[5e OOC] It Started at the Belmont

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« on: <07-29-14/2303:47> »
IC thread is here:

My hope is to get the IC thread up by Friday.  If I can get my hooks figured out before then, I'll be ready to rock then.  Does Friday give everyone enough time to work out the kinks, or would anyone like to start on Monday? 

Please post your character sheets below.  We have:

1. Ian Bradley, Hopeless (Poindexter)
2. Ashann Valeri, Loki (martinchaen)
3. Daniel Grey-Eyes, Wind (Horsemen)
4. Marcus Castille, Dantes (Blazrath)
5. Michael Irving (reyjinn)

This looks like a fun crew.  I look forward to gaming with you.
« Last Edit: <08-01-14/1116:36> by rednblack »


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« Reply #1 on: <07-29-14/2329:36> »
Agreed; looking forward to seeing what kind of shenanigans we can come up with :)

Character sheet, as requested:
== Info ==
Street Name: Loki
Name: Ashann Valeri
Movement: 4/8
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Elf Male Age 21
Height 1.8m Weight 70kg
Composure: 13
Judge Intentions: 13
Lift/Carry: 5 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 9
Nuyen: 0

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 2
REA: 3
STR: 2
CHA: 8
INT: 5
LOG: 4
WIL: 5
EDG: 4
MAG: 6

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   6
Initiative:                8 + 1d6
Rigger Initiative:         8 + 1d6
Astral Initiative:         10 + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative:      8 + 1d6
Matrix Cold Initiative:    5 +DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative:     5 +DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track:     10
Stun Damage Track:         11

== Limits ==
Physical:                  4
Mental:                    6
Social:                    9
   Ballistic Mask [+1] (Only for intimidation, Must be visible)
   Securetech PPP: Vitals Kit [-1] (Must be visible)

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling            : 0                      Pool: 7
Arcana                     : 1                      Pool: 5
Archery                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Armorer                    : 0                      Pool: 3
Assensing                  : 5 [Aura Reading]       Pool: 10 (12)
Blades                     : 0                      Pool: 1
Clubs                      : 0                      Pool: 1
Computer                   : 0                      Pool: 3
Con                        : 4 [Seduction]          Pool: 14 (16)
Counterspelling            : 6                      Pool: 12
Cybercombat                : 0                      Pool: 3
Demolitions                : 0                      Pool: 3
Disguise                   : 0                      Pool: 4
Diving                     : 0                      Pool: 2
Escape Artist              : 0                      Pool: 1
Etiquette                  : 1 [Street]             Pool: 9 (11)
First Aid                  : 0                      Pool: 3
Forgery                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Free-Fall                  : 0                      Pool: 2
Gunnery                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Gymnastics                 : 0                      Pool: 1
Hacking                    : 0                      Pool: 3
Heavy Weapons              : 0                      Pool: 1
Impersonation              : 1                      Pool: 9
Instruction                : 0                      Pool: 7
Intimidation               : 0                      Pool: 7
Leadership                 : 0                      Pool: 7
Navigation                 : 0                      Pool: 4
Negotiation                : 2 [Bargaining]         Pool: 10 (12)
Perception                 : 1                      Pool: 6
Performance                : 0                      Pool: 7
Pilot Ground Craft         : 0                      Pool: 2
Pilot Watercraft           : 0                      Pool: 2
Running                    : 0                      Pool: 1
Sneaking                   : 0                      Pool: 1
Spellcasting               : 6 [Manipulation]       Pool: 12 (14)
Summoning                  : 1 [Spirits of Man]     Pool: 7 (9)
Survival                   : 1                      Pool: 6
Swimming                   : 0                      Pool: 1
Throwing Weapons           : 0                      Pool: 1
Tracking                   : 0                      Pool: 4
Unarmed Combat             : 1                      Pool: 3

== Knowledge Skills ==
English                    : N                      Pool: 0
Gangs                      : 1                      Pool: 6
Japanese                   : 3                      Pool: 8
News                       : 1 [Current Events]     Pool: 6 (8)
Night Clubs                : 1                      Pool: 6
Sperethiel                 : 3                      Pool: 8
Sprawl Life                : 3 [Scavenging]         Pool: 8 (10)
Syndicates                 : 1 [Yakuza]             Pool: 6 (8)
Trivia                     : 1 [Nordic Mythology]   Pool: 6 (8)

== Contacts ==
Alessia Thorne (Nightclub Owner) (2, 5)
Dawn (Fixer) (5, 2)
Hiroko Matsumoto (Yakuza Wakagashira) (5, 2)
Leaf-of-Willow (Street Shaman) (1, 2)

== Qualities ==
Astral Beacon
First Impression
Focused Concentration (Rating 1)
Incompetent (Firearms)
Low-Light Vision
Mentor Spirit (Raven)
Weak Immune System

== Spells ==
(Tradition: Black Magic, Resist Drain with WIL + CHA (13))
Fling                      DV: F-2
Influence                  DV: F-1
Lightning Bolt             DV: F-3
Magic Fingers              DV: F-2
Mind Probe                 DV: F
Mindnet Extended           DV: F+1
Mob Mind                   DV: F+1
Physical Barrier           DV: F-1
Physical Mask              DV: F-1
Trid Phantasm              DV: F

== Lifestyles ==
Apartment  1 months

== Armor ==
Ballistic Mask                      2
   +Flare Compensation
   +Vision Magnification
Clothing                            0
Lined Coat                          9
   +Chemical Protection 2
   +Insulation 2
   +Nonconductivity 4
Securetech PPP: Vitals Kit          1

== Weapons ==
Shock Gloves
   Pool: 3   Accuracy: 4   DV: 8S(e)   AP: -5   RC: 1
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 3   Accuracy: 4   DV: 2S   AP: -   RC: 1

== Commlink ==
Meta Link (, , 0, )

== Gear ==
Ammo: Injection Darts (Throwing Weapons) x10
Ammo: Injection Darts (Throwing Weapons) x10
Certified Credstick, Silver
Certified Credstick, Standard x2
Fake SIN (Alan Walker, UCAS) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Mage License) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Summoner License) Rating 4
   +Fake License (Talismonger License) Rating 4
Reagents, per dram x50
Respirator Rating 6
Summoning Focus (Bonded Foci) (Spirits of Man) Rating 1
Survival Kit

== Description ==
An elf of Caucasian origin, Loki wears his black hair to his shoulderst. He dresses to fit in on the streets, with multiple pieces of clothing capable of concealing his features at short notice. His force of personality is apparent to anyone who meets him, though he has a knack for getting into trouble with the wrong people.

Loki knows little about his past, but over the years has learned to focus his will to shape the world around him. Motivated by a desire to make a better place for himself in an otherwise inhospitable world, he has begun his journey into the shadows as the first step on a path to the life he believe he deserves.

While untrained, Loki's raw talent is unquestionable; his ability to affect those around him is clear as day, though he is otherwise lacking in magical aptitude and knows little at all about magical theory. He will attempt to influence people around him to help him in any way they can, and if pressed has taken direct control of his enemies to subdue them. While not afraid to kill if he has to, he's realized that cold-blooded murder leaves far too many traces behind and as such will attempt to resolve matters peacefully if at all possible.

