Pain and Gain [OOC]

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« Reply #255 on: <12-29-15/0722:44> »
Yo, boys. What do think, which drones should we buy?
Here are some suggestions:

For scouting:

Sikorsky-Bell Microskimmer   1,000
MCT Fly-Spy         2,000

For fighting:

GM-Nissan Doberman      5,000
   w/ Heavy Weapon      ???

and possibly a anthropomorphic drone which we can give a big evil gun and out most beloved walking armor. That would be a powerful fire support. I tend to the S-K Direktionssekretär for two reasons:
 1) Though it's less strong than the MTC Kenchiku-Kikai, it's more nimble, flexible and nicer to steer.
 2) It's German. Thus, all the Americans will shoot it instead of us and it will still keep on fighting until the Endsieg... *

For annoying (maybe)
Horizon Mini-Zep      2,000

I haven't really dug deeply into the rules of rigging yet.

* note that Austrians have a special kind of humor considerung our history. Apologies, if I offend anybody...
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« Reply #256 on: <12-29-15/0814:53> »
Jack, you are most graciously to overlook the errata and keep it to 50% increase.  Thank you :)

[spoiler]If you're ever curious, there was an official errata document that had to clarify troll/dwarf cost increases.  Early drafts that made it to print on accident did indeed have a 50% lifestyle increase for trolls...but also a 50% GEAR increase.  Needless to say, with current purchases in mind, you'd understand why most people favor the errata, eh? :P [/spoiler]

So with that in mind, I wouldn't mind upping our lifestyle and making a bit of a move.  Anyone up for some pad designing?

As for the 400K loot dispersion, so far I'm only seeing the synaptic boosters (r2 alpha, 228K) and the control rig( r?, price is ???), and maybe a focus for Torrent?  How are we wanting to distribute the rest of the gear?

Also noting the sidethread.  I'll make an assumption that Krestov's vatjob has come and gone.  And I'll endeavor to post up sometime today ^^;  (work is killer, man D: )


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« Reply #257 on: <12-29-15/0917:36> »
As posted before:
 synaptic boosters alpha 228,000
 control rig II alpha 116.400
That leaves a little bit more than 50k for the Sleeping Tiger outfit, a Full Body Armor and some magical stuff.

And then there's the loot. SquirrelDude thankfully wrote a list. As soon as Sabato has rolled and calculated the fencing, we can split that up or use it for team investments.

Ah, I've got another question. According to my makeshift plans, we'd need about three have guns for bnc:
 - for the armored anthro drone (I'm still not sure whether I need Control Walker for that one)
 - for the rotor drone
 - for the car

Where should we put our Ruhrmetal? And what other weapons would you buy? I'd suggest a sniper rifle for the rotor drone, because it's quite flexible to use. Maybe some heavy cannon for the car?
What availability can we reckon with, Sabato? There are some pretty awesome guns at AVA 14+.
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« Reply #258 on: <12-29-15/0942:48> »
I'll do some tabulating when I can have time, but Krestov has some funds to spare as well from his DBS purchasing, and his armor stuff can go there as needed.

As for guns, I concur with the sniper on the rotor one, and would personally go with an assault cannon on the van.  My rl group got to try it out and it proved REALLY effective in stopping pursuers :D

Which means we could stick the Ruhrmetal 21 (model 20 with a range finder and smart gun if I recall) on drone number 3.

Also figuring out how to spend my Karma.  Recommendations?


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« Reply #259 on: <12-29-15/1035:31> »
Housing: Alright, so with bnc's newfound interest in drones, I'm going to go ahead and give us an extra Garage to put all of our things into. High Lifestyle seems relatively affordable for the 4 of us now, so I'll just lay out all the stats here. We might need to buy some new suits, though.

Final Stats High Lifestyle (Base stats Run Faster p. 218)
Comfort and Necessities 4
Security [6]
Neighborhood 5 (5 = A zone, 2d6+3 minutes response time)
Points 6

Garage (Car Body 4+) - 2 Points, 100¥
Garage (Car Body 4+) - 2 Points, 100¥
Security +2 Points

Matrix Grid Access (SR5 p. 222): We would need to pick one of the Big 10 corps to provide us with matrix access.
Fashion: We might need to buy some halfway decent suits to fit in.

Total cost per person: ( Base (10,000¥ + 200¥)*Troll 1.5 )/4 People = 3825¥ per person per month.

Volker drone  questions:
My personal recommendations from your list:

For Scouting: The Kanmushi Microskimmer over the MCT Fly-Spy because the Microskimmer uses Pilot Groundcraft, which bnc actually has. Those drones are definitely too small to fit a sniper rifle onto them, though.

For Fighting: Doberman? Maybe as a sniper rifle platform It only has 8 soak dice. If you want a true combat drone; something that will be right next to the team during a fight, I'd get a Steel Lynx because it comes with a heavy weapon mount, and has 18 soak dice. The more heavily you arm that drone, the more it's going to be shot at.

I don't have Rigger 6, so I can't make a comment about the anthro-drone.

