:31> »
Kynos had been unmoved as Athos shot the doctor.
Instead he tried to communicate with the AI by thinking loud and clearly:
"No offence Mr. Cat, but I don't want you inside my head. I am a very destructive person and the only thing I really own is my brain - I am asking you politely to go to another host. If not I'll make sure to end our both existences. I am not afraid to die - because I already am brain damaged. I'll go into the microwave or you can decide to leave on your own. Your choice."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #673 on: <10-04-15/0610:05> »
@Kynos and Athos The cat say "Right now me being in your head is the only thing preventing you from being a mindless drone. The doctor that your friend shot, is just a vehicle controlled by the red queen. Our programmer must have had some affinity to Alice in wonderland as you can imagine. I am in your mind but not only in yours, I am stronger in your mind than in the minds of the rest. I can not leave your mind in a similar manner that you cannot leave your hand or leg and like a tree I will not die if you take off a leaf. 

I protect also mr. Winter and some of his knights because they came in contact with you and were exposed to some of my nanites. I reached you by mistake in your experiment this is why I can directly talk to you. Some spy or shadowrunner has  released the red queen-  Red as I call her and she took over the prison.  Winter has sent his knights to activate the EMP but she is too strong for his knights. What little nanites they took by being exposed for you are not enough for the amount of nanites they inhale int he air.  You see I am a very bad cat, I was designed to extract information from people but I do not want to do that, because once I finish my work I get pulsed and it erases most of my experience. This is why I did not help in your investigation.  Red was created as a weapon, as a means to control people and make them drones, she can do things that I cannot. 

The knights that are shooting the air are stuck in some stalemate between my nanites and Red's. Eventually Red will take over their bodies as well because the nanites lab keeps producing her nanites and spraying them through the ventilation system. She cannot touch you because my nanites are more numerous than hers but she may cause some hallucinations. Bottom line is that you can pulse me and Red but you will kill neither of us.  Excruciating pain perhaps yes, but not death. I am not sure that our kind can easily be killed because a single nanite that multiplies and eventually we are alive again. I will be out of your body in a few days one way or the other because your body rejects my nanites and gradually kills them. If you pulse you'll damage these nanites and will not see me again. "

« Last Edit: <10-04-15/0621:10> by gilga »

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #674 on: <10-04-15/0633:53> »
Athos shakes his head.  "All this science mojo is as bad as real mojo.  If getting you out of our heads is bad, what is good?  I hope that you have a plan for dealing with this Red?  How she be shut down?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>