== Background ==
Ashann was born an irenis (classless) in the Elven nation of Tir Tairngire and knew little of his family. The only exceptions were a faint memory of a motherly face, and a pendant with a Sperethiel inscription that he later took as a name. His first real memories of childhood were of the cold, wet, and rough streets of Cara'Sir (Portland), and of being just yet another starving orphan in the crowds. As one of the many social outcasts in Cara'Sir, Ashann never received a SIN and thus no formal schooling, and as a result he was never screened for magical potential as is common in the Tir; chances are good that if he had undergone the customary trials he would have made it into one of the prestigious societies operating in the elven nation, as he began manifesting powerful magical abilities at a very early age.

Alas, with no one recognizing his talents for what they were, not even himself, coupled with having to fend for himself on the streets of a sprawling metroplex, Ashann developed a nearly instinctive use of magic; his natural charisma and force of personality paired with his magical abilities allowed him to impose his will on others, both subtly and otherwise. When the young bullies came to steal the food and clothes he had convinced a total stranger to give him, his emotions were so tangible that the bullies ended up fighting each other instead while he just walked away. When the older gangers tried to beat him up for trespassing on their turf, his wish for protection somehow made their blows strike invisible walls of energy instead of his body. As he matured, Ashann began to suspect that his good fortune was not merely luck; the voice that had whispered to him in the dark of night for years eventually confronted him in a dream world as an entity of many forms, appearing as a raven, a colorful jester, elven twins, and many others. Though he could not understand it at first, over the next few years Ashann came to realize the power of his gift, and he formed a bond with the mischievous being. With its guidance fueling his own powerful desire for change, Ashann initiated a series of heists cleverly concealed as colorful pranks; for several months he antagonized the criminal underworld with his tricks, starting with small-time gangs and working his way up the chain all the way to the Vory v Zakone operating in Cara’Sir.

And then, disaster struck. Ashann, now 21 years old and calling himself Loki after the Nordic mythical being that had so much in common with his mentor, had finally gone too far. A Vory hit squad cornered him during one of his “jobs”, and he found himself forced to unleash every ounce of magical ability in a desperate move that soon had his opponents realizing that they had vastly underestimated their target. Before they could draw their weapons, multiple shadowy figures dressed and looking just like Loki appeared out of nowhere and proceeded to taunt and ridicule the mobsters. In the ensuing chaos, members of the team found themselves cut off from each other by invisible walls, some even coming under fire by their own while others simply fled the scene in abject terror. Some of the men fought back but began going down to poisoned darts, and when only a single man remained standing Loki stepped out from behind cover and sent a crackling bolt of lightning that put him down for good. Surveying the scene, he knew that the Vory would never live this down, and he left Cara’Sir that very night.

Over the next few years, Loki spent some time travelling the Americas, hitching rides where he could and living rough when he had to. After a while, he met a nightclub owner named Alessia Thorne, and the two hit it off immediately. In her he found companionship he had not known existed; despite having been quite the skirt chaser, he was always wary and never let anyone get close. For the first time in his life, he had found someone he could call friend. Over a period of several months Alessia introduced Loki to some of her contacts, including a prominent fixer named going by the name Dawn, and before long he was working the shadows.

== Concept ==
Young, untrained magician from Tir Tairngire; orphan, grew up on the streets, strong bias towards manipulation magic to reflect "surival" or instictive use of magic.
« Last Edit: <08-12-14/0729:32> by martinchaen »


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« Reply #2 on: <07-30-14/0049:49> »
A: Attributes
B: Skills
C: Metatype (Human)
D: Resources
E: Magic

Marcus 'Dantes' Castille
B 5/6, A 6/6, R 4(6)/6, S 4/6, W 3/6, L 3/6, I 4/6, C 3/6, ESS 5, EDG 7, M 0

Condition Monitor (P/S): 11/ 10
Limits: Physical 6, Mental 5, Social 5
Physical Initiative: 8+1d6

Active Skills: Athletics (5), Outdoors (1), Automatics (6)/ Machine Pistols+2, Blades (4)/ Knives+2, Sneaking (4), Unarmed Combat (5)/ +2 Subduing, Pilot Ground Craft (4)/ +2 Motorcycles, Etiquette (1), Intimidation (4), Armorer (1), Automotive Mechanic (1), First Aid (1), Perception (5)

Knowledge Skills: CAS Military Procedure (2), Combat Biking (1), Dining Etiquette (1), Catholicism (2), Voodoo (1)
Languages: English N, French (4), Sioux (2). Latin (1)

Metatype Abilities: None
Positive Qualities: Ambidexterous, Guts, Toughness
Negative Qualities: Distinctive Style (Deep Southern Accent), Sinner (Criminal), Bad Rep

. . Harley-Davidson Scorpion [Handling 4/3, Speed 3/4, Accel 2, Body 8, Armor 9, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seats 1]

. . Hermes Ikon
. . Glasses (Flare, Image, Lowlight, Vis-Enhance-1)
. . Helmet (Smartlink)
. . Kit (Armorer and Automobile Mechanic)
. . Lined Coat (Duster)
. . Clothes (3 x 100)
. . Credstick (Standard)
. . Sub-vocal Mic

. . Cyberlimb [Left Hand] (Armor 2, Fingertip Compartment) Had to change to two as three would of been unavailable at character creation.
. . Reaction Enhancers [+2]

. . Combat Knife [Blade, Acc 6, (Str+2)P, AP -3]
. . Boot Knife [Blade, Acc 5, (Str+1), AP -1]
. . Survival Knife [Blade, Acc 5, (Str+1), AP -1]
. . Shock Gloves [Other, Acc Physical, 8S(e), AP -5]
. . Ares Crusader II [MP, Acc 5/7, 7P, AP 0, SA/BF, RC 2, Ammo 40] (Silencer, Sling)
    Ammo: 2 Full Clips
. . AK 97 [Assault, Acc 5/7, 10P, AP -2, SA/BF/FA, RC 3, Ammo 38] (Gas Vent 3, Folding Stock, External Smartlink)
    Ammo: 3 Full Clips

Retired Decker: Connection 2, Loyalty 4
Smuggler: Connection 3, Loyalty 1

Fake SIN (Legal Activity) Rating 4
Life Style Squatter (1 month): Drifter

Starting Money: 1120+2d6 + 60

Marcus was born and raised in Louisiana, CAS in a manor fitting for a founding member of an A Rating Corporation. Though they had money, his momma made sure he had the proper raising of someone in their social circles, culturing and nurturing him through a surrogate mother. He was never close to his parents, only really spending time with him when they would drag him to parties to show them as a loving family. It was until Marcus became a man in the eyes of the law that his father gave him the choice of extra schooling or join the Military, but he needed to leave. So instead of being under his father's thumb, he signed up for the Military.

The first couple of months were rough getting through basic, but his aptitude gained him a spot on the front lines manning the machines and vehicles that kept the border between the CAS and the UCAS, Sioux and Aztlan. He rose through the ranks being promoted to Sergeant after his first couple of tours, with special consideration given to him after a training accident took his left arm. It was shortly after getting his promotion though that he screwed it up. On a routine patrol in former Texas, his unit came under small arms fire. After an intense, but short fire fight two soldiers were wounded and six men were captured. More were within the group, but they scurried away back over to Aztlan or hid well enough. With six prisoners in tow and a unit pissed off already has a bad start, then include alcohol rations and no direct supervision, anyone could tell this was not going to end well. The issue is it got out.

