[SR5] Prism - Troll Adept Hacker

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« on: <04-04-14/0017:13> »

((*Yes, I know that's not a Troll in the picture, but Shadowrun troll pictures are hard to come by, and this one captured how I wanted her to look. Imagine her looking just like that, but troll sized, and with small/medium swept back horns.*))

A: Metatype - Troll (5)
B: Skills - 36/5
C: Resources - 140,000¥
D: Magic - Adept (Magic 2)
E: Attributes - 12

Real Name: Ashley Bowen
Street Name: Prism
Race: Troll
Height: 2.8m/9'2"
Weight:400Kg/882 pounds

Body: 5
Agility: 3
Reaction: 2 (5)
Strength: 5
Willpower: 3
Logic: 5
Intuition: 4
Charisma: 1
Magic: 6
Edge: 4
Essence: 6

Physical: 7
Mental: 7
Social: 4

Initiative: 9 + 4d6
Matrix AR Initiative: 9 + 4d6
Matrix VR (Cold Sim) Initiative: 8 + 3d6
Matrix VR (Hot Sim) Initiative: 8 + 4d6

Negative Qualities
Distinctive Style - 5
Allergy - Common/Mild (Pollution) - 10
Prejudiced - Common/Radical (Elves) - 10

Positive Qualities/Karma Expenditures
Karma to Nuyen - 10
Raise Edge from 2 to 4 - 35
Analytical Mind - 5

Adept Powers
Rating 3 Improved Reflexes - 3.5
Rating 1 Attribute Boost (Agility) - .25
Rating 1 Enhanced Accuracy (Longarms) - .25
Rating 3 Improved Ability (Hacking) - 1.5
Improved Potential (Mental) - 1

Active Skills
Electronics Skill Group 5

Cybercombat 6
Electronic Warfare 6
Hacking 6
Longarms 6
Blades 5
Gymnastics 2
Perception 2
Sneaking 2
First Aid 1

Knowledge Skills
English N
Matrix Security 4
Matrix Hangouts 4
Gangs 4
Safehouses 4
Urban Brawl 1
Goblin Rock 1

Joe Mancini/Fixer 2/1

1 Month Low Lifestyle 4,000
R3 Fake SIN 10,000
4x R3 Fake Licenses (Firearms, Melee Weapons, Cyberdeck, Programs) 2,400
Lined Coat 1,000
Katana 1,000
Enfield AS-7 1,100
-Shock Pad 50
-10x Spare Clips 50
-100x APDS 1,200
-100x Stick-N-Shock 800
-100x Regular Rounds 200
SVD (Sniper Rifle)
-Shock Pad 50
-Bipod 200
-Silencer/suppressor 500
-10x Spare Clips 50
-100x APDS 1,200
-100x Stick-N-Shock 800
-100x Regular Rounds 200
Renraku Sensi Commlink 1,000
-Subvocal Mic 50
Electronic Tool Kit 500
R6 Respirator 300
Miniwelder 250
Hermes Chariot 123,000
-AR Gloves 150
-Satellite Link 500
-Trodes 70
All 7 Common Use Programs 560
All 19 Hacking Programs 4,750
R3 Agent 3,000
Micro-transceiver 100
Tag Eraser 450
R3 Contacts 600
-Flare Compensation 250
-Image Link 25
-Vision Magnification 250
R3 Glasses 300
- R3 Vision Enhancement 1,500
R6 Headphones 300
-R3 Audio Enhancement 1,500

Nuyen: 235 (+ starting cash roll)

"Weren't expecting a Troll when you asked Joe for a decker, were you? And now your eyes are flicking to my temples, noticing the lack of a jack. I can see the wheels spinning, so let me save you some brain cells, before you fry what's left. Mom was young when the bugs hit and the CZ walls went up. Like many, she joined a gang to stay alive. Fast forward and I come into the picture. Growing up in the CZ, I didn't take to slinging spells like she could, although she always said I had magic in me. It just took a different route: I learned to channel the magic into improving myself, and making myself better at hacking. Used to have a good rep in the gang as a hacker, sliding into any system I wanted. Then one day the Corps changed the rules and my fancy commlink, one of those that 'fell off the back of a truck,' was not much more than dead weight. Had I been one of those sissy elves, I might have went all fetal and had a good weep. I'm a Troll, so I changed gears and learned to shoot and swing a blade. Got good at it to."

"Probably still be doing that, but one day a group of Ancients showed up in our turf, looking to cause static. We responded in force; nobody, and I mean nobody frags with our turf. I swung around their flank....YES, I know what a flank is! Anyways, I swung around their flank, and I started hearing chatter from my gang; clips ejecting by themselves, cyberware acting up, that kind of thing. I knew the score: One of them prissy little elves had got their hands on a deck, and was playing havoc with our gear. Luck was with me; I saw where he was hiding, all limp like. Idiot went full VR, didn't have anyone watching his meat. I ran over and yanked the cable out of his jack. You ever see that happen? Funniest thing you'll ever see. I watched him twitch for a bit, then slit his throat. That's why I deck from AR; harder to sneak up on me that way. Besides, with my magic I'm as fast as most are in VR."