Volker weapon quesitons:
Scouting - You could maybe fit a pistol on those things. Maybe.
Combat - The best assault cannon we could reasonably get would be either an Ares Vigrous Assault (Run & Gun) or the Krime Cannon (SR5), both cost over 20,000¥ before ammunition is factored in. For Sniper Rifles, a Reminton 950 (SR5) is going to get you the most bang for your buck, or we could just hold onto the Crocket EBR (SR5). We could also keep one of the two AA-16 Shotguns and mount it on there.
For car - I actually would like having a machine gun installed in a pop-up turret in the car. It will be useful for car chases, and is a bit more subtle than a drone carrying around an assault cannon

Getting Gear
No offense to Torrent or anything, but why are we using Torrent to get our gear when we have connection 4 and 5 smugglers that we just met who can get things for us? As for selling the gear, I figure we could use the contacts that we already have, or at least K. Slob trusts him to do that for the team, and not skimp them.

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« Reply #260 on: <12-29-15/1136:15> »
Based on my experience playing a newb rigger in Date Night, I can say that we will not be getting weapons on the scouting drones.  Unless they changed the mod ways in rigger 5 (I do not yet possess it, but I wants D: )  the mount capacity is one of the round down rules in the game.

Given the capacity of the Rover, however, having an assault cannon and a machine gun...or even a pair of assault rifle guns, is very feasible, pricing and availability nonwithstanding.

Sabato Kuroi

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« Reply #261 on: <12-29-15/1853:22> »
all right
Since Torrent is our face, will you do the fencing stuff, Sabato?

What do you think, boys? Should we mount the heavy SMG from Deep Black Sea to our new car?

Sorry for being away.
I'm totally on board with Squirrel's idea to use our contacts in order to fence gear.
In case the party decides otherwise here are some rolls
Finding a buyer:

Fencing(1st roll): 8d6t5 3

Fencing(2nd roll): 7d6t5 2---->almost a glitch

Fencing(3rd roll): 6d6t5 3

Fencing(4th roll): 5d6t5 1

Fencing(5th roll): 4d6t5 0

Fencing(6th roll): 3d6t5 1

So in that case I found us a buyer.

Just to be clear, I don't have any ranks in Negotiations in order to get us a good price.

So assuming I still have  53.500 (60.000 minus two months rent) from Deep Black Sea and the gear I wanted is our payment for Pain n Gain maybe I should buy some things.

But first , the Karma!

I'll spend 16 karma to achieve the 2nd Initiate Grade and take one Power Point.
-Voice Control +1 rank (0,5PP)
-Linguistics (0,25 PP) ---> I should have taken this power right from the start.So far I had to impersonate a Chinese and a Mexican and I was lucky I didn't have to speak a foreign language.Won't be so lucky next time.
-Improved Agility +1 (0,25 PP)

And I'll save 5 Karma for later.

« Last Edit: <12-29-15/1905:54> by Sabato Kuroi »


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« Reply #262 on: <12-29-15/1958:14> »
And so with Torrent Going full bore into getting a new power point, Slobbertooth will get himself a tattoo.

So with that in mind, I hope you mind if I take 12,000 out of the mission pot to get us the ability to assense anything.

A Qi focus of Astral Perception (since we want assensing) should be...
Forcex2 Kharma, Force = ppcost x4, Forcex3000 Nuyen, Force x3R.
Force = 1x4 = 4.
Eight Kharma to bind
12,000 Nuyen
12R Availability

21 Kharma to Spend
I'll go ahead and devote two points getting a rank in Animal Handling.  - 3 days
I'll put down seven points for Automatics specialization (Assault Rifle) - 1 month
I'll put down two points for a rank in Heavy Weapons for the new grenade launcher. - 1 day
Eight points were spent on the Qi Focus
And then finally two points for a rank in Assensing. - 1 day

That is 21 Kharma spent.

« Last Edit: <12-29-15/2000:23> by SquirrelDude »
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« Reply #263 on: <12-30-15/0644:49> »

Squirrel's layout sounds real good to me. As for the Matrix Grid ... I'm unsure. She has a personal relationship to Saeder-Krupp since she's been working for them for a while, but I'm unsure whether this would attract her to it or keep her from using it. I have a tendency to "yes", since she trusts a German network more than an American one. But I'm free to others as well.

bnc definitely won't get herself fancy suits, no matter how high the lifestyle. :D


bnc has Pilot Aircraft: 3 and Pilot Groundcraft: 4. So she'll be able to operate both the Fly Spy and the Microskimmer. Since they are relatively cheep I'd purchase both to buy some flexibility. The Microskimmer is smaller and therefore easier to conceal, but it can't fly, after all.

The Doberman has the advantage of being a bit smaller. It, too, can handle a heavy weapon mount, it can fly and can be packed into our car. The Steel Lynx is great for fighting, but it's just tremendously huge, tremendously illegal and tremendously difficult to take with you. Look back at the last run: In which situation could we have taken the Lynx with us? The Doberman can always be cramped into our van.
Doesn't mean she wouldn't go for a Steel Lynx in addition. After all, it is mighty!