The next day a trideo started to surface and trend online. It showed three men looking already beat up and bleeding while zip-tied up to where they were hanging off their wrists. A man with a very similar build to Marcus can be seen on the trideo, loading a single bullet into a revolver. What later enfolds is Russian Roulette interrogation with bets being taken on the side. There were no survivors. While the Military would of swept this under the rug and reprimanded some of the men with paycuts, the fact that a drunk private thought it be best to show the folks back home how we take care of business makes it a larger issue. Marcus's father, one not wanting to lose faith, pulled string in the military to hold off on announcing who was responsible exactly for the executions.

His father's contacts changed his identity to cut off any backlash this may have on the family, essentially disowning his son in favor of profits. Still having enough in his heart to not see his own flesh and blood executed, the last favors he called in were to release Marcus, have a final meeting with his father to collect his new identity and some gear and told to leave the country. If he was ever caught back in the country, he was to be killed on sight. Thus started his slide into the shadows as he was stripped of his rank, stripped of his arm and kicked out of his country with a reputation branded on him like the criminals in the Roman Empire.

The issue when you start at rock bottom in this day and age is the vultures always are circling and the same could be said with Marcus. Jobless in UCAS with an arm missing and a Dishonorable Discharge under his circumstances meant surely death, but while on the streets he was given a second chance. A fixer that recognized him offered him a job that his payment would be a new cyberware arm, nothing fancy as it was used. Marcus agreed to it, glad to have a chance. What he didn't realize it was a job meant to kill off a retiring Decker, a burnt out Mage and a psychotic Rigger. His plan went off with little hitches, the Rigger and Mage killed during the ambush and the Decker injured after getting the info. They only got out of the facility by the skin of their teeth, with the Decker overclocking the cyber arm to crush the throat of an orc.

Through this, the Decker was able to find out the Fixer put an overload module into the arm to kill Marcus at the click of a button by electrocution. Dropping off the Decker at the street Docs after getting the info they were tasked with recovering and the module shut off, Marcus went to the office of the Fixer. Marcus let him think that everything was alright until he tried to activate the device. A single shot rang out shortly afterwards and Marcus walked out minutes later with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and dropped off half of the contents with the doc and walked away.
« Last Edit: <07-30-14/1507:33> by Blazrath »
Talking Aloud Thoughts Matrix Astral E-Mails/"Sub-Vocal"


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« Reply #3 on: <07-30-14/0432:16> »
Wind (Daniel Grey-Eyes)


B 3, A 4, R 3, S 3, W 4, L 4, I 5, C 9, ESS 5.3, EDG 1

Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10

Armor: 8

Limits: Physical 4, Mental 6, Social 13

Physical Initiative: 8+1D6

Active Skills:
Blades 2 (6) [A]
Clubs 2 (6) [A]
Con 4 (Fast Talking +2) (16) [13] *
Cracking Group 1 (5) [M]
- Cybercombat
- Electronic Warfare
- Hacking
Disguise 4  (9) [4]
Electronics Group 2 (6) [M]
- Computer
- Hardware
- Software
Escape Artist 7 (4) [A]
First Aid 8 (9) [A]
Forgery 1 (5) [?]
Gymnastics 2 (6) [4]
Impersonation 1 (13) [13] *
Influence Group 3 (15) [13] *
- Etiquette
- Leadership
- Negotiation
Locksmith 2 (6) [4]
Longarms 2 (6) [A]
Palming 2 (6) [4]
Perception 3 (8.) [6]
Performance 1 (13) [13] *
Pistols 2 (6) [A]
Sneaking 2 (6) [4]
Unarmed Combat 4 (Okichitaw +2) (6) [A]

Knowledge Skills:
Building Layouts 2 (6) [6]
Business 2 (7) [6]
Corporate Security Systems 2 (6) [6]
High Fashion 1 (6) [6]
Infiltration Techniques 2 (6) [6]
Sioux Military Regulations 1 (5) [6]
Sioux Nation 2 (6) [6]
Sports 1 (6) [6]

English 5 (10) [6]
Lakota N
Sperethiel N

Metatype Abilities: Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision

Bad Luck, Bilingual, Double Jointed, Exceptional Attribute: Charisma, Loss of Confidence: Unarmed Combat, Prejudiced, Specific (Biased): Humanis

. . Sleep Regulator
. . Tailored Pheromones (3) * Factored into die pool, remove if not in effect.

. . Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit [Handling 4/3, Speed 6, Accel 2, Body 8, Armor 4, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seats 2]

Cash: 2,555¥
. . Actioneer Business Clothes
. . Bug Scanner (6)
. . Catalyst Stick
. . Cellular Glove Molder (4)
. . Chisel/Crowbar
. . Climbing Gear
. . Concealable Holster
. . Concealable Holster
. . Data Tap
. . Ear buds (1) w/ Select Sound Filter (1)
. . Erika Elite Commlink
. . Flashlight, Low-Light
. . Identity: Jason Longbreath w/ Fake License: Conceal Carry Permit (4), Fake License: Gun License (4), Fake SIN (4), (1 month) Middle Lifestyle
. . Keycard Copier (6)
. . Lockpick Set
. . Maglock Passkey (4)
. . Medkit (3)
. . Micro-camera w/ Low Light Vision
. . Micro-Tranceiver
. . Micro-Tranceiver
. . Microwire (m) x200
. . Rapelling Gloves
. . Respirator (6)
. . Sequencer (5)
. . Stealth Rope (m) x500
. . Stealth Tags x20
. . Suit
. . Tag Eraser
. . White Noise Generator (6)

. . Fichetti Security 600 [Light Pistol, Acc 7, DV 7S, AP +1, SA, RC (1), 30 (c)] w/ Folding Stock, (30x) Gel Rounds, Laser Sight, (60x) Regular Ammo, Silencer/Suppressor, (2x) Spare Clips
. . Yamaha Pulsar [Taser, Acc 5, DV 7S(e), AP -5, SA, 4 (m)] w/ (40x) Taser Dart

Calisandra Everwind (Connection 3, Loyalty 2)
Calisandra Everwind, Elf, 24. Calisandra and Wind have a past together, a connection outside of the shadows but neither of them discuss it as she's
been in the CAS since her early adolescence. She's slick, capable, and one of the few people who can match Wind conversationally. It's the basis of our
mutual respect, though it doesn't always appear so to any outsiders who may catch us trading barbs over a pint. Still, there is a coolness that leaves
people thinking Wind is only as valuable to her as the next chunk of nuyen made available through a successful job. She's got allegiances for sure
where they lay remains a mystery.

Kevin Sandstorm (Connection 3, Loyalty 4)
Kevin Sandstorm, Human, 30 years old. Kevin is the owner of a small security company Sandstorm Securities that operates in Dallas. The company specializes in testing, developing and improving small companies security and is most notable for doing so for several local A-rated Corporations. Kevin often employs freelancers to test for weaknesses in the current system of a company then sits down with his staff and the freelancers to work out how to improve it. This is how they first met and this has been Wind's major source of employment since coming to Dallas. The two hit it off immediately and a fast friendship has developed since though still focused more on the business side of things. Each though will certainly do the other a solid if there is a need.

