[IC] Midwest Madness

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« on: <08-16-12/1344:12> »
When we lest left our Rogue’s Gallery (that’s you, folks), you were fleeing from the scene of a murder/gang war in south Minneapolis. Icarus is driving a hacked/stolen car, and managed to take off fast enough to avoid any pursuit. The elf and the orc are still a bit blood-spattered, but doing well. Beryll is rocking out to his headphones, chillin’. You've successfully completed the assignment.

The question now is, where to go to lie low?


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« Reply #1 on: <08-20-12/2252:51> »
My breath leaves a fog on the window of the car.   I just helped kill a man… probably deserved it, mightve found it sooner or later for just as much of a senseless reason, but it happened.    Twice in one night for me.   I take a deep breath and dismiss my spell (improved reflexes), I've been on edge all night, and I need to come down.   I reach into my pocket and grab a swig out of my flask while everybody seems distracted.   I hardly know these people, but somehow I feel closer to them then I have anybody in years.   I suppose thats what they mean by, 'thick as theives.'  I relax while I can, and wonder where this car, and this job, are taking me.  For a second, I miss prison.


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« Reply #2 on: <09-25-12/1333:51> »
Icarus gets to a rendezvous point and drops everyone off to go their separate ways.

Over the course of the next few days, news reports file in about eruption of gang violence throughout the Minneapolis Metro, from the little twerps making a mess in St. Cloud to violence on the bridges between St. Paul and Eau Claire.

Horizons Prairie North: "Knight Errant has been hired to attempt to deal with the crisis, but is having limited luck, as tempers run high and new atrocities crop up throughout the area.

"In election news, Aaron Arneson has started pulling ahead in the polls for city council, focusing on his previous statements about the powder-keg that has been brewing. From a speech given yesterday:"

A clip of Mr. Arneson, a man in his mid fifties with graying hair, shows up on the screen, holding and old fasioned microphone. "Mr. {} has been saying gang related crimes are at a decade low. He's been telling you that it'd take an amazing amount of provocation to cause gang violence in the streets. What does he think now, I wonder? Things are blowing up, caused by events that look like all the rest. Who knows what'll set the ganger next door off? We need to increase budget for security around this city, or the only thing left standing will be the Aztechnology arc downtown.'"

The screen focuses back on the reporter "Other city councilors are flocking to his support, even known standbys of Barker. The incumbent was not available for comment." End report

Each of you gets a message from Mr. Johnson. "Bonuses will be distributed following our general assessment of the job. Thank you for your support. Contained are receipts of transfer to the account numbers given to us, containing 5000 nuyen, as agreed."


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« Reply #3 on: <10-16-12/0003:46> »
I immediatly drop a couple hundred nuyen into my credstick, in case I need it.  No real plans off the bat, and nothing on my todo list, I wander down to the local bar with, trying to get something sorted out thats been bothering me.  After a couple drinks, and some looking over my journal, it hits me pretty hard.  All my training and show and lies hiding my magic, I still cant barely kick down a door.   Or a gate for that matter.  I pay my tab and leave the bar in a hurry, I need to get a hold of some people, about a spell.   I remember in my research seeing some formulas not disimilar to ones I am used to working with, with the exception of destination of mana.   I didnt see any need to transfer destructive forces into inanimate objects before, but given some of my recent hold ups… it seems more relevant.


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« Reply #4 on: <12-08-12/1403:11> »
Ichii: As you're thinking, you get an incoming call from Shiela, the talismonger you left your spell formula with.

"Hey honey, no hits on the spell for ya yet, but I do have something ya might be interested in. A coupla folks come in here, looking for charms and stuff for a poltergeist. I gave 'em a couple of fetishes and stuff, but honestly, it's junk. Think you'd wanna take a look for 'em? I'm sure they can pay. Stop by the shop sometime, I'll set up a meetin'."


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« Reply #5 on: <01-23-13/2212:49> »
Having never actually been to her shop, I check for the address, and hop a cab over to her store, sending her a message telling her expect me.   

Sitting in the back of the cab, I get a little bored, and start searching the matrx for anything relating to aborent spirits, poltrigeists, ghosts, and anything relevant to modern hauntings.   (Data seach roll in OCC later, not on phone)

Upon getting to Sheila's, I invite myself into her shop.   I take a quick look around.
[Alot of the stuff here really is just for the superstitious, but I do see some stuff that is the real deal.   The set up isnt bad either, real customers will know what they are looking for, and chumps will get weasled into the fake displayed crap.]

I get a decent magical look at the store, and at shiela when I first see her.

[]  indicates thought