I'm not sure about the anthro-drone. It can have amazing fighting stats, but I'm not sure which skills I need to control it. It seems, that it can fight autonomously anyway. So maybe we could buy it together as a pet. bnc would happily train it to wash our dishes, mow the lawn and sing. And kick some ass.
With a little help of Jack, we could put together a really tough and flexible fighter. I don't know all the rules by heart, though.


The rules about weapon mounts have changed. The Fly-Spy could sport a hold-out, a light pistol, a reach 0 melee weapon or a single-shot grenade. I don't think the Super-Squirt still counts as a Light Pistol, though. I think there are more sensible upgrades than a light weapon.

I definitely like the idea of the machine gun in the car. Thanks for your suggestions about the specific weapons. I'll come back to it when I do the details.

Krestov char development

He's already hell in fighting. Maybe you could make him somehow more flexible. You're bad at sneaking, for example. You could also browse through the new sourcebooks and loog for additional positive qualities. There are some awesome fighting related qualities.
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« Reply #264 on: <12-30-15/0916:33> »
I agree that the Doberman is going to be more versatile than the Steel Lynx, at least in terms of where we can bring it. I just don't think that it will be able to hold up in a fight, so it will need to be further back.
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« Reply #265 on: <12-30-15/1306:11> »
Sorry for the no-show, but I've been occupied with forest work for the last three days and just a tad exhausted  :P

Since I have Rigger 5 you are all more than welcome to expand your repertoire - I certainly will regarding the opposition  ;D
Especially with the current side quest  ;)

For your upgrade: House hunting is rather easy and it should be no problem getting your new abode. But don't forget to calculate in the 10% per additional roommate before you split through 4 (10.000 +5000 troll toll +3000 roommates)/4= 4500 per person or 3250 per normal sized person and 8250 for the poor troll.

For convenience sake the side quest will use this thread as OOC
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #266 on: <12-30-15/1324:47> »
What are the security measures at be new digs?
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« Reply #267 on: <12-30-15/1331:21> »
Whatever you want to go for: You can have an apartment in a high rise, a nice secluded home in upscale suburbia or if you want to get fancy, a refurbished loft in a previously working class, now gentrified neighborhood.
Depending on your choice you can have standard building security with security personal, a privately financed neighborhood watch of a gated community or a sota home defense system with drones, mag locks and metal shutters.

Or you can creatively describe what you are looking for exactly and I'll figure that out.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #268 on: <12-30-15/1353:46> »
I'll think about it, but first.

Training the new dog
Day 1Training the new dog: 2d6t5 1
Day 2Training the new dog: 2d6t5 1
Day 3Training the new dog: 4d6t5 2
Day 4Training the new dog: 4d6t5 0
Day 5Training the new dog: 4d6t5 2

And with the 16 day time difference, Slobbertooth will have everything done except the assault rifle specialization.
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« Reply #269 on: <12-31-15/0519:20> »
Hoi, boys!

I made some calculations for a possible anthrodrone. Here are two versions:

MCT Kenchiku   

2   2G   1   5   3   2   2   20,000

Handling: +2   (1)    7000
Speed: +2   (1)   14000
Accel: +2   (1)    5000
Armor: +3   (0)   15000
Sensor: +2    (1)    7000
Gecko Grips   (1)     750
Spotlight   (0)      50
Pilot rating IV    -    3200

4   4G   3   5   6   4   4   72,000

S-K Sekretär
4   4G   2   4   3   4   4   40,000
Handling: +1   (0)    4000
Speed: +2   (1)   18000
Accel: +2   (1)    5600
Armor: +3   (0)   12000
Sensor: +2    (1)   11000
Gecko Grips   (1)     750
Spotlight   (0)      50

5   6G   4   4   6   4   6   91,400

Some thoughts

All in all, I'd prefer the S-K Sekretär. It's running more smoothly and is way faster. Basically we trade only one point of body for better handling, speed, acceleration and sensor. This machine can work as an autonomous warrior, but is also nice for intel or anything else. We can give it any weapon we want (and it can even use smartguns!) und have him wear our super armor. For another 4,000 or 20,000, we can give the drone realistic feature and thus have him look like an ordinary person. With this modification, it can go friggin' shopping for us!
I would give it shock gloves and two sets of attire:
 1) armor jacket and some easy-to-hide gun (maybe an Ingram Smartgun or something)
 2) our battle armor and some very-difficult-to-hide gun

The drone would cost arond 100,000, so this is nothing bnc can handle herself. Also, since it's an autonomous drone, I'd deal it as a group investment. Do you think we should buy one? That would be roughly 25,000 each. It could also clean the toilet. ;-)

Spoils of war

Uhm, if we haven't yet fully used up the whole 400,000, I'd have another suggestion. In order to sensibly use the Control Rig, I'd also need a RCC. That would be about 60,000. I'll have to take a closer look whether or not I can sensibly substitute the RCC with my deck, though. Maybe it's not even necessary. But it definitely would be an upgrade.
Also, who will now do the fencing stuff? Jack?
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