Lou Cuenco (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Lou Cuenco, aka Razor-wire, Human, 42 years-old. Lou's a good guy, one of the old pink mohawk types who never grew up. He's got an infectious laugh,
a semi-successful club in Somervell, and a bad cram habit. His club, Cuchitril, is an interesting, if schizophrenic place playing Atzlan and Central
American tribal protest music during the week with orxploitation, punkabilly, and sinthcore rounding out the weekends. Lou's a good guy to know in the
Aztlan refugee community, even if he doesn't want to know a lot of what occurs at his club.

Mr. Johnson (Connection 5, Loyalty 2)
Mr. Johnson, who the frag knows, who the frag knows. Wind has never met this Johnson. One day Calisandra asked if it would be okay to share his comm with someone in need of his specific skills. All communication has been through text, all payments have been prompt, and whoever this is has some juice.

Shaundra Maysfield (Connection 3, Loyalty 2)
Shaundra Maysfield, Ork, 38 years-old. Shaundra is the Executive Liason to Jitendra Patel, Conservative Party member and Denton representative on the Dallas City Council. Given the Conservative Party's speckled -- read downright abusive -- history regarding metahuman rights, and Ms. Patel's general insincerity, Shaundra is convinced that she was hired as a "token" metahuman, and doesn't feel a lot of loyalty to her employer. She is well-placed, though, to keep tabs on what's happening in the city, as Ms. Patel has her fingers in a lot of pies.

Ticker (Connection 2, Loyalty 4) (Poindexter, rednblack asked me to use this one so he can cross connect some of the team together.)
"Ticker" is a former CAS army medic and he'd seen more than his share of action. He doesn't talk about it much, but if you get close to him at all, you can
tell there are still some rough memories for him. Maybe he does all that pro-Bono work to try and atone for something in his past. Who knows. He is deeply christian and follows all the tolerant, loving parts of the bible to the letter, ignoring the more rapey and slavey bits.

Physical and Mental Description: TBA

Personal History:
Daniel Grey-eyes is a Métis (using the more generic/modern definition) elf.  His mother is a Lakota while his father originally hailed from the Tir.  Born in the Sioux Nation after his father an ex-pat moved there, he grew up in a small community there.  When he came of age he served his mandatory term in the Sioux military and was considering going career when he was approached with an opportunity to serve his country in another way.  The OMI wanted him as his potential had been noted and watched since a particular incident early in his military tour.  Daniel full of idealism agreed and soon began training.  Training that never had a chance to be completed.

Due to an incident that some define as a scandal and others say that is merely the term used to cover up the far more heinous truth, Daniel was left twisting in the wind to hang for whatever actually did happen.  Ready to accept his fate and take the punishment whether he was actually guilty or was taking a fall out of loyalty only Daniel knows.  But that too was not to be his fate.  They came for him or so he thought right up until the soldiers beat him senseless.

He woke up in the streets of the Dallas with some nuyen in his pocket, a commlink with a SIN not his own yet the physical ID and other defining characteristics matched his own and a trideo news clip of Daniel Grey-eyes execution for treason in storage on the comm.  The man killed did look like him but those who truly knew Daniel would know otherwise.  Mystified, confused and angry Daniel used the nuyen to establish his new identity and start a new life.

Over the next six months he tried to live as legal a life as his fake SIN would allow but between where his head was at and other issues with his ID, he found he just couldn't keep a job and he soon found himself using his training, his natural talents and his charisma to obtain a ready cash flow through less legal means.  He became a social engineer in almost every sense of the definition and his life of larceny would take him into the shadows where he would work various jobs and slowly moved up to higher profile employments.  He gained the street handle of Wind because when he spun one of his social engineering yarns he had tendency to be long-winded and yet when he needed to be covert and physically get into a place he moved like the Wind and was rarely ever noticed.  Comfortable now, Wind has not settled in with a regular team and this is hurting his bottom line.  Not only does he need the payout for his lifestyle but he wants the cash to figure out what exactly happened the day he should have died.

There is more history during those months as he became established especially with his closest contacts but that history is for them to share at a time of their choosing and not before.

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« Last Edit: <08-06-14/2213:44> by Horsemen »
Agent #191 Catalyst Demo Team


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« Reply #4 on: <07-30-14/1409:03> »
name: Ian Bradley
Handle: Hopeless
29 year old white human male.

race   a human
stats  c 16
magic  d 2 aspected hermetic summoner
skills b 36/5
loot   e 0+starting cash left over

bod- 2          mental limit- 4
agi- 3        physical limit- 4
rea- 5          social limit- 5
str- 2
wil- 2
log- 3
int- 4
cha- 4
edg- 8
ess- 5 (5.92)
ini- 1d6+9
mag- 4

karma: 25+7unsteady=32+10weakimmune=42+8stress=50-12lucky=38-10bod=28-10money=18-2running=16-2arcana=14-2escape artist=12-12contacts=0

unsteady hands
weak immune system
Social stress (sound of trains)

Interest: corporate politics   1
Interest: National politics 1
Interest: Music           2
Interest: video games     1
Interest: movies          1         
Street: Gang politics     1
Street: DFW area knowledge   2
Academic: Magic theory    1
English (native)
German                    1
Spanish                   1
Or'zet                    1
sperethiel                1

Acting group       2
Conjuring group    3
clubs              3   
palming            3
sneaking           5
unarmed combat     2
pilot groundcraft  3
etiquette          2
artisan            3
assensing          2
perception         5
computer           3
throwing           3
gymnastics         2
arcana             1
running            1
escape artist      1

lifestyle: low

Alphaware Datajack

stun baton
5 high explosive grenades

armor jacket
 flare compensation
 vision magnification

transys avalon commlink
 sim module
subvocal mic
trid projector
ear buds
 sound filter lvl 2
gas mask
trauma patch
200 gel rifle rounds
200 std rifle rounds
15 drams reagents


-vehicles and drones
MCT rotodrone
 Std weapon mount
  ak-97 with laser sight
 auto-soft lvl 4 ak-97

-contacts       loy    con
fixer                  2      4
 "B Know" An Ork from arlington who used to be big in the drug game. he doesn't like the hassle of dealing with product anymore after a nasty run in with the law. Tries to keep clean, but just can't seem to stay out of the game all the way. A bit overcautious, he never has anything illegal at his house. Ian met him about 4 years ago though mutual acquaintances, and due to the "thug attitude" B Know puts off, Ian doesn't really trust him.

drug dealer      1      2
 "Tammy" is a 30 year old elf stripper who lives in southside ft worth. She sells a few of the less hardcore drugs on the side to help make ends meet. She's a very business minded gal, and even though she acts all sweet at work, there's no nonsense with her. Ian dated her sister for a few weeks about 8 months ago and the two have kept in contact on a strictly business level ever since. Never hurts to know who to call for party supplies.

street-doc       3      1
 "Ticker" is a former CAS army medic and he'd seen more than his share of action. He doesn't talk about it much, but if you get close to him at all, you can tell there are still some rough memories for him. Maybe he does all that pro-Bono work to try and atone for something in his past. Who knows. He is deeply christian and follows all the tolerant, loving parts of the bible to the letter, ignoring the more rapey and slavey bits.

mechanic         1      1
 "Jimbo" specializes in classic automobiles, but he can fix just about anything. He's heavily racist, sexist, homophobic, and generally hateful toward almost everyone who aint white, human, straight, and male, but he knows how to keep his mouth shut and he doesn't gouge on price. That's good enough for Ian for now.

talismonger      1      2
 "Elise Glendrose" Works the counter at a high end talismonger shop on the glittering and clean north side of dallas. She's a bit sheltered due to her privileged upbringing, but she has a good heart. Ian met her through an online dating site and both knew it wouldn't work out after one date. She has a certain kind of future in mind for herself and a guy like Ian just doesn't fit. Never hurts to throw away a contact though, and Ian has been a loyal customer of hers ever since.

