OOC: Urban Brawl

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« Reply #1696 on: <07-06-13/1200:38> »
and would have to wai a bit longer, Im leaving for holidays, week AFK. AFAIK there is no connection so please be patient...


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« Reply #1697 on: <07-07-13/1728:13> »
That's fine, what I'll do is fast forward because it will really only take an infiltration roll to get back to the bike and with chameleon coating and concealment would be pretty easy.  I'll just close this UB up in IC and we can start discussing down-time.  Once I post the ending in IC i'll give out Karma.


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« Reply #1698 on: <07-07-13/2148:02> »
Works for me! Storm's next actions will be to:

1. ensure she and Zach get a decently viable chip from a drone so someone with electronics expertise can try to figure out what the hell is going on

2. get away clean from the site

3. have her Guardian spirit try to put out the fire; if it fails she will send a Watcher spirit to the local fire station to show an image of the building on fire and announce its address. She doesn't want two dozen people killed unnecessarily because of her actions; it's bad for her reputation and bad for business. She'll take precautions to ensure her alert is anonymous, no reason to leave a trail back to her at the scene of the ambush.

4. start plotting against whoever is behind the ambush. Might be Larry, might be someone setting him up, either way Storm has got revenge on her mind


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« Reply #1699 on: <07-08-13/1839:45> »
So that's gonna be 9 Karma each.  I'm docking you 1 Karma from the usual 10 just cuz we closed up early. 

Individual rewards:

@Zach:  1 Karma for bravery in saving Storm. 1 Karma for taking down a lot of bad guys yourself.

@Storm: 1 Karma for good role-playing and extra flavor in interpreting your tradition.  2 Karma for wanting to pick-up a drone and trying to investigate what's going on.

So even though UB8 says finished, you guys can still post your down time IC interactions there..i.e. contacts you talk to, stuff you wanna investigate.  That way we have somewhere to do the investigating.  Then when we're ready i'll start up a UB9. 
« Last Edit: <07-08-13/2225:33> by inca1980 »


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« Reply #1700 on: <07-09-13/1148:26> »
I also "wanted", hell, I even have skill and tools to take the chips, but whatever, storm beat zach on saying it loud (heh, he didnt talked about it since he wasnt sure how she would help him with that) . But that doesnt matter.
Hi5, lady. That sure was a ride :D
see you next week to consult downtime.


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« Reply #1702 on: <07-10-13/0038:55> »
Have a great vacation!


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« Reply #1703 on: <07-22-13/1624:37> »
Ok everyone, I want to give you a heads up that the next UB will be done in SR5 rules because I want to start to get flowing with the rules and commit stuff to memory.  Just download the SR5 character conversion guide and the only thing we really need to discuss would be some gear conversions.  I'll help you in whatever way I can!  I'm sure you'll really like how adepts and mages have been buffed (i.e. close combat is much more powerful and AOE spells are insane!)



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« Reply #1704 on: <07-23-13/0008:52> »
I'm down with that, I'll have to get my hands on a new core rule book though... time to hit up Aztechnology... err I mean


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« Reply #1705 on: <07-23-13/0243:50> »
Ok everyone, I want to give you a heads up that the next UB will be done in SR5 rules because I want to start to get flowing with the rules and commit stuff to memory.  Just download the SR5 character conversion guide and the only thing we really need to discuss would be some gear conversions.  I'll help you in whatever way I can!  I'm sure you'll really like how adepts and mages have been buffed (i.e. close combat is much more powerful and AOE spells are insane!)


I was planning to convert Zach anyway for another game, as my favourite character I want to give it the first try with 5ed, so it would be great to "stay UBhome" Hopefully Ill have some time this week to post some downtime thoughts and also work on conversion.


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« Reply #1706 on: <07-23-13/0957:02> »
I would advise you to get the PDF first for $20 at DrivethruRPG so you can start learning the rules.  Magic has had a decent amount of changes done. 

I would love to take on a third player for the next UB but it's got to be a decker.


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« Reply #1707 on: <07-23-13/1358:28> »
I see the way to get him involved, a Zach is planning to dissect the drones for the core chips and then ask some decker to find out its origins. Ive planned to move to puyallup and to try to contact chulos, which I know are ruling the carbonada district. They operate in chips smuggling, so maybe the know someone capable. Also...carbonara is almost matrix dead zone with great magical background, so nobody will be able to trace us down via magical and matrix meanings. This all takes it time, but first, I`ll stop a few kilomewters away to change AcessIDs in our commlinks...


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« Reply #1708 on: <07-23-13/2230:06> »
I just got my hands on the new SR5 core book as well as the "conversion" pdf and I'm working on converting Storm now.


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« Reply #1709 on: <07-24-13/0244:30> »
:) Ill get to it but right now:
Meet my new best friend

Saved me two days of concreting