"I nabbed his deck, and my gang geeked the rest. Like I said, nobody causes static our turf. Spent a few days with that deck and my tools, making it mine and tricking it out a bit more with some custom work. Got caught up on the new Matrix. Now if your looking for someone sporting a deck a couple pegs above mine, go look for one of those daisy-eating elves. They'll probably curl up the first sign of static. You want someone that'll deck their way to the pay data, AND who can take a hit and dish them out as well? What's the job, and how much you paying? Who knows? Maybe I'll get to geek another decker, and upgrade."

« Last Edit: <05-30-14/0728:51> by Dinendae »


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« Reply #1 on: <04-04-14/0017:52> »
After reading through the Attributes E threads, and a thread on Deckers where adpet deckers were mentioned, I decided to try building one. The concept is a Troll Ganger, who grew up in the CZ. I'm having a bit of trouble trying to determin what to spend her remaining 40 points of Karma on. Maybe a mentor spirit to get a bonus power? Initially I went with B Resources and C Skills, but I found I was struggling just to have her
competent in her primary areas, let alone have anything secondary to help with. I'm also unsure where to put her remaining power points. Any suggestions?
« Last Edit: <04-04-14/0021:23> by Dinendae »


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« Reply #2 on: <04-04-14/0206:13> »
Oh, before I forget: A big thank you to Patrick Goodman! While searching the internet for information on weight/height ranges for trolls, I ran across an old article of his covering that subject for metahumans. I can't remember the name of the webzine it was in (something issue 9), but it helped keep me from creating a troll with terminal anorexia!

*Edit: Found it! The Shadowrun Supplemental 09 *
« Last Edit: <04-04-14/0907:18> by Dinendae »


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« Reply #3 on: <04-04-14/0804:40> »
looks like a solid start. you should have reasonable dicepools to manage what you need to manage as a starting level runner. you'll probably want to spend more of your adept powers though, you can take improved ability to boost your technical skills to pretty decent levels and some of the other sneaky/fighty ones can be damn handy too.
I'd just be aware that by RAW longarms are going to be a struggle to hide, even on a trolls frame. i'd have a word with the GM though, it makes sense that a troll would have an easier time hiding a shotty than a skinny human would.
If he's not up for that, then maybe go with automatics and use an SMG instead, they're much more concealable, especially under a lined jacket.


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« Reply #4 on: <04-04-14/0812:32> »
I've been working on an adept hacker and have been having trouble
I never thought of making the guy anything but human though
I like the idea of a troll working outside the stereotype too


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« Reply #5 on: <04-04-14/0946:52> »
looks like a solid start. you should have reasonable dicepools to manage what you need to manage as a starting level runner. you'll probably want to spend more of your adept powers though, you can take improved ability to boost your technical skills to pretty decent levels and some of the other sneaky/fighty ones can be damn handy too.
I'd just be aware that by RAW longarms are going to be a struggle to hide, even on a trolls frame. i'd have a word with the GM though, it makes sense that a troll would have an easier time hiding a shotty than a skinny human would.
If he's not up for that, then maybe go with automatics and use an SMG instead, they're much more concealable, especially under a lined jacket.

I know Automatics have become the default go to option, but I wanted to step away from that. I'm planning on getting a combat knife for a concealed weapon, maybe a vibro-knife if they're back in Run & Gun. Most of the time, I'll be working on messing with enemy gear, weapons, and augmentation; the weapons are for those times when they don't have anything that it would be useful to hack. I don't know if I care for attribute boost; you have to select a specific attribute when you purchase it, it's fairly temporary, it depends on the number of hits, you take unresisted drain when it ends, and it only works with the four physical attributes. I might be better off with Improved Physical Attribute if I want to pump up a physical attribute.


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« Reply #6 on: <04-04-14/0955:10> »
I don't know if I care for attribute boost; you have to select a specific attribute when you purchase it, it's fairly temporary, it depends on the number of hits, you take unresisted drain when it ends, and it only works with the four physical attributes. I might be better off with Improved Physical Attribute if I want to pump up a physical attribute.
Hmmm... I think Csjarrat was referring to Improved Ability, which is the Skill one.