Air spirit (4)  2 favors
 "Whil" Manifests as a small fairy, covered in frost and ice. A mischevious little devil, he enjoys confusing people.

Man spirit (4)  2 favors
 "Terrance" Manifests as a colonial era wild west doctor, with long mustache and a lazy eye. Perpetually in a cranky mood, he loves throwing insults at those he helps.

Fire spirit (4) 2 favors
 "Some" Manifests as two eyes of flame. Loves the feeling of inflicting pain on others. Rarely speaks, but when she does, her voice drips with contempt.

We can start whenever we start. I'm good whenever.
« Last Edit: <07-31-14/1334:46> by Poindexter »
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #5 on: <07-30-14/1528:02> »
Moved some things around, pretty satisfied with him as is by now.

Character sheet
== Info ==
Street Name: Breeze
Name: Micheal Irving
Movement: 8/16
Karma: 0
Starting Karma: 0
Starting Nuyen: 3d6*60+70 850
edit: Had to find more money so changed Low to Squatter. Skipped the 6 and kept the 2 and 5 from previous roll. (2+5)*40+500=780

Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0

Human Male, 23 y/o
Height 1.73 m Weight 65 kg
Composure: 7
Judge Intentions: 8
Lift/Carry: 5 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 9
Nuyen: 70

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 4
REA: 3(4)
STR: 2
CHA: 3
INT: 5
LOG: 5
WIL: 4
EDG: 2
MAG: 3

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence:                   6
Initiative:                9 + 2d6
Rigger Initiative:         9 + 2d6
Astral Initiative:         10 + 3d6
Matrix AR Initiative:      9 + 2d6
Matrix Cold Initiative:    5 +DP + 4d6
Matrix Hot Initiative:     5 +DP + 5d6
Physical Damage Track:     10
Stun Damage Track:         10

== Limits ==
Physical:                  4
Mental:                    7
Social:                    6

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling            : 0                      Pool: 2
Archery                    : 0                      Pool: 3
Armorer                    : 0                      Pool: 4
Artisan                    : 1                      Pool: 6
Automatics                 : 0                      Pool: 3
Blades                     : 0                      Pool: 3
Clubs                      : 0                      Pool: 3
Computer                   : 6 [Matrix Perception]  Pool: 11 (13)
Con                        : 2                      Pool: 5
Cybercombat                : 6                      Pool: 11
Demolitions                : 0                      Pool: 4
Disguise                   : 0                      Pool: 4
Diving                     : 0                      Pool: 2
Elec. warfare              : 6                      Pool: 11
Escape Artist              : 0                      Pool: 3
Etiquette                  : 2 [Yakuza]             Pool: 5 (7)
First Aid                  : 0                      Pool: 4
Forgery                    : 0                      Pool: 4
Free-Fall                  : 0                      Pool: 2
Gunnery                    : 0                      Pool: 3
Gymnastics                 : 4                      Pool: 10 (+2 from Natural Athlete)
Hacking                    : 6                      Pool: 11
Hardware                   : 3                      Pool: 8
Heavy Weapons              : 0                      Pool: 3
Impersonation              : 0                      Pool: 2
Instruction                : 0                      Pool: 2
Intimidation               : 0                      Pool: 2
Leadership                 : 0                      Pool: 2
Lockpicking                : 6                      Pool: 10
Longarms                   : 0                      Pool: 3
Navigation                 : 0                      Pool: 4
Negotiation                : 0                      Pool: 2
Palming                    : 5                      Pool: 9
Perception                 : 5                      Pool: 10
Performance                : 0                      Pool: 2
Pilot Ground Craft         : 0                      Pool: 2 (3)
Pilot Watercraft           : 0                      Pool: 2 (3)
Pistols                    : 1 [LightPistols]       Pool: 5 (7)
Running                    : 4                      Pool: 8 (+2 from Natural Athlete)
Sneaking                   : 6                      Pool: 12 (+2 from Catlike)
Software                   : 1 [Databombs]          Pool: 6 (8 )
Survival                   : 0                      Pool: 3
Swimming                   : 4                      Pool: 6
Throwing Weapons           : 0                      Pool: 3
Tracking                   : 0                      Pool: 4
Unarmed Combat             : 5                      Pool: 9

== Knowledge Skills ==
English                    : N                      Pool: N/A
Japanese                   : 2                      Pool: 7
Aztlan spanish             : 1                      Pool: 6

Dallas/Forth Worth area    : 3                      Pool: 8
Dallas/Forth Worth corps   : 2                      Pool: 7
Dallas/Forth Worth hackers : 2                      Pool: 7
Matrix security            : 4                      Pool: 9
Meatspace security         : 3                      Pool: 8
Astral security            : 1                      Pool: 6
Matrix host design         : 1                      Pool: 6
Magical theory             : 1                      Pool: 6

== Contacts ==
Archive (Infobroker) (5, 2)
Unknown age, gender, metatype or location. Only contact that Micheal has had with the Archive is through text and the matrix. Persona is tall, dark robed and absolutely gender neutral.
Hiroko Matsumoto (Yakuza Wakagashira) (1, 1)
Sam Spratt (Talismonger) (2, 2)
39 y/o Human from Waxahachie, Ellis county.

== Qualities ==
Natural Athlete
Codeslinger (Hack on the fly)
Allergy; common, moderate (Semen [because you have to keep the connection to the 12 y/o you :)] )
Code of honor (Will not use lethal force)

== Adept powers ==
Nerve strike (1 pp)
Improved reflexes R1 (1,5 pp)
Hang time R1 (0,25 pp)
Att boost: Agi R1 (0,25 pp)

== Lifestyles ==
Room, down a long unused attic hallway, has a small window, 1 month (Squatter, obscure)
East Arlington, right by Interstate 20,+Arlington,+TX+76014/@32.6806416,-97.0554766,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x864e886c861fad21:0xb1736551e9335a8

== Armor ==
Chameleon suit                          9
   +Thermal Damper 5
   +Nonconductivity 4
Armor vest                                   9

== Weapons ==
Shock Gloves
   Pool: 9   Accuracy: 4   DV: 8S(e)   AP: -5   RC: 1
Unarmed Attack
   Pool: 9   Accuracy: 4   DV: 3S   AP: -   RC: 1
Colt America L36
   Pool: 7   Accuracy: 7   DV: 7P (5S(e))   AP: 0 (-5)   RC:-
   +Concealable holster
   +2x spare clips
   +80 Stick'N'Shock

== Commlink ==
Hermes Ikon (DP: 5, FW: 5, DR: 5)

== Cyberdeck ==
Hermes Chariot (Attribute Array [5442], DR: 2, Programs: 2)
   +Common programs: Browse, Signal scrub, Toolbox, Virtual machine
   +Hacker programs: Baby monitor, Biofeedback filter, Blackout, Shell, Stealth, Wrapper.

