I got to say, while I fully understand the writers´ desire to build up their story arcs mysteriously via tidbits and through the lense of ingame characters, an occasional, succint summary (say of the releases of the last 2 RL years) would really go a long way of making it easier to keep up. Bonus points for including a list of the products containing info about each metaplot, so we know where to look.
The way it is handled right now doesn´t really encourage me to follow most of the metaplots. Or include them in my own campaigns. Hunting down references in half a dozen PDF or just double-checking is rather tedious. As a GM I got enough archivists´ work on my plate already.
I strongly agree with this. I find it annoying and frustrating to dig through dozens of pages of Jackpoint banter across several books to figure out what's going on, and in the end I still have to wait for more books to hope for some sort of resolution.
I just started reading
Blood in the Boardroom, for 3rd edition I think, about the break-up of Fuchi, the creation of Novatech, and tons of other corporate shenenigans, and it's fantastic! Over two years of heavy corporate war with massive shakeups and clear results, all together in a single, clear and very readable book, filled with tons of adventure ideas and even fairly detailed adventure frameworks (by Shadowrun standards) to get the players involved.
That's exactly the kind of book I'd like to see. Are there recent books like that? I guess
Bloody Business is kinda like that, but the scope is far smaller, much of the info is in Market Panic, actual resolutions are in later books, and the adventure ideas are far less detailed.
- The Complete Trog had a Jackpoint date of 17 Aug 2079. In it, Erica and Transys-Neuronet have first collectively split from NeoNet, then split from each other. But the Corporate Corp decision hasn't come down yet.
That's great to know, but why is it in The Complete Trog? Isn't that book specifically about orks and trolls? Is this a plot development that's specifically relevant to orks and trolls? It feels like I need to buy a book I don't want, just to get to the resolution of the events in Market Panic and Bloody Business.
- Dark Terrors (of all places) has most of the details. (Dark Terrors' Jackpoint date is 17 Dec, 2079)
Of all places indeed. Although this at least is a book that I actually intend to buy (I haven't yet). It sounds like a more appropriate place to deal with Ares than NeoNET, though.