WRT Attribute Boost, I think the main issue for the Adept Hacker is that it doesn't affect mental attributes, so I think you're correct in looking at it as not being that helpful. The drain isn't unresisted, by the way. You resist it just like you resist normal adept drain (Body + Will)
« Last Edit: <04-04-14/0957:11> by JackVII »
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« Reply #7 on: <04-04-14/1003:11> »
I've been working on an adept hacker and have been having trouble
I never thought of making the guy anything but human though
I like the idea of a troll working outside the stereotype too

Frankly a troll was the only one I could make work as an adept decker; ork loses too many attribute points for my taste. You do have the option of going priority B for resources, and having a much better deck, but you'll have eight less skill points (and 3 less group skill points) to work with.


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« Reply #8 on: <04-04-14/1008:11> »

Hmmm... I think Csjarrat was referring to Improved Ability, which is the Skill one.

WRT Attribute Boost, I think the main issue for the Adept Hacker is that it doesn't affect mental attributes, so I think you're correct in looking at it as not being that helpful. The drain isn't unresisted, by the way. You resist it just like you resist normal adept drain (Body + Will)

Ah, my bad! I initially read that as the attribute one. I wonder  if I'd get more bang for the buck increasing Hacking or Electronic Warfare? I didn't know that about getting a drain test; the way the text read, I thought it was unresisted.


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« Reply #9 on: <04-04-14/1011:25> »
Attribute Boost [Agility] is a nice way to get a few extra dice for those times when you have to resort to gun play.  Drain is fixed at the level of the power rather than the number of hits so it's really not a bad deal as long as you don't buy too many levels. 


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« Reply #10 on: <04-04-14/1015:54> »
I didn't know that about getting a drain test; the way the text read, I thought it was unresisted.
My quick glance through the powers list only showed two powers with drain (Adrenalin Boost and Attribute Boost) and they're written the same way. I'm assuming they would default to the drain resistance text at the beginning of the powers section.
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« Reply #11 on: <04-04-14/1020:17> »
Ok, am I reading this right? If I only take one level of the Attribute Boost power, I can roll 7 dice (Magic Rating of 6 + 1 level of Attribute Boost) and the number of hits increases my attribute (up to the maximum augmented bonus of racial limit +4)? And my drain test would only be 1?

Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Simple Action
You call upon inner strength to perform amazing physical
feats beyond their normal abilities. Attribute Boost must
be purchased for a specific Physical Attribute (Agility, Body,
Reaction, or Strength); separate Attribute Boost powers
may be bought for different attributes. This power cannot
be purchased for a Mental or Special Attribute.
When you activate this power, make a Magic + Attribute
Boost Rating Test. Each hit on this test boosts
your attribute rating by 1, up to your augmented Attribute
maximum. This only affects your dice pools; your
Physical limit and Initiative ratings don’t change with
Attribute Boost. The boost lasts for a number of Combat
Turns equal to twice the number of hits you get.
When the boost runs out, you take Drain equal to the
level of this power.


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« Reply #12 on: <04-04-14/1037:44> »
Yup, that's correct, although note that there is one big caveat to the power (namely the "only affects your dice pools" part).

My house rule for this is that the boosted attribute is treated in all ways like a normal attribute (melee damage, condition monitor, limits, initiative), but that the level of the power acts as a limit on the test.
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« Reply #13 on: <04-04-14/1103:28> »
looks like a solid start. you should have reasonable dicepools to manage what you need to manage as a starting level runner. you'll probably want to spend more of your adept powers though, you can take improved ability to boost your technical skills to pretty decent levels and some of the other sneaky/fighty ones can be damn handy too.
I'd just be aware that by RAW longarms are going to be a struggle to hide, even on a trolls frame. i'd have a word with the GM though, it makes sense that a troll would have an easier time hiding a shotty than a skinny human would.
If he's not up for that, then maybe go with automatics and use an SMG instead, they're much more concealable, especially under a lined jacket.
Concealability is not the only thing to consider when it comes to firearms. Consider this scenario... your runner is stopped at a DUI checkpoint or a border checkpoint or something similiar.

"Mam, do you have any weapons in the car?"
"No, officer."
*buzz buzz whirr beep*
"My milimeter wave scanner saves otherwise. Please step out of the car, ma'am."

Or alternately...

"Mam, do you have any weapons in the car?"
"Yes, there's a hunting rifle and a shotgun in the back seat. I just got back from cleaning up some devil rats at my uncle's farm upstate."
"Alright, move along."


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« Reply #14 on: <04-04-14/1109:39> »
Yup, that's correct, although note that there is one big caveat to the power (namely the "only affects your dice pools" part).

My house rule for this is that the boosted attribute is treated in all ways like a normal attribute (melee damage, condition monitor, limits, initiative), but that the level of the power acts as a limit on the test.

Since I only run in missions games right now, I'm guessing that increased melee damage from boosted strength would be out of the question? I'm ok with it not effecting the limits; as bad as I tend to roll, the extra dice look dang sexy to me!  ;D