== Gear ==
Certified Credstick, Silver
Certified Credstick, Gold
Fake SIN (Martin Wilson, CAS) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Adept License) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Gun License) Rating 3
   +Fake License (Concealed carry License) Rating 3
Respirator Rating 6
Trodes, AR gloves (built in Chameleon suit)
Trodes, AR gloves, Subvocal mic
   +low light
Contacts C2
   +Flare compensation
   +Low light vision
Plastic restraints (x100)
Hardware kit
   +extra canister
Maglock Passkey R4
Sequencer R4
Lockpick set
Gecko gloves
Bug scanner R6
Tag eraser
Stealth tags (x5)
Survival knife

== Description ==
A short, slender and unremarkable looking young man with brown hair and green eyes. Hard to nail down which ethnicity Micheal is from, his ancestors were clearly not the types to worry about 'racial purity'. Micheal's movements are quick but graceful and he has difficulty maintaining stillness when he feels like he should be actually doing something.

== Background ==
Micheal is the younger of two sons by your average middle class shopkeepers, his parents' shop pays for protection from the Yakuza and one day when their bagman came to collect Micheal was fiddling around with the insides of some commlinks trying to make a deck for himself. The bagman  was intrigued and got to talking to this weird kid, thinking there was some potential there he brought Micheal to his superior. Long story short Micheal was offered a scholarship of sorts, the Yakuza would get him the needed education in the grayer areas of matrix technology in exchange for his services both during and after his education. Micheal's parents were less than pleased by this arrangement but he was insistent and they really did not want to argue too much with the Yakuza.

The Yakuza however got an unexpected bonus when Micheal awakened to his adept powers, although not bursting with astral power Micheal took to second story work like a duck to water and his education was broadened to include sleight of hand, stealth and B&E. Micheal worked for the Yakuza throughout his teenage years, doing small time stuff, mostly acting as a gopher until his tutors decided he was ready to go on real jobs.

That went fine for a few years, Micheal enjoyed the challenge of his job and was always ready to stretch his talents a bit further, finding out just how far he could go. Then came the night when it all went to shit, it was a bigger job than usual, half a dozen people who were breaking into an industrial park to get a prototype of some sort or another. Anyway, that run went all sorts of bad, rivers of blood kind of bad, and it shook Micheal up something fierce. So he decided that he wanted to strike out on his own. Thankfully he had put some money aside and had enough goodwill from within the organization to be allowed to pay off his debts to the Yakuza.

It cost him dearly and Micheal doesn't have all of the top tier gear he would like to work with, but he is ready to move forward, still trying to find out just how far he can go.

== Concept ==
Low magic adept hacker. Second story man with good technical skills.
« Last Edit: <08-01-14/1440:53> by reyjinn »
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"


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« Reply #6 on: <07-31-14/1400:35> »


Mild Allergy (Seafood) +10
National SIN (+5)
Addiction (Alcohol, Mild) (+4)
Distinctive Style (Scarring) (+5)
-16 5x CFs
-8 FC (2)
-6 3x R(1) Skills
-3 Quick Healer
-10 Karma to Nuyen (20,000 Nuyen)

Skill Group-Athletics 1
Skill Group Cracking 4
Compiling 6 (Machine Sprites)
Registering 6 (Machine Sprites)
Software 6
Computer 5
Hardware 3
Pistol 3 (Heavy Pistol)
Con 1
Etiquette 1
Sneak 3 (Urban)
Perception 1

Language Skills
English N

Knolwedge Skills
Matrix 4
Sprawl Life 4
Seattle Street Gangs 4
Ares Macrotechnology 2
Fashion 2
Neonet 4

Carl Richter Connection 3 Loyalty 4
The man who rescued her from the gangers who cut up her face, Carl Richter is a ganger himself, head of one of the gangs competing her neighborhood, and at least one with a moral compass of sorts. After seeing her use her Technomancer powers in an attempt to beat off the ganger, he intended to rescue her just to use her powers, but over the years he’s become more of a surrogate father to her. He’s the closest thing that Archive has allowed to become a friend, and only after years of close scrutiny, to his exasperation.

Regland Brock Connection 2 Loyalty 3 Bartender Ork
The bartender at the local bar where Archive picks her poison. A silent stoic type, who generally just listens to what his customers say, he is one of the few people who Archive doesn’t treat with her usual detached coldness.

Complex Forms

Diffusion of Firewall
Resonance Veil
Static Veil
Transcendant Grid

Weapons + Armour:
Ares Predator V 725
+concealable holster 150 
Armor Jacket 1000            1000

Helmet 100
-motion scanner 100
2200 total
Earbuds R2 100
-Audio Enhance R1 500
-SSF R1 250               850

Glasses R3 300
-Flare Comp 250
-Vision Mag 250
-Vision Enhance 1 500

Renraku Sensei Commlink  1000
Fake Sin R4              1000
-Fake Gun License R4      800
-Fake Vehicle License R4  800
                                14425 spent
Low Lifestyle (1 month) 2000
Erika elite Comnlink
Data chip x10        50                       
Standard tags (100) 100
Stealth Tags (50)    50
Bug scanner R6      600
Area Jammer R4      800
Gold Credstick      100
Disguise Kit        500
Medkit R6           1500
W/2 Refills 200
Casual Clothing      50

Regular x200        400
x5 spare clips       25

200 Nyuen left over

Background: The girl now called archive was born to a pair of PR managers who worked for Ares Macrotechnology in Seattle. The two were as ruthless as they came, and psychotic, seeing her as their legacy. Archive didn’t live up to their expectations though, being a frail, bookish girl. They were much happier with their following children, who they found much more easier to mold into their own image, treating Archive more like an unwanted houseguest. Like most people, they were prejudiced against Technomancers, and when they found out about her own talents when she was 12, they decided to get rid off her. Not wanting to dirty their own hands, they dumped her off in some alleyway to be killed by some hired gangers. The only reason she survived is because the gangers wanted to play with her first, why her otherwise pretty face now has several disfiguring scars across it. In a panic, she managed shut down the ganger’s augments and electronics, which is when Richter jumped in, seeing a chance to get a possible ally. Given the choice between going of on her own or working for him, Archive agreed to work for him, but only after he helped her take care of her loose ends. With his help, she personally shot down her parents, the first lives she would ever take, since she left her siblings alive, cutting off her life. After that her luck was still hard. While her relationship with Richter later turned into a friendship as close as either would allow to family, but after what she had experienced, she swore she would never let anyone close enough to betray her again. When she does make friends with people, it is an extremely slow process, and to the majority of people she acts more like a computer, except that computers aren't that biting. She only has really been friends with Richter, although she is acquaintances with several people, including a decker called Breeze.

Personality: Having grown up with unloving parents, and then thrown onto the streets of Seattle, Archive has grown to avoid personal attachments with a passion. Not only does she not want to risk further hurt, but also to avoid having the corps find her. She hasn't quite settled on one Personna quite yet, although she tends to prefer a robed woman in a mask, one-half the Greek mask of tragedy, one-half the one of comedy, joined from bottom to top.

Handle: Bookworm
Name: Delilah van der Stel
Race/Ethnicity: Dwarf/African
Gender: Female
Role: Hermetic Polymath
(Priorities - A: Magic, B: Attributes, C: Race, D: Skills, E: Resources)

BOD   4   WIL   6
AGI   3   LOG   6
REA   4   INT   5
STR   3   CHA   2
EDG   2   ESN   5.82
MGC   5
INI   9 + 1D6
Limits (M/P/S/A)   9/5/6/8
Monitor (P/S)      10/11

SKILLS (4 Karma)
Combat: Pistols/Tasers (1)
Physical: Perception (2)
Magical: Alchemy (4), Arcana (1), Assensing (6), Counterspelling (6), Ritual Magic (2), Spellcasting (6)
Social: Con (1)
Technical:  Computer/Matrix Search (3)
Academic: Biology (1), Economics (1), Geology (1), History (1), Literature (1), Magical Theory (1), Mathematics (1), Physics (1), Philosophy (1), Political Science (1), Psychology (1), Religion (1), Sociology (1)
Interests: Architecture (1), Music (1), Technology (1)
Professional: Accounting (1), Business (1), Engineering (1)
Street: Reagent Hotspots (2)
Language: English (N), Afrikaans (1)

QUALITIES (25-19+19 = 25 Karma)
Positive: Analytical Mind, Mentor Spirit (The Great Mystery/Snake), Photographic Memory, Quick Healer
Negative: Hot-Sim Addiction (Mild), SIN (Azania), Weak Immune System

CONTACTS & REP (7 Karma)
- Eiroa, Female Elf Fixer (4/1): Eiroa’s a small time fixer plying her trade in the vicinity of College Station, Killeen, and Waco. She occasionally subcontracts to other fixers in the big cities of DFW, Houston, and the parts of Austin still under CAS control who need additional talent for a run in her area of operation.
- Professor James Billings, PhD, Human Male Professor (3/2): Professor Billings is Delilah’s graduate studies mentor in the Information Sciences department. As Chair of the IS Department, he has a good understanding of the internal politics of Texas A&M&M as well as familiarity with most of the Hosts comprising the University.
- Tamara Davis, Female Human Talismonger (1/2): Tamara is a recent graduate from Texas A&M&M. Her focus in college was enchanting and she has just opened her own talismonger shop on the outskirts of town.
Current Karma (5), Total Karma (0), Street Cred (0), Notoriety (2), Public Awareness (0)

GEAR (Starting Nuyen: 505 + Starting Cash) (9 Karma)
Cavalier Safeguard [Darts] & Concealable Holster: 455 (W)
6x Taser Darts: 30
Armor Vest: 500
Erika Elite (4) w/Hot Sim-Module: 2,850
50x RFID Tags: 5
Datachip: 5
Goggles (2) w/FC & VE (1): 850 (W)
50 Drams of Reagents: 1,000
Fake SIN (2) [Erika Williams]: 5,000
Fake License (2) [Awakened]: 400
1-Month Low-Lifestyle [Cramped]: 2,200

Datajack [Alpha]: 1,200 (0.08)
Mnemonic Enhancer (1): 9,000 (0.1)

Combat: Stunbolt
Detection: Analyze Device, Analyze Truth, Detect Sensors, Mind Probe
Health: Heal (P)
Illusion: Mass Confusion
Manipulation: Levitate (P), Physical Barrier (P)
Rituals: Ward

The dark-skinned female dwarf known as Bookworm wears her hair in the popular double afro puff style that is all the rage for those who can pull it off. A set of high-tech goggles rest towards the front of her head. A datajack adorns her left temple, the only obvious cyberware she has. A mid-grade commlink on a tight Lycra band rests around her neck, similar to an old-fashioned cameo band necklace. The rest of her outfit falls somewhere between undergrad and grad student:  a grey hooded sweatshirt with the A&M&M symbol in Aggie Maroon on the front, lightly frayed blue jeans, and gray Chuck Taylor Converse shoes. Not stylish, but perfectly suited to spending hours studying and researching.

A puff of smoke reveals a short, squat figure concealed by a high-collared black wizard’s robe and a tan wide-brimmed, pointed hat. The face is covered in impenetrable shadow, the only discernible part being a pair of bright, yellow eyes. The top half of the hat has bent and fallen backward. The robe itself is covered in yellow glowing arcane & mathematical formulae crawling across the fabric. White disembodied gloves serve as hands and the figure appears to have no feet.

Mostly abrupt and to the point, Bookworm doesn’t have much time for foolishness. As an information addict, she spends much of her time seeking out new sources of information, to include secrets being kept around her. As such, she tends to be somewhat nosey and curious, never hesitating to ask someone what they are doing. While she doesn’t fixate on knowledge to the exclusion of everything else, it does consume a fair amount of her time. Easily distracted by minute details, it isn’t uncommon for Bookworm to suddenly drop into VR while pursuing some esoteric piece of information.  To be fair, she’s at least gotten much better about not doing that when she’s walking. Largely lacking in social grace, Bookworm tends to feel much more comfortable as an icon in the Matrix. While she understands that the activities she participates in are illegal, Bookworm’s compulsion to seek out knowledge overrides her fear of the consequences of her actions.

Delilah was born a member of the Zulu tribe of Azania. Being born a dwarf in a notoriously elven tribe would have once meant a rather quick end to her tale, but she was fortunate. Azania had recently established a program to reduce child abandonment through targeted adoptions. The young dwarf was adopted by a pair of renowned and affluent musicians living in the Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vaal sprawl and grew up sheltered, if largely left to entertain herself.

In her youth, Delilah was fascinated with technology and would spend hours every day on her parent’s data-terminal. Constantly surfing the Matrix resulted in her developing information addiction. Her parents’ focus on their musical careers to the exclusion of their adopted daughter allowed the addiction to fester and grow. They actually exacerbated it by encouraging her to do as much reading and research as she wanted, believing the encouragement would improve her chances at a better education, going so far as to fund a high-quality datajack for her 16th birthday. The device opened a new realm to Delilah, allowing her to mentally control and access the various devices she owned. Pairing the datajack with a cheap, but cold sim-enabled commlink, Delilah started to spend a significant portion of her waking hours running the Matrix. Fortunately, her natural intelligence let her get high marks in school despite her propensity to ignore assignments for topics she felt were more interesting. Earning a scholarship to Texas A&M&M in the CAS, she left home and started her studies in College Station under a student visa.

College came as something of a shock. Delilah’s bookish nature kept her away from the more social aspects of collegiate life. She found the Midnight Yell Practice to be an annoyance that interrupted her sleep and found the Greek system to be vapid, at best. In addition, her customized general studies coursework was far more demanding than she expected, forcing her to pull back on her Matrix outings.

Tragedy struck as Delilah’s graduation approached, her father died from a stroke but left her a sizeable inheritance. With bittersweet memories, she used a portion of her inheritance to fund her next augmentation: mnemonic enhancement. The money allowed her to have the procedure performed at a relatively high quality clinic. It was during the clinic’s pre-screening process that Delilah learned she was Awakened. After the staff magician assured her that the procedure was unlikely to do any more harm to her magical potential than her datajack already had, she went through with the augmentation.

 While recovering and finishing up her coursework, she reapplied to A&M&M seeking a second degree, this time in Thaumaturgy. Exploring her newfound abilities through studious research, she encountered her mentor spirit, an entity known only as the Great Mystery. The Great Mystery complimented the sacrifices she had made for the sake of knowledge and urged her to continue to dig deeper and study more. During her years of study, she developed into an accomplished mage. As graduation once again approached, Delilah decided to further her studies and applied to a graduate program in Information Sciences, hoping that staying within the A&M&M system would continue to provide her with opportunities to research and study the greater mysteries of the world.

It was at this time that she came across someone else who held the Great Mystery as their mentor, a Professor of Thaumaturgy named XYZ. It was XYZ who told her that many of the greatest mysteries could only be revealed by getting in the field and getting your hands dirty. With his help, Delilah adopted the handle of Bookworm and began her exploration in the shadows.

B 5, A 4, R 5, S 5, W 3, L 3, I 5, C 3, ESS 1.56, EDG 2
Condition Monitor (P/S): 15 / 10
Armor: 18
Limits: Physical 7, Mental 5, Social 6
Physical Initiative: 10+1D6
Active Skills: Automatics 2 (3), Etiquette 2 (Media +2), Gymnastics 2, Perception 4, Performance 3 (Showing-off +2), Sneaking 3, Unarmed Combat 6 (7) (Jeet Kune Do +2)
Martial Arts Techniques: Counterstrike, Kick Attack, Randori (Vitals)
Knowledge Skills: Comics 2, Implants 3, Professional Fighting 5
Languages: Aztlaner Spanish 2, English 2, Japanese 2, Russian N
Metatype Abilities: Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision
Qualities: Dependent(s) (1): Girlfriend, Distinctive Style: Star Fighter, One Trick Pony, Prejudiced, Specific (Outspoken): Indians, Quick Healer, Weak Immune System
. . Cyber Arm (Obvious) (Main Hand) w/ Cyberlimb Agility (9), Cyberlimb Strength (11), Enhanced Agility (3), Enhanced Strength (3)
. . Cyber Arm (Obvious) (Off Hand) w/ Cyberlimb Agility (9), Cyberlimb Strength (11), Enhanced Agility (3), Enhanced Strength (3)
. . Cyber Leg (Obvious) w/ Cyberlimb Agility (9), Cyberlimb Strength (11), Enhanced Agility (3), Enhanced Strength (3)
. . Cyber Leg (Obvious) w/ Cyberlimb Agility (9), Cyberlimb Strength (11), Enhanced Agility (3), Enhanced Strength (3)
. . Datajack (Alphaware)
. . Reflex Recorder: Automatics
. . Reflex Recorder: Unarmed Combat
. . Smartlink (Alphaware)
. . Ballistic Mask (Customized) w/ Gas Mask, Micro-Tranceiver
. . Certified Credstick, Standard
. . Executive Suite w/ Custom Fit, Increase Social Limit by 2, Insulation (4), Newest Model
. . Forearm Guards
. . Jazz x2
. . Max Little w/ (12 months) DocWagon Basic Contract, Fake License: Concealed Carry (4), Fake License: Drugs (4), Fake License: Firearms (4), Fake License: Implants (4), Fake License: Smartgun (4), Fake SIN (4), (1 month) Middle Lifestyle
. . Micro-Tranceiver
. . Quick-Draw Holster
. . Securetech PPP Arms Kit w/ Decrease Social Limit by 1
. . Securetech PPP Legs Kit w/ Decrease Social Limit by 1
. . Securetech PPP Vitals Kit w/ Decrease Social Limit by 1
. . Transys Avalon Commlink
. . Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Acc 7, DV 11P, AP -2, SA/BF/FA, RC 2, 42 (c)] w/ (50x) APDS, Grenade Launcher, Smartgun System, Internal
. . . . Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher [Grenade Launcher, Acc 6, DV By Ammo, AP –, SS, 6 (c)] w/ Smartgun System, Internal
. . Ingram Smartgun X [SMG, Acc 6, DV 8P, AP –, BF/FA, RC 2(3), 32 (c)] w/ (50x) APDS, (50x) Explosive Rounds, Folding Stock, Gas-Vent System (2), (100x) Regular Ammo, Silencer/Suppressor, Smartgun System, Internal, (3x) Spare Clips
Bartender (Connection 1, Loyalty 1)
Street Doc (Connection 3, Loyalty 4)
Starting ¥: 5 + (4D6 x 100)¥

« Last Edit: <11-12-14/1653:17> by rednblack »


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« Reply #7 on: <07-31-14/1440:09> »
In that case, I'm rolling for starting nuyen! Daddy needs some spending money!
Starting Nuyen: 3d6*60: 3d6*60 720

Loki will try to remember if he's seen any of the Japanese businessmen before (local news, any visual clues hinting at Yakuza ties, that kind of thing):
Knowledge Skill: News (Current Events): 8d6t5 3
Knowledge Skill: Syndicates (Yakuza): 8d6t5 5
Woah, 5 hits on 8 dice? I'm on fire :)

If Loki doesn't personally recognize any of the businessmen (i.e. if he thought it would be unlikely that they'd know his face personally), he'd use a Physical Mask to alter his features slightly.
Spellcasting [5]: Physical Mask: 12d6t5 4
Drain Resist: 4: 13d6t5 5
Physical Mask at Force 5; 4 hits, no Drain. Intuition + Logic (4) to resist; Object Resistance (4) if they're carrying any visual recording devices. He'll make himself look older, essentially, with a darker skin tone to look a little more like a local.

He'll also try to be on good behavior for these guys, since he actually places great value on Alessia, and if it's important to her it's important to him.
Etiquette [9]: Japanese Business Behaviour: 9d6t5 3

Unfortunately, he is Loki so he might decide to play a prank on these guys at some point:
Composure: Raven Mentor Spirit (3): 13d6t5 4
Nope, he's good :)
« Last Edit: <07-31-14/1538:42> by martinchaen »


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« Reply #8 on: <07-31-14/1450:08> »
spose its time i did starting money, too.

Starting loot: 3d6 14 x 60 = 840
"speaking out loud"
<<matrix actions/communication>>


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« Reply #9 on: <07-31-14/1529:49> »
Loot Roll: 2d6+1180 1189
Talking Aloud Thoughts Matrix Astral E-Mails/"Sub-Vocal"


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« Reply #10 on: <07-31-14/1555:03> »
Loki has never met any of these gentlemen but one is fairly prominent. Do you want to keep the disguise?


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« Reply #11 on: <07-31-14/1557:31> »
Yep, I'll keep it. Fingers crossed there aren't any INT6 LOG6 people in the crowd :D


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« Reply #12 on: <07-31-14/1609:17> »
I'll post tonight when I have more time.

However, I thought it might help everyone to know what time zones we are all in to have a better idea of framing our posting times and date.

I am MST though I am most active at night from about 11pm to 3am my time.
Agent #191 Catalyst Demo Team


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« Reply #13 on: <07-31-14/1735:07> »
CST/CDT/GMT-6; Houston, Texas here. I'm probably active most of the time, except between midnight and 0500 hours local


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« Reply #14 on: <07-31-14/1743:34> »
In the process of putting together a post.

I'm in Iceland, so GMT for me. Activity depends on work, but usually dithering around the internet in the evenings.

Assumed buying hits for the address and bus routes, public information and so on. Rolling with -2 for the public grid on the actual roll.
Matrix Search [3]: Limited int or not publicized info on the Belmont: 9d6t5 0
Yes, let's get that roll over on something frivolous.

Was there any specific time stamp in play for when we were contacted? If afternoon-ish Breeze will go for a run and a shower before heading to the Belmont.
« Last Edit: <07-31-14/1832:39> by reyjinn »
[Time&Date|Place|Area] "Dialogue" "Non-English" >>Matrix/"Commlink" "Astral" <<Text&email>> Internal&"subvocal"

